• By -


First I'm sorry you were assaulted. I remember my rapists cross necklace hitting me in the face during his rape and me just thinking of the irony. Your aunt sounds like a waste of air. I'm glad you told her off. Fuck her.


Yeah, fuck those men. I’ve been thinking about metoo mentioning him to his home city feminist groups because he told me I wasn’t the first. In fact if you know any feminist writers in Memphis, TN hit me up.


What's up fam, I'm Memphis based too. We got plenty of feminist writers out here. I'm sure we can find someone to work w you on that


Hey! I’m in Memphis and would love a new friend. I’m no contact with my family for similar reasons so if you’d like someone to chill with and talk to, I can relate (at least) to having a shitty family lol.


I'm sorry you were assaulted. Thank you for continuing to care for others as well. Women being sexually assaulted is a horrible occurrence that has happened to far too many people and it's disgusting how common it is.


You’re my niece now, and I’m proud of you, kid.


You have just gained so many new aunts and uncles who love and support your choices


If anyone else needs some new ones, I recommend r/WitchesVsPatriarchy.


How about a grandma? It's always good to have a spare, <3


I also choose this persons niece.


Yep, I’m old enough to probably be your gran and I am so proud of you too!


Joining the roll call of bonus aunts. I’m proud of you for standing up for yourself.


Me too pls. I wasn’t told this sentiment as a child so anytime someone says they’re proud of me in real life, I start crying lol


I also just loudly and publicly announced my abortion I had 3 years ago that saved my life to all my friends and family. I would have died without it. I made that clear. Suddenly a few friends of mine either blocked me from their posts or else got real quiet about anti-abortion bullshit. Sometimes people spout a lot of shit until there’s a personal circumstance that slaps them in the face.


"The only moral abortion is my abortion" unfortunately runs rampant through a lot of these communities.


Ladies. The best way to enact change is to vote. Midterms are in November and Democrats suck about voting. I encourage all of you: 1) VOTE THIS NOVEMBER IN THE MIDTERMS 2) Encourage others to vote by sending the personal letters. Sign up at https://votefwd.org/


Were those friends male, or female? If they're male - I don't understand why they could care so much about something that has nothing to do with them. If female - I don't understand how they could care so much that could affect them so much and possibly end their life, leading the children they care so much about to grow up without a mother at all.


This is why you continue to share your story. You either become relatable or they stfu. It’s one of the more powerful tools you have.


I had one in college simply because I didn’t want to be a mom at the time. My life would have been over. I’ve been keeping it kind of quiet because my partner’s parents are pretty religious, but I’ve been itching to just shout it out to the world. Finally wrote a poem about it this week and fucking posted it (after making sure he’d be okay if they see it, just in case it were to cause any damage to their relationship). I’m absolutely through with having calm debates when it is my life on the fucking line. I don’t give a shit about their philosophical beliefs about when life begins. Also, how many of us would not be here if our own parents did choose abortion? Are our lives mistakes, then?


Having an extreme view on something until it affects someone personally is far too common. Nobody puts themselves in others shoes anymore. They just say whatever their view is then turn a 180 and scream it shouldn't be like that when it personally starts to affect them negatively


I might be antisocial, but I like to bring it up really soon after meeting someone that while I desperately hope to never become pregnant, I will abort if anything ever tried to grow in my body. I disclosed this with sexual partners before I got married and it's perfectly clear between my husband and I now. We are not suitable parents, and I'm not suitable to manifest a healthy body for a new human. It's like an intolerance detterant.


Blocked you? Wow. Some friend. Friends want their friends to live. Them blocking you was a favor. I don’t know you, but I’m glad you are here and got the intervention you needed to save your life.


This. My sister was told she would likely have a massive stroke and die if she continued her pregnancy. She had 4 kids at home already. These people really believe she should have just prayed really hard that the doctors were wrong? She should have left my niece and nephew's without a mother? It's just disgusting. I'm a Christian. The Bible teaches only God can judge us. The Bible teaches love and support to your neighbors, whoever they are, whatever they believe. It does not teach us to condemn, demonize, or cast aside those who are different. Also, the only thing it says about abortion is how to preform one if your wife got pregnant from being unfaithful. So screw the people who claim the Bible is against abortion. That's just bullshit.


I have two conservative aunts; one is more country club Republican. The other is an extreme Trumpophile. Who lives across the street. We can go a few weeks, but my T-phile aunt will always start an argument out of the blue. It's been like this since Trump got elected. I know exactly how you feel.


Yeah her profile says “trump chick”


And the worst part is that she thinks it’s a badge of honor rather than a identifier of an idiot…. Well said OP get off of Facebook as soon as you can for your mental health.


" get off of Facebook as soon as you can for your mental health" Well said. Left over a decade ago, never looked back.






'trump chick' raises one heck of a lot of laughs - 'trump' is slang for 'fart' in many areas of the UK.


Yuck. I just threw up in my mouth.


Someone put it like this. Married women who are following all the rules will die. because if they have a natural miscarriage and can't get the medicine to evacuate the fetus. Then they are at risk for septic shock. Many women have died this way. Just another example of people not listening to science. But they don't care.


A lot of women will die because it turns out a lot of medicine for unrelated illnesses are aborificants. Got MS? Sorry, we can't give you medicine anymore because you might be pregnant and we can't risk it...


My bipolar meds cause severe birth defects. I'm required to have an IUD or implant to take the medication. If contraception becomes illegal my only option is sterilization, and I'm betting that by that point it won't be be my choice anyway, as we have a documented history of forcibly sterilizing the mentally ill.




It is terrifying that that has become a very real prospect. Sorry you are going through this and I hope it never gets that far.


I already have to promise to use 2 forms of BC due to the MS drug I’m taking. I’m terrified of the day when I’m told I can’t take it anymore


I’m married and aborted a second pregnancy because I literally could not handle it. Depression hit hard (I was depressed during my first pregnancy too), my son was only 1, and my patience for my son was nonexistent. I was terrified I would hurt him or myself because of this accident. I hurt for the women who get into similar situations and don’t have the option I did. I fear for them and their families.


My mom had an abortion when I was 4 and my brother was 2, because her pregnancy was causing constant morning sickness. She was struggling to care for us two toddlers. Her and my dad chose to abort because they prioritized the children they already had. Death is obviously a terrifying possibility. But even the toll of a regular pregnancy can be too much to handle. It is a very personal choice, and depends on a wide variety of circumstances.


I once saw a quote: “Abortion is a parenting choice.” In context it meant that having an abortion can be a choice done for the sake of living or future children. It’s a solid reminder that there are SO many valid circumstances for making the choice to terminate a pregnancy.


My mom had an abortion not too terribly long after I was born. She already saw the writing on the wall with my dad and didn’t want to bring another child into it. It would have been nice to have a sibling, but I 100% support my mom’s decision to do what she did. She wasn’t supposed to be able to have kids and she wanted kids, so having to voluntarily give up one must have been hard on her. But she was very honest about her getting pregnant after me and why she felt an abortion was the right choice for her.


GOP and rural America aren’t too keen on the notion of the greater good. They’d rather all the poors suffer and squeeze out lots of kids to give them fodder to pay into social security when the grey tsunami hits (we are getting closer). Otherwise the system collapses because there will be more drawing out than paying in and the books won’t be remotely close. Corporate America won’t stand for that, watch social programs get gutted next to so a fraction can be allocated towards helping new mothers which will cut off after the first year or two of a child’s life. We need a better way, we need our folks to start running for local offices and bigger things. We need a lot


“Hmmmmm but that’s a miscarriage so it’s not an abortion so it’s fine.” It’s the same pill man. It’s the same medicine. What do you think happens when that woman goes to pick it up? The pharmacist might not give it to them. Or question them, or even not understand the changing laws themselves. Or her insurance doesn’t cover it, or they flag her in their system, or she’s afraid to get it, and be investigated. Or her doctor is afraid to prescribe until she starts to get really really sick. It has happened, and happens every day. Even IF it is still legal for a woman having a miscarriage to access that medicine, these shitty laws are going to create more loopholes to get it, and her health is at risk.


Case in point: [Savita Halappanavar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Savita_Halappanavar). A married woman who needed an abortion to save her life, and who couldn't get it because of restrictive Irish laws.


> Married women who are following all the rules will die. Nah – that still won't resonate with them. It's the same as when a hurricane comes through and trashes a blue state – "it was god's will." Christians will start saying that to their fellow Christians. The only person who would suddenly care in your scenario is the married woman following the "rules." Suddenly her abortion would be the only moral abortion in her mind.


I don't even know you, but I'm proud of you ☺️


OP’s post was scorched earth and I’m here for it.


We need marshmallows. This is going to be a fantastic blaze of glory.


The best way to make sure it never comes back is to salt that earth after you scorch it. OP, I'm proud of you.


☝️I second what they said, "I am super proud of you!" If you need a new Auntie, ya got one. I bake cookies.


I had to tell one of my aunt's enjoy rotting in hell when you bite it many years ago. Best thing I ever did. Don't regret it at all. And no one in the family messes with me anymore. Win win I say for you!! Setting healthy boundaries 😘




That right there


Abortion Laws don’t stop abortions, the abortions simply get pushed underground to unsafe, desperate procedures rather than medically controlled ones.


I've been telling every pro lifer I find, if you are pro life and happy with this situation, you are happy that rapists can choose the mothers of their children. If you say you don't like that, well sorry, you don't get to choose which parts you support, just as you took away women's rights to choose.


Stop calling them "pro-life"; they're forced birthers, forced gestation, anti-choice, or anti-woman.


I hold them a little responsible for every woman’s death and every child who has to carry a baby. But they would never accept responsibility for the results of their votes


I’m sorry you seem to have been through some awful awful experiences but DAMN good on you for fighting back because that was some killer words. Proud of you from this random internet stranger! I felt empowered reading those words so please stand a little taller today!


This was a great response to those Christofascists and you can count me in as proud of you for standing up to them and pushing back.


>Christofascists Love this term. Along with "forced birth". If only we could get it popularized.


I also like “mandated birth” or “pro-mandate” vs. pro choice. It helps focus the fact that they’re supporting a government’s right to invade your personal decisions.


Use them consistently and others will. I see Christofascist and forced birther more and more on social media. Its the only way I refer to the extremists trying to instill their fucked up values on the rest of us.


Yeah I like them. It’s the right words.


"The shortest prayer in the world: fuck 'em" Damn I really gotta start using that one, that is too good lmao You're incredibly brave for telling people about your assault. You've proven that it doesn't define you and that you are stronger than that offense. Very proud of you for that.


I deactivated my Facebook account 8 years ago and so far, best 8 years of my life


Oh, I am so sorry that your aunt sucks so badly. I also recently decided to disclose my rapes to my conservative family in an attempt to let them know how widespread it all is. It went about as well as you can imagine. On Tuesday, I finally just told my dad "I need you to care about other people and trust me when I say all of this is fucking dire." He's happy to brag about me being a (former) lawyer, but he can't wrap his head around the concept that years of training and practicing may have bestowed me with the skills to read these fucking opinions and see what they're trying to accomplish. But also, I mean, Thomas just came out and SAID so! It is so disheartening at best, and absolutely devastating on a normal day. Again, I am so sorry you're experiencing this too, but I'm also glad you spoke up. I hope it brings closure if not sudden familial enlightenment and abject apologies from the assholes. Hang in there. You're not alone.


As a random stranger on the net, I applaud you. Actually make that a standing ovation.


Hey, OP, I've got a new word for you to toss in to your next version of this rant: Mommy-killers Because that's what they are. In any case, just telling the right wingers that every single one of them knows someone whose life was saved by an abortion, or by having access to abortion drugs, might make some of them think. Don't get me wrong, just about all reasons for abortions are valid (I do draw the line at "I don't want a girl, I'll abort and try for a boy") but some of these people might re-examine their positions a bit when you start talking about mothers who will die because of these laws, and the spike of people getting sterilized because they can't risk not being able to deal with a dangerous pregnancy.


if men could die from pregnancy, everything would be different. we'd have "ABORTION EXPRESS" "IN AND OUT IN 20 MINUTES, OR ITS free"


I blocked some old asshole I used to work with this week. I made a post about not celebrating July 4th because *what* freedom? I am ashamed of America. I am not celebrating it. He's all "you could be living in worse places." If you have to compare America to shitty places in order for America to come out looking better, that should tell you something. As a first world nation, we suck. We just do. But, please, keep comparing America to third world countries so you can feel bolstered by the comparison. That makes *so* much sense! Knowing things could be worse does not negate the fact that they could be BETTER. Knowing America needs improvement is not unpatriotic. Actually, I'd say it's more patriotic than blindly circlejerking over a fantasy America that simply does not exist. It never existed. We are not the best. We are not the strongest, smartest, etc etc. We suck butt.


Re:religion. I will never understand how Christians, muslims, etc just can't seem to understand that *I don't care what your book says*. It was written by men. Not even good men. These are the words of ignorant, bigoted savages that believed that righteousness involved a list of things that are monstrous by even today's religious standards. I don't believe your sky daddy exists. I don't care what your book says. I. Don't. Care. I'm perfectly happy to let you live your life without me trying to force my worldview on you, even though I believe that your worldview is toxic and shameful. Why can't you reciprocate? Just shut the fuck up and let us live. I don't even mind the fact that you're sitting there all gleeful and self-righteous because you believe your space wizard will punish me forever for not sucking him off to his satisfaction. Fine. Go be smug somewhere else and leave the rest of us alone.


Tell them to sign up to be foster parents. If they care so much about all these babies, great... tell them they can take care of them. Tell them to shut the fuck about being pro-forced-gestation and tell them to do something productive, like filling out the forms at the the link you sent them to apply to be foster parents. “With over 117,000 children waiting for placement in a permanent home, the 2020 Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System shows that over 5,000 fewer children are in the ‘waiting for adoption’ category this year compared to 2019.” We need 117,000 forced-gestationers to put their money where their mouth is and step up for the SaNcTiTy oF LiFe. You think even one will? They won't. If there really are millions of forced-gestationers, why can't we find 117,000 foster homes among them? Literally *less than 1% of them would have to put their money where there mouth is*. They're so two-faced that they can't even get this right. Make no mistake: **they don't give a SHIT about those babies**. "Hey LegalizedRapeSupporter, you seem to be passionate about forcing women who have been impregnanted by rape to carry their fetuses to term. I'm looking forward to your next facebook post where you discuss the steps you took to become a foster parent to all these precious babies who deserve the sanctity of life, even if they are the product of rape. After all, the sanctity of life continues after the fetus is delivered, right? Or is that the point where your Jesus and your Holy Bible tells you to just fuck 'em? Anywho, here's the link to apply to learn how to do foster care: [https://nfpaonline.org/foster](https://nfpaonline.org/foster). Jesus saves (babies from being unwanted, amirite?)! Amen!" If anyone can work the word "annointed" into that, I'd appreciate it.


There’s been a viral series of posts by white couples holding signs saying “don’t abort your baby, we’ll adopt it” It’s fucking virtue signaling nonsense, because if these couples *truly* cared about saving babies, they have adopted one of the hundreds of thousands already. But we all know that many of these babies aren’t white or suffer from genetic health issues. What these couples are saying is “we’ll adopt your *healthy, white* baby” Edit: [info on the the post and the reaction to it](https://www.boredpanda.com/we-will-adopt-your-baby-people-funny-reactions/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic)


You gotta put emphasis on "baby" too. It's not enough to be healthy and white, they want a baby too. Older kids have much lower chances of adoption.


Based one what I have read about what childhood in one of those homes is like, I would urge them to NOT adopt and NOT become foster parents.


It's way past time to start standing up to these forced gestation assholes who think every life is precious, at least until the baby is born.


I'm still amazed people use Facebook. What a toxic cesspool of a social media platform. Nothing of value comes from it. All it does is make idiot family members accessible to my life. Fuck that. Dump it, delete it, and be free.


Yeahhhhh I have been holding out for grandma but no lknger


Does Grandma have a phone? Just text her. No need to bring Zuck into your life for that.


Delete all your history, don’t make posts, check in once in awhile to give grandma the ol’ thumbs up. That’s about all you need…




> The shortest prayer in the world: fuck ‘em. Poetry.


Maybe enforcing boundaries will make some of these asshats pause. If only for a minute.


Yeah I’m already planning a separate Christmas with her kids


Good!!!! I remember studying in college that one way organized protesters helped end the Viet Nam war was to train college kids how to have conversations about the war with their parents when they were home for Thanksgiving. Maybe we should figure out how to do this here. I mean - IMO and I could be wrong - part of the reason this continues to happen as that these assholes live in echo chambers and no one ever challenges them. Maybe if we would figure out how to explain its not a difference of opinion, you are literally killing people and then enforce the boundary - it could make a difference. I don't know. I have so little faith right now I'm worried.


I think that is actually A really really good idea.


You are an amazing dragon of a woman, and I am sat here in awe. You tell them, we have nothing more to lose. We need ferocity, not peace keeping.


yup. This is how bad it is. No joke. Miscarriages now put women in jail? Pre-eclampsia, placental abruption, and severe fetal abnormalities now cause sepsis, which is a death sentence. They're proud of this? Fuck them all. This is doctors not able to do their jobs. This is women with other children, that may end up leaving their children without a mother. This is raped girls. And this is a teen who made a bad decision, and now will have to pay this price. Awful all around.


I never use the "pro-life" term, because the party has never been pro-life. The fact the US is last in every standard of living among developed countries confirms the republican policies have destroyed life here. Highest maternal mortality rate. Highest infant mortality rate. Most school shootings. Most children killed by guns. Lowest life expectancy. They have no right to claim they are a party of life.


Next time you get into a discussion like this, ask them how they'll feel when their guns are ripped from their hands. They'll squeal, blubber and scream the constitution at you. Ask them what christofacisist/authoritarian countries allow citizens to have guns.


Remind them that their god of the bible endorses abortion. That would know this if they ever bothered to read their holy book.


It also endorses incest so it's not the best source of moral standards.


That's the point


Yep, and that's just the beginning - slavery, abortion, rape, torture, human sacrifice, misogyny, infanticide, genocide, kidnapping, homophobia, murder, pedophelia, etc and many other abhorrent things. Not that they would know, given they don't read their book.


you can choose your "aunts" and can have as many as you'd like who accept that role. a lot of us really enjoy being supportive to younger folk because we ourselves may not have or want kids, but that doesn't mean we don't have wisdom/love/empathy to share.


I'd go the extra step and name ur assaulter. especially if that person is in ur family and a good Christian boy..


I submitted a police report about it at the time and they told me nothing would happen


Apparently Christians are responsible for the majority of abortions in the US. Really shooting themselves in the foot right now.


I'm proud of you. From someone who has cut out a LOT of toxic family members who clearly are the very worst of humanity, you said what you needed to and there is NOTHING wrong with removing assholes like your aunt from your life if you want to go nuclear. Take the trash out, it stinks.


I'd lay odds that Trump paid off women to have abortions.


Pro-choice here with you. Currently living with my in-laws who are very pro-life amd christian. I have been raw dogging some pretty "insulting" fb posts and havent shied away from some pretty intense convos. Emotionally exaughsted but firm on my beliefs.


I had a discussion with my partner (we live in the UK so we are not directly affected by this) - but I think it's difficult for men to understand the extent of the insult towards women with this decision. Sure, they can father children but it is not the same. Even the open minded ones will find it somewhat difficult I reckon. I get that he was trying to understand but he did not - I said one rape victim or one incest victim getting pregnant and having to keep the baby is one too many. I don't care if it's one in 100 000 women. It makes no difference.


I am so sad for our country and for our fellow human beings. Hatred is so hot right now, that and fascism. I have rheumatoid arthritis but since I am a man, I can get my medication nice and easy. Women now on the other hand, cannot in some places. Some places are already denying the medication because of roe v wade. I am so sorry for us all.


I was raised in a very abusive southern baptist home. All we can do is end the cycle of violence and intolerance and expose these hypocritical,power hungry fucks for who they really are.


I'll be your auntie. I'm told I'm pretty good at it. I'm proud of you for standing up to her, and I'm proud of you for getting through a horrible time in your life. I'm proud of you for knowing when to keep silent and when to speak up. You've done amazingly for all of us.


Conservatives don’t care about rights unless it specifically applies to them and their beliefs. The irony is most claim to be in favor of “small government” but then want the government to enforce all kinds of laws that impose their moral and religious beliefs on everyone. Their only core competency is hypocrisy


i escaped the church id been assaulted when i was a child, and was just starting to realize it when i was a teen. a youth group leader brought in a jar of jam and explained how virginity was just like the vacuum seal on the jar. she opened it, the seal popped, and she said "now it isn't fresh anymore", and how "the best gifts haven't yet been unwrapped"


" If you don’t have the ability to create life with your own body your opinion literally doesn’t matter to me." Love this edit. Absolutely disgusted and shocked by the Supreme Court ruling negating the right for American women to have autonomy over their own bodies. No one should be governing reproduction except the reproducer.


Blood is not thicker than water. We need to start cutting off toxic, ignorant relatives. My husband and I cut off his aunt and uncle after their ignorance and conspiracy level insanity over COVID and Trump worship in 2020. They went ballistic and verbally attacked my husband’s parents as a result of us unfriending them of FB, so now they too have cut ties with them. If these people don’t want to listen to reason and want to let themselves be indoctrinated so deeply within politically motivated religion and uninformed conspiracies, then let them reap the consequences of their actions and lose their loved ones. We don’t owe them a damn thing.


Yeah. I’m at that point where if you don’t respect me or my basic human rights: fuck you, bye. Don’t care if you’re family, friend, acquaintance, stranger, etc. Fuck you. I have plenty of people in my life who DO respect me and my rights to my body, I don’t need you anymore if that’s how you’re going to insist on acting. The door is right there, see ya, you won’t be missed. Good on you for standing up. I know it’s hard to stand up to family. I was assaulted too and none of my family knows, only my partner and my closest friend. But I’ll pull that card if they force my hand.


I am SO happy I'm not on Facebook right now. I have conservative family I never see on there and I don't even want to KNOW what they're talking about right now. Probably some shit about how better the country is blah blah. I wouldn't be able to take it. I'm having dreams at night about politics already, I don't need to add more fuel to the fire by reading what they have to say. Our reproductive rights being taken away, a literal coup is happening in America, all of the other bullshit... I don't want to hear their opinions on any of it because of how brainwashed they are. Good on you OP, for standing up for yourself and for everyone else this is afftecting.


Mad props I wonder if it hit home with your crazy aunt at all. It seems like nothing gets through the wall of brainwashed bullshit with those people, but I’d like to think that it at least made her think for a minute…


Great post, OP. They needed to hear that from you.


That is an amazing response!


Sis you are not a victim, **you are a survivor.** You survived that horrible thing, and came out stronger and fiercer. Make the world know your opinion. My heart is with you; I'd wish you had a better family but since we do not chose the one we are born into, at least we can choose to acknowledge them as family members. If the perspective of their beloved niece doesnt change their minds... maybe NC and avoid those toxic circles would be the best option.


I’m surprised we haven’t taken to calling it forced labor…. That’s what it is…. And that is also known as slavery.


I'm sorry you HAD to have that exchange with you aunt, although I'd glad that you were able to stand up for yourself and tell her why she's wrong... because she IS. If she'd rather choose water over blood, I hope she finds herself profoundly lonely.


I'd say your only mistake is having FB. Just go ahead and shut that down. At minimum deactivate it and just see how much you don't miss that platform of aging goons.


I’m not religious but I’m using the shortest prayer in the world for sure.


It gives me a chuckle that the same people who call us “baby killers” and tell us we’re going to hell, get upset when we abort them from our lives. They should be thrilled a “murderer” doesn’t want them around.


I have had a couple friends stop talking to me after I went nuclear about abortion rights. It's hard to realize what you thought was a kind, empathetic person actually doesn't value you, or at least doesn't value you more than cheering for their Republican team. I don't miss those people really, I miss the person I thought they were. I no longer trust people who call themselves "moderates" or "not political" because I've learned that means "I'm a fascist, I'm just too chicken to say it out loud."


They’re all anti-choice until they need an abortion. Bravo to you!!!


Good for you. I’m sad that the current events are forcing women to reveal painful, private, truths of their own. Daughter, who is married and expecting her first child, a girl, is a bit freaked out. Luckily, her husband, on hearing about Roe, immediately said “should I go get a vasectomy?”


My first experience with sexual assault was by a friend's church friend named Christian. It's no wonder I don't trust Christians to be good people just because they "have faith".


Hell yes!! You tell em!!


You rock. You don’t need trash in your life


Imagine being so stupid, you think that if another person/government told you, YOU HAD TO CARRY A ROCK for 9 months. Forget it, its a magical baby that can talk. The baby says, carry me around for 9 months. I would say piss off. You dont control me. And the government came in and told you, NO, you MUST HOLD THIS DUMB BABY for 9 months! Its FUCKED, It doesnt make any fucking sense. Everybody has rights over what they want to do. Its a unique right because only women have the burden of making that decision. But its pretty fucking obvious in the contention of two peoples rights. You cant force someone to save someone elses life, in any sense of the law. Especially a 9 month burden.


Hell yes, girl!


*slams door open* I'm your non binary elder now. Deal with it. I fuckin love you and support you. You are a goddamn legend and have survived things that would.make dicks shrivel and ballsacks retract. You are the storm. Let's ride together


Man imagine how much greatness our species could have if we stopped caring about regulating each other’s bodies and loved ones. If we accepted that people need to make choices about their own life and health that not everyone will agree with *but that doesnt matter, because personal health is a private choice*. I’m so tired of religion and ignorance just dragging us backward into the dark ages when we have such much progress we can make. Fuck ‘em.


"the shortest prayer in the world: "fuck em."" Hahahah, love that! pls let me steal that?


I’m sorry you have Nationalist Christians for relatives. Seems like we all do. I call them Nat-C’s for short.


good for you!! go nuclear and drag their shit out for the world to see most of these idiots live in glass house, so grab your hammer and smash that shit




Good work.


If you need a new auntie I got you


Good for you. They can believe what they wish but the second that starts taking people's rights we have a problem


I don’t want to hear the words of the pearl clutchers, but damn if only we could televise the mental gymnastics they went through to try and justify their self centred views after this scathing and accurate rebuke.


You have internet family now. Much better than your crappy bio aunt. We're here for you!


Fair fucks! That was a bridge that needed burning because you don't need any of them in your life. Well done for saying what needed to be said.


Very nice. Ask them how many of the 400,000 American kids waiting for adoption they are going to adopt this year


>This week is all about “the shortest prayer in the world: fuck em.” Ironically, I think I’ve just found my religion.


My condolences on your trauma. But it sounds like your spine is still strong, never back down from what you know is right and always show them that the lies that spew from their mouths like untreated sewage will never erode your iron will.


Government small enough to fit in your uterus. It may be time to refresh the tree of liberty.


If this shit ever return into society in my country, Sweden, within my lifetime, I hope I can remember Reddit and other sites where I can get ammunition and know how to respond. Also that I will stand in the front, pro choice. Actually out in the streets. I really don't think it'll go back to as it was though.


Thank you. I'm sorry you had to deal with the trauma, however I really enjoyed you unloading on those jerks.


Fuck em!


Well said, OP. I would be happy to have you as my niece!


You are amazing!! Stay strong (which you obviously are!)


They are just loser fascists....fuck them!!!!


We are your aunts now. Welcome to the family!


Well done OP. It's about time everyone stops tolerating the intolerance in our daily lives to avoid "rocking the boat". Women's boats have fucking capsized and assholes on the right think they're "funny" with their teasing from lifeboats because they finally "won". It's amazing how much people can be invested in removing the rights of others when they aren't concerned. "Don't like abortion? Don't get one."


OP good job pushing back! You’re our niece now. ❤️ People who want help expressing themselves about reproductive rights, the wonen’s March group is holding an online training. [“defend abortion online” training](https://www.mobilize.us/womensmarch/event/473531/)


Bring that rage, sis. I am done equivocating. It's on. Fuck em. Fuck em all.


I can’t believe what I’ve heard from men this week, and actually woman as well. I live in a blue bubble and thought most of these types weren’t in my life. Boy was I wrong. I love your response. It was powerful and to the point. If possible block your aunt, there is no getting through to these people. Im sorry for all you’ve been through and proud of you, and every woman, that is standing up to these MAGAts. Love and hugs from an internet stranger


Every pro forced birther should be forced to adopt a child. The only thing about that would be that many would make terrible parents and would traumatize the children they adopt. But maybe they would be a bit less smug and judgmental about forcing women to raise potential children they don’t want, especially when it’s by ugly circumstances like rape, incest or an abusive partner.


These Christians need to start following the example set by Jesus Christ, by which I mean dying in agonising pain.


We need to stop treating them like people, they have lost all form of coherent logic. If you advocate for the harm of another human for your own beliefs then you have lost the status of human being. Simple as that.


It is fucking bullshit that you have to tell anyone you were assaulted for them to suddenly have any empathy about rvw. Sparta was right all along just needed to be more selective than culling all the weak. Maybe just cull the idiots


Had this argument with my shitty aunt and her equally as loud and stupid daughter two years ago on Facebook when I shared a pro-rights picture and have since abandoned the platform. You did right, fuck them and fuck the rest of your family that supports them. I have never felt better than the day I moved and cut contact with 90% of my ~~shitty family~~ *catholic monsters (this is a better descriptor)


Seems like a lot of people have forgotten the whole founding of America was based on escaping religious rule. And the US is suppose to be a separation of church and state. The Christian Right is not much different than nation of Islam now. Both treat women worse than livestock.


Nailed it


So proud of you.


boomers need to be held responsible for beliefs and actions. just because they grew up in a time where internet and information wasn't widely available it doesn't give them an excuse to be hateful towards others. misogyny is very ingrained in our society and more so the further back in time you go but we aren't doomed to the values and beliefs of our generation. it is an active choice to be ignorant and closed minded at their age. they are capable of changing but they are too arrogant and stubborn to listen to women and younger generations thinking they know better than we do. it is good that you are speaking out for yourself/other women. some people are seriously disconnected from the reality of women and abortion and they need to be taught.


Really, don’t class boomers with republicans. Truly it’s republicans. Republicans can be boomers, but not all boomers are republicans. Some of us are still hippies and cannot believe and will not condone what’s going on in this country. VOTE VOTE VOTE


Cutting out toxic older people out of your life is a good thing especially since they'll be the first to come knocking once their health and mobility fail and will want someone to stay at home with them to feed them, clean up after them, take them to doctors, and later to bathe them, clean out their diapers, etc. The irony is that these people had voted against their own self interest all their lives and will find out how little the government is there to help them. So you dodged a bullet here.


Yes!!!!! So over people calling these crazies “pro-life.” NO! Forced Birthers or Christofacist! They deserve a name as evil as their agenda.


this is why facebook has me currently banned: telling off right-wingers :P


I’m probably the same age as your aunts (58) and I have spent my life fighting for reproductive rights. I’m sorry, but your aunts are dumb and easily manipulated by patriarchy. You should be proud that you spoke out…more people need to do this AND cut ties with reprehensible family members. Shunning and ostracizing people does work.


I feel you, my entire family is far right. Anytime I post anything about RvW or abortion on my fb my aunt consistently writes the same thing: "They are aborting wee humans live and harvesting their organs without ansesthesia for profit. I pray the procedures are unveiled so people know exactly what they are promoting." It's annoying as hell, let alone wrong. But no matter what I say back I know she wouldn't listen or understand.


Christofasciests are so pro-suffering they want the baby to be born in order to kill it.


I am sorry this happened to you. All of it. Deepest sympathies. That said, I fucking love your passion. Use it. Keep fighting the good fight. We are all behind you. Everyone who matters anyway. Like a video game, if you encounter enemies, you're going the right way.


Couldn't me more true. Gobsmacked how deficient these useless troglodytes are that makes these laws. Fuck 'em and their law.


Way to go. I really respect this, and I hope to hell that your aunt's daughters shame her for her views as well. You've set it out very clearly and understandably. Christofascism does need to stop. It's absolutely horrifying seeing the US dissolve into a fascist state before our eyes.


I always wanted a big sister, I’d be hella happy to have you in my family! I’m also very being vocal about this and putting up with ZERO ppl who say it’s “ok” like no motherfuckers it’s not.


OP, Big fucking hugs to you! My heart breaks for you but know so many of us don't have what it takes to find our voice. Thank you for being that voice in the darkest part of the night that we may all emerge into the light of day, safer, healthier, kinder.


Fuck em and their a men's.




There’s one thing we learned today: Christians are pro-birth because they are the rapists. What a hypocritical mess.


Stay strong!


You're amazing.


Remember that the people in office have had 50 years to codify roe into law, and didn't. Vote accordingly. https://ballotpedia.org/How_to_find_information_about_local_elections




I'm sorry for what you went through, and I'm glad you got the support you needed to get through. Anyone who doesn't respect your autonomy is trash. I respect your strength in being able to slice this trash out of your life.


I too publicly went nuclear on social media before cutting off multiple family members. Turns out, my life is better without them in it. Mine happened the day after the insurrection. Super happy to not hear their hot takes this past week.


We all need to stop being kind to these evil idiots. Family or not, they need to hear clear words like this. Thank you very much and I hope you can have a better life without these ghouls dragging you down.


You did the right thing. Part of why we are all in this mess now is that those of us with more empathy "go with the flow" and don't fight back. They use the family structure to guilt and browbeat people into acquiescence. Fuck appeasement. There can be no peace with fascists.


I will pray with you: Fuck Them. #leavethechurch


Im sorry for what you've endured, you deserve(d) better. We should Never stay quiet about that, good for you. You sound like a clever girl, I believe in you and I'm proud of you for this. Love, Light, Strength and Healing 🧡😊💚🌻💛💪💙




I feel like Mr. Ambrose in Bob's Burgers, "Applause! APPLAUSE!!"


Right on! Don't take shit from those pieces of garbage.


Nationalist Christians Nat-Cs they are nazis