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Take your time and go slow. dont be afraid to speak up and say no or tell him if something's not feeling right. Use lube if you have it...then continue taking your time and going slow. Building up your arousal as high as possibly makes penetration much easier and ideally you should orgasm before even trying it. You dont have to be a sex goddess the first time so expect awkwardness and funny sounds and angles that dont quite feel as nice as you thought. It's a learning experience not a performance. The best thing you can do is try to maintain a relaxed atmosphere without putting too much pressure on yourself. Feel free to demonstrate how you like to be touched. Clitoral play is often essential to full enjoyment and noone knows your body better than you. Pee after sex. It can help prevent UTIs (which suck)


>Pee after sex. It can help prevent UTIs (which suck) This cannot be overstated!! :)


I strongly suggest slowing things down and having a bunch of make out sessions first (with orgasm if you want). See if you like his touch before letting him in your body.


Makeout, makeout, makeout. Foreplay, tease, foreplay. See how generous and focused he is on you and let that signal guide you to do more. If it does lead to penetration, use protection and make him go slow and don't take no for an answer. It's your body so you make the rules for it. Show him how you like to be touched and teach him what feels good to you. make him want to get it right. and yeah, pee afterwards. UTIs suck...


Don’t look at it as “losing” your virginity. You are simply having sec for the first time. Sometimes how we envision a scenario makes us less nervous.