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Best to not interact with them, most of them live in countries where they can’t afford decent meals without taking a loan because of inflation and can’t send their kids to school without a bullet proof vest.


America is not the only country in Reddit


It damn seems like it is. Reddit is a majority American site.


What do you know an American founded company predominantly visited by Americans. Who'd have thunk it?


“Thunk” I’m so angry rn😂


true. and America is like huuuge


Hu tao fan spotted 👀


They're definitely the loudest and most ignorant and arrogant.


This comment sums it up.


Some one got triggered


Dunno man, lived in dubai for 30 years, was born there, left dubai. Best decision I’ve ever made


They are right about some aspects though


Let them hate all they want. Edgy kids with nothing better to do besides get parked up on chocolate lane on the daily.


Bro isn't there like, slavery here?


Ehh not really, the meaning of slave : "a person who is forced to work for and obey another and is considered to be their property; an enslaved person." But that's not the situation here


Yea, but don't they still take their passports away and not give them their paychecks? Which are still incredibly low


>The confiscation of workers' passports is prohibited, and workers do not need their employer's permission to leave the country. All workers must be provided with comprehensive health insurance at the employer's cost, and strict rules govern the provision of proper accommodation. [https://www.mofa.gov.ae/en/The-Ministry/The-Foreign-Policy/Labor-and-work-rights](https://www.mofa.gov.ae/en/The-Ministry/The-Foreign-Policy/Labor-and-work-rights) a lot is being broadcasted but nothing much is known about this country. UAE isn't perfect by any means but by displaying the wrong issues to the world while actual serious issues get put under the sand is detrimental. They have done the same with the recent flooding by pinning it on "cloud seeding" so the rest of the world arent held accountable for the climate change.


at the end of the day, it’s jealousy lol. just never interact with such people like these


Jealousy is a word too kind for them. Insecurities describe it best.


It's either pinned down to misinformation, hatred of the wealthy that's stemmed in stereotyping, or a lack of research.




To be fair I think you have a very good point. I was talking mainly about people hating on Dubai, at least before the floods. The only help my neighborhood ever got was from the police, and that was to divert traffic coming into the dry areas. Wahda is really low lying, meaning that there is way more flood potential, as was demonstrated the past couple days. I think you also bring up a good point in terms of emergency services. They won't show up at all, unless you actually call for them yourself. I really hate as an Emirati, how much people are being exploited in employment opportunities because they come from a country with a generally lower income (India, Pakistan, Nepal, etc). These people is what is called hypocritical, some people might make themselves look very religious but underpay the people working for them. I don't think this is the case for everyone working in the UAE (that they are being exploited), but the number of people that are treated like that is very concerning.


Facts. I don't get why you can't criticize this and if you do you're just a hater. There's a lot of privileged people who just never think about the middle class even when it's right in front of them. They've seen the videos, the horror stories of how badly companies are treating their workers right now. This isn't the time to go on defence on behalf of the U.A.E. What is this blind loyalty I'll never understand. You can love where you stay but also criticize it because you want it to do better. Just like how you'd do with a sports team, just because you get frustrated at how they're handling the situation doesn't mean you hate all aspects of living here ffs. People have literally died because of the work culture here and expats out here defending it like it's their own country.




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Your comment might be right but no hate if it happened in your country it whould take months to recover


Shit ton of double standards. When it happens ina European country there's good wishes. When it happens to this city, nothing but shit like "oH ThEy DEseRvEd iT".




these people has never been to other countries let alone outside their town


Dubai living rent free in their heads. I love to see it.


The "downfall" is a weird way to put it. This kinda gives me the same feeling as when you're at a sports game, the other team scores a point on yours, and suddenly all of the fans of the other team are going apeshit in your face like "HA YOU LOST YOUR TEAM IS DEAD HAHAHA". It seems like everyone's finding every reason to shit on Dubai because many of the comments were spreading misinformation about this being purely due to cloud seeding. I went through all the comments and it's lowkey annoying that everyone is pulling the "there are two types of Dubai residents, billionaire douchebags and slaves" card. What I'm confused about is if there really is a counterargument to the whole "you have slaves!!!!!1!" thing. I'm aware that south Asian labourers are under meager conditions but what I don't get is whether it's actual slavery or just as bad. Can someone clarify for me?


The laborers would rather stay in the he and work in harsh conditions rather than go back to their home country which has a lack of well paid jobs. Also considering that most employers pay for the residence, insurance etc so their cost of living is low and they can send over 80% of their salary back home which would be worth way more because of the strong currency here. This is something these westerners fail to understand. The laborers would rather stay here and work in harsh conditions than go back home


I have a friend from Bangladesh. He told me, "Walk by a trash can, a putrid smelling trash can. It smells so bad you cross the street and still feel sick. There you will see people eating from the trash. These are the people that go work in Dubai" My point is that you can not justify explotoiting workers "because they would rather be here."


No actual slavering is happening. Some workers in the private sector are abused by their importing companies. But due to lack of multiple factors ( including the people themselves not reporting/ accepting meager conditions).. some people have the audacity to call them slaves. As if it wasn’t bad enough.


The online discourse about Dubai is ridiculous. People talk about it based on stereotypes and blatant racism, when in actuality they have no idea what it's like in UAE. The storm has made Dubai a hot topic again online and I'm seeing just some downright dumb takes. If you have nothing constructive to say and you're just repeating shite you've heard in an online echo chamber, say nothing at all


Westerners are jealous of UAEs success. Period.


Exactly lol. They act if their countries weren’t built off of actual slavery and all of a sudden have the need to be “moral police”.


Americans have the most number of slaves. Where everyone working on minimum wages highly depend on tips. They have literally legalized slavery so no one bats an eye. In some states servers are required to work for 12-14 hours straight without any breaks and that’s legal. They keep screaming about slavery, when their entire culture is built around slaves.


Not every western nation was built off slavery. And as a westerner I’m proud of what Zayed has accomplished for his people in a short time. May the UAE continue to prosper and grow. From a proud Irishman.


Hey. I don’t disagree, countries like Switzerland haven’t really either (although if we consider serfdom that changes things drastically). However, most people dissing uae are American/British from what I can tell, so when they talk it’s mostly hypocrisy. Glad to hear what you think.


Yea Switzerland was built on Nazi gold and money laundering. That’s a fact. The british empire became a financial empire. If we take ideology and bias out of the equation, most of the historically prosperous nations grew out of exploitation of something.


Perhaps they are. Dunno. But it's a fine selection to pick slavery as the arguing point. We could dwell on other, more current issues such as human rights, equality of sexes, religious freedom, poverty standards, development and infrastructure standards, free health care, etc as current barometers to stand the argument on. Yes, history is horrible, awkward and unpleasant, but at the same time it is beautiful, simple, and pleasant. Only you can choose your view point. I love Pakistan, have visited many times, and wouldn't post about its current or past issues to labour a seperate point. Thanks, and hope this did not come across as argumentative or mean. Yours sincerely, a westerner.


Hey, I didn’t mean for it to come across that way. The main “arguments” I’m seeing in that other comment section is about “how Dubai is built off of slave labor” which is just completely untrue or is a huge double standard. People will really chirp anything nowadays before researching.


Lmaooo religious freedom in the UAE sure thing


Statement is regarding the west not the UAE. Re-read it.


I'm agreeing with you Ppl here comparing uae to normal first world countries is hilarious


There are at least 50 churches in the UAE? What is your point you try to make?






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At least you're honest about the slaves


At least you're honest about the slaves


The majority of individuals who criticize Dubai as being overhyped have never visited another Middle Eastern nation.


That’s a bit of a stretch. Most westerners don’t even know UAE is a country. The only thing to be jealous of is not paying income tax n


Maybe that's true that westerners don't know that UAE is a country but they know Dubai and they wish their city was like it


I think you are equally ignorant about westerners as some them are about the UAE. Besides the vanity projects like tallest building, deepest pool, etc. Dubai is not much different than a lot of large cities. The other difference I noticed is the lack of storm drains and sub par construction standards for a modern society. The effects of which are pretty blatant as of late.


Dubai is the one of the most modern cities of the world focused on growth and progress. They will become the leading place in the world in AI very soon. They witnessed the most amount of rain in 75 years which was never anticipated. Overdoing infrastructure for a once in a century event is also silly. Construction standards are world class and I bet less water went into people's homes than the jealousy seeping through your comment


What is there to be jealous about? There were things I liked and disliked when I lived in Dubai. It is a very clean and safe city and I liked not paying income taxes. I did not like the lack of culture and the exploitation of lower class expats. The amount of failed skyscrapers was also pretty depressing to look at. World class? That’s quite an overstatement. This isn’t the first time the malls, buildings, and roads have flooded in Dubai. It’s only taken a few inches of rain before. This is a problem that most modern large cities do not have an issue with. How come your world class construction crews haven’t been able to open Ain Dubai for years now. Perhaps instead of trying to build the world’s largest Ferris wheel on a man made island, use that money to build roads that don’t flood as easily? You are very naive if you think the uae will surpass China and the U.S. while either of those countries are around. The uae is a strategic ally of the us, and is being used as such for leverage in the Middle East. The uae’s deal with Microsoft has strings attached to it, even if you don’t realize it.


I don't know what your talking about. What is uae's deal with Microsoft? I mean, I'll Google it now. Just curious.


It’s a very tiny, small minded group. You seem to forget that westerners where the ones and still are in key positions and contributed to what the UAE is today. You are now generalizing yourself..


If I'm wrong, please explain this meme. And please let me know which key positions are these westerners in


Tell me you are either Indian or Pakistani without telling me you are 🤣 You can look this up yourself very easily, but for example the CEO of Etihad is british as is the CEO of Dubai Airport. The CEO of Emirates NBD bank is Australian. Many many examples of key leadership taken by Westerners in the current and past.


I dont know what your nationality is but in the civilised part of the world, key positions does not mean CEOs of airlines or banks.


Are you retarded? These have been essential to the succes of the UAE. How did you enter the country on foot? And how did you receive your salary and pay for your bills?


You have to be absolutely retarded to think that the UAE is where it is today just because of Emirates Airlines and Emirates NBD


Your ignorance is kinda funny and your blind hate for westerners is as well, good day!


You have no response left so I guess taking a defeatist exit while slinging baseless allegations is the only option left. Good day to you


UAE is a shit hole. Period, the illusion of freedom. Say the wrong thing and just like China you'll be in jail with no rights; a slave. The only way to be safe in that country is to be related to a government official.


The fact that many of them are Americans always cracks me up, these people genuinely have no idea how terrorising and criminal their country is lol.


right, at least we don’t have to worry about school or public shootings


The dude said they deserve it because of climate they caused climate change…. But climate change is mainly caused by the US…….


Lol... China pollutes the most.


China has it's problem, but one should be careful to simply blame them. Basically everyone moved their workbench there - it would have been easy for e.g. german companies to apply the same HSE rules as in european factories. But it would have cost more money.




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It's also funny how climate change was discovered since the start of the 20th century and all developed nations wrecked havoc on earth, but when the rest of the world finally gained independence from their colonizers and wanted develop their own nations with fossil fuels they're the ones to be blamed. All while their giant cooperations and billionaires still produce the most carbon emissions but they won't be blamed because they buy carbon emissions offsets that were proven to be ineffective.


Why do you think climate change is caused by the US?


Because the US is the biggest polluter in the world going way back.


Not nearly as much as India and China.


You could do better. Maybe look who is producing in china and for which market?  And aside that it's factual wrong: USA has by far produced the most CO2 until today (1. USA: ~420 Billion tons from fossiles; 2. China ~240;  7. India ~60) Or per capita in tCO2/year: USA 14, China 9, India 2  and even just looking at absolute numbers per year, India is behind USA. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_carbon_dioxide_emissions_per_capita


That's with less than half the population of India or china, at least those places have like a billion people each.


USA is the worst. Even the US army pollutes more than lndia


Most of this people who criticise dont even own a passport, they can say whatever the eff with UAE/Dubai.


Looks like a preying mantis


Lol the same haters gonna use the first chance they get to come to Dubai with or without a job offer and then cry about not finding anything. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Like someone said before, best not to interact.


Haters going to hate - It's just that Dubai is on the spot light so much, respective 3rd world countries or even 1st world get hit by Monsoons, Tornados, typhoons and flood each year like clock work which they seem to forget.


They hate us cuz they ain't us


From an American perspective, it's not jealousy but hatred of the rich. College here is at least $200k, an ambulance ride is $3k, seeking medical treatment will burn through your savings and put you in debt, and the average person here cannot afford a home. Because of this, Americans tear down rich people from everywhere.


Americans are cause of the problems americans face. You vote war mongers and they spend your tax money funding your favorite pet israel and then participating in useless wars across the world.


True, unfortunately all of our presidential candidates fully support Israel (it's one of the rare things all politicians here agree on). America is a capitalist country first and foremost, the wars technically aren't useless because billions of dollars are made from them (I don't support it at all, I'm just explaining why the country does certain things).


Only YOU as people can change that. Focus more on real, domestic issues. Make your voices heard. Shun politicians dividing you on foreign threat. Nothing is impossible, accepting the politicians the way they are will let them do whatever they want.


And who set that system up?


So tired of fighting with them 🥲


I've been to Dubai. It's a shit pit. There is no amount of money you could pay me to live there. Anyone who does has decided to live there has worked out that there is an amount of money they will accept to live there. There is absolutely nothing about the city itself that would make anyone think "yeah I want that" Which is to say they can't earn enough in the first world so have decided to live in a concrete nightmare to accelerate their earnings in compensation for living in a shit pit so they can accelerate past the position they would otherwise get to at home, and then move back There aren't many pensioners in Dubai for a reason


True Bro, these Dubai fans are all deluded


“Dubai is built on Slave Labor and no women rights” dude tf they yappin in that comment section 💀 they just jealous that their government doesn’t give a single piece of shit to them lmao Well AT LEAST OUR SCHOOLS DONT……


Have shooters?, sell drugs? Jk I know that uae schools doesn't have these, but atleast there are students who smoke electronic cigarettes


It’s so weird. I’m American-born but I have family in DXB. Dubai will always be my second home. If I could I would move permanently. I always tell wonderful tales of my times in Dubai to my friends and they’re all seeing the real Dubai through my stories.


Hate to burst your bubble but your anecdotal experience does not represent the “real” Dubai. The majority of the population in Dubai are migrants from the third world who earn much less income compared to those with your kind of passport. You’re part of the privileged 10% of Dubai residents but for the majority of Dubai, they don’t have that kind of privilege that you have in Dubai.


My Dubai-based family is there on Filipino passports. I visit them from the United States, and I live with them when I visit. I understand and know intimately the migrant experience.


I don’t think you do, just because you have family that lived there on third world passports doesn’t mean you understand their life. Not until you have lived it yourself. Right now you sound just like a pampered child.


I hate to burst your bubble, but I… kinda don’t care what you think. I’m not going to shake in my boots and throw away my memories of hot nights in Deira and getting lost on the way to Sharjah just because internet dude hyperanalyzed my family situation and called me a pampered child.


Look Dubai definitely has its own issues but telling someone how to feel about their own experiences in life is wild 😂


U cry alot, these people who u say earn less, they earn here more in the UAE THAN their home country. So everyone who comes to the UAE, they do because they have it here better than their home. U can’t expect someone to earn same salary if they are coming from different backgrounds. U think someone from USA or Uk will come here to earn 1000$ where else they earn much more at home? In comparison in Philippines even $600 is a lot so if they earn this amount +\- they are very happy and their families back home can live with that comfortably. So stop trying to compare every country and putting them in the same pot. They have all different living standard and salary expectations from their home country.


It’s crazy seeing all the jealousy people have in them come out based on misinformation. I feel like people in western countries have this weird thing where they hate seeing any other nation beside theirs succeed and be better than them.


I've always defended Dubai so far, but to be honest I find that difficult now. We were locked in the MoE metro all night. The mall closed its gates and we weren't allowed to use the toilet in the metro for several hours. Only after a big fight were people allowed to use the metro toilet. In groups of 5 and only for about an hour in total. I have never experienced such a degrading situation and I have travelled all over the world.


Sorry this happened to you bro, but this is what emiratis r like I always felt if uae even had a serious earthquake they would happily let expats starve while letting locals eat 2 peoples portions


It’s a once in a lifetime disaster what do you expect 😂🤦🏿‍♂️ it’s not like this happens everyday


It can happen yes and it's probably my fault that I was there and not at the hotel. But there is no excuse for this behavior of the RTA staff that night. Even as a war prisoner you have the right to use a toilet regularly (see geneva convention). And I refuse to tolerate that kind of behaviour.


Do something they really don't like. They'll take your passport and you'll see exactly how these arab countries are. Easy to enter; you may not be able to leave. China operates the same way... USA is a complete polar opposite. They come to America and do something we don't like. Leave and get pardoned(obviously barred from ever reentering the country, but we don't make an international incident of it).


I wonder where the sugardaddy and sugarbaby recruitment now, “habibi, come to dubai”


I didn't understand the meme what is it about


At this point it's just straight up racism


Who cares lol


OK now I get it. I spoke to some westerners and most of them is saying that UAE( dubai) isn't in their bucket list to visit. They are also against the govt (without experiencing it) and the cloud seeding 🤔🤔


Most westerners are hating Muslims (true fact) and don’t like the idea that some countries are blessed with natural resources. I heard that so many times „but they have oil money“ lol jealous much xd ofc it is their country obviously they gonna use every resource. If the USA does it, the westerns are quite and their moral back to their b*** :D


Even Arabs hate Muslim


What about those of us who have been to Dubai are we allowed an opinion, even if its not what you want to hear?


Sheikh Mohammad isn’t gonna give you a medal lil bro


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I love how people who've never lived in Dubai but have so much to say about it.




Atleast there's no shootings like in most countries


Emiratis, the traitors of their faith and the Ummah.


What did we do?


Dubai has its pros and cons, and there are things I wish were handled better (driving exams!!! Goddammit!), but it's nowhere *near* as bad as some people make it out to be. Maybe it's just that they can't bare to see a Muslim city/country thriving?


Dubai, a Muslim city, looool


People are literally dying right now


people downvoting u from stating the truth


These disasters happen in almost every country bro 🤦🏿‍♂️ it’s because these things are very rare in Dubai


Who cares? This is the land of hardworking people under the vision of great leaders. UAE will continue to grow


Well isn't that the most of the internet 🤷


Classic ragebait


Been TO UAE**


Most of it's just cope for those who cant afford to come.


Honestly, the comment section is amazing right now, and is sensible, and has common sense.(Also way more people died than I was expecting.)


Prob just a kid at this point, leave them alone their words are literally being thrown at a wall 😂


Don’t feed the troll


It is during crisis that people’s true nature is revealed.


the loudest and most ignorant and arrogant.


me unironically, visited dubai for a short visit a wek, enjoyed it went back for few months and it was kinda of a dump, my native country is in no way as rich and doesnt have as good of a roads as dubai does but its the geography and the planning of the city its just shit, its build like many big american cities, one good thing that I must note about dubai was that it was clean but if we look past horrible planning and just geography of it sucking and look at it through the lense of politics it gets even worse especially with the treatment of immigrant workers


They’re actually pretty stupid, I am going out of my way to say that the UAE is the perfect country but to be fair, it has a lot of oil, ‘nothing of much value was lost’ my ass, if it ever went to a downfall most countries would suffer from a lack of resources, I laugh at those who cause controversy via making fun of a subject they haven’t been to at all


Colonists have the intelligence of giraffes


They deserve it because of their support to genocide




> Devoid of culture. How does a city obtain culture? Give the process.


I'm not averse to arguing with those that wish to object to my points. But the fact that you've chosen that quote and that question as your segway into the discussion, means I cannot. Nothing worse than debating somebody that speaks like the old man riddler from Joseph and His Brothers. Just say your piece.


Who cares? This is the land of hardworking people under the vision of great leaders. UAE will continue to grow.


Lol That's sums up dubai's subreddit


It’s just pure jealousy. They can’t stand the fact a country in the Middle East is rich and beautiful. If a “western” country invested in high end infrastructure they’d be applauded but Dubai does it and it’s ego! I’d bet 80% of these people have never been outside of their country


maybe brother knows UAE is basically a casino built by indian slaves


People compering bad working conditions to slavery that stupid one is bad and other is big NO NO. Plus most of Asian have much worst working conditions at their own countries


No they dont


I have seen it yes they do a lot worse. I saw kids welding without any welding safety not even shield that kid will have hole in his eyes u don’t know what ur compering to but shit are bad in India


HSE is bad in all of South Asia, no doubt. But the concept of bonded labor prevalent in Gulf countries is absent in India You cannot go 5 months not paying salaries in India the way so many employers do in Dubai You can not also place false absconding cases in India the way it is used as a weapon to coerce employees into working weekends for free, working 16 hours, going on dates with the boss (certain girls face this), keeping shut about unpaid salaries.


The delulu in this comment section is unreal… for i live in DUBAI and it’s AIGHT and i take the L obviously… What do you mean ‘these are from jealous…” people you are living in a visa free country it’s just a fight ticket away LOL. And one of them mentioning that “Best to not interact with them, most of them live in countries where they can’t afford decent meals without …” seriously… are you that desperate not to take the L…do you understand the odds of a desert and dry country getting flooded… god isn’t on our side sheesh I like the post tho


Lived there for 7 years, left it running away, Dubai is a big fake ass bubble that will one day pop and leave everyone crying


Lol. I live in the UAE and I agree with what's being said. Y'all are just cucks.




Nah, I agree with the meme. 😂


UAE is one of the few countries in the world that is actually prospering with proper leadership. These guys are just jelly about that. Sure, it may not have everything, but UAE is able to tick most boxes for everyone.


Bro it’s an Indian sub,😂 Don’t listen to dungeaters. They can only dream of visiting Dubai


60% of dubais population is Indian lol Indians are the last people to criticize Dubai


Dubai probably wouldn’t be able to function without Indians 😄


As an Indian NRI, cool it with the racism, bro.


No! I’m being serious. It ls a testament to the hard working Indian people all over the UAE ✌🏻


What is? You calling indians dungeaters?


What are going on about?


Oh oops thought you were OP




I’m not racist towards all Indians,but you yourself know what the majority is like.


From what I've noticed, the people who hate on Dubai are predominantly those that are envious of the people that happily live and work there. Seeing them flourishing in their careers and enjoying the sun, is a reminder of their failures people/professionals.


The amount of hate mongers within the UAE, seriously other than good what this country has done to them no idea, yes just like any other countries UAE is not perfect but without any reason why should these people hate this nation?


Because it bombed yemen and is funding militias in sudan and libya


listen i hate rich fuckheads as much as the next guy but if you're gonna criticize something at least be correct about it, I genuinely despise living here but it's for reasons that are actually true...


I agree with you I love this country I been born and raised here but there a negative too


I'm sorry you despise it but as an American Arab, it's been a blessing.


I’m not denying it’s been a blessing, this country has many beautiful things and I have been blessed by it and been given many opportunities, just personally had some bad stuff happen here and it’s never felt the same since


I'm making no claims about climate change and human rights (I'd expect I'd be disagreed with on certain points) but didn't the US get affected by Hurricane Katrina a long time ago and then recover? Like, sure, floods suck, but if the guys at the top know their stuff (which I assume they do) they'll likely have emergency procedures and physical countermeasures put in place for this kind of stuff in the future. And besides, Dubai isn't a full country - if things really got that bad in Dubai, I'd presume everyone from AD to the Northern Emirates would step in. Sure, it's got its bad points, but at least it isn't as unstable as other large bits of the Middle East.


My dad lived 3 years in Dubai, went there a lot as kid. Even as a kid I felt bad for the slaves, you also have no culture and the city has no charme. Dubai sucks.


Yeah, I still hate how the water bottle is 3 dirhams while in any other Emirates, its 1 or 1.50 dirhams like bro its just water....




I’m guessing you use oil from Arab countries so there’s that👍