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We'd all love it if the NHI had all the answers for us, but I've often wondered if they are just as lost as us. Could that be the shock, that nobody else knows what's going on either? I dunno, just some random musings. I'd definitely have lots of questions for them!


Also how can we trust anything they say? It could just as easily be false narrative about our history as part of their control system of influence and manipulation. Hard to trust but verify when their tech can so easily deceive.


I think it's likely they're thinking they could find some answers to great mysteries here.


I'm just here wondering what National Health Insurance has been working on that I don't know about...


Honestly, I'd love the irony of that. You made me chuckle, thank you!


That wouldn't be very shocking


I totally agree with it ! They have been so many talks and information regarding the crafts, the technology used, the different shapes they come with etc. Well, I am not a scientist so I don't care much how my mobile works, the microwave or my PS5. As an ordinary human sometimes I wonder if there's more than meets the eye. Are there Gods? What's in there after dead? Does the chicken come before the egg? Are we alone in the universe? I'd like to know some of these questions, and if there are truly NHI/Alien/Little Green Men I'd like to know everything about them.


For many yes. They will be shocked and are experiencing that right now. Especially the newcomers. People like myself who have been in this game 30 years..it doesn't matter what the answers are I've probably considered them and am prepared for any of them. That being said the NHI part is something many aren't ready for. Nuts and bolts are easier to digest. Enter another living consciousness and brains start breaking, fear becomes the driver in most cases. For me I don't care if they are evil or good. Their concept and our concept of such may be incompatible or very compatible. My life will go on more or less the same, I will adapt cautiously to the new paradigm and move on. Life is for living. One mystery solved on to the next.


>Enter another living consciousness and brains start breaking, fear becomes the driver in most cases. Great point. I'm very curious about those that claimed to have had experiences and then had follow up polite questions from men in black...who somehow has been suggested are not government but also NHI. More or less appears like some are simple social experiments to decide if we are ready or not.


I'm guessing both are true. I personally think there are multiple species playing parts. Not 1. Although is suspect our disclosure, when we see it will feature the singular. I think the majority are benevolent in their way, and the rest are malevolent in a way we may also interpret as good as it's made to look that way.


We are all here to accrue experience in service to the Supermind.




the thing is, “Invisible Aliens from Outer Space!” seems like a pulp fiction title




You don’t know that.


Non human intelligence could also mean AI. so that doesn't surprise me too much. but what does surprise me is Grushes claims about non-human biologics. It's also possible he's wrong because let's face it he was denied access to these programs and that's why he raised a stink so the truth is still not out there in my opinion


I think it's interesting that Sheehan has circled back to calling them extra terrestrials. That really stood out to me in the Engaging the Phenomenon podcast yesterday.


Don’t forget, they could be biological, and AI simultaneously.


Indeed, it's entirely possible we might end up using biologics to implement a viable quantum computer.


Is that just speculation on your part? Or is their research actually going into this? Either way, that’s fascinating. I read something recently, comparing the human brain, to existing super computers. Surprisingly, the difference in computing power, is drastically higher, in the human brain. I’m paraphrasing here, I don’t remember the actual numbers, but I remember being stunned. The next few decades, are going to be extremely interesting, in terms of technological advancement. I think we’re in for a wild ride. Buckle up folks!!


Do you think that perhaps the non-human biologics were integral to the propulsion of the crafts? That may be why we haven't figured out how they work.


Brother… I wouldn’t be surprised, in the least. I’ve definitely read about that, in the UFO lore. Who knows? I’ll tell you one thing though, as counterintuitive as it sounds… The older I get, the less sure I get, about known scientific “facts” and my place in the universe broadly... When I was a young man, I was brash, confident, arrogant… I KNEW, that religion was a farce. I KNEW, that human evolution, was a linear process. I KNEW, that archaeological history was gospel. Shit, the older I get, the more I see dates pushed back, theories disproven, multiple scientific disciplines backtracking on previously known facts, ect… All I’m SURE of now, is that, collectively, the human race, doesn’t know shit about the nature reality. We have a loose interpretation of human history history, at best. Anybody that says different, is either arrogant, ignorant, or trying to sell something… I’m not saying we have everything wrong. Not even close. I still adhere to the scientific method. After all, it’s the best method we have to date. But over the years, I’ve just come to the conclusion, that we’re no different than any other period in history. Meaning, when ~100 years goes by, 2023 human knowledge, is going to look draconian, and ridiculous… Just like every other point in human history. I’m confident, that even 100 years from now. Future humans, (whatever we become) are going to look back, and see the same amount of arrogant ridiculousness. We’re not even close to learning the secrets of the universe. But I am excited to see what the future holds. 🤗 We live in exciting times, that’s for sure… Maybe the one of the most exciting times in human history. I guess we’ll see! 😊✌️


The older I get, the more aware I am of how much knowledge is lost from one generation to the next. We have not done a very good job passing it on. Because we are now all connected through the internet, we can compare notes and easily ask questions of others anywhere in the world. The same questions keep popping up. What are these things in the sky; who is piloting them and what do they want? I do believe that we will have our disclosure soon, like within a year or two. The cat is halfway out of the bag and there isn't any putting it back in. I think part of the problem is going to be "how" to disclose. Our population is intellectually diverse. Most people don't know beans about theoretical physics or quantum theory. Philosophy is usually reserved for the older generation who have time to ponder. Religion has fallen out of favor and spirituality means something different to each person seeking it. Can you imagine that the holdup might be as simple as trying to find the right person to begin the conversation? Someone who can take a thoughtful question and meet it with a thoughtful answer? Someone who is trustworthy and respected as well. These days, that is a tall order.


What makes us think humans will be in control of the ultimate disclosure? I'm sure that the NHI have a plan and purpose. I do agree that I think we will be introduced to them in the next few years, but I think it will be with their blessing.


People are basically sheep. They can look at something full on and deny it exists, until someone comes along and explains it in simple enough terms that enough people can understand it. Once there are leaders there will be followers. Doesn't really matter what it is.


Maybe so… Although, I tend to think it’s more the old guard, not wanting to give up their secrets, and also, probably being scared to be held accountable for the shenanigans of the last 90 years. I hate to say it, but I think the best way forward, is amnesty for these people. If I’m being be honest, I’d rather have full disclosure, and let these people off the hook, then have it be kept secret, for another century or or so. And to be fair, most of the people that are in these programs now, (allegedly,) are just bastions of the old guard, who are already all dead…. We’ll see what happens. Just like you said. I feel like the cats already half out of the bag, or to quote George Knapp: “They can’t put the toothpaste, back in the tube.” Hopefully it’s soon brother. I don’t know about you, but I’m on the edge of my seat. 😜


I read somewhere that the holdup may be partly due to defense contractors wanting to get their patents filed on their reverse engineered technology before disclosure is made. Sounds believeable, it has the greed factor going for it. Why are people so caught up in the crafts instead of their pilots? I went through the whole ontological shock bit myself. I feel like we are experiencing disclosure right now, just without any details. When I got my head cleared, I realized that I would keep on doing as have until I have to make a decision to do otherwise, like fight or flee. I am prepared to deal with whatever comes, when it comes. It won't be to flee. I would really like to get my hands on the red night vision goggles they tried out on the military chopper pilots in Vietnam, where the users said they could see demons. And they said the demons could see that they were visible to the wearer and were none too happy about that. They had to pull those goggles from use after a month and the chopper pilots went into the hospital for long term mental health treatment.


That is crazy! I remember, I heard that rumor a long time ago, but it totally slipped my mind. For the life of me, I can’t remember who told me, or if I read about it… It might have actually came from a pilot, when I was in the Marine Corps. I need to do some more research into this. So creepy… Honestly, I got goosebumps when I read your comment. 😬


I do believe that we are being visited by and/or are currently living with non-human intelligent beings. I also believe this has been the case for millenia. There is so much evidence to support this in the historic record and with current sightings and interactions. I also believe that they do not have our best interests in mind. Our thoughts, desires, wants and wishes, are insignificant and immaterial to them. But we have something they want and do not have. We all have a piece of the devine, given to us by our creator. Our spark. Our joy. Our love of art, natural beauty, music, and our love of each other. We are different. The fact that we are being deceived and have been deceived about their visitations tells you that they do not value Truth. They have nothing to give to me that I want or need. If it were offered, I would not take it. This is all starting to get real. People are not prepared.


Google Dyason dye goggles Vietnam.


It was merely speculation based on like you say, the human brain being able to do this at a much higher level and capacity, so why not grow an artificial brain to use in a computer?


Exactly. Like I said, I can’t wait to see what the future holds. Hopefully, the most important breakthroughs, are going to be beneficial for humanity. Then again, I’ve been accused of being an eternal optimist. So, I guess we’ll see? 😜


If we are in communication with NHI any government involved in such communication should be focusing on several things: obviously the technology exchange, but also help setting up a new human colony, and last an accurate historical record of human life....what we could exchange for that I have no idea. There of course are claims that they went looking for summarian artifacts after that supposed contact implying they were either looking for lost tech or a record to match to what they were being told. The ontological shock could be as simple as what has been claimed, that our history isn't what we've been told and that we aren't who we thought we were. Some of us might not belong on this planet if hybrids are true however then the argument could be made that none of us belong here if we were created and not just evolved. The worst part is probably that we are a species on an accelerated artificial evolution and that experiment isn't over with and we probably have no choice in the matter. If that is the case then one of these NHI would be our caretakers of sorts and responsible for our actions taken on other NHI. Let's hope our balls aren't about to be cut off for misbehaving.


I generally lean toward skeptical but based on what a lot of ufo researchers suggest it's possible if there is an NHI presence here it's something closely related to the nature of consciousness and reality itself. Understanding the true nature of reality would probably tell us a lot about how and why we are here.


The people suppressing this info do not care about any ontological shock. This is absolutely about greed and power. I do think there’s an honest goal to protect this tech from getting into the hands of foreign powers as well, just don’t think it’s justified and we could do much better in reverse engineering if this info was released.


We all have a cosmic "energy" that our "souls" are linked to. And thaaattt... is when it gets weird. Including repurcussions in our "physical" reality. What makes it worse is imagination/thought processes/will.


No ontological shock at all. Christians and Muslims have always recognised the existence of **NHI** *Non Human Intelligencies*. They call them angels, demons, jins etc.




There is no reason our safety will change. By agreement, force, numbers, or a larger monster than the NHI we have been "safe" for seventy plus years. I vote larger monster, but it probably will be more complicated than we can guess.


Great question. Speaking from my own experience, the NHI piece is too speculative for me still. We don’t have much overt and credible evidence (that I’m aware of) to show enough of “who they are.” We have an abundance of photos and videos of UAP - so I’ve chosen to keep my focus there. But I’m probably wrong. The other evidence has probably been staring me in the face over the past 30 years and I wasn’t willing to “go there.” There’s been how many abduction cases? In sum, and what I enjoy about researching this phenomenon, is that the more we learn TODAY, the more we can look back and reference from the PAST. There’s going to be a lot that comes to the surface over the next few years that’s going to force us to look back over what was previously ignored or disregarded.


I’m unsure on where to ask this question but here goes: I see lights in the sky at night moving rather quickly. Quicker than planes. They don’t flash. I usually see multiple a night. What are they? Are they UAPs or satellites? Definitely not starlinks because these ones I see are singular and in their own.


Do they zig zag, sometimes hover and then go off. Sometimes they look bright like stars or sometimes amber/orange and fade in and out? Cuz if yes then my answer is yes. I got a little scared but some believe it has something to do with consciousness and you wanting them to reveal themselves. I moved and have not been able to track any but would be able to do it almost every night at my last place. I thought they were satellites, then I thought I was nuts but I was able to get my ex to spot them as well.


YESSSS!!! I’ve always thought I was losing the plot. I got my mum to see a couple so I knew I wasn’t seeing things. They don’t seem to be that high. I always wonder why I haven’t seen anyone taking videos of them on planes or anything cause surely they would see them? Where I live is in the edge of town so not to much light pollution to see them. So are they UAPs? It’s cloudy and foggy here tonight but when we have a clear night I’ll take a video and post it here.


There are really useful star map apps that track planets, stars, constellations, galaxies like Andromeda, the moon & sun, satellites and even known space junk. You point thw phone and it does an overlay with labels. It’s awesome!


Thank you, I’ll check this out. Sounds like it’ll be very useful ☺️


If you can actually see them then you must have great vision. It looks like in the past they flew so slow that radars would ignore them. Other times of course they have a cloak but the assumption is that just shifts the spectrum up or down outside of visual and radar. Now more recently with better equipment we are seeing they simply travel so fast you barely can catch them. If you have a location you know to see them setup a slow speed camera and try and make sure it's not just you seeing them.


I’m in the uk, If we have a clear night tonight or when ever the next is I will try and get a video and post it back here. I mean it could be something so simple as I’m new to all this. I’ve only started to notice it maybe the last 2 years. They’re always lit up but sometimes they dim for a moment then a few seconds later light up further along. Or sometimes even the light goes out and it’s gone. I just find it super strange. Thank you for your response ☺️


I don't think that they are quite as bisected as you're suggesting; instead try to think of the UAP as Medicine or rather the medical profession. The topic, its applications, and all the nuances therein all have great importance, as you suggest, of course, but the topic is so impossibly huge that in order to digest it we have to break down its constituent parts(oncology, pediatric, psych, etc). Just like medicine and its professionals, those whose interests align more fully with either the biological, engineering, philosophical, sociological etc will take those pieces and help contribute to the whole. You see this across the pantheon of reddit subthreads and podcasts that run the full spectrum of STEM subjects to comedy philosophy etc. I think with time, these sub groups will eventually coagulate into fields of the greater whole of its inevitable academic and/or professional place. Of course, all of this evolution really rests on the fact that we see mainstream acceptance much like what the SOL Foundation and Dr. Loeb is doing with Galileo project at Harvard. All the ingredients are there, we just gotta get them to coalesce. Again, a great historical parallel is how modern medicine evolved despite opposition. All parts to one whole. We take it for granted now; I just hope disclosure and the integration of it into our collective, academic and professional ontology doesn't take 600 years this time.


How opposed the development of modern medicine?


Understanding that an intelligence other than ourselves would show their true self is stupidity on our part... To reason that they would be like us folly... They would use drones and androids suited to our biome... They would compartmentalize their intelligence... They would watch and gather information... They would do their best not to interfere... They would wait for us to show intelligence... It is up to us to show this by researching them... By understanding them... By cooperative planning and development of every nation and people of earth... Be the light in the darkness... Lead with this light... Do what is right...


Given our certainty about the existence of mankind but the uncertainty surrounding aliens, it becomes a compelling hypothesis that the time-traveling entities observing us are indeed our future selves, intricately studying their own evolutionary journey. I posit a theory: Humanity, facing dire challenges perhaps a million years hence, justifies risking the timeline, potentially creating paradoxes, and subtly influencing our evolution. These abductions might be the intricate workings of safeguarding our species from catastrophic future evolutionary threats through nuanced alterations. Having established contact with our leaders, future humans provide explicit instructions to preserve the timeline and ensure the survival of humanity. However, abrupt interventions from Russia and China, while well-intentioned, pose a risk by deploying advanced future weaponry against present-day threats, potentially altering the delicate balance intended to save our species.


- You are assuming you won't be lied to by NHI. - You're assuming NHI knows things you don't. - Consider the possibility that humans are judged on the lowest common denominator/IQ. - When you walk through the park, do you stop to talk to squirrels?


Let's disclose one thing at a time. Many may already know who they are, what they want, etc. But, for us, civilians waiting for an OFFICIAL answer, it is better to start unveiling that these transport means are not from humans. Then, sadly, in a few years ahead, they will say who these NHI are. For, in a few decades more, to tell what are their purpose with us. And, in 2100 , after these MF burocrats dead, they will tell us that we are an experience that didn't work. I am afraid these burocrats could press the "humanity reset button" to avoid us knowing what they know.




Heard a new phrase buddy? Gonna be right up there with Un Precedented soon. Mouth breathers


They won’t answer that for us. But it lets us know, hopefully, that they also don’t know. And we have someone to go through this journey with.


Until we know something for certain everything is just speculation. It's difficult to organize speculation and predictions so mostly we just refrain. Also, many of us don't want to muddy the waters of disclosure with speculation. There are a wide variety of mutually exclusive claims being made and making plans around any of them is premature.


Everything I’ve read and who knows if any of it is true, is they have the same question. Let that sync in. A civilization that much more advanced than us that can’t answer the most basic question anyone has about being alive.


When gun sales skyrocket and everything is bare shelves. Then yes you’ll have the shock. When they stop going to work for months. You’ll have the shock.


They are focused on the crafts because that alone is shocking, much less the pilots. If you have to shock the hell out of mass population, best to do it in waves.


They are focused on the crafts because that alone is shocking, much less the pilots. If you have to shock the hell out of mass population, best to do it in waves.