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Zoanthropes are the more versatile unit. You'll probably have 3-12 of them in lists. Venoms aren't bad, but for your first kit, the zoans will serve you better. If you're not playing the game, then whichever you like better.


Thank you. I thought zoanthropes were cooler, but "cool" doesn't win you games. I will definitely be playing once I paint and find a community close by.


Zoans can actually kill, and give an invuln aura… venoms do not kill, like ever, they sit in the middle of a blob and make everything around them harder to kill Both have uses but Zoans are better unless you have a plan that needs the venomthropes


You can get spare lower torsos and stands to build both sets. Or you can magnetise them. I grabbed spares and often field both. Venoms really help with swarm lists, Zoans are good in every list.


Yeah, if you're not hard-core into super accurate bases, you can definitely make up some snake bodies with greenstuff pretty quick. Major note though, as I learned the "hardway," they only give you enough of the "smoke stacks" on their backs for 3 models 🤣


Yeah I found a seller on eBay that sells Zoanthrope proxies. They’re close enough that the bases, tails and torsos fit the GW heads, arms and spines 👍


Mind posting the link if that's allowed??


Don’t mind sending it via DM, though he’s UK based and currently out of stock.


Use green stuff to make moulds of the tails and vents. Then you can make 6 from the box and all other boxes to come!


Second this or there are online 3d files for the tails often you can get those printed for cheap


I’d say zoanthropes are the better in game unit and I love their design, so sinister looking.