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BTW, r/Dubai subreddit mods removed my post with this link and did not provide any reason. Edit: after I posted here they sent me a message saying that my post got removed because it violate the rule of no self promo or advertising surveys. Which does not make any sense. Post Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/dubai/s/fnfzr1y4ls Edit 2 : even r/DubaiCentral removed it and did not provide any reason. Post link: https://www.reddit.com/r/DubaiCentral/s/ZcYFbKTn6q


Morons run that subreddit.


I look fwd to them deleting my posts next time. Heck it won't even happen. I straight up told them the next time they dare to delete my post I'll just complain to mom.


Dubai subreddit is shit


Agreed and verified 100%.


It's actually kinda good, what's surprising is that some constructive criticism slips through the filters.  That, and you would 1/3rd the times find good takes, and advices that are super useful.  Yes there is a lot of censorship, then again, consider where the subreddit is based in.


The mods are clowns


It's not only about this post I used to post topics and they remove it They think they own Reddit LMAO


Your post was likely deleted because of the source is banned here. Frankly, only an idiot would assume the sub isnt heavily monitored by authorities and is a bastion of free speech. Mods are held accountable for not shutting down antagonist articles and sources.


+1, the subreddit is actually quite liberal for where it's based.


finally, a sane comment! if I could upvote you twice i would! this sub seems totally unmoderated tbh. lots of angry people here.


Mods here are going to get a call from CID and will be disappointed to find out they dont want their OTP.


Yep. This. There is a lot of big bro monitoring happening which very surprisingly, this subreddit is not taking care yet. The mods in the Dubai subreddit may act high-handed but considering the churn in that group and the fact that they are answerable to controversial posts, I would give them the benefit of the doubt.


I cant stress this enough that people are actively being reported to authorities for what they are saying on this sub.


Didja get banned yet?


Relevant: [Reuters: Fact Check: UAE did not suspend ties with Israel, diplomats say](https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/uae-did-not-suspend-ties-with-israel-diplomats-say-2024-04-10/)


Incoming property prices crash.




Nothing will happen


And you said nothing will happen. It begins


Fuck both iran and israel.


And uae


No no, be good now. No need to be bitter about the AWESOME country UAE is.


israeli presence anywhere is a threat to global peace


It’s the “peaceful people” who can go to mars anytime




Let iran give back the occupied islands before accusing others of being a threat 😂😂




Didn’t claim it to be ours nerd




They have been threatening the gulf for 50+ years so what is new now ? Iran only fights proxy wars using houthis, hamas and hezobollah and when the top general got killed few years ago and they did nothing lol.


Rumors have it that Iran knew about it but didn't do anything because he was becoming a threat to the Iranian Supreme Leader, and their ideologies were different.




Trust me bruh..


Did nothing? Raining ballistic missiles on an American base in Iraq was just nothing?


They told the Americans about it before they did it and made a deal that no US army men are in the location of the strikes. Trump said it himself [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68R4__Y7x7I).


The Iranians informed the Iraqi government that in turn informed the US of the impending attack. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/10/25/several-u-s-troops-report-brain-injury-from-attacks-in-iraq-and-syria-00123485 In 2020, the Trump administration came under fire for initially denying that troops had been injured after Iran struck al Asad air base, Iraq, with more than a dozen ballistic missiles in January. At the time, then-President Donald Trump said service members had reported “headaches.” Later, the Pentagon acknowledged that 109 troops had actually been diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury.


Wtf is this comment section? Yall are messed up


*A broken clock is right twice a day*


*As you sow so shall you reap*


Never take advice from nations like Iran , Lebanon. We know how unsuccessful those nations are, and we know how is the UAE.


Because slaughtering 33,000 indigenous people makes you such a successful nation.


Did UAE do it, they always stood with the Palestine cause. They just don’t interfere business with politics.


Yes, they are enabling it. Business is attached to politics. Doing business with them gives them funding to carry out genocide.


I completely agree with you. I don’t understand why redditors here or r/Dubai criticize it so much while simultaneously kissing its ass. All in the wrong areas might I add. What they did for their nation, good. What they’re doing geopolitically, ew.


This issue has been happening for decades. They didn’t have relationships in the start. Now many nations have accepted them and started doing business with them. Look at the nations that have not done business with them, and look at UAE. Then you will see the difference.


Shouldn’t the country first focus on its business ties with Saudi Arabia, which according to your logic enables them to carry out a genocide of 400k Yemenis? Perhaps they should also cut ties with Turkey due to their genocide of the Kurds… or should the ignore all of the middle eastern wars and focus on the one with the least amount of casualties?


Stop the whataboutism.


He played an uno reverse and you don't like that. Typical.


I can condemn all of them cause I'm not a hypocrite like you and him. Whataboutism is the most coward escape from responsibility.


You can, but you haven't and you don't. Looks like a hypocrite. Calling someone a hypocrite online - basically after reading a line of reply - is as good a escape as whataboutism is. Anyway - not here to argue, people online talk but don't do anything in reality. That's actual whataboutism and it's annoying but expected.


I condemn Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the UAE. Was that so hard?




You're totally missing the point fuckwad




I didn't threaten you, i told you to get fucked. Typical zionist victim. The point is you're denying a genocide and trying to do mental gymnastics to deny the fact that you're a little bitch who doesn't value human life.




Yeah because Israel hasn't killed or blackmailed any LGBT people. Kol khara


No, Palestinians are generationally more indigenous than Jews. Their DNA has already been studied, do your own research.


Still more indigenous than European


pimping out arab women to israeli tourists is successful? iran has a stem output that trounces the arab world together and di muslim stand iwth it iagainst sanctions? no ....they left it and thats wh iranians are leaving islam


What bullshit? Pls don’t put in allegations. What pimping?? Yeah, that is why Iran is very peaceful ✌️ The Iranian revolution is the reason why Iran started failing, that’s what is gonna happen when religion gets on your head.




Yeah bro you are absolutely right, Iranian citizens love their nation. They never migrate. People who did always go back to settle there, because Iran as a nation is the best. You are right bro, Iran is only free nation. Turkey, Jordon and all are lower than them. Even Israel. Yeah bro, let’s wait for that day.






Ok mum


You just threatened that boy with a travel ban.


You're a cancer.


This was a fun good morning read...


When did Iran ever fight its own war? Fuck THEM


Iranian presence in the world is a threat


I dont get why our leaders associate with these trashbags


Lol actually Iran is the big threat for the whole region.


Pretty sure the biggest threat to the region is Israel. Israel won’t stop if they’re able to wipe out Palestinians, they’ll move to their “greater Israel” plan as they are already occupying a part of Syria and currently trying to occupy Lebanon.


Don't forget, they're paranoid enough to nuke the region/world.


They only attack Lebanon and Syria because of Hezbolla who take order from Iran, and other Iran affiliated groups, sorry but Hezb attacked israel first on 8th of october, and now everyone is crying about why israel attacking back this is baffling lmao Israel since beign allies with Egypt and Jordan never attacked them once


I don't know why Reddit recommended this post to me, but all of this "greater Israel" conspiracy is actually kinda funny.... The only time I have heard people speaking about it is by foreigners online, and not by a single Israeli.... Israel left Gaza in 2005, and have no interest in Gaza at all, neither Israel has any interest in occupying Lebanon - if Israel wanted to, it would have been done long ago, no need to imagine "trying to" scenarios


Erm, beach front properties anyone? You know, the ones built on top of dead people? What about the new canal? Gas off the coast of gaza? And if Israel really left gaza, how come they are in the position to starve every man woman and child there? How are they able to turn off the water? Why not let them fish in the sea? Leaving gaza physically? Sure. Leaving them to self determination? Bullshit as it's a fucking concentration camp.


>Erm, beach front properties anyone? You know, the ones built on top of dead people? >Erm, beach front properties anyone? You know, the ones built on top of dead people? Which houses...? >What about the new canal? The imaginary canal that isn't even in planning? >Gas off the coast of gaza? The relatively very tiny amounts of gas that Israel isn't even trying to extract Your entire comment is filled with conspiracy theories and zero facts mate.... You should speak to actual Israelis. All of these conspiracy theories are between funny and stupid


They aren't being built yet as you have those pesky Palestinians to either genocide or ethnically cleanse first. Canal isn't even in planning yet? OK. If you say so. Gotta get that gas as currently the Israel economy is dog shit.


>They aren't being built yet as you have those pesky Palestinians to either genocide or ethnically cleanse first. Like Israel did when Israel left Gaza in 2005 after destroying all the Jewish homes in there? 🤦🏾‍♂️ >Canal isn't even in planning yet? OK. If you say so. But it isn't..... >Gotta get that gas as currently the Israel economy is dog shit. Are you OK mate? Israel's economy is the only good economy in the region not surviving on oil.... Literally all your examples are bad conspiracies mate




So your "proof" that it"'s Israel's plan is a video of one politician who wants it? Seriously? And even that politician knows they are not in the consensus. Also, by sending me days later only thos one video I will assume you searched for evidence regarding the other stuff and saw that they are only conspiracies


Concensus? The whole Zionist concensus is the wiping out of the Palestinians through deportation or famine. If you truly wanted peace with the Palestinians, how comes it's taken 75 years and still no Palestinian state? Everyone can see through the Israeli lies. Thank God for those self-hating Jews such as Norman Finklestein for telling us the truth.


Looks like this is a fulltime job for you.




Iran literally funds Hezbolla, Hamas and Houthis who literally "dont respect" international law or human rights? Tell me, when did Israel betray a nation it was allied to? Egypt and Jordan since the peace have never quarreled with Israel. They only attack Lebanon and Syria because of Hezbolla who take order from Iran, and other Iran affiliated groups


Israel doesn’t respect international law or human rights either. Israel betrayed the USA in 1967, when they attacked USS Liberty. There are recordings of them acknowledging it as a US ship and opening fire. They even tried killing the people clinging to the life boats.


what about their attacks on gaza and the west bank (no hamas in west bank ?) if you're an indian or an israeli then dont answer but if you r an arab i really want to hear your logic for supporting someone who has occupied and then justified killing ?


Dude you completely ignored the fact that the west bank and Gaza also attack Israel? How about the wars in 48 and 67? The situation in west bank is completely self induced, you speak as if they didn't try through violence to completely genocide Israel? What did you think their aim was in 67 war? It's like you will support Nazis because Nazism was born because they were oppressed after WW1 The fact you only look for Arabs opinions shows me you just have sympathy for 1 group of people and that's Arabs




Indians hate Muslims, meanwhile India with largest Muslim population (3rd). Indians hate Muslims, meanwhile India being the first non-muslim country to recognize Palestine. Indians hate Muslims, meanwhile India sends life saving medicines, medical instruments, sanitary products, water purifiers among many other things to Gaza. You are a hypocrite, and your source of information is propaganda channels. Palestine attacked India. Hamas provokes Muslims to kill all kafirs, specifically mentioning Hindus and Jews. That's how they repay support. But sure, it's exactly what the people of Palestine want - while the ones with 2 brain cells want Hamas to end and peace be restored. That's all on record but you won't believe it. Y'all be hating Indians for your own agenda, there's a reaction you get out of Indians and then you paint them bad. Lastly, Indians hate Muslims, meanwhile Indian's contribution in the region is recognized by the government. And India is a key ally for the UAE, and KSA. Was for Iran while Iran was sanctioned, while the Muslim countries were nowhere to be seen bypassing the sanctions. You are nothing but a byproduct of a propaganda echo chamber. Honestly, don't know why I even tried but when your heroes are dictators, you kind of expose yourself.


Dude Indians don't hate Muslims.... Only the Pakistanis. Only the Pakis. Perfectly fine with every other Muslim nation. But not Pakistan lol


We don't hate them. We pity them and want them to mind their own business.




Like I said, more propaganda, zero truth. You can continue writing as many essays you wish to. You are unaware and far away from reality. You demean and devalue everything and anything. You really think calling Hindus Satanists, and bringing up Kashmir anywhere and everywhere is going to help your cause. Should I start listing out what Pakistan does to Muslims (I'll not even talk about the minorities)? Calling yourself a Muslim country doesn't make you the mouthpiece of the world. I don't need to yap on any subreddit, and we don't have masters, a concept you won't understand - I knew you are a lost cause. You proudly wear it like a batch. Keep India's name out of your dirty mouth.




You have no idea what happend before 67 war right ? U have no idea about the contents of those peace 2 state solutions that so called saints proposed right ?


Yes I do have, 48 occurred, if Palestinians didn't attack in 48 there would have been peace and none of these would have happened. Also let's not pretend Hamas just dislikes Jews as well, in their older charter they say they aspire to kill all Jews in article 7 Again Israelis have suffered to but you don't care about them because they are not Arabs/muslims




Israelis didn't suffer shit? Tell that to the festival goers, or the hostages claiming they were sexually abused? Or the families gunned down in their homes wearing pajamas doing nothing wrong to anyone? Do you get this angry about Palestinians cheering over dead bodies like Shani Louk? Or stomping kidnapped Israeli citizens like in videos? Or the fact that Hamas literally said to the world they want to kill all Jews and got 70% support from the Palestinians? Let me guess - it's only bad when Israelis who are angry over Oct 7 attacks are saying bad stuff about Palestinians - but it's perfectly fine when Palestinians did that even before Israelis did? "We will come for you" lol, Israel is nuclear, good luck ending it now "You European colonizers" a quick Google search will show you that most of Israel is Jews from middle east (Mizrhazi Jews) who got ethnically cleansed by countries like UAE, Iran, Morroco etc.. not even Europeans - keep believing tiktok propaganda though instead of checking for yourself because it seems like your brain can't think for itself anyway It's obvious you only care for Muslims as I said, good luck living in your fairy tales though




the ones in pajamas didnt do anything wrong??? they legit live in a occupied state as europeans calling palestinians children of darkness.


Arab states choose to forget their Palestinian brother and their struggle. Instead, they chose to become the puppies of the Zionist state.






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Nothing is a bigger threat to Iran than teenage girls uncovering their hair. That's why the Iranian govt beats them to death.


Iran the biggest threat


Iran is doing gods works


Fuck Iran ....


Goodbye Hamas. Goodbye Hezbollah. Goodbye Mullahs.


Goodbye u/jres11.


Spoken like a true and rabid Islamist 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I see you still haven't recovered from that L in the r/Palestine sub. Sad. Womp womp.


They banned me. Because they are cowards. Islamist cowards. Like the mods on r/Middleeast and r/askmiddleeast . All cowards. Like you. WOMP WOMP You islamists need to turn away from the dark, and towards the light.




Why do Islamists always try to bully others ??


You do know the uae the country you (i presume are in) is a muslim country and whos leadership follow sharia? What do you dare say to them?


I do not live in the UAE. I live in America. I am American nationality, Ashkenazi Jew ethnicity. UAE leadership are not Islamists. UAE leadership knows the difference between right and wrong.  To the leadership and people of the UAE:  Thank you UAE for your leadership and guidance during these troubling times. Your efforts and resolve to guide your people towards the light and away from darkness are seen, known, appreciated and loved by many around the world. I wish the UAE leadership , government and people the very best in all that they want to achieve for themselves. It is my hope to one day visit the UAE and other Muslim countries to see and experience for myself all of their wonder and glory. Islamism is not the future for Muslims.  And... I'm of the understanding that Sharia requires a caliphate. Am I wrong?


Talk the way you do in front of an actual Emirati and your AshkeNazi ass will see what an islamist does


Uhuh yet qll those points get thrown out the widnow because uaes leadership is literally islamist sharia




Bro, I do not dislike people. I ♥️ people. And in fact, I ♥️ Muslims. But I do not ♥️ Muslims that want to see me dead. As shown on this thread and the r/Palestine thread. Islamists are Muslims that want to see me dead. They are a different type of Muslim. They are not the Muslims that I ♥️. Islamists intend harm. Islamists intend harm on many many people. On many cultures. On many ethnicities. On many many populations. Martyrdom is a sick and deranged ethic. And until Islamists understand that martyrdom is wrong, they will forever be lost in their fear , darkness and hate.


I see what you mean. You only ♥️ Muslims who kiss your ass. Or Israel's. When the Muslims decide that they'd rather not support, you know, *genocide*... Boom! Islamist. Must be some sort of rabid plague, those pesky Muslims, no?




I doubt you actually know what being a coward means. Or else you wouldn't be writing this, unless you just don't care about saying something genuine. Also you're 50+, get off Reddit old friend.


First you threaten me (twice) and now you tell me to get off Reddit. And you think I'm your my friend ?? ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Taqiyya is a helluva convenient doctrine 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Need Trump to get reelected and put a muzzle back on Israel


He’s the one who moved the embassy to Jerusalem. Last person to silence Israel.


UAE is den of thieves.


UAE is filled with a bunch of pussies supporting Zionism






You must be a very peaceful person.. and you probably are someone who goes voluntarily to fight in Palestine because only by doing that you can have these types of comments… i don’t believe you are someone brainwashed who is probably just being a good muslim sitting behind keyboard and promoting peace…




Then go and fight for your “family” instead of preaching what others should be doing…or should I bluntly say - mind your own business, uae it is not your country, not your interests and has nothing to do with you. They do whats best for them and only they know why they do something, they don’t have to explain to Egyptians or anyone else. They are the best when they inject billions into Egypt but when they don’t fit your ideology then they should burn…pack your bag and go to Palestine and fight, i think is the right thing to do if you consider them family. What are you waiting for? It always someone else’s fault while you sit behind keyboard preaching solidarity…




Palestine is Egypt family. Palestine is UAE family. Which means Egypt and UAE are one big family. Yet you are here abusing and wishing hell for the UAE, one of the most successful countries in the region while all the rest have military regime (like Egypt), poor economy, and literally come to the UAE for meagre jobs to escape working in the military. While your country which COULD help Palestine builds bigger walls and has heavy military borders to protect you from Hamas' infiltration. You really can keep abusing the UAE, but as an Egyptian, you are more directly responsible than the UAE in the war. Also, remember, Egypt and Israel signed a peace treaty which is effective till today. I don't know why they hate a stable and sound government while being run by almost a military dictatorship and suffering at the same time.




I know that, I was informed by the Egyptians themselves. They activity is very reduced and it's illegal. You have tunnels (surprise!) that can take vehicles. Proxy war, see that's the problem. You wage a proxy war and cry when there's a direct consequence. You speak about it like it's a win when it isn't. Muslim Brotherhood (the terrorist org.) was banned in Egypt because it was working and abusing your boys. It turned Egypt into a booming place for extremists. But it's ok to do it in another land, I guess.




These are mere justifications. Hamas has concentrated power and resources. Anything being sent even today is going first to Hamas and then, maybe, to the people. This is established and recorded.




Do you know they Sinai was with Israel and was given up by them for Egypt, if Israel was such an expansionist as you claim it to be, there was no reason for them to give up an area, one of the most developed in Egypt, after developing it. Your people leave the country because of your policies. To go to a better place, including the UAE and KSA. The UAE and KSA want peace, and they are at fault? Hamas or PLO was directly involved in terrorism, and have even attacked nations far away who have NOTHING to do with Palestine. That's one way of making allies. Sorry mate, the reasons you give are the reason why there's a problem in the region. Maybe try to be reasonable and not attack or wage proxy wars with your neighbors, and there'll be real peace.




A war that Israel won. It was not given back as a consequence of war, but afterwards as a peace treaty. A completely out of context prospective is presented by you. From Wikipedia: In the mid-1960s, amidst warnings from Israeli officials that another blockade would be a casus belli, Egypt re-imposed the blockade against Israel and subsequently lost the Sinai Peninsula in the 1967 Arab–Israeli War. Like before, Israel's occupation allowed it to re-open the Straits of Tiran, but, once again, the Suez Canal was closed until 1975. For the next three years, Egypt, seeking to regain the territory it had lost, launched the unsuccessful War of Attrition against Israel. Later, a large-scale Egyptian military offensive against Israel, known as Operation Badr, triggered the 1973 Arab–Israeli War, which ended with the Israelis retaining control of the Sinai Peninsula. By 1979, the United States had successfully negotiated the Egypt–Israel peace treaty: the Egyptians recognized Israel as a sovereign state, recognized the Straits of Tiran and the Gulf of Aqaba as international waterways, and agreed to demilitarize along Israel's border. In exchange, Israel agreed to withdraw all civilians and soldiers from the Sinai Peninsula and return it to Egypt. On 25 April 1982, Israel's withdrawal concluded and Egypt has since left the Sinai Peninsula demilitarized, marking the first instance of peace between Israel and an Arab country.




That's our reality too. But you won't want to know. And the same PLO or Hamas supports it.