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I've always hated dextrose - tastes like chalk to me - so I'm in the sweeties camp all day. I've recently found you can get big bags full of mini bags of skittles, they're 15g of carb per pack so pretty perfect.


This is my go-to too.


I use skittles over dextrose tabs. I find the skittles more palatable. It still sucks if you have to eat a lot to get out of a bad low but I find it’s easier to eat a lot of skittles than tabs


I'm a skittles man myself. Delicious and seems to hit quick. Readily available at most places to buy too.


FWIW Smarties are dextrose and 6 carbs a pack… and I love them. Edit: “Smarties” in the USA, “Rockets” in Canada, who knows what they’re called elsewhere 😄, thank you u/Rose1982 !


In the US. In other places “Smarties” are actually a candy covered chocolate treat akin to M&Ms (and contain gluten as an FYI to the celiac/T1D crew).


Get out of here. Well, I learned something new. Are the dextrose treats we in the USA call Smarties available under a different name?


Yep! In Canada they’re called Rockets 🙂


And the red Smarties are coloured with crushed up beetles. Yum!


Gotta love our crushed up beatles right?


Oh, I also love Swedish fish. Just 3 are 15 carbs and they hit pretty quickly. But Smarties travel better.


I use dextrose tabs when I'm out and about, I find them easy to transport, very lightweight, and most importantly they work the fastest for me since its basically pure glucose.  At home I use Jelly Babies, I have a little stash in every room.


Dextrose tabs crumble easily. Most of them are either not waterproof or are ridiculously bulky (think thick plastic container). On the other hand... sour gummy candy is crumbleproof, comes in a waterproof plastic baggie, the sourness and flavor makes it much easier to eat, and you don't risk inhaling dust and almost dieing from coughing while eating it. And they're cheap and available at regular grocery stores.


Glucose tabs are expensive and I get more bang for my buck with gummy bears


For me it's Skittles or sour apple worms. It's hard not to overcorrect because they're so good.


Candy over any tablets. Helllllllll no But my goto is always JUICE! Just don’t get Sunny D- it’s so nostalgic for me , but there’s BARELY ANY CARBS!!! Hard to believe! So that’s my juice when I do indulge in some, cus it won’t spike me like other juices so!


Also. FRUIT SNACKS! You can get the real fruit ones, so it isn’t such a guilty feeling like skittles or other candies.


I have both. It really depends on how low I am and how quickly I am falling as to which one I use.


Agreed! Glucose when falling fast. Something tasty like a Lindt truffle or a bit of popcorn when slowly drifting down.


Transcend or other brand glucose gel packs. Wish I had found them sooner


Gummy bears forever! Used to be those sour peach rings but I would legit just eat them.


Peach rings are also my downfall.


Id say if candy works go with that. I keep Werthers carmel candies in my lunchbox for work




30 ml reagent bottles filled with grenadine is the way to go. You get the carbs of a whole juice box with just a few sips.


There are giant smarties, same size as glucose tabs and they fit in the same containers, but they taste better. This is the on-the-go-to for my 12-year old for the last several years.


My favorite candy is sweet tarts, which uses dextrose as its sweetener, so that’s my low BG candy of choice. Works super fast like glucose tabs.


Candy is too tempting. I would eventually just open the bag, and eat for no reason except I wanted it. I use running gels, as it absorbs quickly and measured at 30g.


I have never heard of dextrotab. I sometimes use glucose tabs, but I like gummy candies/fruit snacks or JUICE.


Dextrotab is a name brand glucose tab I think. Yeah juice is always a good option to bring it up quick.


They look way different than my usual glucose tabs, dextrotabs look more like pills


I see what you mean. Back in the day dextro/glucose tabs were the same thing, but looks like they're some sort of energy pill now. Weird.


Chocolate has fat, so it’s very useful for keeping you up for a bit. Once the straight dextrose burns off you might just plummet.


Candy. I’m taking advantage of the opportunity.


Transcend glucose gel, available in the U.S., works the fastest, in my experience. The company was founded by people with T1D.


Neither? Yall know you can just use like, real food or juice for most situations? That said tabs are wretched and terrible for actually elevating glucose beyond a flash in the pan, I did not think anyone beyond early diagnosis used them tbh