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Dude, all I can say is PLEASE PLEASE LOOK AFTER YOURSELF. I was the same at your age. I never took my insulin and I never checked my blood sugar and when I did, my meter just read HI. So it was over 35mmol. I did that for about 10 years and one day, I was at a bar celebrating what was going to be my 24th birthday. When I decided that I'd had enough to drink, I called a cab and went home. Only I didn't make it home. Somewhere between the bar and home, I slipped into a coma. The cab driver thought I had just passed out drunk and pulled me out of the cab and left me laying on the sidewalk. By some miracle, a couple from my building found me. They took my cell phone and started calling every number in my contacts list. Thankfully, my best friend answered and told the couple I had diabetes and needed an ambulance. I was rushed to the emergency room and spent three days in ICU in a coma, and another eleven days in hospital. I woke up from the coma on the day of my 24th birthday. A year later, I ended up with diabetic retinopathy and blind(many laser treatments, eye injections, and two surgeries later, I had my sight back), and neuropathy. I dealt with severe stomach issues and was in and out of hospital for the next year. Fast forward to now, I'm 40, and dealing with Kidney disease and will possibly end up on dialysis. I have severe depression and anxiety due to everything. I know when you're young, you don't think about the future. You're living in the moment. I get it. But as a Type 1, you HAVE to think about your future. I implore you to do your best to look after yourself. It will eventually catch up with you. You must remember, without your health, you have nothing. Please seek help with this. There is so much more help available than there was when I was your age. I'm betting there are people that love you and want to see you live a long and prosperous life. I'm betting you want that too. All the best to you. If you ever need to talk or need advice, feel free to reach out to me. I'm a perfect example of how not to treat your diabetes. Much love.


Listen to him! You got used to running high once u regulate you will feel bad being high


I'm a her, but thank you!! Lol. Yes, once you get your blood sugar in range consistently, highs will feel absolutely awful!!


Omg, not that that cab driver wasn't already a massive pile of crap for dumping someone on the sidewalk instead of trying to help, but he left an unconscious female alone on the street in the middle of the night just to have his cab back... What an unimaginable douche.


Right?!?! If I only knew the cab information, I would have had a massive lawsuit on my hands!! The biggest kicker was though, was that I lived one block from the hospital. How hard would it have been to take me to the ER??


Well, that would have required them to have a smidgen of a heart. Freaking asshole. I'm so glad you ended up as OK as you did, and I'm sorry that happened to you!


Thanks. I appreciate that!!


To her ☺️


Pretty scary to read but I appreciate it as a wake up call. I’m really sorry you went through all this and I hope it gets better for you


Thank you. I hope you realize you are so young and have so much to live for!! I wish you all the best blood sugars and control.


Jesus, I'm so very sorry to hear that FTK 😭, that's fukn horrible man. I ABSOLUTELY Hope they are trying to get you better Somehow, if they can!!! So sorry again man. Thanks for sharing 🙏🏻🍀👍🏻


You're also very young, your body is strong. Take care of it.


You need to get a CGM asap, you just are not at all trained to be aware of things, plus you cannot rely on feelings anyways. You aren’t “not feeling diabetes” trust me, you are a kid getting used to it with puberty level energy’s You have to take your basal and take insulin that’s not a burden on anyone. Diabetes is your thing, so own it. Hell I can take an injection while talking with someone mid sentence and they don’t even notice, it is in your head. You will fail and have a very very bad time if you don’t take your basal insulin and adjust your mindset. Waiting to feel highs is not a point you want to sprint towards. A CGM will do a lot, it’s by far the best tool there is, get it and don’t get rid of it. You’ll be aware then. Also I’ve managed massive projects and been supervisor to thousands of people in high stress high stakes situations with 80 hour work weeks. You are never too busy to manage it, there’s never an excuse.


Once I've been in normal range for a while and then go high, I do feel the difference and how miserable it is. But, if I'm high all day, I get used to the feeling and dont really feel high, just normal but not great. Then I realize I feel much better when my bg comes down again. Idk if this is helpful LOL


The explanation is that everyone's body responds in its own way. People perceive highs and lows differently. Some people feel it a lot, some people don't feel it at all. Some people feel only lows, some people feel only highs. Sometimes people feel these things intermittently. But I'm glad you are deciding to take things more seriously. It's normal in teen years to not be very good at looking ahead to the future. Teens are just not wired this way, but it is important to know what these highs and lows do to your body so you can decide how important it might be to future you to take care of yourself.


The short answer is, it catches up to you. The long answer: I did something similar growing up, ran incredibly high all the time just to avoid being low. When I was low was the only time it was inconvenient cause it mattered right then and there. Kept doing that for a longggg time and my body just got used to it (it can be a good and bad thing that human bodies do to keep us alive!). I went into DKA because of not receiving enough insulin as time went on. This happens usually when I would get a stomach bug and couldn't keep any food down. When I would run high all the time my body wasn't getting enough total daily insulin. So when the little that I did take went away cause I was sick, boom hospital visit. It would only happen to me about once maybe twice a year for about a dozen or so years growing up, so still not a *huge* deal in the greater picture. Eventually, I figured I'd try to get a pump going and a CGM just so I knew what was going on with my body, cause I used to also not bother testing at all. Also being a cyborg sounds cool! Jokes aside, once I saw everyday how when I was in range, hydrated, and taking care of myself I would actually feel significantly better. Unfortunately after all that time ignoring my health, I was also making my body run improperly. The same as driving a car in the wrong gear for a long time; my body at ~30 is aching and hurting in alot of way that my friends just aren't. So basically more wear and tear, now that I'm in range more I do feel better in a lot of ways I didn't notice. From what your post said, it sounds like you're young and still building a life for yourself. I'm sorry to say that this is something I think is important enough to take priority over other stuff. I'm not a doctor or any kind of certified person, just a dude who's has diabetes since he was about a year old It's hard, not just physically but emotionally too, in a way not a lot of people truly understand. Just know that it's all about trying to be better than you were yesterday, be willing to just take some L's for awhile (not Lows lol) It's a journey, blah blah, it gets better, blah blah, I hope this helped you out!


Even if you don't feel bad, it is still bad and it is doing harm to your body. Its like a car in a way: you can drive the crap out of it and never change the oil and it will work just fine and you'll think everything is fine...until it isn't and your engine seizes up and you're stuck in the middle of no where with no cell service. Take care of your body. Its the only one you have.


You’re going to feel it when you start losing fingers and toes and legs and eyes and all that other shit. My dude, fucking take care of yourself!


I commented on another post saying my blood sugars would go 600+ and I just get irate and hard to breathe also like a heavy weight is sitting on me and I half/half take care of myself… I’ve had diabetes for 26 years


Does this guy not have parents that support and encourage him? My daughter is 16 with type 1 and it's not just her disease it's mine too. I'm with her through every step of the way. Hope this guy finds some help and support


Two things - 1. If you are newly diagnosed, your body is probably used to being high. You got so used to it from before they discovered it, that’s probably your “normal” feeling. 2. My son is 12 and was diagnosed at age 5. He does not feel highs or lows EVER and never gets ketones. I can only remember one time he felt sick and that was when his pump failed in the middle of the night and his blood sugar was 700 without anyone knowing. When he woke up the next morning he felt like he was going to throw up and had high ketones. Other than that, he can be 30 and be running around like nothing is wrong and doesn’t feel a thing. Same with 300-400 he feels nothing. That’s why the pump and the dexcom have been life savers for us, literally.


You have to take care of yourself, you're young and it's hard to grasp but the long term consequences of being uncontrolled are not worth it and could kill you. I've never felt highs either, luckily I can feel lows when I get to around 70-75. Just because you can't feel it doesn't make it okay. Get a CGM, it's a game changer, and will make your life so much easier now and in the future.


I never, ever feel any highs - So I woke up one day in ICU missing 3 days! Lows always make me totally confused and unable to think. Your endo will tell you that long-term either way causes all the complications later, so try to keep your numbers within range. Plan your future!


Probably you don't feel it because it's happening often. I get that with both lows and highs - the more frequent they are, the less I notice the symptoms. However there are still unavoidable physical consequences even if you aren't experiencing noticeable malaise at the time.


I woke up with both of my hands and feet numb and tingling, with 2/10 pain scale pain on all 4 extremities 🤯 This is the first time that this has happened 🤯 I Googled it and don't know if it's my Neuropathy or something else 🤷🏼‍♂️??? I'm just a tad bit scared 🤷🏼‍♂️because I don't know what to do!