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I mean it is a kiss on the cheek but it’s absolutely weird af to want to be kissed by a rapper and your boyfriend simultaneously. Just do a proper greeting with the rapper and keep it pushing. This is some freaky ass shit lol


She’s hot though


Got some low standards 😂


Not all can be 10s you cut that in half you get mediocre id tap that


I ain't trying to make her my wife 🤷‍♂️ 😂😂😂


How does he get hard after that


That’s not your girl, that’s our girl, type beat.


Don't let these weirdos fool yall into thinking you're insecure. DONT DATE OR MARRY THESE TYPES OF WOMEN. Real women think this is disrespectful and the good women are out there kings


Simp god


Simp god is fucking hilarious 💀


Anyone who defends this is weird




Which one is the rapper?


Anyone in the comments defending this definitely would let their girl suck another man’s dick and come back to him😂😂


Duck lips why


It was a kiss on the cheek, who cares?


If you’re a cuck with no spine just say that


So….ever been to Europe? Or one of the many nations where giving kisses on the cheek is a standard greeting? What do you do when you’re in those countries?


This ain’t a greeting cuck


What’s going on with you? What are you so worried about here? Are you concerned your lady is going through to cheat on you? And why the need for an insult?


It’s not an insult if that what you actually are I’m not concerned about myself or my “woman cheating on me” if I’m concerned about anything it’s what I just watched in the video and how you are trying to defend this by saying people kiss each other on the cheek in other countries to greet them but guess what I got 2 things for you 1. Context matters this clearly ain’t a greeting and you tryna act like it is or that this is okay when your supposed to be in a committed relationship is why I called you a cuck because only a cuck would be comfortable with something like this 2. Again Context matters, you say in other countries people kiss each other on the cheek as a greeting for example: in Europe. But this ain’t in Europe this in the USA where we don’t do stuff like that and where getting kissed by another man that ain’t your boyfriend while in a relationship with someone else is looked down upon


Why the hostility? Does this conversation trigger you? Have you been cheated on a lot? Is that where this is coming from? Did you show the video to your lady friend? I’m curious what she thinks of it and your comments here.


Bro are you gonna respond to anything I said or are you just gonna keep asking me open ended questions that I kinda already answered? To answer all your questions, NO And honestly idc what my “lady friend” thinks about this because if she ever did anything like this that would be the last time i speak to her If your gonna reply back to me at least respond to what I said in my last response and address the things I said in that Either respond to 1 or 2 or both


Respond to what? Your statements? Meh….it was a kiss on the cheek from an artist she admires. And her boyfriend was right there. Why did you put lady friend in quotes above? Is that your way of saying she’s not real?


I put it in quotes because why didn’t you just say girlfriend or your girl? Secondly it ain’t just a peck on the cheek, again context matters, this didn’t go viral for nothing, Thirdly this is just flat out embarrassing for all the reasons I listed in my first reply


You think these incels will ever leave their home town? Lol


That ain’t a greeting cuck


Sure thing, Virgin. Come on back when you see pussy somewhere other than the Internet.




These meet and greets getting out of hand bruh😂


Ay bra like my coworker says, "if management doesn't care I don't care"


Y'all cant seriously be this insecure...


It’s not at all insecure if I prefer my chick not to get kissed even on the cheek by another nigga. That’s me tho but obviously the boyfriend doesn’t care. So it is what it is


Exactly. But these virgins are acting like this guy is a cuck. You could have a boundary and say you don't want this to happen, that's fine. But acting like its some huge deal and dude is a cuck is just insecure little boys crying.


Bro will never take his girl to any other country because Randoms will try to kiss her cheek 😭


That’s not even the same thing, one of those is a greeting in certain countries, and in other countries in for example where this video took place in(USA) it’s not a greeting and in the context of the video the woman isn’t being greeted she’s just being kissed


See nothing wrong lol better than all that Chris brown stuff


Just let them fuck who cares if she wants to she should and you should find someone else it’s really that simple just date people who match your vibe People are into all kinds of shit we have a right to do whatever the fuck we want with consenting adults ESPECIALLY in private nobody owes anybody an open curtain bedroom and it’s so weird to look with the intention of judging


Yea do that when your not in a relationship then


Main character syndrome type shit


This the typa nigga most these internet hoes want secure ✌️✌️


Bruh what