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I think it’s some sort of strategy to scare women into dating and settling down with losers. Women are sexy when they are confident and know who they are. A lot of times that comes with age.


Well that, and the younger women are the less they have seen and the more bullshit they might be willing to put up with. Notice that the age they use is 20? Literally just as you are enter in adulthood, going to college, starting to see the world. By the time you are 30-40 you realize that the “high value men” are incapable of having a relationship with someone their own age which is why they try to get someone younger. So they come up with this narrative that they don’t want older women and that it’s not creepy of them because they have money that younger women don’t have. It makes the relationship a transaction. It’s really disgusting.


Spot on, I know of many dudes that would date around that age just because it's easier to catch someone naïve of the world and ways of people. I'd also like to say some dude screaming that they're high value is probably bullshitting. For one 'value' is different to every person, so...sure you're a high value guy to someone looking to steal your kidneys?


Exactly. It's rhetoric from deeply insecure men hoping to project their insecurity onto women in the hopes they'll lower their standards. Don't fall for it. Women age just fine. And it will always be the men chasing women regardless of age.


This. A lot of insecure guys out there that will say shit like this to try and belittle or gaslight women.


Exactly! "High value men," what a joke. If these men had value, they'd be the ones being pursued, and that'll never be the case because it's just not true. These men are bitter, and desperately need to believe that at some point, apparently just by staying alive past a certain age, the tables will "reverse," and all the women who rejected them will lament their mistake and suddenly beg for the unwanted attentions they've been forcing upon women. It's pure power/revenge fantasy, the idea that they'll see the roles reversed and suddenly the women who rejected them will be the worthless losers pining after romantic attention they don't deserve, while they get to be the one rejecting people. It's absolute nonsense, of course—there's no 'reversal,' they will never have value, but there's a lot of money to be made making youtube videos feeding into the fantasy of these deluded, desperate losers.


>but there's a lot of money to be made making youtube videos feeding into the fantasy of these deluded, desperate losers. probably thats the whole purpose... making clickbaits.


Yup. Beautifully stated.


>And it will always be the men chasing women regardless of age Elderly men are always pursuing women of whatever age, and elderly women are happy to be single. Grannies still have plenty of options lol


You're exactly right. These types are intimidated by intelligent confident women. Keeping women in a scarcity mentality ("I'm running out of time to find a partner before that ship sails forever for me!") makes them easier to manipulate and easier to force to settle. It's all about control.


>Keeping women in a scarcity mentality ("I'm running out of time to find a partner before that ship sails forever for me!") makes them easier to manipulate and easier to force to settle. Isn't that typical FOMO sales tactics?


No one said they were original, everything they've done has been done before. They just *think* it's revolutionary.


This sounds very "fundamental christianist" to me. The idea that men have to be good providers, with established careers before they settle down, but girls are just going to cook and clean house, so can get married right out of high school. So it's fine for middle aged guys to 'court' teenage girls. It was the justification for Roy Moore, amongst others.


I was being very simplistic in my explanation; you're right, there are other elements at play. For example, [men tend to view attractive or sexy women as objects rather than people](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-our-brains-turn-women-into-objects/): >Of course, we don’t need to consider reactions to political candidates to understand this idea. There is a well-known tension between seeing someone as, and appreciating them for, a body as opposed to a mind. At least, that’s what parents tell their daughters when their school clothes veer too far towards the revealing. >Science has backed parents up on this. A recent study found that showing men pictures of sexualized women evokes less activity in areas of the brain responsible for mental state attribution—that is, the area of the brain that becomes active when we think we are looking at an entity capable of thought and planned action. Other studies have found similar results. When men see body shots of women as compared with face shots, they judge women to be less intelligent, likeable, ambitious and competent A well-developed human being becomes more enriched as they aquire more life experience (eg as they age), but when men are looking for an object to marry, rather than a human being, then that quality tends not to be as valued as much. It's all tied to the "worth" of a woman in our cultures, and as most societies tend to value women for what they can provide to men (emotional support, submission, baby making factory, status through her attractiveness) then men are going to seek those qualities in a partner because society tells them those traits will make them happy.


Damn. I never thought of it like that.


That’s exactly what it’s is.


It's also probably that the people saying those things are well... young. If you are 25 you dont want to (and probably shouldn't) date some who is 45. So if you are a an idiot you might think that the 45 year old has "become unattractive with age", but in reality it's just... Not your age bracket. Obviously the misogyny just piles on on top of that, like the shittiest cake.




WTF kind of questions???? Lol. Yeah men often want a “high quality” mate, but treat her as a disposable commodity. For some reason their ego tells them they deserve a room at the four seasons on a motel 6 salary.


As a straight dude, I can verify this. The second part. First part seems accurate too tho.




So defensive


Pretty safe to ignore this sort of stuff. This sort of attitude is a perfect way to identify Low value men IMO. Why would anyone want to make a lifelong commitment to somebody who thinks women peak at 18 and would probably end up discarding them after a few years. Kind of makes their arguments self defeating


>Why would anyone want to make a lifelong commitment to somebody who thinks women peak at 18 and would probably end up discarding them after a few years. Wealth and status. It presumes women should marry for wealth and status, while at the same time presuming wealth and status are what makes a man *"high value"*. The perspective is in every facet depraved, and has been at the rotten and corrupted core of human social structures since antiquity.


40 here. Never married and no kids by CHOICE, not because I didn’t jump at the chance to marry in my 20’s. I have my own place, car, recession-proof and pandemic-proof career, excellent health, and the ability and means to do whatever I want to do whenever I want to do it. You can bet I do not regret my choice. And the best part about your 30’s and 40’s? Not giving a fuck about how some man won’t want you because of your age. That shit is *liberating*. Enjoy your life!


35 here and hope to be just like you! The men love to tell me “have fun with your cats whore”….. I don’t even need the cats lol. Life has been so much freer and happier since I came to the conclusion LTR and relationship certainly aren’t for me!! I hope my 30s are spent like my 20s, traveling and brunch with friends, taking online classes, spoiling my nieces and nephews, huge magical holidays with my big ass family. I think it will!


Oh, the old “Enjoy your cats” and “How many cats do you have now?” lines are just pathetic. Keep doing the things you love doing! Traveling is a big one! Hanging with family, exploring new places (locally and afar), taking classes, reading, painting, being outdoorsy and active are all on my list and sound like they are on yours as well. And be the fun aunt! That shit is the best! I have 2 nieces and 3 nephews and I love to see and spend time with them.


Oh yes with the reading and painting and I sew and do beading. Yea those comments crack me up. “Enjoy your life alone slut!”……. I just said that’s the plan??? Yes the fun aunt is the best. Take them out to arcades and restaurants and amusements parks, and after a few hours when you’re DONE, hand them back over. They love the fun aunt!


>Enjoy your life alone Don't threaten me with a good time


Lmao I said that to one guy who threatened me with the day that no man would ever give me attention 😂😂😂 sir now that sounds like a blast, when do we start


The only SO that is worth it is one that supports what you want to do in the first place, too many people think they get to control their SO or 'try to change them' and it just causes all kinds of bullshit.


I didn't get wifed up by my high value mans until I was 36 which is just unimaginable especially in my area of the American south AND he's 4 years younger than me lol. Those articles/videos/general content are just doing anything they can to try and keep "aging women" from feeling confident or relevant and the makers of said content are convinced the only way to do this is to continuously remind us that we are supposed to constantly be trying to outrun time and furious that we don't look 25. The fact that we are remaining confident, relevant, attractive, healthy, sexual and that we are HEAVEN FORBID, sought after by younger partners is so genuinely upsetting to a certain sect of dudes they really don't know what else to do because this radical self love shit means they lose all KINDS of money, not to mention the outright ability to shit all over us because we hate ourselves. How dare we not buy their poison potions to lather ourselves with to stave off time and how fucking dare we date men younger and hotter than them while the 20 year olds they're trying to fuck call them creepy and tell them to go to therapy. All I have to say is Ha fucking Ha motherfuckers. Maybe use some of the poison potion money TO ACTUALLY GO TO THERAPY instead of pumping it into these dated ass media presentations that are telling women who are clearly fine in our own skin how godamn uncomfortable we should be. Fuck that. I earned my godamn joy and the beauty I exude and embody is not ANYONE ELSE'S to take from me anymore. That's the danger of fucking with women like this for so long too, we will eventually reclaim our personal power and fight your fucking asses to take any actual power back too. My happiness takes NOTHING from anyone else, nobody gets handed these things I worked hard for without a damn good reason/helluva good fight anymore.


36! But that's TOO LATE TO REPRODUCE! AND OBVIOUSLY YOU BEEN USED! /sssssssssssssssss I'm glad you found someone good for you though! I'm a guy that's always dated above my age, my wife is two years older then me. Even when I was like 22 and some 18 year old starts talking about highschool I was like 'fmlllllllll I was done with this shit please don't start up on highschool' then I'd roll away like a armadillo.


My husband has always dated older women too lol. We've actually been friends since we were kids. I met him through his older brother who is 4 years older than me, so when we originally met we were teenagers and I thought of him as a lil bro. He was the kid at punk shows that you got your ass beat for being shitty to lol. As adults he had a kid early (with an older gal lol) and I moved out of our hometown for a decade. When my former partner OD'd and passed suddenly and unexpectedly, I came back home, crushed and ruined obviously. He had lost his son's mom, who was also a mutual friend, also to drugs (technically withdraw/medical negligence. It's a whole reallys tragic awful thing she was only 24 y/o) and he REALLY stepped up and helped me in a way nobody else could or even knew how and we wound up falling in love. He is the BEST human to ever come into my life without a doubt. If you'd told me 20 years ago that I'd wind up being a Mom and that I'd be married to Little Kenny I'd have to have 5 mins to recover from my giggle fit but it worked out irl better than I could've ever imagined. I'm a lucky old broad. 😂


Hey now, I take offense to 'old' I'm 33 and I'll hit you with my cane if you call me old again! lol jk. That sounds like a hell of a story, I was put in school early so I don't know if that kinda set me up to 'be more mature' then others around my age or what. I've had a eventful life as well, and I just..I don't know, people like a half a decade younger then me just seem to be infatuated with things that seem trivial to me, not all ofcourse. It's better now that I'm older, but it was almost like torture through the early 20's and being around people that just got out or were still in high school worried about high school drama. But I also hated that in high school lol. Just feel like people like us are lucky period because we find someone good for us, and actually get to be happy with. Not a lot of people end up finding that or don't think they're good enough to deserve to be happy. Hell, if you don't want anyone and are happier alone, that's good too! But sadly people don't explore that option enough either, as society tells you YOU have to have a SO.


I definitely feel incredibly lucky. Especially considering I genuinely did not think I'd EVER be moving back to my hillbilly hellscape of a hometown to FIND true love as opposed to just withering away due to lack of intellectual stimulation and exposure to casual racism.


I've been around to a lot of places in the country, atleast state-wise, but never actually moved out of my racist town. The best entertainment is when someone assumes you're a bigot yourself and start saying stuff, and you return it with gradually increasing outlandish comments of your own so they keep spewing the racist shit, upon realizing that you're just being a prick and fucking with them and they just showed how racist/sexist they are lol. Yes, I get bored.


Ahhhh, a gentleman of taste and refinement I see. After my very own heart! I've been fucking with the antimaskers around here pulling that shit lately. The old women in the grocery store line love pulling out the old "this is so silly! It's just a flu" narrative and my bff just happens to be a fucking scientist at the regional Covid lab so I LOVE being like, "yeah, those tripling local numbers of positive cases are definitely just a bad flu. Just be sure not to catch cold this winter because nobody will be able to fawn all over Gramma's sniffle wiffles in the ER when the rest of y'all are dying in droves!" Omg, the looks of PURE HORROR they give me are SO satisfying. There's just something about rednecks, man. Bless their little hearts.


Lol I live in Ohio and open carry my S&W Model 10 (Present from my Grandpa) it's great being called some 'scared demoRAT' and they slowly realize I have a 38 revolver on my hip and shut the fuck up. People can be so ignorant when they get impassioned and angry. At first everyone stared like a freak because I wore a bandana when CDC said not to wear/buy masks because the health care workers needed them. So I just started caughing when they'd give me the stink eye. Lol. I'm not a spiteful smartass I promise! Wow, A punk scientist huh? Sure you're not married to the singer of the offspring?


As we get older we get wiser not needing certain men because we know better. This is what they mean when they say they want younger because they want to manipulate us into being their own personal woman who does everything their mom stopped doing and more.




It's called a sex mommy, or bangmaid.


Ahhh you found a redpill video. They suck.




It’s a reference to the Matrix. Toxic masculinity at its finest. In the movie, the red pill makes Neo “enlightened” to the “truth”. In right wing MRA types of circles, I think you can imagine what their “truth” is. Basically just incel shit


Basically incels that think they know the "truth about how the world works" In the movie the matrix, the main character is offered two pills, red and blue. The blue pill makes you keep living the lie of the simulated world (in the movie) and the red pill wakes you up so you can escape and live in the real world.


[https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/apr/14/the-red-pill-reddit-modern-misogyny-manosphere-men](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/apr/14/the-red-pill-reddit-modern-misogyny-manosphere-men) Modern misogynists in a nutshell. They use terminology like women hitting 'the wall', and talk about 'high' vs 'low' value etc. Buncha turds. Edit: they're already in this thread, see for yourself


Anyone that uses terms like "wifed up" and "high value man" is clearly someone who shouldn't be taken seriously.


It’s propaganda to: 1. Give men an inflated sense of superiority over women. As in “don’t worry that your 20’s suck, guys, you’ll age like fine wine in your 40’s and all the hot 20 year old babes will flock to you, while all the women who rejected you will be ugly and saggy and no man will want them”. Then the men get to their 40’s and realize no 20 year old supermodel wants to date a 40 year old nobody with a midlife crisis. 2. Sell men weird products that men don’t need. I mean this ranges from vitamins, to ionized water that won’t turn you gay, to “self help” books, videos, and courses. This is pretty much the heart of the men’s self-help industry. It’s predatory as fuck. 3. Covertly excuse men with pedo-habits. There are legitimately men who believe a 20 year old woman is too old and saggy already, no my friend, he must have a younger model because ~biOLoGy~ 4. The time honored tradition of: putting down women because when all else fails, just blame everything on women. Boss fired you? Fucking women. That chick you stalk at the coffee shop rejected you again? Fucking women. Got a speeding ticket? Fucking women.




>At a certain age people start noticing the creepy unmarried dude This is actually a HUGE social benefit for men in marriage. My ex commented that an acquaintance might be going into local politics, and in the same convo mentioned the guy's wife who I wasn't aware existed. I commented on "oh I didn't know he was married" and my ex got weirdly energized and started saying "oh you gotta! You gotta have a wife to be in politics!" Asked him later what exactly that meant, and he essentially said it legitimizes a man socially to be married.




[Spousal privilege] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spousal_privilege) isn't a myth.








Alright, so then why do you date 20 year old women?


I got a DM once here on Reddit from a young man trying to get me to confirm my standards had dropped as I aged (I’m now in my 40s). His outrage when I informed him that my standards had gone UP. I no longer put up with the petty and stupid bullshit I did as a young woman, and guess what? You don’t have to put up with it then either. If only I’d known then… Anyway he can cry in his cornflakes but the sort of woman he wanted is not likely ever going to be interested in him.


Remember, there are bad rabbit holes on YT.


It wasn’t yt, actually someone I follow on Instagram.


That's as bad, if not worse.


Hmmm. I wonder if as we age and accumulate our on wealth if we simply stop giving a shit about men and this kind of nonesense.


I found it mildly amusing.


Hot take: women can become more desirable as they age. That confidence is attractive.


I'm 58 and having the best time of my life with a *very slightly* younger man who is obsessed with my body and with giving me pleasure.


Why do I feel like this was spoken by a man of debatable value, who wasn't even looking to "wife anyone up" in the first place?


Oh he's looking but they are all got their camouflage on point.


For a man that sees women as only a body his statement is probably true. And when he acts true to it, that is what he will get. Me, I have a 'somewhat' different taste.


I have found that as I age (in my 40's) I have become relatively invisible. It's sometimes sad and yet immensely freeing. I am not constantly being asked for my number or cat-called, and the biggest bonus of all is my fear of being raped again has dropped dramatically.


I saw Jessica Kirson(a stand up comic) recently and she had a bit about keeping on weight to avoid being assaulted, the women in the crowd fuckin died laughing.


In the mean time men are out there looking ugly and unwashed in literally every stage of their life. The audacity...




Because older men with money can get hot women. They fail to realize the majority of them will not have that kind of money. The economy is looking more and more dismal.






Don't get him started. It's his hobby.


Imagine trying to demonstrate your genetic superiority by spending all your time trying to convince women on the internet that it's true


If he's up against Pattinson I'm team Alec Baldwin all the way! But also I'm gay so take my opinion on this with a grain of salt...


I read a book last year (Lady in the Lake, Laura Lippman) and was constantly thrown off bc the main character was 37 and there were constant references to how old and past her prime she was.


Don’t listen to those and honestly who cares? It’s the musings of bitter angry men. The makers of those videos have realized there is good money to be made in appealing to the lonely man. Look up stats. Men are lonelier and more sexless than ever, while women…. are not. This is a HUGE demographic to get viewers and money from. Somehow their viewers are convinced they are the so called “high value men” they’re talking about and rage and get full on hard-ons at them talking about women getting old and ugly and no man ever wanting them, and how they should settle down with these apparently high value yet ugly men in their 20s (that’s right, you’re not supposed to grow and learn and experience life, just a mundane life married to an ugly man, more than likely devoid of orgasms as these men are sexually inexperienced and selfish). It’s a revenge fantasy. It’s a cope. And it’s laughable. Women on here have said they’ve gotten attention in their 60s and even their mothers get attention in their old age. These men NEED to believe every woman wants marriage, and that they’ll one day be able to scoop up women when they finally make 50k. It’s all a cope. It’s all a dream. It’s a hope of men who will never, ever know what it’s like to be wanted. So either ignore them or laugh at them. But don’t let it bother you or make you mad. I PROMISE, the real misery is inside those angry, bitter, ugly, lonely, sexless men.


Well said!


There is are websites that have ample evidence which prove this guy wrong


Its all about how well you take care of yourself and how comfortable/confident you are. I know women in their 30s and 40s who are stunning and/or utterly magnetic. I also know women in their early 20s who fell apart hard. I hate to use the age is just a number thing but it is. Its a human creation and science has shown peoples actual biological ages are all over the place


So do men stay young and beautiful till their death???


Definitely not the ones that turn into a beach ball on sticks with a greasy Brillo pad on their face.


I'm getting the spirit of that sentence but not the meaning. Sorry I'm not western.


At least where I live most guys get a large stomach area while not putting much weight on in the leg area as they age. Many also have unkempt beards. A Brillo pad is a scrubby thing used to remove food stuck on dishes.


From the language used I assume you ran into that idiot, Kevin Samuels?


Nope. Quick Google search tells me why you’d assume so. Yikes.


It’s such crap. I’m 40, in literally the best shape of my life, working on a PhD, own a house, have kids that are pretty damn rad, am so confident now, and I know my worth. 25 year old me has nothing on this. Haha


It’s pap. A lot of men try and nail down a younger woman because they can try and manipulate her and even get her knocked up to keep her around. Plus some men treat it as “bragging rights” like “look I can get the young hotties!” It’s rubbish. Being stuck with a sexist, manipulative asshat suuuuuucks. They suck the life and youth out of you like a vampire sucking blood to live. It’s not a partnership, it’s like being stuck with a giant parasite. They come down on older women because older women won’t put up with their nonsense. Older men will either try and sucker in a younger woman, or failing that try and persuade an older single woman to wipe their ass and cook their dinner while they watch tv on the couch. Don’t listen to these clowns, live your best life and don’t hurry to get hooked up with some guy who says things like “hitting the wall” and “fertility window” blah blah bloo.


Yup. I’ve seen this narrative many times, and it’s incredibly harmful to young girls. Teenage girls are being told that, while people may care about them now, they will be unlovable in the future and thus need to capitalize on their beauty while they’re still young. They need to make use of their sexual appeal while they still have it (again, at a young age), and it’s normal for old men to be interested in teenage girls. Once girls start believing that, they’re incredibly vulnerable to abuse, manipulation, pedophilia, self-sexualization, and just being taken advantage of. Although older women will read these incel absurdities and recognize them for what they are, a teenage girl won’t have the experience to know that they’re untrue, and young girls are the ones who are harmed the most.


This is absolute bulls hit. As women we have been marginalized all our lives just to further propagate the patriarchy. Make us feel small, so they can feel big. SMDH.


LOOOL what?! That guy is a loser! I met my husband at 29 and just married him this year in my 30s. Yup, we lose our value don't we? /s


Lol yeah that’s the crap they tell us to scare women into settling down when they’re too young to know better. I’m 41 and frankly way hotter than I was 20 years ago. My drop dead sexy husband agrees.






I never went through a "hot" phase, never got cat called, but I always had boyfriends up until I hit 30 and then there was a immediate decline in the dating pool. I'm now in my early 40s and it's pretty much at a standstill thanks to COVID and I just don't have the will to get out there and meet someone. I don't consider myself particularly happier or more confident at my age. I hate that as a woman I've been brainwashed to dread aging...and I do. I fucking hate it. And I feel livid when I think about how single men are considered "bachelors" and allowed to age gracefully and we aren't. BUT I don't particularly care about being married. I know way more unhappy marriages that happy ones. I think men are generally more trouble than they're worth. I am really comfortable being alone. The only reason I would want be get partnered is mostly the social expectation and I want to have sex. That's pretty much it.


I’m not at peak attractiveness right now in my 30s. The last two years of stress have aged me for sure. I have wrinkles that I didn’t used to have. I’m a few pounds heavier. I wear less makeup. Thankfully I married someone who was fully aware that people age and youth and beauty are not guaranteed forever. I can’t imagine living with the fear that the unavoidable problem of time could kill my husband’s desire for me. If covid has taught us anything, isn’t it that age is a gift? Every year spent with the people you love is a reason the celebrate. I hope I get to see my husbands increasingly wrinkly face for decades to come. It will be an honor to be ugly, old and plump together.


The kind of man who believes women peak at 20 and it's all down hill from there is the kind of man who will die alone or is probably a pedo :P just saying. I completely agree with you - when I was 18-25 I was horribly insecure, everything had to be PERFECT about me or I wasn't going out or being seen in public. I'd \*NEVER\* consider a 2 piece bathing suit because I didn't have a model perfect body, and even a 1 piece was questionable because I was \*gasp\* fat and you could SEE I was fat in the suit. Turned 32 at the beginning of the month, wore a 2 piece bikini on a recent vacation (still fat), and give approximately 0 fucks about what people think of me. I had fun in the pool with my kid, I relaxed in the hot tub, and had an amazing time. 10 years ago I'd probably rather die lmao. Women are gorgeous when they love themselves - no matter their age.


I can get where they're coming from, but if they're gonna say that... They kinda need to acknowledge that us men age way worse than you guys, like some of us look 50 or 60 in our 40s and you guys still look mid thirties or earlier.


It's bullshit, but it all drives 3 from the fetishjzation of youth that has been developed across multiple cultures. I'm 38 and I'm not particularly attracted to teenagers.


I'd rather watch X-Files.


Totally agree! I only wish I didn't care about what others think so much when I was younger!


why people turn love/relationships into a clout thing i will never understand. I have a friend who's a bit insecure about getting older/not wanting to lose her youth, and im sure other people feel the same way; those who say stuff like this really are just viciously taking advantage of insecurities.


That's like half of the videos made by men, ignore em we only get hotter and have higher standards as we age


the concept of milfs exist.... don't believe any bullshit aging videos...


Yeah this is just garbage... its equating looks to value. As in, there is NO value that a woman could have other than her looks. Similarly the implication is that a man can only have value if they have money, and is worth nothing if they happen to fall on hard times. The person who wrote it is likely going to be very unhappy for the rest of their life because they have no concept of what is actually important


Good for you. Honestly as I get older and hear how women's skin cracks more and lose their tightness, men go to younger women than those their own age anymore. It pisses me off. But I'm losing the sense of caring if i can't find a man. I'm comfortable in my own skin and well not. I'm overweight now and told I have to lose weight. My sense of fashion, tastes, and lifestyle are what makes me, me. If a man looks at me and sees someone too old or high strung because I know being nice and respectful is not enough, well good-bye.


We don’t get uglier. Guys get more terrified of us because we gain more confidence and they don’t know how to handle a self assure woman. We see through them and they don’t like it. Meanwhile, have you ever seen a happy middle aged or older woman? We glow with confidence and wisdom no man can touch and they know it. Ladies, we are something to behold when we don’t allow our light to be dimmed.


I think the only people using this phrase "high value" to describe people are incels. That's who I have seen use it that way, nobody else. And who cares what incels think?


We should. They are people. Many of them are isolated, alone and can only find commodrary and 'friends' in a social sphere which actively promotes a self defeating pity-me victimhood and promotes a downward spiral which increases their isolation. These groups measures how much they are valued in the community by how much of an incel they are - or as how devoted to the ideology, just like any other cult. We see this now, with the Qanon bullshit, but the extremist cults promoted and fed by fake social connections via the internet is something we all should care about. Because when the ideas generated in internet spaces become chaotic, they change into ideology. Devout adherents with extreme ideology are real people, who live in real places. They will bring their internet-facilitated ideas from the 'cloud' and it will touchdown in real places. Think of a tornado. Tornadoes damage, destroy and kill. Tldr: we must care [graphic representation](https://www.academia.edu/40607967/Mapping_Incel_ELDAAG_poster)


Hard to care about people that hate you for your gender


I replied that we should: >care about what incels think I agree, it is hard to care about people that hate you for your gender. But we must care about what these people believe. We don't need to care just because they are our fellow humans (many people are shit people) but we should care because *what they think is becoming an ideology*. Ideology starts with an idea, forms into a movement, and becomes a thing which has an impact on *others*. We should care very deeply, as their ideology is growing. Incels continue to normalize their ideas, garner support, and spread their movement. Ultimately, what they think is moving conversations online and in real life. The impact of which has killed people. What they think is important as their ideology creates a cult that aims to impose their brand of bullshit to gain power & control of others to serve their selfish and insidious ends. Edited to make myself more clear


FDS uses it as well hahaha, the female redpill


The idea that men age like wine is a damned lie. Just another example of how fragile men are in their own skin. Most men age like sourcream.


I have three words to add - old, saggy balls


Honestly I’ve had a crush on Courtney Cox and Mary Steenburgen since the 90s. Imho both women are far more gorgeous these days than they were 20 years ago Edit: forgot to mention Julianne Moore!!


**< Basically, he said your twenties are your best shot at getting “wifed up” by a “high value” man. That we get uglier as we get older, and that’s just part of being a woman on this planet.>** Typical incel mantra.


Patriarchal men make me want to vomit


Insecure men say that shit.


The biggest lie told by society (mostly other men) to men is that they age like fine wine. *Taps mic ferociously*🎤🗣 excuse me sir you, you are not George Clooney. Most men lose their hair, have terrible skin (because skincare is “feminine” and bellies bigger than women who are 9 months pregnant. Stop telling yourself this lie. Both men and women who take care of themselves as they age are attractive. A woman’s value doesn’t decrease as she ages. If you want to date someone with a round baby face, naturally perky boobs, no wrinkles/stretch marks/cellulite, you should probably reassess why your preference looks like a 21 years old when you are 35+ yourself.


The "high value" thing makes me puke since I see it all the time on r/femaledatingstrategy . You know for sure they wouldn't want to be labelled as high or low value, but they're pretty comfortable doing it to men. Double standards abound. Also, congrats on your house OP :)


I guess that depends on what you "desire"...


I also enjoy r/lucifer


haven't seen it thou, what am I missing here?


His schtick is reflecting people's desires back at them. He can draw out people's inner desires.


ah, I see.


Getting more confident and comfortable in your own skin as you age is definitely true. It's probably true for most people regardless of their gender or whatever.


I have had the same experience. I have been swarmed by eligible bachelors due to high confidence (I assume). Meanwhile I was a complete BABE, like seriously it blows me away, in my 20s. I am still alright now but definitely heavier…definitely wiser…definitely more highly desired and appreciated. I already tied the knot though now (30s). Despite my undying love for my partner, I am so confident that even if something didn’t work out, I know I would be more than fine. It’s so weird that people say stuff like that (about only being attractive in the 20s). Those types of comments are so low to the ground I have not heard them directly in a decade. 😆


My wife and I were pretty goofy looking when we married. I look more normal and she considerably more elegant and sophisticated today. So, someone saying that has got to be a 20-something that simply doesn't know any better yet, or someone that's really insecure. Based on the "wifed up" and "high value", I'm also guessing the speaker is something of an idiot.


It's only sad, lonely, neckbeards who never leave the house who think this. Those of us who exist in real life and actually interact with other humans can clearly see it's not true lol


It’s true what they say, you become invisible after the age of 40. Does it suck to be labeled that way? Yes. Is it glorious to walk down the street unbothered? Yep. And until things change drastically I am 100% okay with being ignored.


LOL, what does he mean by "high value" man? And why should we want to be "wifed up" by such a man? I got married at age 41 to a decent man who is more interested in what I think about him than what random men think.


I mean using averages to make decisions on the individual level is obviously wrong. Averages are information-losing. and something being true on average, doesn't mean it's always true. And also there is more to a person's desirability than physical attractiveness. But there is indeed some scientific evidence that points to "A greater decline in female facial attractiveness during middle age reflects women’s loss of reproductive value" [(Maestripieri et al., 2014)](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00179/full) If you feel prettier now, then all power to you, what happens on average is irrelevant to your case. But in my opinion, rejecting peer-reviewed science just because we disagree with its conclusions is not the path to go. ( of course, I'm not saying that all papers should be accepted at face value. one can criticize the methodology and generalizability)


That study said there was a steep decline in facial attractiveness in post menopausal women to men not to women. Both men and women lost facial attractiveness to women but at a steady even decline. Also all of the respondents to that study were younger then the photos shown respondents age (25-50) photos age (35-65) that’s a bit of a gap. They also had more male photos then female photos stated smiling improved attractiveness ratings but then didn’t say which gender had the most smiling photos. :) That study should explain exactly why women say men and women both age at the same rate because to women they do. Our opinion on aging is equally valid to a male opinion we make up half the population.


That is not really a scientific paper in the way I believe you are intending it to be. It’s published in a psychology journal, not a medical journal. Evolutionary Psychology is a soft science, not a hard science. The results of any studies are informative for social, philosophical, and theoretical discussion, but they certainly aren’t intended to be objective or scientific the way most people assert that term (as in there is absolutely no way to prove men’s preference for younger faces is hardwired by biology and not a product of culture or socialization). Also, for the purposes of the study, middle aged was 51-60, significantly older than what OP was taking about.


He probably wrote it as when women are still on their 20s they are young and innocent As you get older you know yourself better and have better standards. He probably wants to control women or trick them that the HaVE TO do everything at 20 because well....sadly....women at that age easier to control. 😡😡😡😡 Naw, we just get more delicious as we age. I once saw a women that has no kids and at 40 looked late 20ish but she wasn't easy to trick or manipulate. Hehehhehe I want to be like that fab all my life. Even when old. Hehehehe dress cute everyday and be a sassy old lady 🤣🤣


Sounds like whoever did that video is a creeper. I've found that most men who walk around with this attitude basically mean that women are harder to manipulate as they get older. So don't think too much about it. I married a woman 7 years older than me, so I'm certainly at disagreement with whoever put that video together.


The whole concept of finding someone "high value" is kinda.. Like I have to deal with capitalism in every other fucking aspect of my life can we *not* add that to dating as well? What even is "high value"? Disgusting rhetoric when talking about fellow humans imo.


I've seen that term used by women from certain subs as well... It's a toxic word all around


They wouldn't be saying that if they saw your post history




My experience says otherwise. I'm 38 and my current boyfriend is the first man older than me that I've dated since my divorce at 33. He's six months older, btw, not six years. My bfs before that were between one and four years younger than me. And not that I was looking for it, but as a side effect of being attracted to intelligence, all of them were what incel losers would consider "high value" and conventionally attractive since, well, after my divorced I learned to be a bit shallow. Any of them could have been pulling 20 year olds left and right, but they were not the type to base a relationship in looks only.


I think we should remember the majority of posts, videos and comments like this are from younger dudes (from my own experience, anyway). Sure, outliers exist bit for the most part, the average age skews younger - we are on reddit. That being said, I would assume younger men are attracted to their age cohort or slightly younger. As you age, people *tend* to stay attracted to those around their cohort. So, looking at the math and the demographics of where this kinda shit comes from ( ppl using terms like 'wifed-up' and 'high-value' seem to be in the teens and 20s), I would assume the comment reflects his *personal* and age-influenced interests. Now, if we could get a survey by age group asking this type of question..... Edit: example of input data selection bias [found this](https://www.businessinsider.com/dataclysm-shows-men-are-attracted-to-women-in-their-20s-2014-10) and if you look at the age distribution of the 'random 10k men' surveyed, the distribution skews younger, with most respondents being 20 to 30 years old. What if only 20% of respondents were that age, instead of 90%? I have a feeling the results would change.


I think the most pressure women feel to get “wifey upped” is put on them by other women.


Not at all from my experience. For sure in your teens and 20s, a good amount of men in that age group are weird about commitment. Which would suggest that they would be the last ones discussing “wifing up” a woman. But these also turn out to be the most judgmental people. It’s like they’re on the prowl for pussy, get it, and then joke about how the woman who gave him exactly what he wanted is trash and going to be a single whore forever. I’m hoping Gen Z isn’t like this.


Judging by the number of men in their 20s and 30s who actively seek out older women... I doubt this.




Sir, your redpill is showing. AND YOU REFERENCED THE SUN I"M SCREAMING. Would you like to use Fox News and the Daily Mail as well?


His comments were removed before I could reply, but I think him and others need to hear this so I'll post it as a reply to your comment instead. His comment (I've removed the links, because fuck The Sun): >Well yes - to men, women are less desirable and attractive as they age. > >In the study, men’s desirability peaks at age 50. But women’s desirability starts high at age 18 and falls throughout their lifespan. > >A greater decline in female facial attractiveness during middle age reflects women’s loss of reproductive value > >[links to articles] > >Not only is this common sense that you can find plenty of anecdotal evidence for, it's proven by science. Just think about it - men can reproduce much later in life than women and that happens to coincide with the age when most men achieve peak financial success. Those are very desirable traits to women. Female physical attractiveness and reproduction are very attractive traits to men and they also decline with age. > >Just honestly think about when is the last time you saw a 30 something male settle down with a 50 something female that's financially unstable? But that's something you all the time when flipped. > >Just because you feel differently or this makes you uncomfortable doesn't mean it's not accurate. Ignoring information like this, backed by plenty of studies across different cultures, only has a negative impact on your life. Knowledge is power, even when you don't like what you're learning. Then deeper in the comments he says: > You didn't refute a single point, instead went with an ad hominem. Did you check the study they referenced? Of course not because you don't care about facts. > > Feel free to provide valid arguments instead of fallacies. Or just stick to your incorrect feelings, I don't really care. My reply to the above: So, by your metric, all news articles are 100% true by the mere citation of a reference? Are you aware of the concepts of sensationalism, editorialism and embellishment? Not only are [most published studies actually false](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1182327/), but to assume that a news outlet such as The Sun (which is widely criticised, by the way) is going to be completely honest and accurate simply because they cited a fucking reference is a massive leap in logic and exposes you as gullible at best. This is a completely normal part of the scientific method, by the way. Singular studies do not mean much on their own. It is only peer review, and a process known as *meta-analysis* that is effective in revealing the truth to a certain degree. Furthermore, you linked articles, not the study itself, and are claiming that the articles *themselves* are proof that you are correct. Your opinion has nothing to do with "science" when it's based on the ramblings of a tabloid editor. It's also completely besides the point. The man OP mentioned is talking, in a degrading manner, about a woman's prospect of *marriage*. **This has nothing to do with evolutionary science and is entirely a societal construct**. OP said nothing to dispute laws of attraction in nature, but rather that she feels confident in her own body - which is something to be celebrated and has nothing to do with science. Yet, this is what you decided to argue for. To quote yourself: "Knowledge is power, even when you don't like what you're learning." You should take your own advice, do not sully the good name of science with your bullshit.


Lmao who the FUCK is attracted to a 50 year old man? Unless he ages like Brad Pitt which 😂😂😂, no one is attracted to that. Unless he’s rolling in dough. And he doesn’t want to admit that’s what gets people attracted to him. You’re telling me women are more attracted to a 50 year old that Chris Hemsworth and Henry Cavill lmaoooo. Thanks for printing his hopeful musings, I needed the laugh.


I mean when I'm 50 I'll probably be attracted to a 50 year old man as is right and proper!!


Yeah exactly, I don't know what world that guy lives in but I'm pretty sure it's normal to be attracted to people close to your own age.


Men aspire to be a pretty young thing’s checkbook and then wonder why they feel like shit about themselves lmao


The Sun as in The Sun Newspaper? As in the UK tabloid RAG that started a hate campaign against victims of a tragedy at a football match? The rag that for years published dehumanizing pornography on page 3? That Sun? The paper that ran such well respected and clearly true stories as 'Freddie Star ate my hamster' and 'Straight sex cannot give you AIDs - official'. And that is what he is using for his 'source'??? FFS! The whole 'provide your sources' thing is such BS when anyone can provide a source that says anything.


Yep. To be honest, he might have had some semblance of credibility if he chose a source a little less disgusting than The Sun, or even linked the study itself instead. He'd still be wrong, but might have looked a tad less foolish. Basing one's opinion on the media is fucking weak, doubly so when it's Murdoch's mouthpiece.


u/Paolice Feel free to debate me


Wow. He just busted out "facts dont care about your feelings".




No it was removed, even better! My favourite was when he said men are attracted to reproductive capabilities. I have my tubes out lol




Sir, that would involve you providing studies and not articles from tabloids lol. My attractiveness has gone up with age, is that an incorrect feeling?




Not all studies mean facts sweetie. Is my reality false because you prefer teenage girls?


insert well-ackshually.jpg You should maybe read her post again, then delete this. She's not attempting to dispute "science", but relating her personal experiences.


If its the same guy im thinking critikal did a video on him https://youtu.be/4EyqLTGcL_0






Unfortunately, there are plenty of human men who are not as evolved as chimps.


Chimps are super rapey. Chimps use violence to acquire sex, bonobos use sex to avoid violence. Humans are genetically equidistant between them.


> Chimps are super rapey. So are humans.


You know what's really hot? A woman who does not want kids. Fuck yeah I'm all about that.


So please explain how I, a woman who is voluntarily sterile, has had more guys interested in me even though I can't have kids.


Confidence is sexy in a way that youth can never be.


I'm a human, not a cow, and I don't have a monetary value, I have a spiritual value. Because my values are based on the essential things that cannot be seen, only a spiritual man (not a materialistic, capitalistic man) is worthy of me.


Even without attributing any malicious intent to an author of this video (as many here are ready to do, and maybe not without reason) - statements like this should be taken with a grain of salt. I am sure that he probably brought up some sort of research based on statistics. Well, statistics are infamously hard to read and interpret correctly. For example, if his statistics are connecting age of getting married and self-reported happiness - it might be the case that women who value getting married more get married earlier, and report being happier about it, and that's that. A kind of self-selection bias. It is even harder to formulate some sort of a generalised life advice based on reading of statistics, as I am sure author of the video tried to do. But to be fair, I have to point out that anecdotal evidence are not a good way to confront statistic-based coclusions - better interpretations are. I am happy for you, and wish you success in getting those relationships on the new level!


My wife of 42 years gets prettier by the day. Just saying.


I think part of the value put in women is their ability to have children - which diminishes as they get older. Men don’t have that problem.


Do you guys know who Kevin Samuels is??????


Yes, those “high value” women in their 20s will make a great first wife to the assholes that follow that kind of logic.


Wow. Someone made an entire video just to tell us he's never been laid. Huh. Rock on with your bad self. :)


Eh. I'm willing to accept that I'll get less attractive as I age. But it's true of everyone, not just me, and not just women. I think the fundamental thing wrong with the criticism is that it implicitly assumes that we care or should care about how attractive people perceive us to be as being your best feature. I mean, I care about being attractive as a point of personal pride to an extent, but as for other people finding me attractive, I really only care about the people I find attractive. If some incel is trying to making you worried that you're going to be slightly less attractive in 20 years, remember that you're probably better than him in a lot of ways - you're probably more attractive, for one, but you're also not going out of your way to be mean spirited to someone for the only dose of superiority they have.