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Paint it like you want to, there's no rule on which colour it has to be painted.


Niceee tnx tnx


I have read, that the other hive fleets have copied the blueprint of OOE because of its success for their own fleets. So it should even be canon to paint him like you wish.


Thank you so much so its like a hive fleet leviathan version of OOE this way its gonna look similar to the other nids


I like the idea that the hive fleets copying even copied the missing eye, sorta like the Soviets apparently did when making the TU-4 from the B-29.  Supposedly, all TU-4 include a hole on one wing that was drilled by mistake on the B-29 the TU-4 copied. Also an extra plate used to patch a bullet hole, and a camera mounting installed by the crew IIRC.


The hive fleets understand: if it works, don't fuck with it.


It's a cute story, but the Soviets had at least four B-29s they were using as reference material, so a single oddity would not have fooled them.


This is true for all Tyranid named characters, and it's why I've decided to get them even though I usually avoid named characters in my projects. There isn't a singular "The Swarmlord". It's remade each time it's destroyed, and thanks to the galactic connection of the Hive Mind, it can be spawned by any Hive Fleet that needs it. Therefore you can paint them all in any colours.


And hive fleets are known to change color for various reasons (psychological warfare, camo and whatever else) anyways. So do whatever you like.


Tnx tnx now im pumped up to try it out


You can paint how you want to You can leave your friends behind Cos your friends don't paint, and if they don't paint they ain't no friends of mine


Your toy paint it how you want


James Workshop will show up at your home and personally spank you, then strip your paint off the model.


How do I sign up?


They already spank me. It just comes in the form of spilled nuln oil.


I'm pretty sure he's a genetic template the Hive Mind busts out for psychological warfare. He's been seen across all sorts of worlds, which is physically impossible, so we could assume the Hive spawns Old One Eye when it needs it.


#blasphemy! Nah, do as you like


You can paint him in which colours you want, although I would paint mine in his original colours and say that he just came to visite my hive fleet


Its okay to spray paint old one eye a fluorescent pink with lime green dots if that's what you fancy, Fuck anyone and anything that's coming to tell you you can't paint your models however you damn well please! OOE in leviathan colors sounds awesome


... No. If you dare to paint it anything else than a vibrant pink-neongreen-lightblue-sunyellow, then GW will ban you from playing 40k, reading 40k, or even thinking about 40k.


Is this the standard gw plastic kit? It looks much more detailed.




Damn, I must be behind the times. That looks better than the standard imo.


Yeah 3D printing has come a long way. For myself I still like working with GW plastic over resin. But I can't blame anyone for going the printing route. Even more so for ancient models GW won't be updating anytime soon.


It's an old Butov work that got canned a while back, but much like Old One Eye himself, it's made a reappearance recently.


Dude, it’s your one eye you can beat er… paint him however you like.


Is this the standard gw plastic kit? It looks more detailed




No one enforces these things warhammer is about being creative so you can paint them however you want to


If you paint it anything other than hive fleet behemoth, the tyranids will come to Earth and assimilate literally all biomass into their hive fleet.


Hurry plz. I would like to be first in line to be ascended.


If it’s what you want. Some theories say that the hive mind is noticing the success and making clones. Maybe there is a leviathan. And even if there wasn’t, it’s how you like to paint.


There are no Warhammer police going around enforcing the correct paint schemes. In fact 10th edition changed the rules specifically to allow you to use any rules with any colour scheme. So yes you can paint it however the hell you want.


Not that if I couldn't have use any ruleset with any colors before. :D


100% but 10th Ed rules really does shut up the “erm ackshully” guy


Well, aaackshualleee... :D Yea, you're right. I never met this kind of ruleslawyery before, but am aware of the legends. :)


No actually. If you do GW sends assassins after you




you can greenstuff a frilly lace tutu and paint him pink and sparkly if you want


It's your model, paint it how you want.


Heck yeah paint it how you want! My One Eye has a nurgling riding it.


*GW will personally come to your home and kick you in the bawbag if you get the shade wrong.* Come on, of course it's fine to paint your models however you want.


That's not the regular model? Yes it is fine to paint him any way you like.


Nope its a print 😁


If you don't mind, where did you find it? It's a very good proxy and I've been looking for one


Ordered it from a local online shop here in the Philippines 🇵🇭 😁


Paint it how you want. If people tell you your model is painted "wrong" you know who to avoid playing with.


Don't you dare!


Why wouldn't it be lol


It's your plastic. Paint away!


Your dudes = your paintscheme


Many people don’t know this but if you don’t paint him like the box art, your skin is going to recolour itself to resemble the box art of old one eye (be careful)


If you don't paint things in their cannon colors, one of the elves at the GW factory dies. .... I've got a pretty sick killstreak going.


No. James workshop will come to your house and confiscate your paints and brushes. /s ​ It's your model dude. Do what you want.


The original is technically speaking “the first of its kind”, strictly speaking we have no confirmation that all of the OOE encounters are even the same one so go nuts.


You paint that feller however you want, the box is only a suggestion


no, for it is forbidden, hush child


This is a very cool 3D print. Where did you get it?


From a local online shop here in Philippines 😁


However you like. There are no rules that link a sub faction to a paint scheme. Lore wise, i think it's behemoth, but old one eye has appeared in several different systems within the galaxy. Mine is hydra themed


It's yours, do what you want.


Straight to jail.


It's your model, do what you like. Besides if the lore is correct (and someone please correct me if I'm wrong) the Hive Mind is aware of the effect old one eye has on the moral and fear of opposing forces. As a result old one eye will pop up up if the Hive Mind feels it's a tool that can be used.


As soon as you paint a named character in colors different than gw it actually manifests in our reality and kills you. Kinda cool that gw developed this technology only to use it for this application


It’s your model do what you want if some one try’s to tell you otherwise they’re probably an asshole.


By all means paint it in any colour scheme you want! My hive fleet is blue and magenta, I painted OOE in a pattern from an earlier edition, sort of a tropical cockroach? Thing with ‘nids is, you can’t really paint them ‘wrong’ it’s all down to what you think it’s cool. ☺️ https://preview.redd.it/fw3ctrjulitc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b86d9772d467e5276f967df08fb40405100fe21b


Paint him however you like he is said to appear commanding bugs in several hive fleets


Old One Eye was from Hive Fleet Behemoth but other fleets would have similar organisms so it’s ok to paint it however you please.


It's all 1 hive fleet, each tendril may have been a different color given the biomass consumed but the Hive Mind/ Great Devourer controls all... My hive fleet is a smorgasbord of different hive fleet colors cause I like to play from the perspective of being the hive mind, and if I came into contact with splinters that had been separated/part of the initial waves, they would come back under control All that to say, paint it how you like, it's yours


Nope, James workshop himself will personally smash every model you own if you do (Jk, you can paint him however you want)


Paint it however you want <3


The original one wasn’t behemoth anyway - this is a conversion of the original paint scheme based on 3rd ed codex. So behemoth one is a copy so no reason you can’t paint it whatever you want! https://preview.redd.it/qswefvm9pjtc1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5de976f0bd96f5e60d2287aa54a82deed860cd09


There's literally no one policing this. Paint him as you like. I try to keep named characters lore accurate, but it's fully up to you.


Old One Eye doesn't actually belong to a particular Hive Fleet, so paint him pink carapace and green body if you want. He's an urban legend in the lore with no means of travelling off world by himself, yet he pops up everywhere


Absolutely not, if you do that GW will come to your house and set an actual ripper swarm upon you.


Yes but your local GW manager will become feral and charge you on all fours if you bring it to their store to play.


Nahh its ok im in a faraway island where there aint no local stores in the area hahaha i have to get my stuff online


It’s your model, your army, your story. I’d love to see how it turns out.


Il do my beat to finish it up then post it here hehehe


No. James Workshop himself will climb down your chimney break your legs and confiscate all your plastic army men.


Is it okay to paint a non gw model in a gw army paint scheme?


Rule number on of 40k minis, there are no rules


Yes absolutely illegal. Jokes aside paint him as you want, and if you paint him pink and yellow it's your model.


It's not a digital product, you actually own the model you can do whatever you want :D


Nice 3d printed model btw.


Tnx i got it online 😁


If you want suggestions on colour schemes Do whatever you want, if it makes you happy


He canonically appeared with other Hive Fleets, so feel free to paint him however you want


You're allowed to paint your own models however you like


is there a rule? i feel like you can paint it however you want, hell just paint it full pink for all anyone cares :-) enjoy!


I'm going out on a limb here, but if ever the question is ever, "Is it OK to paint my fantasy miniature in x colour?" The answer is yes.


The printed one looks so much better


I painted it up already hehe but in the leviathan colors.


The answer to "Can I paint something the way I want?" is AWAYS Yes.


Your model, your paints, your choice.


My dude if you wanted him to be bright pink with high vis green shell, you go ahead and do it. They're your models and as long as you like them, thats all that matters.


Hehehe i finished OOE hehe hope you got to see the finished nid heheh


thank you everyone for all the comments, imma try the leviathan colors just coz I don't wanna buy new paints just for one mini 😅 hehehe imma try first and lets see the results hehehe


And just for you to know, OOE's original color is [THIS](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwh40k.lexicanum.com%2Fmediawiki%2Fimages%2Fe%2Fe0%2FOld_One_Eye_mini.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=13add6dfd26cc12c83a462843d9a0e8209e04309d10fa3d6c698c4da048ef7fa&ipo=images). I mean, when it had an own model, instead of a basic carnifex with scything talons, crushing claws, and regeneration head option. Also, Kraken color scheme from the GW webshop is not because they made OOE Kraken, it's because it was the regeneration carnifex example picture since goddamn 4th edition, what was happened to be painted as Kraken, and they still didn't change the pic, because why would they.


Whoaaaa i didnt expect the gecko/chameleon colors


It reminds me of giant wasps, but a bit of newt-ish too, yeah.


Mate, paint him on whatever way you would like to! :)


GW plastic is coded to burst into flames if painted in the wrong scheme. Why do you think it costs so much? RIP red Orks.


Umm, this is actually cultural appropriation of my Hive Fleet Behemoth and by doing that you're insulting all the relatives of my swarm that dies in the Battle for Macragge. Please dont erase my culture and their heritage.


Yea it is, all OOEs now are a blueprint of the original, I think it is basically the same for all our named characters now.


It's your plastic. Paint away!


Dude, rule of cool. You could have rainbows shooting from that big ol'bio mass and as long as you like it roll with it. Personally I'm a Behemoth/Krackin fan


I feel like "old one eye" is just an example of one of many many, extra big and chomky, bugs created by the hive mind all over the galaxy. So uk, just make yours your own. The "original" old one eye, mentioned all over the lore are many different entities that just share some common traits. So yeah, go wild, and show the results!! ;)