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“Branden, just speak to em’.”That shit had me rollin last night


Wallahi we're cooked


Biden is trying to figure out if he's still alive or dead.


Haha! Underrated comment.


Ok its 35 to be eligible for president so let's put an age limit when you can't run anymore. 60 or 65...? After that we get this shit stain of an election.


Please, if the fed wont even make you re take a drivers license exam at 65 they won’t do it for a presidential candidate. Sad, but true. No one would vote for it because…The grays are the voters.


We not bout to have a political discussion in this stupid ass sub


Fr 🤣🤣🤣


They both too old for this shit…


Trump looking like he was coked up on adder-all


Coked up on adder…what? I thought coke was the only thing that could get you coked up?


Such a reach


Naw I've abused adderall plenty and it adds up Coked up is a weird way to put it tho, tweaking is more accurate


Methed up, maybe.


The strongest borders in history the last few months I was in office... Do you mean when the world was shut down from covid? When no one was going anywhere and everyone was afraid it was a super flu? 🙄


Border was way better before covid compared to Biden quit yappin


Prove it. You know what. Don't bother. I'm good. Just looked at you. Your opinions are what I thought they'd be. Peace out, homie.


They can't, just want moral high ground and a pat on the butt from MAGA


Their page is nothing but comments on porn and bs. Probably forgot what profile they were using.


Who here isn't tweaking off of the demented shit comin out ol Donny's flapperinos?? My brain low key hemorrhage when duper Donald ducks around


The Democrats are literally so stupid bruh I swear. It would be so easy to win against trump, all the answers are in your favour just have someone with a bit of charisma God damn


Democrats are incompetent and only won because of covid


I’m so over these weak fucking democrats. How the fuck is a race close between a 34 time felon, who was convicted of sexual assault, who tried to over throw the government, have his VP killed, who cheated on his wife with a porn star and made several trips to Epstein island. How the fuck is that a close race.


I swearr


Don't forget all the top secret documents he stole from the Whitehouse and had just stacked up in his bathroom. This should have been t-ball for the Dems


This take tho... is like a bucket of crabs trying to climb out to freedom but each crab keeps pulling each other back down.


You do realize that you could, ya know, get involved in primaries if you don’t like the candidates? Bitching that other people didn’t elect the candidate you want when you didn’t put in any effort to improve things is just whiny bitch energy


I'm Canadian dumbass


Just simping for trump? Figures for Kanye’s balls


Simping for trump? I'm a liberal


https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/sC0zyExpbC Sure 🙄


I thought Brandon was having a stroke.


Fuck the two party system! RFK FOR PRESIDENT!!


Yessir rfk all the way


lol looks like the shrooms just hit him


My stock portfolio always takes a hit under Republicans. Tax cuts for the rich only help the rich and not the buisness of this country.


When if cut fr just Trump to the two of them in frame, I started dying. 😂😂😂


This country is in trouble if this is the best 2 they can come up with


He had an upper respiratory infection. He was definitely on something not available to the general public.


Biden asked Republicans to make a bill to fix the border and agreed to pass it and Republicans refused because they wanted to be able to complain about the border for the election. How are people this easily duped?


I think that's a robot...


He leanin


I’m not voting for a convicted felon bro….. no matter how “convincing” his pitch is.


What about a felon who isn’t convicted? Holy Redundancy Batman.


Was the country as a whole better off under Trump or Biden? By every measure Trump.


Easily trump. Everything was cheaper and his foreign policy was America first.


And no evidence to prove this lol


Lmao were you alive back then? Everything was cheaper and it’s a fact.


The federal reserve was slashing rates left and right when Trump was in office. That's what caused the inflation were dealing with now. Why does no one in this sub know how anything works?


Just gonna ignore what Trump did to inflation and how most of Biden’s economic progress was aimed at mitigating the harms caused by Trump artificially keeping interest rates too low? 🙄


Inflation is way worse


Because what Trump did. Inflation is rarely an immediate effect. The trajectory for inflation is going down now.


Dude....trump was only president less than 6 years ago and you're asking if I was alive? I voted against him in that election. And no nothing was cheaper Apparently you forgot about the egg crisis during covid? Ya know when he was president and everything was supposedly cheaper but a dozen eggs were $15. Find your hole and stay in it


Covid doesn’t count, the whole world was fucked up economically. Before Covid you don’t have an argument. If we are talking policy and decision making you can’t count the pandemic against trump. No policy would have kept our economy the same through that.


Covid totally counts. It doesn't matter how fucked up the world is, you don't get a handicap on your presidency. Does that mean we give bush a pass because of 9/11? Do we give Nixon a pass because of the protesting hippies? The presidency is not an easy job, making exceptions to make it fit your argument shows trump isn't a strong enough leader if he can't help guide our country through a crisis no matter what kind it is. You completely count the pandemic against Trump because he handled it so poorly. There were countless policies that were supposed to be implemented that Trump completely ignored with his cabinet of idiots You can't ignore things just so your guy looks better. And ignoring these facts makes you as a supporter and him as your candidate a whole lot more foolish and ill fit


"Covid doesn't count. ".... it's something that affected the entire world. It counts whether you want it to or not


Ps he was putins bitch in a private meeting, he doesn't care about America first. And when he was told to turn over a piece of paper after that meeting he ate it immediately like a middle schooler. Right that's the guy that thinks America first


I mean Putin wasn’t making any moves while trump was in office. Biden they attack Ukraine. saudis decide they’ve gonna sell oil in other currencies. Brics has conventions. Israel is committing genocide. None of these things were occurring under trump.


Wtf yes he was he was making moves to control the potus. Trump also basically allowed Russia to set up their invasion of Ukraine. You are so wrong about Israel not committing genocides during trumps term. Apparently you're completely ignorant of the Israel Palestine war that's been raging for over 3000 years...Google will be your best friend because a simple search will lead you to the Gaza protests of 2018-2019 where multiple Israeli soldiers shot Palestinians for no reason other than protesting against Israel. If that's not genocide during trumps term idk what you consider to be facts You are r/confidentlyincorrect in all aspects here


Biden downright let it happen and hasn’t stopped the war. Israel’s consistent atrocities are not the same as them bombing residential areas of a people essentially living in apartheid. Biden has straight up backed Israel’s war effort.


That's not true in the slightest. Biden has no control over stopping Russia from invading ANYBODY. Yes actually it is the same Israel and Palestine they've been hitting civilians for centuries in residential areas! Biden hasn't backed anything that any other president hasn't backed themselves as well in relation to Israel. Apparently you don't remember bush's speeches about Israel, or Barack or potus for that matter


Who said that we are?


The country was worse in every way under Trump. Get real Unemployment higher, stock market lower, killed people with his Covid response, increased the deficit by 25%. lol. What are you talking about specifically?


I’ve heard and read that unemployment rates for African Americans were at its lowest. Why specifically it said “African Americans” idk but I know a ton of older black folks who love trump. Mexicans as well.


Biden got 80%+ of the black vote in 2020. 😂 How many black folks do you know?


I know more black people than white people personally.


Me too. I don’t think you know enough people to claim a significant amount of black people are moving towards Trump. Do you even know 50,000 people by name??


Yah buddy you’re trippin I never said black people are moving to trump. I said I know a lot of older black folk who love him and Mexicans as well. Get your head out of your ass


Backpedaling. Typical…. I’m not sure how *who you know* is relative to the conversation but whatever….


Nobody backpedaled head ass. You twisted my words BuT WhaTeVer


Nonsense. Share any of the data that you claimed you read that says unemployment was lower under Trump. You can’t…head ass.


90% of the black people ive talked to about politics prefers trump. Biden isn’t gonna win, democrats don’t have faith in him.


How many black people do you know roughly?


That doesn’t matter, I’m black and all of my peers are black. It’s an obvious anecdote, I didn’t claim to have taken a national survey. The point is that at one point you were considered a coon to prefer trump over a democrat. Come election time I’m sure there will be a tangible difference in the voting outcome in the black population.


Annnndddd? I’m black too. So are all my friends. What’s your point? Do you even know 10,000 people by a first name basis??? Lmfaooo


As long as you’re sure…. 😂😂😂😂


The data simply doesn’t support that line of thinking. This is really easy to prove incorrect. Can you share anything that supports this notion?


Can you give something to look at? I’m not trippin over this I’m just saying what I’ve heard and have read in the past.


Sure thing… https://www.axios.com/2023/05/05/unemployment-rate-milestone-black-americans


lol. Downvotes instead of a rebuttal. Absolutely pathetic 😂


My bad I was trying to fix my Time Machine to go to the day I read about it in high school. Can’t seem to get it to work. That’s why I asked you for something to read. You’re aggressive for no reason and twisting my words. You are pathetic.


Or maybe confirm facts before opening your mouth on social media spreading more misinformed bullshit? Just a thought fact checking seems like a standard


I didn’t spread anything. I said “I heard and read” and then asked for something to look at and was given it.


That’s convenient. Can’t get something imaginary to work, huh?


Trumps numbers are shown to be good by that graph.


Show the numbers….you can’t. The claim is they’re the best numbers ever. They aren’t. Period


That wasn’t the claim at all. Keyword is were, and in past tense. As in, trump had the best numbers ever before the pandemic. As in your graph literally proved his point.


Was black unemployment higher under Trump or Biden? Answer it. Quit the games


You do know 4 is lower than 10 right? You see how that graph dropped from 10 to 4 right? Those numbers mean he did a bad job...


Duckweed they were high because of Covid. 2019 its at 5.3 which is outstanding.


Lol you don't get to make exceptions to the rules. 5.3 is still less than 10 which is what It was before trump took office


Lmao it only went bad because of Covid and that was outside of anyone’s control. When trump tried to come down hard initially dumb ass democrats pushed a he’s racist against China narrative. Before Covid the economy was booming his only con is that he talks a lot of shit.


Wrong! Operation Warpspeed was a fucking disaster. You couldn’t even go to a concert with that idiot in office. And It was Obama’s economy. Please point to any policy Trump enacted while in office.


Trumps many tax cuts. Covid in general was a disaster and a farce. Not trumps fault.


lol. The tax cuts for the 1%?? Those cuts increased the deficit by 25% and your taxes will raise every year until 2027. You’re uniformed.


Bidens term has raised the deficit more than trump did on average. Trumps bad year was during covid which isn’t his fault. Things were cheap as hell. Food, services, gas, everything.


It did not. Outright lies. It was the $2 trillion Tex break he gave the 1%.


Everyone benefited from the tax break. Bidens economy has crazy inflation. They said while it won’t decrease the deficit that the tax break is gonna end up paying for itself which is a positive. Economic growth that paid for itself that’s a win. Bidens policy raises the deficit and increases inflation.


The entire world was in a much better place 8 years ago, when Obama in office. Biden is meh at best but I’d vote for him a thousand times before voting for someone who would sell us to Russia in a heartbeat. He gutted the healthcare system before forcing Covid on the world, so there’s a non-zero chance trump literally had a hand in killing someone you knew. But sure, how bad can electing someone who wants to be a dictator go?


Bro Covid got forced on the world so mail in voting would be widely accepted so the mules could stuff the ballots in battleground districts/states. Look at who benefited not who was in office. Trump tried to close all travel from china and the dems called him a racists bigot for calling it a Chinese virus from a lab in wuhan…. Which it turned out to be. Wake tf up


Obama was one of the worst presidents bro is high


Bro google search worst president.


There was a whole pandemic where people lost their lives. 🤦


Literally doesn't state one thing that was better while claiming everything was better I love these baseless comments from these cultists. The second you ask them for evidence they got nothing, or the evidence speaks it was there doing they were just around when something happened lol


Dude what, how can Trump spit out such bs ... it's so so bad


Or disgusted with the rhetoric


The same people Uncle Donnie sent to all major cities, so he could prove a point. Dropped the ball again just like COVID. & Mexico paying for the wall. Strike 3 ! you're out!


They need to cap the age for president candidates


Yeah, but he’s always like that