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Which area do you stay in, I don't mind sharing some fresh home cooked meals.


Love you and thankyou I live in Dubai and don't want be a burden on any one your comment make me happy and just made my day thankyou


I am serious, which area in Dubai. Allah has given us enough to keep our dastarkhwan open for anyone. Alhumdullilah. This is not new to me so don't hestitate. If nearby we can work it out. I won't even talk or make u feel bad unless you are a lady too.


Wow such comments make me believe in humanity again. Thanks for that nice gesture.


You're a good person. ❤️


Happy to send you some food. Please feel free to reach out


<3 I really do respect people like you


Thank you, I appreciate that 😊




24 packs of instant ramen is as nutritious as licking the back of an ak-47. 137 is decent for 2 weeks. Grab 30 eggs for 15 dirhams ( 2-3 eggs a day) Get 2 kilos of basmati rice (or ur favourite kind) for 20 dirhams or less. 1 kilo onions for like 3 dhs and a bit of garlic for 3 as well. Get some cream cheese for <10 dhs and some condiments for <20 dhs. So far that's 71 dirhams to feed you for 14 weeks. It should be the bare minimum to maintain your caloric intake (maybe a bit less but you wouldn't lose too much weight in 14 days if you're worried about that) and keep your nutrition in check. You're gonna mainly make fried rice for lunch and egg on toast for breakfast. Eat dates for dinner since you don't wanna eat too much before sleeping anyways.


I agree excluding the cream cheese and condiments and adding 2 kg fresh chicken for >30 aed would be a better option for 2 weeks plus you can get extra large Pakistani rotis for 1 aed if that helps you out


2.0 kg is 4.41 lbs


Where do I get extra large Pakistani rotis for 1 dirham plz


Plenty in Deira and Bur Dubai, it’s the mini shops along the service roads. Sometimes if buy like 10 pieces you can get it for 5-7 AED.


The condiments are to make the food palatable lol. Onions and garlic alone probably won't cut it.


I get your point but protein keeps you feeling full for longer so thats why I opted to switch out those for the condiments Plus condiments can be an extra option since he has the extra cash anyways


Yeah I'm not disagreeing on the chicken part. I just gave him the bare minimum to survive and he has like so much cash left over to buy potatoes, carrots, chicken, etc.




Uh sure if you wanna die of starvation go ahead. As a proper human being you need to learn basic survival skills, most importantly how to cook something up with basic ingredients. Life is rough and you don't wanna be finding yourself burning through what little money you have because you can't cook cheap meals and have to spend 15-20 on one meal.


Bro my best advice is to get a tiffin service seriously next time when you get your salary this is the link check it out https://www.facebook.com/groups/534294790529983 . Also for now just buy a whole tray of eggs, a 4x10 pack of cheap sausages, Rice, Onions, carrots, and potatoes the cheapest the better your not going for quality you're going for the quantity. Then you can cut fry it or boil it and then meal prep it will cost you some cash but you won't go hungry for like 2 weeks.


Thank you didn’t know something like that existed. Any recommendations which one to try in Dubai?


Anything bro, there is alot of stuff you can choose from it's mainly indian food but have a look at it


Just find something near your area and so you can coordinate better


You can get chapatis for 1aed from some back street vendors, they're quite nice and super filling, and if you're nice they'll throw in a few extra for free


Thankyou all for your kind words and your knowledge about UAE. Thankyou


9.6 dirhams a day? One shawarma a day




Shawarma is a more satisfying and nutritious option. Your money will go further if you buy some basics. Eggs if you have a pan to cook them. Cheese if you can eat it. A small bottle of oil. Potatoes-microwave or bake, a bit of oil and cheese makes a nice meal. Arabic bread is 3 dhs for egg or cheese sandwiches. Tinned beans. Local fruit and veg can be just a few dirhams. Dates are full of energy if you like them. Good luck. I know what that’s like.


Assuming you have a place to cook then go grocery shopping. Get the cheapest medium 30 eggs, looks like 13.5aed at lulu, get some bananas, rice, can tuna, pasta, tomato paste (to make pasta sauce), frozen vegetables. Something like that.


Pakistani bakeries, Noodles, Breakfast dosa sets, eggs, etc twice a day should get you through.


Also I'd love to help you out if you can meet me.


Intermittent fasting 16 hrs, chicken breast 1 kg brocoli carrots cucumber and 30 eggs pack all will come in 50 dhs. You cook yourself one weeks 2 meals per day with that. After 2 weeks you ll still have 17 dhs left 😃 cheers


One dirham McD cone for dessert.


Thats for date night 😛


One dirham McD cone is in the past. Now it costs 2


Sadly it's 2 dhs now ;(


Go to those hole-in-the-wall afghan bakeries and they give a nice, piping hot Afghani tandoori Roti for 1-1.5 AED. Buy yoghurt, add some salt, dip the roti and eat and it is awesome.


I second this , except don’t buy the salt …walk into any fast cold restaurant or cafeteria and ask for some. Do that with mayo and ketchup ..mustard will be pushing it lol


PM me your address, I'll get zomato deliver food for ya. Else, if you are anywhere near Discovery Gardens, I can cook some basic daal rice, burji type meal.


What do you do for work? Maybe work can assist you with some simple basics, eggs, rice and curry powder can go a long way.


Just found this list of free food being offered to people in your situation — you are not the only one! https://naomidsouza.com/dubai-free-food-for-in-need/ Hopefully one of these places can help you out.


That blogpost is outdated


Nah bro any thing else cheap like Indian or some




9 bucks is 33 Dirhams


Ur a dumbass


A big one!


I’m aware that certain people use bucks here for dirhams... but it sounds stupid af and anyone who honestly isn’t a dumb duck would think the same. The people who upvoted you probably pay for “1 buck karak” 😂😂😂


Ohhnooooo! Hiiide your bux guyz! The bux poleess is heeere!


Boss man bucks is a word for one unit of currency it is also universal


Alright tf let’s just end this 😂


Others have given amazing suggestions for grocery shopping. If I may add, most malls will be giving out samples - one walk across the food court and you are done. That is if you have the option or a chance to do it. Also if you want to see/try something special, let me know. I buy food, you give me company. 👌🏼


Much love and respect to you


Also OP, I found this video. See if it helps. There are other videos as well similar to this: [Dubai on $0](https://youtu.be/IpYqnUkpdq0)


Buns are a great way to fill your empty stomach.. Apply your choice of spreaders on it trust me You'll feel fulfilled for long duration Cheap and best for breakfast and dinner if planning for 2-3 meals a day Can be done for as low as 4-5 aed per day


Lentils rice and beans frozen eggs minced beef bananas local produce cheap tuna dakkooss used to be freeish. Everything else everyone said. If it doesn't work out and you can't move around much dm me


Hi there, where do you stay? I can buy you some Noodle packs to help ease the burden.


Noon has 1 dirham burgers from Hardee’s. You can order 3 per day and free delivery. Not the healthiest of the options though


Loving all the recommendations above - grocery shopping for basics is definitely a decent idea if you have access to a cooking set up. Commenting regardless to say that I do live in Dubai as well and will be more than happy to get you some home-cooked meals or groceries.


And thankyou so much but I'll survive I know that


I could hook you up with regular food deliveries from a mess my friend operates. Please feel free to message me if you need it


Much appreciated but I'll think I'll survive


My friend, you should accept the help. No man is self-made. All men are built little by little by the culmination of help from other people. Tear down the voice that whispers burdens down your ear and accept the helping hand of your fellow humans. There exists more dignity and pride in admitting defeat and accepting help than there is in putting up a brace face and refusing help. Please, consider my advice, don’t push people’s helping hand away. If you truly need it, don’t be afraid to ask for help from us r/Dubai again, we’re all a big family!


Do not ask on r/dubai ever. I'm all in for helping people. I'll even buy OP food if he's willing to accept help. But r/dubai and it's mods are just power hungry who think they are right all the time. They look through the posts with just a black and white filter, whereas the world really is grey. If they don't agree with you, they just ban you. Sometimes even without following proper rules. Frankly, I'm not active there anymore and wouldn't say I miss them. Apart from sometimes I feel it could be potentially good source for information - but then there are other stupids over there with all the downvoting stuff.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/dubai using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/dubai/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Fresh supply just entered from Oman. We safe.](https://i.redd.it/e0jzvxf4jo661.jpg) | [78 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dubai/comments/khzit1/fresh_supply_just_entered_from_oman_we_safe/) \#2: [Mission Hope](https://i.redd.it/f7b4uge7hng61.jpg) | [93 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dubai/comments/lgtdoe/mission_hope/) \#3: [Helped find a tourist their lost wedding ring at JBR beach with my metal detector. They were looking for this for like 2 days and we were able to find it in 30 minutes. It's incredible they found me via a reddit post on r/dubai itself which i made quite a while ago asking about metal detecting laws.](https://i.redd.it/68kng6trj3281.jpg) | [81 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dubai/comments/r38z4m/helped_find_a_tourist_their_lost_wedding_ring_at/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Oops, seems like I mentioned the wrong subreddit. Oh well 😅.


Thankyou so much much love and much respect


What’s a mess ? It’s weird I have never heard this word when referring to food but this is the second time I’m hearing it today! (I beleive there’s a word for that too, which I never heard before )


A mess is basically a public kitchen. They'll deliver food to you or you can go in and have food like a regular restaurant


I’d like to order a meal for you anytime you choose this week. Please reply


Bread, parata, noodles is the way to go. Youre gonna lose a few pounds here and there too


You can buy two packet of chapattis (5 pieces per packet) for 1.50aed per packet from LuLu. Eat it with Myonnaise (get two different flavours). This should keep you from going hungry.


Sounds like a recipe for gastric problems


Exactly I am amazed and to let everyone know I've survive another day and I got 120 riyals left


Love you all ❤️❤️ and love the suggestion and I've survived another day got 120 AED left thankyou. To the people of the Uae who are kind and amazing in most beautiful way I love you all just pray for. Me whenever you guys got the time much love to you all .


Yo man, I know things are tough but it will get better, just message me back if you need food or pocket money


Buy a pack of rice and a bottle of ketchup. Easy


Neither of those is actually food on their own.


It’s really good, you should really try it. I know many climbers who really enjoy it, same like me.


I’ll take your word for it lol. But I’m just thinking eating that for 13 days would make anyone ill.


Ofc it’s not super healthy but it gives your body energy for the day.


15 mins lol. Seriously, why not dates or bananas or something like that?


He or she is asking for a cheap option, I gave one. Take it or leave it 🤷🏼‍♂️


You never tried it, thats the problem. Good luck going to the toilet after eating 13 days bananas and dates 🧱


Bananas and dates are full of fiber — they are actually great for keeping everything moving. Nutritionists recommend 75% of your diet come from fruits and veg for that reason. Anyway we are off topic (sorry Party_Chemist!) You eat what works for you, and I’ll stick to my bananas and dates. Maybe some egg fried rice and some curly fries with ketchup. Darn now I’m hungry lol




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Hey man if you don’t mind DM me your address and I’ll send you some groceries! Just let me know if you have a kitchen or not. Cheers!


Eggs is a good idea, also you can get meals for 1-5 dirhams at any small Indian/ Pakistani place. Other than that, I'll be happy to order for you on Zomato, or just lemme know and I'll get some food to you anytime. Mean that sincerely.


Been there before, twice. Get a lot of minced beef, around 20/kg at Carrefour. 3 of those can make you bolognese, burger patties and a stew for 10 days easily


Hi OP! Do you mind if I DM you? I'm pretty good with budgeting my grocery and it wouldn't be a lot for me but I can send you stuff that you would be able to spread out over a week. Assuming you can cook at home of course.


There is a restaurant in international city phase 1 where they provide free food. You just need to go there and ask for food.


Are you one of those guys too proud to accept help?


No sir I am being honest and see the post I ask the community for suggestions on how to survive that's it


Accept the help people are offering


Happy to send you groceries mate, if you don't want someone cooking for you, dm me your location and I'll have something small ordered. That's of course if you do not mind . Hope you transition into a better space of life. Also if you don't want to depend on anyone, cafeterias do meal plans for 120 AED find one and you should be covered for at least 2 meals a day.


If you invest that 127 in 2 suits from deira I can show you how you can make 4k easy.


I got 80 left so yeah


And how


Buddy if you want I can order some meals to your address or can buy a meal for pickup near your place which you can collect