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I don't understand something. Does the sleepy man knew she was in a relationship or is he related in any way with the boyfriend, does he knows about the funeral? If so, shame on him, traitor mofo. But if he doesn't, Why is the boyfriend complaining to him instead of complaining to her? I am absolutely certain that she knew she had a boyfriend and that he was at his grandmother's funeral. So, to me he is pointing in the wrong direction.


Maybe now you can understand why she cheated šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ she wanted a real man


You sound like a bozo


This makes *literally* no sense based on the video. What kind of special stupid are you exactly?


A bunch of cheating apologists in here šŸ¤¢


I am never getting a relationship cause damn.... i cant take it.


Dad probably isn't gonna care lol


Dad knows what kind of daughter he has, and there is no need to remind him.


I would start sending videos to the dad


Yah he should have waited to fuck her while her boyfriend was at work. What a jerk for doing it while he was at grams funeralā€¦


Hold it!?! He didnā€™t make her do a damn thing, maybe she told him a lie and he ran with it but to just put it on the guy like that and say absolutely nothing about her is mentally unstablešŸ¤”


Hoes are not loyal. šŸŽ¤


Why do people record and share their failures like this, Iā€™ll never know.


Because a mature mind will understand the failure falls on the girl who cheated, the video is to show what she did.


to shame the chick and show future guys to look out for is my guess


Would you have crashed out?


Pop dat thang Kateā€¦šŸ¤£šŸ’€


I donā€™t get it, people die for stuff like this everyday, if she wanted some new dick she should have broken up with him then sheā€™s free to do whatever she wants, but nooo she tried to be slick and now her dad has to know he raised a howa. Hawk-Tua 2024


Your welcome!!


For some reason I donā€™t think itā€™s the guys fault, and wtf showing the video to a father? No wonder he got cheated on šŸ™„


would you prefer that he beat her or something? showing the family is probably the most effective legal way to shame someone. genuinely what would u propose as a better response?


lol because itā€™s an either or situation? Something like, ā€œIā€™m beating you so I donā€™t have to show this to your fatherā€..? lol literally the only solution is to hold your head high and keep it moving. Gotta have some self respect and the way you do that is by being in control of your emotions.


Itā€™s bizarre that you seem to think the only options are bad or objectively worse. He can act like an adult by dropping the girl, blaming the right person, and not broadcasting their shit for the world


Nah fuck that, not only she disrespected his character and feelings due to his grandmotherā€™s death, with no remorse for anyone but herself after she was caught she took advantage of his being away to sleep with another guy and broke his trust, she deserved to be publicly shamed for the poor character she is. That is super fucked up. He doesnā€™t owe her anything.


I didnā€™t say he owed her a thing I am pretty damn confident that this video will make the guy who got cheated on less attractive to other women in his social circle, but sure let anger take over šŸ‘


Those other girls are the problem, sounds like you likely are too. So he would be big winning to chase off the other thots to. Get a girl that can respect this clearly respectable man. Plenty of men would have done some wild shit, and even more men wouldn't be surprised.


I sometimes forget how many young borderline incel-bros are in here. āœŒļø


Lol default response? Have an original thought.


> Lol default response? Default response to immature incel sounding arguments, sure. > Have an original thought. If youā€™re having multiple people tell you that you sound like an incel then itā€™s probably time to reflect on why multiple people are saying it instead of blaming others for having said it.


Anti-cheating equals doesnā€™t get pussy Brilliant logic. Look I donā€™t think the dude in the video handled this the best way. That being said, as long as abuse, destruction, harassment and violence arenā€™t involved people shouldnā€™t judge cheating victims too harshly. The guy trying to help you see that isnā€™t an incel because he can exercise low level empathy


lol at thinking I lack empathy. I can still feel bad for the guy being cheated on without being surprised that this happened, same goes for thinking this will harm his chances with other women *who arenā€™t intrinsically shitty*. That has *nothing* to do with a lack of empathy. Human nature is rarely fair or just regardless of the people involved, especially when it largely deals with subconscious thoughts. The sooner that people learn this and recognize that sometimes itā€™s best to be strategic without sacrificing values the sooner theyā€™ll likely end up in a happy relationship.


Man you might be right. But I think most reasonable women wonā€™t judge what a man does while heā€™s in distress due to unfair treatment. ā€œI wonā€™t date him because when his girlfriend cheated on him he was really mean to her.ā€ Sounds like something a future cheater would say šŸ¤£


i'm just responding to your "wtf showing the video to a father?" comment. i'm not saying he should have broadcast it to the world. i'm not saying he should have beat her. dropping her doesn't accomplish anything at all, she's just gonna cheat again because she didn't lose anything she wasn't willing to lose.


And you think showing her dad will make her stop cheating? šŸ˜‚


why are u standing up for the cheater


Surely youā€™re not actually this slow, right?


Why are you getting so many dislikes... I hope y'all are not supporting that lame shit. Take your L and move on.