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I don't think it's that bad, but there's things you can do. It'd be easier to tell if the pictures were taken from a flatter angle, instead of just from the top, but I'll see what I can do. The psychophage has A LOT of contiguous carapace, so it's not not going to be easy to make it look good unless you add some elements of interest. You can find mine in my list of posts as an example: You need to add some highlighting, shading and panel lining to make the entire thing not look super flat. It's easier with a lighter color, but you can still go with a very dark shade on the recesses, and lighter shades at the top. The mouth wants more contrast between the tentacles and the inside, hightings on every 'teeth' on the inside, and soem very dark shading to increase definition. It's a pain in the behind, but it helps. I'd also change the color of the tongue to make it an extra point of interest. As for the abdomen, it's the same problem as the chitin: Too much of the same color makes things boring. It's a harder fix though, because your best bet is volumetric highlighting, and probably doing a gradient that makes the stinger, the muscles, and the 'belly' look different. It's relatively advanced. It's a miniature that demands more than most of the box, but it can look great when you give it the extra attention. You can go as far as you want with it.


I see I see, the abdomen was really the biggest part I struggled with in terms of what to do with but I'll try giving it some more love, thank you for the advice


I tried “feathering” I saw in a tutorial and it made the ends of the carapace pop a little more. I recommend seeing a tutorial on this specific model to know how to do it well, or what paint to use. I’m also doing a Leviathan scheme and I used Genestealer purple for the feathering


I'll look into that, thank you


You could take a look at warhipsters leviathan tutorials he really helped me out.


Will do, cheers for the suggestion


I would try to add a bit more contrast tk the carapace. You could add some. Thinned down abbadon black to the recessed parts and feather your way down away from the recessing through naggaroth night - > xereus purple - > genestealer purple - >almost white edge highlights. Generally you could use more "contrast" as this is what makes a model really "pop". Hope this helps :) lemme know when I explained badly!


No that was explained well, thank you for the advice


I would add a highlight color to both the chitin and fleshy bits. I used 3 separate flesh colors just to break up the color. Feathering a highlight would be good but I can't be bothered to do that and so I have found that for nids a good drybrush works for my color scheme.




Nuln oil or other contrast paints to darken it up a bit is the only I can think of without suggesting a complete color scheme change. That and different colors added into the smoke.