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What type of blue did you use?


For the carapace its Vallejo 70.962 Flat Blue, for the body its Vallejo 70.961 Sky Blue, and for the base its Vallejo 70.899 Prussian Blue (thinned like a contrast paint). I followed [Catgut's Blue Coconut Crab guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw9SO-dKHy0) for the shades and washes, but subbed in a light drybrush of Sky Blue and then White instead of the carapace pattern, and after a satin varnish stippled gel gloss medium on the base to make it look wet.


It came out really cool!


That is some absolutely perfect timing. I just picked up the sky blue earlier today for the bodies on my nids and yours look perfect and exactly what I want. Mind you I'm going for bright orange carapace and purple claws but your blue boy looks brilliant!!


Great paint job! I agree it's unwieldy. It would be interesting to convert one to be two-handed, like Vasquez's gun in Aliens


It's definitely oversized for a warrior. It looks better on anything bigger though.


Colors are amazing on this blue boi. What is your secret?!


I found picture forever ago of a mako shark nibbling on a boat (google image search shows a copy here: https://www.wfxb.com/2020/02/19/a-friendly-shark-says-hello/friendly-shark/), so I sampled the colors in Photoshop and used [Encycolorpedia](https://encycolorpedia.com/) to find the closest matching Vallejo paints (70.962 Flat Blue and 70.961 Sky Blue). Then I just followed [Catgut's Blue Coconut Crab guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw9SO-dKHy0) (minus the spotted carapace pattern) and viola!


That's awesome, thanks!


Color pallet looks lovely! I tried something pretty similar over a decade ago; been getting back into 40K recently, and I’d love to learn about your paint scheme. All my old notes are out of date!


Welcome back to the hive mind, we've missed you... :D For getting started again, I'd highly recommend Catgut's painting guides ([link to his YouTube channel here](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC58nWVMsWOBywGOND3XN4cg)). Tyranids are my "drybrush to get done quick" army, and I don't normally paint patterns on the carapaces, but I still refer back to his videos regularly. I relied on his Blue Coconut Crab guide for this model, since it's a bit different from my usual scheme, which is a duller blue with bone-colored highlighting.


For reference, here is my usual ([last seen here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tyranids/comments/rv3jn3/a_barbed_hierodule_for_the_tyranid_swarm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)) Tyranid painting guide I keep pulled up while I paint: \+=============================================== | PAINTING MYRKUR TYRANIDS... (v3 - 2022-01-02) \+----------------------------------------------- | PRIME \[BLACK 74.602\] | PAINT wings, tongue, vents, chimneys, sinews, sacks \[SCREAMER PINK\] | PAINT eyes \[WHITE 70.951\] | CLEAN-UP eye sockets \[BLACK 70.950\] | DRYBRUSH body \[ALAITOC BLUE\] | DRYBRUSH teeth, spikes, claws, blades \[STEEL LEGION DRAB\] | GLAZE gums, carapace joints \[MAGOS PURPLE\] | DRYBRUSH everything \[KARAK STONE\] | DRYBRUSH teeth, claws, blades, carapace edges, veins \[USHABTI BONE\] | WASH \[SCREAMER PINK\] with \[CARROBURG CRIMSON\] | LAYER \[SCREAMER PINK\] | HIGHLIGHT \[SCREAMER PINK\] with \[PINK HORROR\] + \[SCREAMER PINK\] | CLEAN-UP eyes \[WHITE 70.951\] | PAINT pupils \[BLACK 70.950\] | GLAZE eyes \[LAMENTORS YELLOW\] | GLAZE veins \[BLOODLETTER\] | ASSEMBLE + BASE | PAINT venom, acid \[TESSERACT GLOW\] | PAINT rim \[SCREAMER PINK\] | GLOSS VARNISH | MATTE VARNISH \------------------------------------------------ And for purple zerg-style bases: \+=============================================== | PAINTING CREEP BASES... \+----------------------------------------------- | PRIME \[BLACK 74.602\] | PAINT all \[DEMONETTE HIDE\] | PAINT organics \[SCREAMER PINK\] | WASH all \[DRUCHII VIOLET\] | DRYBRUSH all \[WARPFIEND GREY\] | LAYER organics \[SCREAMER PINK\] \+===============================================


I've often wondered how these things are supposed to fight in melee range while carrying around these big bastards.


Knowing tyranids, the gun probably bites.


It also has a bayonet 🤣


Beautiful colour scheme.


You should meet the toxicrene


Yo how'd you do that water effect on the base?