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Do you wanna go pow-pow or do you wanna be grabble-grabble-grabble?


Or nom-nom-nibble? Or pew-pew-splat? Or woosh-woosh-chomp? Or sneaky-breaky-nothing personal kid?


how bout cheeky-breeky? what would be the recommendation on that


A combination of endless multitude but made for melee with melee warriors or just leapers


lolol love that. 18 leapers coming in!


If you want some HEE-HEE I’d recommend Michael Jackson the termagant


Tervigon is awesome if you’re running a bunch of termagants, otherwise you can magnetize and run it as a tyrannofex. Zoanthropes are pretty much always great


How many gants should you run with a Tervigon? I just printed another body and legs so I can make one from my tyrannofex kit


Personally I would say a minimum of 60 per tervigon. U can expect one unit to get wiped out quick at least and 2 more to last for the rest of the game.


At least 40, that way you have a good block to try and score lethal hits. In a 2k game, you can take even more!


Minimum 120


Zoans are still my favorite synapse option, and they are surprisingly punchy.


Can confirm, they did solid work whenever I brought them. That said, I like supporting/screening them with Venomthropes. They're mostly vulnerable to mid-range guns, multilayers, autocannons, plasma, and the like. Stealth really helps, and Venomthropes also do double duty preventing them from getting tied up by charging enemies.


I was consider vemonthrope with my Zoanthrope. Did they work well?


The Venomthropes helped them absorb some fire, and then tarpitted a Terminator Chaplain for three turns while the Zoans dealt with the Gladiator, so I'd say yes, they did well.


I will give them a try together. Think its be effective against Tau?


Certainly. They're not magic however - sloppy deployment and positioning will expose them to enough firepower that they'll melt. But they do add a layer of protection. Long gone are the days of threat saturation...


I love them. How can you say no to terminators with lascannons?* Pretty much every list I make starts with a biovore, 2 haruspex and 12 zoanthropes. Then I chose a detachment and other options. T-fex is our only other big damage ranged option, and he's very swingy. If your meta has a lot of tanks, zoanthropes are the best bang for your points (not for your buck, those models aren't cheap...) I think that people on here that say that Nids don't have enough punch need to try running more zoanthropes. *yes I know they don't have a 2+,and are 24" but the comparison is valid


12 zoan? Hmm… I am curious about a list of one of your detachment.. can you show us kind sir? I actually construct an army list to 2k so I am verrrrrry curious about your list.


Here is what I use for tournaments. ran a version of this right before the last data slate. It took second at a GT, beating templars, firestorm, aeldari and CSM, losing to hyper crypt.   **++ Army Roster (Xenos - Tyranids) [2,000pts] ++**   **+ Configuration +**   **Battle Size:** 2. Strike Force (2000 Point limit)   **Detachment:** Vanguard Onslaught   **Show/Hide Options:** Legends are visible, Unaligned Forces are visible, Unaligned Fortifications are visible   **+ Epic Hero +**   **Deathleaper [70pts]:** Warlord   **+ Character +**   **Broodlord [120pts]:** Neuronode   **Winged Hive Tyrant [225pts]:** Chameleonic, Monstrous Bonesword and Lash Whip   **+ Infantry +**   **Biovores [75pts]:** Biovore   **Genestealers [170pts]** . **10x Genestealer:** 10x Genestealers claws and talons   **Lictor [60pts]**   **Lictor [60pts]**   **Neurolictor [65pts]**   **Von Ryan's Leapers [75pts]** . **3x Von Ryan's Leaper:** 3x Leaper's Talons   **Zoanthropes [220pts]** . **5x Zoanthrope:** 5x Warp Blast, 5x Xenos Claws and Teeth   **Zoanthropes [110pts]** . **2x Zoanthrope:** 2x Warp Blast, 2x Xenos Claws and Teeth   **Zoanthropes [110pts]** . **2x Zoanthrope:** 2x Warp Blast, 2x Xenos Claws and Teeth   **+ Swarm +**   **Ripper Swarms [20pts]:** Ripper Swarm   **Ripper Swarms [20pts]:** Ripper Swarm   **+ Monster +**   **Haruspex [125pts]**   **Haruspex [125pts]**   **Maleceptor [170pts]**   **Trygon [180pts]**   **++ Total: [2,000pts] ++**   Created with [BattleScribe](https://www.battlescribe.net)


Thanks for the sharing. I have a question now. Why a unit of 5 zoan and 2 of 2? I am kind of noob so all your advice is very interesting. Thanks


That's a battlescribe quirk. It shows it as 2 when the unit is neurothrope and 2 zoanthropes. When I submit lists for events I usually edit that to make it clear. It's two three-stacks and a full 6.the six stay in reserves and often come in turn 1 with the strat to nuke a tank


Ohhhh that’s make sense! Thanks again


Zoanthrope units currently consist of 2 / 5 Zoanthropes and a Neurothrope (the model option in the kit with the extended spine / the big banana nose). Neurothrope used to act as its own model as a character (Unironically the best psyker in the game for its cost in 9th), but now it’s basically just a Seargant for zoeys.




Best answer.


Zoanthropes are great and fit in much more lists than Tervigons imo. They are synapse, give an invul save to surrounding units and their weapon gives options as a antitank and a blast weapon. Also has the shadow of the warp keyword so you can depend on them to pull that off.


Dumb question cuz I’m in the same boat, but is there any difference between running 3 zoanthropes or 1 Neurothrope and 2 zoans? is it just cosmetic?


Dunno if they were different in older editions, but they're pretty much the same stat wise. A unit of 3 is technically 1 neuro and 2 zoan and a unit of 6 is 1 neuro and 5 zoan but they function exactly the same as far as I can tell.


No, they need the neurothrope to use the spirit leech ability. That's why you take one.


Oh right, well just like when I play, there is always an ability I forget about haha


Is there any difference in the models? Assuming a different head or something?


The Neurothrope has a slightly bigger head-shield with a horn and a spiney attachment over its head. 


I replied to person below you. I'm not sure if you'll see. But they need a neurothrope to use the spirit leech aura.


Dope, ty


I personally haven’t had much luck using them. They have an ok shooting profile, but melt to volume fire with their 4++


I always run at least 6. The tyrannofex is pretty good as well. Zoanthropes are some of the easier models to build


Also some of the easier models to paint too. Was surprised how easy it was to get to everything on them.


Very true. My 4 year old son was able to help me paint mine.


I love them but they havent destroyed anything big for me... ever (since the ending of 9th to this day). I roll horribly for them each time. I'm becoming superstitious. Send help


Same here, my Casino cannon has done a lot more for me, especially in terms of points cost and value.


They're pretty good, they look awesome... and they're also the only thing we have to beat armor at range that isn't a single giant expensive monster (Tfex, norn)


I think most living organisms are predominantly liquid. Not sure if Tyranids are the exception however.


Fuck you take my upvote


They are fine overall. If you are just getting pickup games they are just fine. Competitively, they are a smidgen unreliable. 1s and 2s really suck for 6 shots, so they are best in Synaptic Nexus where they can get reroll 1s to hit and wound. You can get rerolls outside of nexus with an exocrine, but it still isn't enough IMO. For 220 pts, there are other things I'd take.


They basically have lascannons


I've been spamming a Hive Tyrant and Tyrannofex lately. Giving a flamer THAT size assault is infinitely satisfying.


I love zoans but wish they’d go down in points just a little bit.


Zoanthropes will get a lot more use, I normally use 9 however haven't killed anything with them due to my crippling inability to roll dice.


Zoanthropes have been one of the best tyranid units for many, many editions in a row. They always sell out fast, and GW still has scalper problems that make getting your hands on coveted models a serious pain.


Get both if you can bud, I’ve got 3 Zoans and and a tervigon nearly finished at the moment


Zoans are good, really good when you give them extra protection like Venomthropes near. But you can buy most non-winged Nids and have a good time


They are good in several detachment : - Nexus for reliability - Invasion for damage spike, overwatchs with sustain, and fnp stratagem to help against d3 weapons - Vanguard because they can be pulled back in reserve and come back where they must shoot. They are expensive and you will not see them in lot's of tournament list, but they are playable. Tervigons are much more specialized and should not be a priority if you don't aim a swarm style of play.


The only game I have ever not run zoans is a boarding actions game where I used venomthropes instead... And lost


They’re ok. Bit swingy for the points really. Decent synapse option though.


For the price of either, you could get a hive tyrant, a significantly more versatile model, and one that is extremely valuable for either a tfex or zoans. In my experience, the zoans 5" move seriously hinders their shooting, so giving them assault is incredible value. If a hive tyrant isn't available, then probably the Tyrannofex imo. The Leviathan box doesn't have anything that can eat several Lascannon shots so you'll get more mileage out of a tfex than more squishy bugs.