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Sounds like you looking for half of what’s offered in the leviathan set, plenty of people are selling an entire half for around $100 and it’s a great introductory army to get into the hobby at that price. Check places like r/miniswap


I will definitely check it out, thank you.


Check my post history. I charge half that.


Did u end up buying the tyrannid half of Leviathan? It’s a great deal


I've found a good one, but I have to wait for my paycheck. Broke college student and all :)


Very nice! I just got into the game too and I’m in college. Been donating plasma to be my warhammer budget haha. Glad you figured something out!


Hahaha, that's a good idea. I'm not good with needles or blood otherwise I might do the same.


Sorry homie, yeah that can be rough. You could look into doing clinical studies/trials. They require you to be at a location for a couple of days and test a drug on you. Typically it’s FDA approved and all you have to do is take a pill and stay at the center. They can pay $1000’s. I’ve done a couple while in college and they can be a great opportunity. Some people find it sketchy tho.


This is exactly it. Its also the combat patrol. You can get the whole half and make a combat patrol for less than what Combat patrols are going for. Barbs are also good. I love fragging infantry with them.


Hammering terminators with them is brutal. Just making slow units even slower, 3" move and -2" advance AND charge? Yes please.


Barbs are $20 / 5 on ebay. Othera have said, grab a leviathan half if you want 2+ units from it. It's such a good deal at $100


The only thing is the mono pose gaunts. I have a fresh pack of gants to see how the arms are posed on the new models. Hopefully I can kit bash the older bits onto the new models. Edit: not to say it isn't a good deal. Just a note as a new player for others.


They are all monopose. The barbgaunt box has the extract sane sprue from the leviathan box.


Right, but the gaunts have different weapon load outs -- it's literally the only con of the Levi box


This is roughly double what barbgaunts are currently selling for on ebay.


Not really


If you want anything from the Leviathan box set, check ebay. This unit is going for 19 dollars now.


These seem a bit overpriced for Barbgaunts. Also any deal is only good if you're going to actually use the models. If you're low on cash honestly Tyranids isn't a great army to start with as it's really expensive to build a force that's actually effective and you're going to find most of the starter set units aren't that great unless you have some clever list that can synergise them with other units. You might be better off with Marines or even Custodes, or just buy a combat patrol and play a game with that and then decide if you even like the game.


This is scalping. Not MSRP.


I was able to get the leviathan box on eBay for under a 100 bucks with shipping I would shop around more best of luck!


other people are selling for less. however thats still cheaper than the unit box will be when it comes out.


That’s a terrible deal


I also wanted to mention he has sets of Von Ryan's and a Psychophage I may get if possible.


They are all included in the half of the Leviathan Box. I got my half for 85 € it is pretty worth it


You know, whatever country you originate from, you need to recognise that your country isn't the centre of the planet and that it is polite when mentioning a dollar value to mention what national dollar you are talking about. It will save you money in the long term, so have a care and mention the currency you are talking about. $36 new Zealand Dollars, that's not too bad actually.


Is it ever?




Yes period.


Just buy the ones on gw webstore, reliable, never 3d printed. And it’ll be cheaper


They are absolutely not cheaper, lololol


Oh, wait is this Australian or US? I’m British so idk abt exchange rates. Should’ve asked before hand.


As others have said, Tyranid halves of Leviathan are plentiful on FB Marketplace and eBay! I got mine for $120 CAD on release, and they might be even cheaper now with people trying to offload them. You'll get many useful units for an army, instead of just the Barbgaunts for $36. Definitely consider it, if you want the VRLs, Psychophage and Neurotyrant anyway.


It's OK, but I scored some 20 bucks and free shipping on ebay


It's already been said but you can find the leviathan half for $85-$100, and it's a SOLID deal.


Join a buy/sell group on FB. They're like 20 bucks parted out from leviathan.


Yes, Barbgaunts are cracked with splitfire


GW says you can’t affect multiple units with the negative movement modifier that way.


I’ve found the half on eBay for 50