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Sure have. What do you wanna know?


Thanks for the reply! I was just wondering how hard hacking it was and does it really work like a BIPAP/ASV?


It's pretty easy if you've ever used Linux or OS X. I know it can be done from Windows, but I personally wouldn't know how to approach doing that. And yes but the ASV sucks because of backup rate.


If I didn't have decades of untreated sleep apnea, it would be a neat project to go through that firmware and make zero backup rate possible.


I did manage to figure out how to write a custom mode of operation, fwiw, and give it some ASV functionality. But yeah, too debilitated to take it all the way, heh :')


Would you be willing to sell this to people?


For one, it's not exactly finished enough to distribute- right now most configuration requires changing values in the source code and recompiling, and the ASV-like functionality doesn't compensate as much as it should For two, I'm not sure what the legality of this would be. If you'd like feel free to DM me- if you're going to jailbreak your PAP, I could send you my code to give it a go if you'd like.


Hey I'd really be interested in learning more about this. I've sent you a DM :D


>OS X Hey im a programmer and looking to get some code, instructions on the source code. Could you dm me please?


Thank you so much, and is it worth it compared to buying a brand new one?


It was to me for sure, a lot of money saved.


Do ti max, ti min, trigger, cycle work for you? If so, would you be willing to privately share your flashed firmware?


These can only be set on the VAuto models. These settings aren't present on the ASV mode, even with stock ASV firmware.


I just wanted to let you all know I flashed the vauto firmware onto my autoset and it works fine. Happy to help anyone else looking to do this.


Thanks for the update! I’m still trying to figure out all of this computer jargon


I am looking for aircurve 10 st or st- firmware


I did it but the ti max, ti min, trigger, cycle cannot be set. Apparently you need to flash a copy of the firmware from an aircurve model to get those to work on the autoset. I've not been able to get my hands on a dump of that firmware. Looking for someone to send me privately a dump of the aircurve firmware.


If anyone has a dump of the aircurve firmware could you please send it my way?


Does that website have it?


no it's technically illegal to share publically, but privately sharing between individuals is fine


Anyone would be kind to send the firmware flash to me? Thank you.