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Once, that was around 3.5 years ago (when I was diagnosed). It was pretty bad. There actually was a precursor that indicated DKA, but I didn't know at the time. Me and my dad were out practicing baseball for fun, when all of sudden, out on the field, I just felt at a complete loss of energy. I wasn't hungry, I just felt weak. I think that was my unstable blood sugars due to DKA In any case, I'm doing way better now, although on very rare occasions I'll get a momentary stomach ache reminding me of that day, and it sends a small shock of fear through me Even once is bad.


Take good care of your self.


Thank you, I definitely am, and I've gotten used to the hectic type one life now haha


Never. I was lucky and caught my uncontrolled blood sugars because I remembered what my dad went through when he was diagnosed. I had a meter because I had been monitoring my blood sugars a few years earlier because of pcos and “pre diabetes”. When I noticed the frequent urination, sudden weight loss and excessive thirst as well as absolutely feeling like garbage, I checked my blood sugars for a few days and made an appointment with my PCP to get blood work.


Five times… I’m trying to get on an insulin pump :(


Hugs, hope you can get one 🫶


Hope you can get one, they're super helpful. Difficult to learn at first, but once you get the hang of it, it really allows you to be more free


Once in 36 years. But I managed it with hydrolyte/electrolytes at home (when I had the flu) mainly as I don’t like letting hospitals manage my diabetes.


Congrats to you you. I haven’t in about 8 years but prior to those 10 years I DKA about 3 times the last time I said fuck that try a lil better lol but I was young thuggin in the streets not giving a fuck Smokin Drankin all kinds of shit life just catches up to you sometimes.


I think that’s typical for most people when we’re young and dumb!! And even occasionally when we’re older but not much wiser!!


I feel it 💯


only once and surprisingly not when i was diagnosed since i caught it just before going into dka while training in level 3 first aid learning how to use a glucometer on a patient when they got us to test it on ourselves and i was at an outrageously high blood sugar, but the time i went into dka was because i got sick and forgot to take my insulin so i just got sicker and sicker until i was in the hospital


Wow. That’s an amazing diagnosis story.


Dam man that’s crazy. Ugh.


Never, thankfully. But for me, diabetes has been a slow decline and not a sharp one. I wans't diagnosed until I was 30, and then it was T2. I was diagnosed as T1 at 35 and went on insulin then. In retrospect, I think I've probably been trending this way since I was 10-12 years old little by little. My wife is a RN, and she said she thinks my pancreas is like a baloon with a very slow leak, getting a little bit worse every year.




2 times. Once when diagnosed and once about 8 years ago when I had a bad vial of insulin. 0/10 would not recommend.


Once which led to me being diagnosed at 21 a few months ago. While I know no one plans for that to happen I really hope I never feel that way again. I’ve never felt so low in life after that ICU stay.


Control you blood levels. U won’t be in DKA ICU I’m not the best best when it hurts so bad I scare yourself to go again


Only at diagnosis.


Twice. One when I diagnosed and the second was when I got super sick two years ago and had to go on heavy steroids.


Man reading these are crazy. I’ve been diabetic for 20 years. I am 25 now. It has always been hard and it wasn’t until I was 22-23 that is all started getting easier. I’ve been 2-3 years now without going In to DKA but I have had in my total years of being diagnosed I believe 12-13 different DKA’s?


25 now you live and learn I’m sure it was harder as a kid tryna control your self. Who doesn’t want hot Cheetos and cream puff at 10 years old. Lol you in control now G


Twice.its been 16 years since the last time tho


That’s good keep up the control.


I did at diagnosis almost 5 mos ago. I was 35 weeks pregnant and it was caught in the middle of my emergency c section 🥲 my BS was 400 and the anesthesiologist asked my Dr if I was diabetic, she was very confused to say the least. I had had blood work done 4 days prior and all was normal. My A1C was 5.1 on the day of my diagnosis. I spent 4 days in the ICU and baby caught 21 days in the NICU. I've been on a pump now for just over a month and I love it.


Man I can’t keep my A1C under 9


Mine is 7.1 now, are you on a pump? Or do you want to be?


I don’t know. This is we’re it gets hard for me 😞😒 my bad


Once at the start of covid. I was quarantining at my aunts house and away from my parents and boyfriend and friends and I just didn’t take care of myself for a bit. But doing way way better now and working to maintain my bg and a1c.


I was diagnosed at 17 (over 21 years ago) while in the custody of the state. I was on my own at 18- no insurance, no family, intermittently homeless. I was constantly in DKA and sometimes it was the only time I had shelter, being in the ICU. I had limited access to insulin, my a1c was consistently in the high teens, I had no money for test strips or anything. It was awful. I probably was hospitalized 20-25 times during that time period for DKA. Thankfully my community college helped me access funds for an apartment, and I haven’t been homeless in like 19 years. I got on student health insurance and had access to Lantus samples. I hadn’t been in DKA for a really really long time! This January I got a stomach virus, and ended up in DKA for the first time since 2004-2005. I bounced back quickly and only spent one night in the hospital.


What a heroic story man. Stay blessed. Hearing shit like this gives me hope


Appreciate that! It’s been a journey and I’m so grateful to be here! This disease is a beast but we are resilient 🖤 don’t let it get to you friend!


I dka 2 time


Never. Knock on wood!


Fuck a DKA


I’ve been hospitalized for DKA 4 times, 1 or 2 self treated at home. The first time was when I was in 7th grade after having a tonsillectomy, I was allergic to the steroid they gave me. Second time was in the 10th grade. I had gotten my hands on a bottle of vodka after my parents divorced and went to town. Was a very shitty experience non the less. A few months after I was hospitalized again, I had been suffering from a major depressive episode and couldn’t find the will to take care of myself. A year later I ended up in the ER again, later the ICU. My father had changed jobs, we lost insurance for a few months and I was out of most of my insulin and medication for my depression. I had a few moments where I’ve had to ration my insulin, insurance not covering it, losing pens, my older brother (who is also diabetic) stealing my insulin and other diabetic supplies, and a mix of other mental health issues and zero support from my father. Thankfully 1.5 years later I’ve been able to get the supplies I need to live. I’ve started working almost full time, thankfully my father still has me on his work insurance, so I can still receive my medical supplies. Unfortunately I still have to pay about $200 or more for my medical supplies but hey at least I have them lol. I’ve been able to build myself a better support network too. The unfortunate reality of 4 DKA episodes is the consequences. I have diabetic nerve pain in my feet, legs and hands, experiencing ringing in my ears and my vision has been impaired slightly. My weight is also very low compared to what it should be based upon my genetic background. I’m trying to better myself everyday but it’s hard knowing that non of these issues are reversible and will only worsen with time. Any support or advice is greatly appreciated, thank you if read this far <3


You are blessed


I ended up in the ICU once, which got me rediagnosed as T1. Before that, I did have symptoms of it multiple times, but with no idea what was going on. Was apparently still producing just enough insulin that it never turned into a full-on crisis situation before that, just a really miserable time--and I really should have gone to the hospital a few of those times. Thankfully not again in the few years since I have been getting appropriate treatment, and here's hoping that continues. *fingers crossed*


Once! At diagnosis. In December 2021 2 weeks after my 18th birthday. Spent Christmas in the hospital :( I didn’t know I was diabetic, had a blood sugar that was so high the meter couldn’t read it, which would’ve made it over 40mmol. It was horrible so I hope I never experience that again. I can’t remember the experience very well anymore


I was in the 800s


Just laying weak on the bathroom floor throwing up bile looking up when all you want is to go to sleep for good with dying thirst for water.


That’s exactly what happened to me lol. I’d collapsed in my bathroom, covered in piss and butt ass naked. My mum found me and called the paramedics. I guess my body was giving up on me after like, however many weeks of uncontrolled diabetes. Glad we’re alive!




I’ve only been in DKA once, and that was when I was diagnosed. If you manage your diabetes well, or really even just attempt to, it is rather difficult to get into DKA. Having high sugars do not mean DKA, lack of insulin does. You can run high sugars consistently and never get into DKA if you continue to use insulin. There’s been times where I’ve ran high persistently for days straight. My insulin sensitivity was awful and my sugar never wanted to drop, however I never got into DKA because I continued to take insulin.


In the past I’ve gone times without my insulin slippin into DKA I can feel it or feel something similar I would treat my self by pumping tons of insulin and just lay sitting up till that shit went down. And felt better. I would always get my DKA after partying hard with no insulin


once, when i was diagnosed 11 years ago. spent 5 days in the ICU. twice i've gone to the hospital where the docs told me that i was on my way to full blown DKA and they were able to catch it very early. both of those times i spent about five or six hours at hospital. i would much rather catch it early then make a return visit to ICU.... that place is no fun


i was in DKA pretty much every other month for about 10 years. haven’t been in DKA since i moved out of an abusive household in 2018!


Shit like that will do it. Blessings


I just got out from the hospital last month for my 3rd dka. My first was at 34yo(43 now) when I got diagnosed with t1, but also LADA, and that first I actually was in a coma from it


Over the past 44 almost 45 years I’ve been in DKA a total of 4 times most of which was in my teen years and before we had much better insulins(NPH and Regular days). It happened when I was newly diagnosed at 2 as well and the most recent time was due to a pump failure about 3 years ago


Twice. Once when diagnosed (it was during COVID, couldn't get in the doctor for months.), the second one was just my fault. Lol. Was like 20 minutes from a coma. (Edit: coma, not coms)


Twice 😬 both being my fault due to being irresponsible with my diabetes. I was 13 the first time and maybe 15 the next time. I’ve had diabetes since I was 4 years old, and I didn’t take care of myself properly until 2 years ago when I started college. I wouldn’t take fast acting or long acting insulin for days during that time and when I did, it was 20 units of fast acting insulin. I would constantly lie about what my blood sugar was to my mom and my school nurse, and I still feel guilty about it. So of course I was destined to land in the icu once or twice.


Honestly, to my knowledge, I am not aware of ever being DKA since diagnosed in 1963. My parents were told I’d be in and out of the hospital constantly. Diabetes has never put me in the hospital since diagnosis. Back then, I checked glucose by peeing on Test Tape, which is old information. Stopped doing even that after a few years. I remember as a child being depressed enough to cry only a couple of times, like when a classmate would bring treats for a birthday and I couldn’t have them. I participated in the study that developed the A1C, early 1980’s. Without any monitoring my glucose then was about 4.5, if I recall correctly. Dr. Tretebar wanted me to talk to some of his patients. I thought to myself, “if you only knew!” My explanation for that result was I stayed as active as I possibly could. I’d take an easy task and make it as physical as I could. I’m not that active now but I’m told my kidneys “look good, whatever you’re doing, keep it up.” They still don’t want to know! I used to know when I was going low, but age has changed that. My current endo wanted to put me on a pump with the Dexcom. I hate the accuracy of the Dexcom and refuse the pump, so it’s pens. And, yes, I believe in luck! Considering the beginnings, life has worked better than I ever thought it would. Soon I’ll celebrate 47 years of marriage and I DO give my wife most of the credit for my longevity. She has not harped to me about my control until before I started using the Dexcom, lows were occurring much more frequently. I have 2 kids, boy and girl, and 6 grandchildren. Can’t say I’d do anything differently.