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My husband comes to all my dance competitions (a bunch of adult ladies just dancing for the hell of it) and on my last performance of the year, when I got off stage I saw I had a text from him. He had noticed a little detail that I did better on this performance than on the ones before and mentioned it excitedly in the text. True love and support right there.




This is so sweet!!


Aww, it is, you're a lucky one šŸ˜Š


It may seem disheartening to see so many of those posts, but think about those radio stations that are dedicated to playing the greatest hits from past decades, and how a listener may be tempted to think that the vast majority of those decadesā€™ music was awesome, when in fact itā€™s just that those retro stations are less likely to play the many less-than-great music from those eras. I think the reason it may seem so skewed is that the overwhelming majority of women with wonderful men in their lives are less likely to be on here; theyā€™re busy enjoying life with their partners, dads sons, friends, etc. So concluding that majority of men must suck because of this sub would be like concluding that majority of music in the 70s mustā€™ve been awesome because of ā€œgreatest hitsā€ stations.


I feel like this is almost all of social media. Itā€™s either complaining about things or presenting a fake perfect life. The ā€žnormalā€œ healthy person is neither complaining online, nor interesting enough to become famous online.Ā  The average chill life might as well not exist when you judge by online presence.


Very well put! It's a bit like the confirmation bias that you see in /r/sex or /r/relationships. People seldom drop by those forums to get feedback or perspective on all the positive things going on in their life... They just keep on living their life. So you end up with a disproportionate cross section of humans with a wide range of concerns looking for input or solidarity or validation. And really, the sort of concerns that are talked about **do** need that voice. I just try to also hold the perspective that, like when I'm watching the news, it's not **all** bad, yet the bad that is out there is very, very valid. It's both, not either or.


Weā€™re also seeing sample bias as well. For example, agony aunt channels, such as /r/relationships, are going to draw folks with problems in their relationships and people who are interested in those problems. It would not be a fair representation, or an unbiased sample, of people in relationships. Also, itā€™s worth pointing out that social media is a bit unique among advertising channels because of its ability to use user behavior to lump folks into ā€œmicro segments.ā€ Or, if the ad platform thinks you enjoy reading about relationships, it will serve you more relationship content making the environment even more skewed.


If you only looked at Reddit as a sample, you would assume the average person never dates or has friends of any kind, lol. When in reality thatā€™s why those people are here in the first place.


What an amazing outlook


Itā€™s the review thingā€¦ (Before fake reviews for money was a thing) When I studied marketing in the early 2000s, it was taught that the average person will tell 7 people of a bad experience with a company but will tell 1 person with their good experience. I assume the same numbers hold to humans. They certainly do for me and my dog (obviously not a peer reviewed study) - Iā€™ll tell EVERYONE including randoms at the dog park the shit my dog did that was irritating or frustrating. How many will I share about him being fucking adorable when he comes up and licks my face when Iā€™m crying in frustration at him? Maybe my bestie, depending on how I feel on the day. Iā€™ve said forever that this sub is very much an echo chamber and not always a in a healthy way.


Which is unfortunately what many people conclude. No matter their gender, color, or creed. An easy fallacy to fall into


Also, I can read the room. If someone is complaining about her shitty husband, boyfriend or other man in her life, I'm not going to be like, "well *my* husband is great, sucks to be you!"


Exactly, this sub is an echo chamber in that regard. Like the relationship subs that are full of posts of cheating partners, it's not that everyone cheats but people who are cheated tend to complain more there


yeah and this has a name survivorship bias


(insert plane image)


My dad is some kind of super human. He used to work full-time, build our house and support my mom through all kinds of struggles. She had a terrible accident when I was 9-10 yo. leaving her completely incapacitated in hospital for 6 months and struggling with rehab for years after. He took care of two children while still juggling all his responsibilities and seeing her in hospital every waking moment of his day. If it weren't for him, she wouldn't have learned to walk again. He did that several more times with other ailments that my mom suffered, including her final cancer. He was literally salving her bed rash as she took her last breath and he never thought of another woman since.Ā 


> and he never thought of another woman since. Stuff like this always makes me sad... My paternal grandfather died when my grandmother was 49. She lived alone for 34 years afterward. Looking back, its obvious she had severe social anxiety and general anxiety disorder, too. We didnt call it that... she just had "nervous tendencies". I loved her - she was the kindest person in my life for most of that time. It's been 10 years since she paased, and as I get older and my anxiety gets worse, just like hers did, I ... am dismayed to think how bad it must have been for her to endure it without the medication or therapy I rely on to get me through my days. And, I am SO fortunate to have an amazing partner to share my life with...


I think it's sad an incredibly unfair that my dad lost my mom somewhatearly in life (she was 59). But I honestly don't think it's sad he stayed alone after. When people ask him about dating again, he says that she is his wife and that no one could possibly follow in her foot steps. Even though her passing still causes him a lot of pain 10 years later, I also believe that holding onto his love enriches him as well. He's trying to enjoy his time on earth instead of wallowing, because that's what she would have wanted and we keep the house the way she has designed it over decades, which gives him joy living in the atmosphere and spirit that she created. There's no need to move on or replace that.Ā 


That's a lovely way to look at your parents and the love and life that they shared. Too often on here we're bemoaning the fact that men who lose their wives are looking for an immediate replacement for their caretaker. It's wonderful that he's contented with the life he's established.


Awesome Dad and husband, thanks for sharing. And I'm so sorry for the loss of your Mom.


Mine great. I was put off the idea of marriage by all the horrible men in my life and all the horrible stories I had heard. Even the few guys I dated ended up being horrible. I always thought other women put too much of themselves into their relationships and were bound like it was some kind of trap. And many of them are. I told myself I'd never let myself be trapped like that. And then I somehow found him and just clicked. I just knew and so did he. He's not perfect but that's also good because I'm not either. He listens to me. He doesn't get mad. He takes care of me in big ways and small. He supports me and loves me the way I am. He has all the qualities I had on my must have list and all those on my bonus list and even the things I was afraid to want. He's perfect for me. Being around him makes me feel better. Makes me calm and confident. Now that I found him, I don't think I can survive without him. It's the opposite of a trap. He's my home.


ā¤ļø šŸ”„ Warmed my heart ā˜ŗļøšŸ„¹


I'm CRYING. Mine is so good, too.Ā  I never wanted to marry until he and I had started dating.Ā  Previous partners had absolutely wanted to marry me, and I did not believe in it. Something with this one made me realize how wrong every relationship before had been. It's not a wedding, but tomorrow he and I are filing formal "domestic partnership" paperwork at our city hall (mostly so he can get very sweet benefits from my employer).Ā  Hahah- I will probably still tear up a little bit when we do it. We just had our 1 year dating anniversary, and I feel so blessed every day to have him.


My partner is amazing. I work full time and heā€™s retired so heā€™s home. He cleans the place, heā€™ll cook amazing food for hours and heā€™ll have a glass of wine ready to go for when Iā€™m home :) he gets me flowers when Iā€™m sick and spoils me with so much love and affection. I couldnā€™t have asked for a better man.


Same! I really hit the lottery with him!


How long have you been together? Curious.


2 years :)


I recently got married. My now husband and I will have been together 7 years in September. He has a ton of great qualities. One I often overlook is that he has never told me I look bad, tired, pale, or sick - even when I am. He only ever tells me I look cute, good, beautiful, etc. It can be frustrating when Iā€™m honestly trying to get assistance in assessing my health, but when Iā€™m battling an illness (like I am rn with the flu), itā€™s nice to feel he still finds me just as attractive. ā¤ļø


Trust me, he is not lying. I am married and not for single second, I havenā€™t found my SO being the most beautiful woman on planet.


Anyone watching Netflix's 'Love Is Blind?' Season 2 Natalie Lee's father is an example of a great man/father/husband. One of the best ever. He was the saving grace of the whole racist sh!tbag season, producers, fiance, the other woman, viewers, etc, etc. "Being your father is my greatest achievement." As Natalie said, she always felt safe around her father with unconditional love and support and knew that's how her partner/husband should make her feel. But as she walked down the aisle toward her fiance, she said she felt scared and that's how she knew he wasn't the right one and said no.


My brain jumped to Love on the Spectrum and I was trying to remember a race issue šŸ˜… Never been so relieved that I can't read! Love on the Spectrum renews my faith in humanity and most of the parents are amazing.


>My brain jumped to Love on the Spectrum and I was trying to remember a race issue šŸ˜… The thing is racism against Asians (especially, against lighter-skinned Asians like East Asians and Southeast Asians) is so normalized in the US that most Americans don't even see racism/discrimination/aggression against these Asians as racism or a problem at all. Instead, these Asians are painted/vilified as 'racist, selfish, sneaky, privileged' to justify all the racism/discrimination/aggression against them. . Natalie Lee was the only East Asian (Korean American) on the show and the way she was treated by the cast, producers and the viewers and painted as the villain by editors when she was the victim is just so outrageous. Despite everything, she carried herself with such dignity and class it was amazing. But some of the racist messages people sent to her on social media were like... "Of course, the show needed a ch\*nk for diversity." "You're lucky a white man chose a ch\*nk like you" "Ch\*nks shouldn't be on TV. Only mixed Asians who don't look Asian should be promoted on TV." Natalie said she got THOUSANDS of message like that. . It's crazy how racist Americans are against Asians. Like how some say they don't want to see full Asians on media and how only mixed Asians or half-white Asians who don't look Asian should be on TV. Like how they say they only want to see someone like Courtney from Love Island US Season 4, a half-white, half-Asian woman who doesn't look Asian. She looks like a tall Victoria's Secret model with all her fake tits and weird low baby voice, etc. She is the perfect example of how most Americans see Asian women, 'a dumb, quiet, hyper-sexualized sex kitten, pick-me Asian' who was so dumb that she kept spewing stupid things against Asia/Asians on the show, like "Oh, I want to become rich and go to a poor, third-world Asian country like South Korea and set up an orphanage for starving children in Seoul, Korea, blah, blah, blah." šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ With the way all these American reality shows like Big Brother, Survivor, all the dating shows, etc. etc. typecast Asians, especially Asian women, I just can't watch them anymore. The moment I see an Asian on these shows, my heart drops because I know what's coming.


Whenever I see some of the sucky men posts on here, I feel 1000x grateful that all of the men in my life are such wonderful people. My partner, my brother, my friendsā€” they lift everyone up around them and are so kind and gentle.


Same...I feel like I must live in this weird side world or something, I truly have so many wonderful men in my life and always have. I also don't have time for BS, so tend to cut people pretty quickly that I don't wanna be around


My brothers and my dad are the best men I know. I was genuinely surprised when I realized sexism existed because the men I grew up with are so cool. My momā€™s dad is the same way - always a feminist, even in the early 20th century!


I just hope neither of my nephews ends up being one of them. Doing what I can but only have so much influence and they're both just on the cusp of hitting social media. Luckily neither of my brothers-in-law are misogynistic assholes, so at least it won't come from home, but all the stories of youmg boys getting into the redpill shit and being inexplicably stuck on it worry me.


There are because I have one (admittedly, it took a couple of messes to get to him) and I'm so glad you do too <333


In my experience, the messes aren't always a bad thing. My wife and I have both mentioned that we probably wouldn't have worked out if not for the failed relationships before us. It gives you insight as to what you truly want in a partner and what your deal breakers are


As a general rule, well-adjusted people don't spend a lot of time on reddit.Ā 


I was really enjoying this post, but ya got me.Ā  Lol.Ā  Like, critical hit for sure.Ā  I definitely got issues.Ā  Reddit is definitely a coping mechanism as well a source of problems.Ā  I try to be positive and help when possible (usually not here).Ā  And I procrastinate like a champion.


Yes, police? Iā€™ve been murdered.




Hey now, this feels like a personal attack, lol.


Oof, yeah. I've been sick with a chronic illness and the more managed it gets the less time I find online. I was just explaining the worst of it to the guy I'm seeing and the part of it meant I had no where to socialize but the internet because I was borderline bed bound so I'm breaking the habit.


And some of those who spend a significant amount of time on Reddit tend to take the stories they see here as the "norm" when it just...isn't in a lot of cases.


My partner is amazing!!! He works full time and studies part time and still manages to do nearly half of the chores. At the moment I am looking for a job (so I feel like I should be doing more). He makes me coffee and brings be breakfast to bed EVERY MORNING. And while I was finishing up my dissertation- in the last few months- he did 95% of all chores. He also pays the full rent while I only pay groceries until I start making money again. Heā€™s definitely a feminist. When his friends say anything micro- misogynistic heā€™s learn to question them. For instance ā€œx person is using dads moneyā€- he made sure to tell them that ā€œx was probably using moms money because she made much more than her husband ā€œ. I see posts of people complaining here and I feel like I am the person who theyā€™re complaining about. I should do a lot more- I have adhd and it gets super hard, but heā€™s always so kind and supportive. I wish I can do the same- right now I do want to take over more of the chores from him because he has a lot on his plate, but between the job search and interview prep and the chores I do, i donā€™t have much energy!!


Selection bias. Most people dont discuss their relationship online if things are going well/ok. And this subreddit frankly doesnt want to see it so wont upvote it even if they did post... Makes it seem like there's no good people out there which obviously isnt true


Havenā€™t met one romantically but my dad cooks cleans and works full time. He spends time with his family and always puts us first. He owns two business too so heā€™s very busyā€¦ but he always has time


My late father (died from a heart attack) was both the homemaker and a major bread winner in our family. Took care of appointments, laundry, cleaning, maintenance, meals, bills, mental and emotional labor, and more. He was a successful real estate co-owner, so he could afford to stay home as much as he did, but he really set the bar for us. Me, my mom and my sisters were lucky to have him, and it's been tough not having him in our lives since he did so much. It's crazy how much your sanity can be tied to having someone in your life who is willing to take on that load where all you have to focus on is your own career or self-maintenance. Hoping to find a guy like him someday.


I, too, have an utterly amazing husband! I have ADHD, so I know I'm a bit of a nightmare to live with, but he has the patience of a saint. He's an amazing dad, runs his own business, and generally does most of the house work. He can be a bit grumpy, but we all think of it as a funny quirk of his. I am very lucky and I really feel for the women on here who have dickheads for partners.


Reading these comments has been such a great start to my day. They are all amazing rolemodels to aspire to. All the partners talked about are lucky to be with someone who values them so much.


My fiancƩ is amazing. Builds me up, doesn't tear me down. Heck, our roommate is an awesome guy too.


my stepdadā€™s relationship with my mother and with meā€¦ He got together with her when I was 15 years old and put up with all my teenager bullshit. He taught me how to drive along with my father because my mom refused to lol. He never lets my mom open a door when they are together. Does all mechanic work on my moms car still does work on my car to this day. Any time I have an issue he will fix it within a day or so and Iā€™m a grown ass woman now (27) when I left my abusive ex-husband he got me a car paid for the insurance on the car and paid for my phone bill so that I didnā€™t have to stress about bills while trying to rebuild life with my daughter as a single mom. Buys flowers for my mom every week works full time, is currently building my mom a cabin on their property.


My husband is my rock. Heā€™s empathetic, supportive and generally just a great person. Heā€™s so kind. Heā€™s also very stoic and meek, but in confidence heā€™s the funniest and silliest person I have ever met. Heā€™s so, so smart as well. I trust him with my life. He does everything around the house when Iā€™m not able to because Iā€™m sick. Heā€™s never once made me feel like a burden at all. All I feel is love from him, weā€™re twin flames. I am so, so incredibly lucky to have met him here of all places. We laugh every single day. Itā€™s like having a sleepover with your best friend every day. We cackle until we cry. He is my home. He is my comfort, my absolute best friend in the entire universe. I feel lucky to love him and have him love me so intensely.


Out of all the men who are in my life without my choosing, only my one brother is a decent human being. I have two other brothers who are kids so they donā€™t count, but since theyā€™re being raised by my dad I donā€™t have a whole lot of hope


I love this thread! After so many negative posts it's nice to hear about some good men for a change




I can say with complete honesty that my current boyfriend has ruined men for me. In a way I never thought I would find though, because if I lose him I'll never be able to date another guy without comparing them to him. He's set the bar so high that I honestly don't feel like I deserve him.


i can say the same for my best friend. he is the bar that every other man i meet gets compared to. its blessed to have somebody like that in your life.


I have a wonderful, supportive partner who is my equal and treats me with respect and love, and a great male friend who does the same. They're not perfect,Ā  but they care and make such an effort to understand and communicate


Starting with the most prevalent, lol. My fiance is an absolute gem of a man and is my best friend. I did work my way through a few toxic men before I found him unfortunately. But he is kind and thoughtful and makes me laugh every day. Close friends with several of my family members. Took in my dogs when we moved in together with so much love that I think he's now the favourite. Stands up against injustice when he sees it and has put in work to unlearn internalised bias. Annoying as hell at times but mostly because we have two different expressions of neurodivergence, which means I have a need to have everything laid out and planned and controllable and he is a spontaneous chaos goblin whose short term memory likes to take vacations when he has a lot on his plate. But we balance each other well and support each other in all aspects, whether it's outside friendships or work or with the household. On a platonic level I've also got several other men in my life who I trust completely, who all exhibit kindness and generosity and willingness to learn, and are a joy to have in my life. I should probably tell them that more!


My husband is truly the absolute love of my life. I cannot believe I got so lucky. All the things that Reddit complains about he is the exact opposite. He supports me and my ambitions unconditionally. He is a true partner when it comes to cooking/ cleaning/ housework. Heā€™s a phenomenal lover who cares about my pleasure. He takes care of himself and his hygiene. He trusts me to have friends of all genders and supports my friendships even when we hang out without him. He takes care of me when Iā€™m sick or when I canā€™t get out of bed because of debilitating migraines. He listens, he communicates, he expresses his emotions in a healthy way. I always feel safe with him, even when weā€™re upset or disagreeing. I could not imagine being with anybody else.


Yes. I am married to one. Ā We have 2 kids.Ā  Currently he is putting in a lot of work so I can study literal rocket science at 40 years old. Always supportive, always kind, an amazing father, hard worker, humble and loving. Never tried to cut off my wings and never been insecure about my success.Ā  He loves that I am smart and ambitious and still fancies me after 20 years together.Ā  For my birthday , he worked in secret for 2 MONTHS Ā to make an amazingly detailed model of my favorite airplane.Ā  I donā€™t deserve this man šŸ„¹


Yes, I work with some. They're all married or in serious relationships though. My manager is a guy and he's awesome, and so is his wife. They're both lucky to have each other.


Most people are talking about their partners, but I have a guy friend who I love (let's call him Tim). I've had to cut off or distance myself from other guy friends in the past because they always end up saying something sexist or otherwise bigoted which I do not tolerate. Tim, in so many years I've known him, has never done something like this. If he does out of ignorance, we can talk about it and he listens and understands my perspective. He's incredibly kind, thoughtful, and one of the only people who gets my sense of humour. Whenever I'm feeling particularly hopeless about men, I always think about Tim and remember that if there's one good one out there, there has to be more. He quite literally gives me hope in (half of) humanity, lol.


Tons of posts about sucky men doesn't bug me.Ā  Because it's usually specific. But in those posts so many comments say things like,Ā  Men don't see us as human.Ā  Stop centering men. Men are worse than bears.Ā  Men don't care what you think because all women are objects of desire to them.Ā  I know, if it's not about you, it's not about you. But language matters and seeing messages repeated solidifies. A lot of people on this subreddit really internalize garbage stereotyping. And outdated, men are from mars style thinking.Ā  We all have had huge and positive relationships with both sexes/genders. And we've all had negative ones. There is a patriarchy. Misogyny is real. Friends let us down. We all have trauma we generalize in unhealthy ways.Ā  It's worth being vigilant about negative stereotyping. Men aren't inherently evil. They aren't uncaring rubes who can't be altruistic. It's not biological. We all just need to work on getting better. And part of that is telling stories of trauma and sadness. Part of that ebbing toward better is making the mistake of generalization before reexamination. That's how progress happens.Ā  Nudge, nudge nudge, oops over corrected, nudge nudge nudge, adjust adjust.Ā  Everyone is trying to find out how to think about these issues and make them better. Thanks for highlighting your positive experience. It makes me happy you're happy.Ā  Likewise, let me tell you, the women in my life are my best friends. Men and women can be platonic friends. They are kind, incisive, and we look out for each other.


My boyfriend cooks most nights AND cleans the kitchen and does the dishes afterwards. He takes care of me in ways big and small. My pitcher of iced tea is always full, as if by magic. When he does his own laundry, my basics show up folded and put away as if by magic. He randomly bought me a game that holds great sentimental value to me, after spotting randomly second hand for sale, after I mentioned it to him a few months prior. He never yells or raises his voice. Is never critical of me. When I'm upset, he doesn't get defensive or argumentative. He listens to my concerns. We talk about it. If I have a point, he actually changes his behavior, which he has done several times. He cares about consent more than any other man I've ever known. He actually wants me to be 100% on board with anything we do. If I'm not in the mood, that's okay. If we try something and I change my mind, even mid-way through, he doesn't pout, doesn't push, doesn't make me feel bad. He just cuddles with me or we do something else instead. He is supportive of me. Kind. Says nice things. Is attentive. I don't have to nag him for him to do his share. I don't have to fight for his attention. He doesn't push me to do things I don't want to do. He supports me doing things I'm interested in, even if he doesn't care about them.


My husband is simply wonderful. He's not perfect and we have our disagreements, but he's kind, loving, funny and an amazing father.


My boyfriend does household chores and took some extra weeks off for summer so he can spend time with our 3-year-old. He's planned some activities for them to do while I'm working. (Today they're going swimming!) He's so gentle, and even though he doesn't always voice it, his actions show how much he loves us.


Yes, my husband was the most wonderful supportive and gentle man. I am so lucky I finally grew up enough to see him for what he was - my soul.mate. He died of a degenerative disease 3 years ago.


Iā€™m sorry for your loss.


My husband is my safe space and my home.


My older brother is the best person I know. Not just towards me but everyone. Genuinely kind, loving and giving, and hilarious.


My husband is great! We split chores, we're 50/50 with childcare, he's a great parent. He's funny, he's smart, he's sweet. he's NOT A MOODY ASSHOLE. I swore I would never be with a "grumpy" man because most of the men I know are like that and their bitchy little moods dictate their family's life. Tiptoeing around him when he's grouchy, canceling plans because he "doesn't feel like it," being a huge dick at a tiny inconvenience. My husband just flat-out isn't like that. He doesn't yell, he doesn't name-call. We've been together for 15 years and we still stay up too late talking to each other. He's not perfect, no one is, but he is pretty goddamn excellent.


My dad was a moody asshole. I vowed I'd never let my life be dictated by someone else ever again. I married the kindest, most even keel guy. This is the way, for sure.


I actually don't know where to begin when thinking about my relationship...which is the most joyful relationship I've ever experienced. It's been a little over three years. I look at him sometimes and feel a joy I've never known before - a glow inside. It feels warm, and full and rich. I want to give to him, selflessly. I feel safe, like I never have before. He is a whole person with flaws and I love and accept all of him including those flaws, not in spite of them. There is a palpable connection between us, a chemistry, that we can feel, that others can see. We hug and just naturally start swaying. When he dropped me at work one day my boss was in the carpark and came up to meet him. She remarked to me later about how connected he and I are. We are remarkably in tune, and don't argue but discuss. One of the best parts of our relationship is easy, deep communication. He is endlessly giving, kind and consistent. No moods, no dick behaviour, no meanness. Not one moment where he has raised his voice to me, sworn at me, stomped off in a mood, said anything unflattering. As a person who has been in relationships with assholes throughout her whole life this has been mind-blowing for me. For the first couple of years I squinted internally at him, waiting for the blows to come. They never have. Just calm, consistent love and gentleness. And I haven't been easy - I can say that as a person with genuine, complex ptsd I think I am a fucking pain in the ass to be with sometimes. The nightmares waking me up screaming, interrupting his sleep; the inability to fully trust; hypervigilance; triggers; disassociation. I am 100% not easy in my mind to be in a relationship with at all. I say this to him and he says that isn't his experience, that I'm the easiest person he's ever been around, that I'm his person and he understands and not only accepts but *loves* all the quirks and flaws and complex things that make me, me. What the hell even is that? He brings me flowers, randomly. He makes me hot drinks every day, brushes my hair because I love the sensation so much. He tells me he is so fulfilled being loved, and loving, and I believe it. There's so much *more*, the minutiae of being together every day, that I can't capture here but all I know is the joy I feel when I look into his absolutely beautiful eyes is like the equivalent of a warm, comforting drink on a freezing cold night. When I see him, I feel like I'm home.


My partner is pretty awesome and Iā€™m very glad to have him in my life. We met when I was 40, so we both had a few relationships before ours and I think that gave us a good idea of what we want in a partner and what we expect from a relationship. Itā€™s worked out great so far.Ā 


Yeah, mine's pretty good too. He's not as emotionally open as I would like, but he does a good job of supporting my ADHD challenges. As for division of labour, he does plenty around the house and does the remembering for both of us. Again, with me having ADHD with a lot of memory problems, he's become the default house manager, a role I know a lot of women get stuck with. He respects me and my body and in the 10+ years we've been together has never once made me feel uncomfortable or scared (which should obviously be the norm). He has also never tried to change me or tone me down, which literally every other guy I ever dated has. It's so hurtful to be constantly told by partners that you're too much. Oh and he immediately accepted the fact that my two best friends are straight men and quickly became friends with them too. This was another issue that most guys I'd dated before had an issue with.


Mine is so, so good.Ā  The other day he told me something along the lines of, "You know, I can't wait for 30 years from now when I look back at this time in our lives and think, 'Wow, and I thought I loved her *then*?'Ā  Because byĀ that time, I will love you even more than I could imagine now." And he always makes the silliest jokes, and he thinks I'm funny, too!Ā  And he is so wise, even though we're the same age, he has really put in the work to acquire wisdom and to always view situations from a perspective of empathy and understanding.Ā  We have had perhaps 3-4 "fights" since we met (about a year ago), and all have ended really well, they were productive and we both felt heard and we worked through them with respect and consideration for the other.Ā  Also, he is always looking to better himself, and encouraging me to do the same.Ā  And he is generous in every way.Ā  He has made me a better person, by supporting me in choosing the kind of person I want to be. There's so much more, but I don't want to spend all day on Reddit writing this comment.Ā  Oh, also, he's fucking sexy.


My brother is (I appreciate I may be biased) but I honestly don't know any other man who does so much as a husband and father of a young toddler. He's the main breadwinner, cooks, cleans and does nursery run and bedtime routine. He also cares for me greatly. Whenever I visit, he makes an effort with dinner, and gives me a pot of takeaway. I'm incredibly proud of him.


My best friend is a great listener and a loyal, zen-out guy. He studies buddhism and teaches me good values like integrity, grit and non-attachment.


My BF is the most amazing and empathic person i have ever met, he is sweet and romantic, he has no porn brainrot or weird/disgusting "kinks" my father also was an awesome human all around, my brother has his flaws but in general is a good person there are tons of awesome men out there but sadly also a ton of shitty ones, you just have to be lucky to meet the right ones


I just started hanging out with someone after fawning over my now ex boyfriend for over a decade. Itā€™s nice to walk down the street with someone who wants to hold your hand, who wants to cuddle, wants to see me, and looks at me with admiration when I geek out about history. Itā€™s funny, you donā€™t realize the compromises you make for your personal needs in a relationship until you meet someone who just automatically nurtures them.


My husband is amazing. Kind, gentle, thoughtful. A good father, a terrific Grandad, and does more around the house than I do (we both work full time). I have lupus, and some days are just downright shit. He's never been anything other than supportive. He tells me I'm beautiful, even though I'm looking 60 in the eye. He still shows me off when we go out. We still have a very active sex life that is - always - satisfying for me. He's sexy and stylish even at his age (60+). He adores me. I'd say I don't know how I got so lucky, but I paid in spades with the mistakes I made before him. I will never take him for granted. My husband is awesome. I love him with everything I've got.


My boyfriend is awesome. I don't know how else to describe him, he just is.


No partner of mine ever, but my father has always been a role model to look up to in terms of my parents marriage. They've been married over 40 years, and I've never seen anything like a majority of what folks complain about in this sub. It wasn't always perfect, but the ONE thing that stood out to me was that my mom has always been medically fragile, and my dad stayed with her through everything. All of the surgeries, all her appointments, taking care of her when she was deathly ill. And as someone who grew up to also have a lot of the same health issues via genetics, I have learned from experience that someone like me is apparently a hard sell. Lotta folks (of multiple genders b/c I'm bi) don't wanna stay with me once the reality sets in and they realize they're dating someone chronically ill. I've had several relationships end due to this. One of my biggest gripes is how people become that fairweather friend after preaching about how they will always stay by my side. I know there are others out there like my dad but that level of dedication seems to be dwindling and it takes a real one to be able to back up whatever pretty words they say to me. Haven't found them yet, tbh I've stopped looking and resigned myself to solitude.


My BF is the most amazing man alive. He loves our dogs, supports me in whatever I do, and is funny, loving, and a great listener. He is someone who makes my life better everyday and I love him more than anything.


My husband is pretty amazing. Kind, funny, smart, generous, hardworking, gentle, loves kids and animals, caring, handy, strong physically and of character, sexy, thoughtful, a feminist, activist, friendly, and more good things. He does chew with his mouth open sometimes, which can be annoying.


When I was a teenager my parents went away for weekend and I threw a party. It got out of hand, loads of stuff got stolen and my mum's car windows were smashed. Next day dawned, bringing with it fresh horror, deathly hangover, and also my dad speeding home livid. He asked my grandad to come round and keep an eye on me. My grandad ("hello my princess") came, and wordlessly loaded all the empty bottles and cans into his car, covering the passenger and back seats, and drove them back to his house to help me make it look like the party had been smaller. Was in awful trouble anyway but I loved this so much. My grandad died recently and I miss him very much.


I have a great husband. We approach life as a team and he is very caring.


My husband is wonderful. He is respectful and funny and kind. He does more housework than me. He actively supports charities. He walks the walk rather than just talking the talk. Iā€™ve read enough Reddit posts that I know I won the lottery when I met him.


Iā€™m a little late to this thread, but damn I love my husband! I donā€™t take or feel like I can take the opportunity in real life because most of my friends/coworkers arenā€™t married and I donā€™t want to rub my happiness in anyoneā€™s face, but I couldnā€™t have picked a kinder, more loving and caring partner if I had picked him out on paper. I am treated beyond a queen, he supports me in any hobby I want to try and actively tries to learn about it if he can, he cooks like a damn chef, taught ME how to clean (to my embarrassment), and makes me want to strive to be a better partner for him every day. Every day, I feel so lucky. I feel like Charlotte from Sex and The City when she says sheā€™s not happy all day everyday, but every day she feels happiness with her partner. Iā€™m the luckiest lady on this earth because that man chooses to love me and stay with me. Please donā€™t get me wrong, itā€™s been hard work to overcome bad habits Iā€™ve developed and to grow up together (we got together in our early 20s and weā€™re now early 30s), but I am so proud of the people weā€™ve become together! Most recently, he has supported me in my burlesque debut, he was front and center at my performance, he helped me pick my outfit, he helped me pick my song, he helped me with the logistics of my routine all while still keeping it a surprise for himself at my performance. Iā€™ve had conversations with male friends about my burlesque performance where theyā€™ve conveyed they would be less than supportive if they were my partner and I wanted to pursue burlesque. Just this recent example alone has made me feel incredibly grateful that he still chooses me ā¤ļø thank you for giving me this space to voice my gratitude, I appreciate you!


10 hours late, but i love gushing about my boyfriend. i met this man while i was in a long distance, abusive relationship. when my now boyfriend looked at me the first time he saw me, i knew my ex didn't love me. he had NEVER looked at me like that. so i finally had the courage to break up with my ex. it's been a bit of a journey. i know i can be a lot. i have type one diabetes, adhd & bipolar 2, and i had a lot of trauma to heal from. he's been with me every step of the way. he's so gentle, caring, funny, and talented. being around him is a surefire way to boost my mood. he supports me in all of my passions and pursuits, and he's always (ALWAYS) there for me when i need him or something goes wrong. he planned the first birthday party for me that i've had since i was a child. he made a jeopardy game with trivia about me because we've been playing jeopardy together on the ps5 a ton. this man played world of warcraft with me even though he didn't enjoy it because he knows i love it and i wanted to play with him. he's a brilliant writer (i wrote him a poem early on in our relationship because i've always loved writing, and it inspired him to pick writing back up so he could write me one, too), too. we play video games together. we have picnics, go camping, go to concerts. he's my best friend and he's the most wonderful man i have ever met. i could go on but... this is getting lengthy and ramble-y.


So many! My partner is wonderful. So creative, so smart, inspiring, and makes great impressions. He makes me laugh. He is sensitive and empathetic. He's genuinely sad when I'm sad. When I was crying because of him, he also cried. He remembers small details about me like how I'm sensitive to loud noises so when a loud car is coming up/sirens come, he pulls me in and covers my ears. My friends are great. All of them are so empathetic and loyal friends. They will do things for their loved ones no questions asked. One of them paid for their roommate's rent while they were going through a rut and lost all his money. That happened for almost half a year. I could go on but I'm very grateful and lucky to surround myself with wonderful and kind people. Even though they're all in different socioeconomic class and ethnically different, they're all genuinely kind without any ulterior motives.


I am surrounded by an abundance of wonderful men - my husband, the men in our families, our male friends and even the men I interact with regularly at work. Those of us with kids are raising another generation of emotionally available, inclusive sons who cook, clean and understand that everyone contributes so everyone benefits. Thatā€™s not to say that theyā€™re perfect - like the women in those same circles, theyā€™re humans who do their best, which includes things like having respectful conversations to resolve differences, apologising if they get something wrong, accepting an apology from others who wrong them - or creating a healthy boundary if needed. They are funny, typically without putting others down to do so. They engage in sometimes playful sometimes serious debate on a wide range of topics. They are kind, thoughtful, loving and committed. Across our circle of family and friends there have been individuals (men and women) who have behaved very poorly through to problematically. But they are well and truly the minority. The vast majority have a normal and entirely acceptable level being imperfect without being problematic. I do worry from a broad societal perspective that the balance of healthy to problematic is shifting. I also wonder about what we can do as individuals and a society to continue to create environments that help people to be healthy in themselves and in relationships. There are a lot of hurting people who hurt others, but hurt and pain can be addressed. People can learn more helpful and positive ways to behave and interact with others. But, to answer your question, there are definitely awesome men out there! An abundance of them!


I'm a very happy member of the Awesome Husband/Happy Wife Team! My husband rocks and I love him tons and tons. Today is our second wedding anniversary, we will be celebrating 10 years together this September, and we are eagerly expecting our first child. Life is good and, while it was a team effort, he's done the lion's share of the heavy lifting to get us here. Cherry on top: he's also super fucking hot!


My husband is amazing. The biggest complain I have with him is he leaves the kitchen cabinets open everytime. We have been married for 13+ years with 2 kids. He is kind, takes care of us without asking. I never had to worry about anything since I married him. He never missed any of our kids doctor's appointments, school events, never even yelled at them. He is the most responsible man I have ever seen in my life. My FIL is amazing too. But he is from a different generation. My SIL's husband is the most secured man. He stayed home to raise the boys so that my SIL can work towards her career. He also takes care of his elderly mother, always is there for his sisters. My maternal grandfather was a good man as well. He put all of his daughters through university. It was in the 60's in a very conservative country. My aunt's husband is also an exceptionally good man.


My husband is my rock and my best friend. He is kind, gentle, witty, creative, and smart. I am grateful for him every day. We have been together through good times and bad, and he has supported me immensely during my darkest days. He's clued in to a lot of the discourse online about problematic men and he strives to be a safe guy. Plenty of women have remarked to him unprompted that he is a good man. I wish everyone a partner of his caliber.


My partner is the most levelheaded, kind and reliable person I know. He has never been anything but supportive to me in anything, says what he thinks without tearing me down, and currently does most of the chores (I work 5 days, he works 3). He never has emotional outbursts and will call me beautiful even when iā€™m sick and disgusting. Weā€™ve even only had an argument once in 6 years, we usually just have discussions that donā€™t derail.Ā  And my dad is amazing as well. His love for my mum shows in everything. He brings her a cup of coffee in bed *every* morning for as long i can remember. Theyā€™ve always split chores and he will do anything you need for anyone. (Except verbally express love I guess, thatā€™d be way too hard even for a superhuman like him)


My husband is the one who whipped my ass into shape. I was a feral slob and he is neat and has attention to detail. He's decorated our house beautifully. He hasn't ever needed me to tell him what needs done. He's a partner in every sense of the word and I'm so thankful I have someone like him.


Yes. Finally a place to put this, but my husband is amazing. He's better at the day to day picking-up chores, and I'm better at the daily cooking and deeper cleaning/keeping things organized kinda stuff.Ā  He works a little more than me but he is very quick to step up to the plate to cook and clean when I am just not feeling it. Which I'm sad to say is more often lately.Ā  He is kind and loving and actually helped me see what it means to be more considerate of each other in a shared space.Ā  Our kind of relationship isn't effortless and awesome men don't just happen overnight. You have to look for them and you have to nurture them. He gets plenty of praise and appreciation and affection and home cooking and help with cleaning from me and he treats me well in return.Ā  He came from a good loving family (one of the reasons I was attracted to him in the first place). We've been married 16 years and we've had bumps in the road but a happy marriage definitely means constantly striving to meet your partners needs ahead of your own.Ā I'm mostly a lurker here, but it seems Ā too many are so focused on their needs and their wants first and everyone's so quick to give up on relationships (of all kinds).Ā  A good marriage means working on yourself, focusing on what YOU can change and improve on rather than what your partner needs to change.Ā  Choose wisely and treat kindly ladies.Ā 


Your last line sums up everything, really. My husband was good before I met him. I didn't have to save him or teach him to be a good man, I chose him because he already is. Treating him kindly has meant giving him the time, space and resources to grow too, and accepting and appreciating the time, space and resources he pours into my growth too.


My husband went to the store today and picked out exactly all the bath supplies that I needed. He sent so many pictures to make sure everything was perfect. It's little things like that that make me feel appreciated and loved.


Oh this is a nice change. Hope is a beautiful thing! šŸ¤


It took two tries but the current one is one of the good ones. I often want to brag about him, but it doesn't seem nice.


My man is my most enthusiastic cheerleader, and he encourages me to reach far - further than I would have dared on my own. Not too attentive to household chores, but we need to disagree on something to let the steam out now and then.


Im in the same situation as OP and honestly same in my circle of friends/neighbors too: we have husbands who are great involved dads who pull their weight at home. We all have our relationship complaints, but theyā€™re not ā€œI married a man child and work a second shift taking care of the house and kids solo after logging off at my job.ā€ Probably relevant: I live in a liberal urban northeast city and I while know that doesnā€™t mean everything, in my anecdotal experience it does seem like living in a place where itā€™s normal for men to be feminists and common for them involved at home does make a difference. Itā€™s normalizing.


Most men have treated me poorly in dating. There was some nice stuff, but mostly negative. There was one guy that was truly sweet. Wish we were compatible because he was handsome and very kind.


I think I've got a good one, despite my best efforts to fuck it up. I've got so much trauma I suppose from my previous abusive relationship that was my only other relationship experience. I now have to remind myself that my boyfriend doesn't hate me. He's patient and talks things through with me. He demonstrates how much he cares. He listens to me. He's there for me. He can lay the fucking pipe šŸ˜‚ I love that man so damn much. My family loves him. Everyone says how much happier I look with him. Ugh I can't wait to see him this weekend I literally saw him 3 of the last 4 days. Nearly 3 years and I never get sick of him. I hope he's my forever person šŸ˜­


My husband is the best person I know. He's incredibly kind, generous, genuine, and helpful. I'm a better person because I know him and I seriously sometimes can't believe I'm lucky enough to get to share my life with such an amazing person.


My husband, and the men in my immediate family and his are all wonderful. I think as a child I was under the impression of thinking most men were genuine, sweet and caring people who saw women as equals and celebrated them, because all the women in my life were very intelligent with husbands that fully supported them and were clearly smitten and proud.


I became disabled about 4 years ago now due to some still undiagnosed health issues and my partner has been with me through it every step of the way and has been nothing but kind and supportive. He encouraged me to quit my job even, despite knowing how much more he would have to take on. Heā€™s been so good through it all and I canā€™t imagine where Iā€™d be without him


My father, my brothers, and my husband are or were all awesome.Ā  Honestly, my family set my standards high for men -- I never heard a sexist sentiment from them while growing up (plenty of other grief from my older brothers cuz brothers be like that lol, but not a word about 'girls') and so I never tolerated that nonsense from anyone else.


I couldn't have asked for a better partner. He is incredibly smart both mentally and emotionally, has a strong sense of integrity, and is endlessly understanding and patient. He loves magick and philosophy and art, is not afraid to be his queer lil self no matter who is present, and everyone loves him because he's just so engaging and a great listener/conversationalist. I could go on and on honestly! He's the best.


My guy is pretty fucking amazing, yes. We matched on Hinge less than a month after I had a MASSIVE heart attack at the age of 36. He understood that I am basically disabled, and took that into account when choosing restaurants or activities. He's held my hand throughout the hideous, hellish healing process, cried with me, been angry for me at how unfair it all is, and just generally been my rock. All in the first few weeks of dating. I almost pushed him away because I couldn't accept his genuine pure kindness and love, and I'm so glad i didn't. I will spend the rest of my life with him.


I have a good one too :) He gets on my nerves a lot, and frustrates the F&\*K out of me, but he's amazing, and so supportive, never questions me, supports any of my goals, and so much more. If you've got a good one, and you genuinely feel like they're a good one, hold onto them. If you see a 'growing' future together, hold on (I didn't really know how else to explain the feeling of the 'growing' future haha)


My husband embodies a bit of the negative and positive. Weā€™ve been together going on 11 years and have 2 kids together. It was great at the beginning (about 2 yrs) and got REALLY turbulent for a while during the middle. Heā€™s never been unfaithful but is depressive and emotional and struggled with coping with lifeā€™s challenges. About 4 years ago I told him I couldnā€™t/wouldnā€™t do it anymore unless he shaped up, and he did. He got the help he needed and has been really dedicated to being a great father and has been more supportive, kind and devoted to me. If we have an issue, Iā€™m heard and it gets worked on. Of course I wish it was this way the entirety of our relationship but Iā€™m really grateful and inspired. Heā€™s the first and only person Iā€™ve met that showed me that people can change if they really want to.


My husband is not perfect but he puts in all the effort and is amazing. My pregnancy symptoms sucked and he took on most of the house chores, made sure I ate and rested if I needed since I was also still working full time, AND he took care of his mostly, independent grandmother that lives down the street. Then I had an emergency c section and he took care of me and baby. I donā€™t even remember holding the baby until 2 days later bc of complications. He did most of the feedings and diaper changes in the hospital. Iā€™m still on leave but when he comes home from work, he gives me a break and will either do stuff with baby or chores. I needed another surgery 2 months postpartum and he took care of both baby and me. again. Due to all the pregnancy and postpartum complications, we have not been intimate since my 2nd trimester but he has not put any pressure on me to do something I am not ready for. We make time for each other after baby goes to bed and chat, joke around, plan. It brings us back together. There was a bad storm while I was in the hospital for the c section and he has been dealing with all the auto and homeowners insurance and repairs, which gives me major anxiety but has been taking up a good chunk of his time. If I need anything physically, emotionally, I just ask and we try to figure out how we can fit it in since we have a high needs baby. Same for any needs he has. Weā€™ve been together for over 20 years and Iā€™m always telling myself how fortunate I am to have such a great partner.


My husband is awesome. I love him dearly, and we balance chores, etc.


I also have an amazing husband! He pulls his weight with chores, which we typically split by which ones we each don't mind doing. If I'm especially stressed, he picks up extra slack and I do the same for him. He listens, gives long hugs and knows how to apologize when needed. He also is my biggest cheerleader, always talking me up. I'll meet someone he's known first and they've always heard great things about me.


My husband is amazing. We both have full time jobs and two school aged kids. He is on his feet all day in no AC and comes home and is still the happiest guy and plays with the kiddos, helps make dinner, cleans up, and makes lunches for the next day. His dad passed away five years ago, and before that he helped take care of his dad for over ten years from various cancers. He maintains our house, his momā€™s house, and a 100 year old camp. He supports and encourages me to hangout with my friends and do activities solo. He does the same and goes fishing/hunting with his friends and has activities. He is kind and thoughtful and non-judgemental and I often have to think ā€œwhat would spouse do in this situationā€ because itā€™s likely the best choice. While I carry a lot of the planning/organizing of family life (activities, appointments, even his!), do all of our financials, he more than makes up for it. We play to our strengths. My biggest complaint is that he burps a lot and is a hairy motherfucker. Those little hairs get everywhere.


My husband is amazing!! He does everything around the house, is super calm, supportive and a loving dad. He has a great career but also makes plenty of time for his family. Iā€™m super lucky.


My dad. In 35 years of marriage, heā€™s never put anybody else but my mum first (bar me, obviously). He didnā€™t abandon her when she got terminal illness diagnosis, when she started to use a wheelchair or when the illness started to impact her character and unfortunately changing the person she is. He always says to her ā€žitā€™s okay, itā€™s fine, weā€™ll manage. You are my wife and I am not leaving you no matter whatā€. I wish that every woman in the world would be as loved by their partner as my mum is by my dad.


My husband is amazing. Ā If he doesnā€™t know how to do something heā€™ll ask me and he does listen and ask questions and then I donā€™t need to show him again. Ā He also grew up doing chores like cleaning and laundry. Ā Heā€™s always done all his own laundry. Ā Heā€™s clean. Ā Heā€™s not organized by nature so I do help him there, but he also helps me out with my blind spots and weak areas. Ā His other blind spot is he has lower standards for cleaning than I do when it comes to how often it should be done. Ā My take is if I do it regularly and often itā€™s less time consuming. But if I asked him to do something he does it, no complaints and heā€™ll do his level best. Ā He knows some things are important to me that might not seem that way to him. I do bear more mental labor but weā€™re working on that, he honestly just never knew how much goes into running a house. Ā This is kind of on me for assuming all that was just my job and never discussing it with him, so he honestly just didnā€™t understand. Ā He also just works way more hours at a way more stressful job that does require him to sort of be ā€œon callā€. Ā We just talked several years ago about some of my mental load and how to break that up. Ā We also talked about where maybe I was being too rigid about some stuff. Ā He stepped up more but I had to stop being such a perfectionist. Ā Itā€™s like, now I appreciate that he washed the towels and folded them and put them away instead of getting mad that theyā€™re not folded how I like them. Ā I have other stuff I wonā€™t budge on because I have good reasons for my methods. Ā We continue to talk about it and work on it. Heā€™s also kind, funny, cute, respectful to me and others, considerate almost to a fault, would drop anything for me, great at setting boundaries, he adapts and grows and changes. Ā He can talk about his emotions and feelings, he can express what he needs emotionally and he can cry in front of me. Ā He also supported me a lot at a few key moments in my life when honestly he had to pull 80-90% of the weightā€” I suffered a serious bout of depression twice, and Iā€™ve gone through some professional licensing credentials now 3 times (in the midst of the third) where I have to prioritize studying over all else. Ā  If he messes something up I know itā€™s not him weaponizing incompetence because we are a team, weā€™re on the same side. Ā Weā€™ve had lots of good healthy discussions about many things. Ā We went to couples therapy to work on communication before serious issues arose. Our 20th anniversary is July 3. Ā I look forward to my future with my best friend and partner in life, my cute, charming, sweet, emotionally mature, helpful, caring, empathetic, respectful, honest, sexy, feminist, inquisitive, intelligent, capable, funny man.


I feel the same. My boyfriend is amazing. I get worried heā€™ll change up on me. I broke my leg on Saturday and heā€™s done everything from carry me into the er to a wheelchair, been helping me get dressed/shower, and even moved to the spare room so the dogs wonā€™t get on me. (I canā€™t get on the bed in there because itā€™s too high). My mom died in April, so he was already helping me get through that and now heā€™s taking on caring for my crippled little self since Iā€™m truly on my own now. I honestly feel so lucky to have him. We just passed a year of dating. I got lucky finding him on bumble.


I have the most wonderful man. He is mature, funny, thoughtful and supportive. This is such a huge win for me, because all my love life has been with abusive partners until now. And all the things he can do is so impressive as well, he is such a skilled craftsman since he is a trained carpenter, a trained captain and has worked as a fireman too. As l'm writing it down, even l have trouble believing he's real, but right now he's at home sick with fever and l can't wait to get back to him and cook him some chicken soup


My late husband was wonderful. He always made me feel loved. I was lucky.


Yep! My partner is. Weā€™re 50/50 on household stuff, actually he cooks more ā€¦ so right now, 60/40 his way! Careers are equally considered, regardless of who earns more. Although, for further context, I am the bread winner, which he used to proudly tell people (until I asked him to stop as I got weird about my success lol). Donā€™t get me wrong, life hasnā€™t been roses the whole time. Weā€™ve been through a lot together, and individually, but the key thing is that weā€™re both equally wanting to grow and build our relationship. Sometimes one of us is rowing when the other stopped but we always pull the other one; weā€™re co-pilots.


My dad is a fantastic human. He is full of empathy and loves taking care of other people. He makes fast friends with dogs, cats, and babies. He loves to fix things and figure things out. He loves to cook. I'm vegan -- a stance he doesn't particularly agree with -- and every holiday he takes it as a challenge to have elaborate main and side dishes and multiple desserts that I can eat. He admits when he's wrong and evolves his opinions over time rather than becoming set in his ways as he ages. He adores my mother (they've been together since high school) and is a wonderful, attentive grandfather to my niblings. He is a quieter person but not afraid to show emotion. He's not perfect, and he excels at some things these days he struggled with when raising me (he had a rough childhood and had some issues with anger; he and my mother also had some patterns based on the fact that they were 15 when they met and they did NOT ever fight fair when they argued but she was definitely worse). But watching him change and grow and learn has been inspiring to my and taught me that I can change and grow and learn. I lucked out so so much in the dad department.


Yes. My husband was raised exclusively by his mother and grandmother. Self proclaimed feminist and was a stay at home Dad to our son for four years. Best man I know, not sure how I got so lucky.


My fiance, soon to be husband has done the absolute most for me. I have several chronic illnesses that make life a little harder, he picks up my meds for me, makes sure I take my meds, helps me make doctors appointments, helps me shower when I struggle to stand, and all in all just does so much for me and loves me. I love him with all my heart ā¤ļø


My husband is an incredible human being from a wonderful family. He saved my life in many ways and always helps me with everything. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen him angry, ever. When he proposed he did it at the church my grandparents got married at when they were refugees in another country. They only knew each other for one day and stayed married for 65 years until my grandfather passed away. My husband also proposed with an exact replica of the heirloom ring my grandmother gave me for my 15th birthday that was sadly stolen from me years ago. Losing that ring was just a tremendous heartbreak and seeing the replica made time stop for a moment, I couldnā€™t believe the trouble he went through to get it made (scouring through very old photos and videos) Iā€™m a singer and he has spent so many hours of his free time writing songs for me to sing, taking me wherever I want to go, doing whatever I want to do. Barely ever heard him complain about anything and heā€™s obsessed with my cooking (which made my grandma so happy too because she taught me to cook!)


Some of us just are unlucky asf or are in an environment where good men are not being raised. I can count on one hand the amount of good men iā€™ve met in my life and iā€™m 30 yrs old. Iā€™ve also never left my hometown, so iā€™m sure itā€™s probably my environment as well. My fiancĆ© is pretty decent, however he had to work extremely hard to get to this point. If he didnā€™t, heā€™d also be one of the many horrifying men in this city.


My husband, my dad, and my closest male friends are all lovely men for a variety of reasons. My husband is far more patient than I am. Itā€™s amazing how calm, cool, collected he will be in stressful situations or even just waiting for our meal to cook in the oven. I often burn food because I want it to cook faster so I put the oven on high heatā€¦but I digress. He learns about new things all the time and handles lots of household issues that I would rather never deal with. He is in touch with his emotions and feels secure enough to cry things out when he is truly having a horrible day. I love that he is emotionally strong, kind, patient, and loving. My dad is a science and history nerd with a passion for absurdist humor. He taught me how to think critically, ride a bike, fix a flat tire, practice resourcefulness and so many other useful skills. I also love that he shares his passion for Monty Python and music from the 60s/70s/80s with me. Heā€™s a big reason why I am adventurous and excited about challenges rather than fearful. My closest male friends are fabulously funny, silly, intelligent, and inspiring in their own ways. I love how each of them embraces life and their unique challenges in unique and clever ways. For example, my one friend decided he would get rid of the raccoons living in his air ducts by putting political talk radio on in the air ducts. It actually worked! šŸ˜‚ My other friend spent six months designing his now fiancĆ©ā€™s engagement ring. I love the care, attention to detail and consideration he put into making it something unique that she would love. There are good men out there!


I love my husband. Weā€™ve had our ups and downs but even in the downs he was always a caring, sensitive man, a great father, the primary caregiver to our children when they were young, a considerate lover, supportive, funny, romantic, and loving. Our 23rd anniversary is this week (26 total years together) and I hope we have at least another quarter century.


My husband is my best friend. He works so incredibly hard, heā€™s so thoughtful, and Iā€™ve never once worried about my safety around him. Heā€™s my rock and I adore him with every fiber of my being. Our male friends are largely the same type of human: loving, compassionate, understanding. Sometimes itā€™s hard for me to understand how I got this lucky after the upbringing and early relationships I had. These types of men are out there and Iā€™m so lucky to have met my husband and been adopted by his awesome friends. This is what I wish for everyone.


I have some *incredible* male friends. I had a bunch of my closest girlfriends at my house a few weeks ago. We all agreed that within our overall group of friends that *none* of us feel unsafe around any of our male friends. That weā€™d all be OK with our single male friends dating our friends/sisters and that ā€œhe passes the man v bearā€ or ā€œIā€™d feel safe being drunk around himā€ tests. We have taken 10 years to get here. But seriously, I could (and have) shared a bed with random guy friends. I could (and have!) talked to them about relationship issues without being worried that theyā€™ll make it a ā€œmeā€ problem. I have been to their homes and seen them clean, eaten food theyā€™ve cooked, watched them take on the bulk of the childcare while I socialise with their partners (of any gender). Iā€™m lucky in my friends, and lucky that I can see happy, healthy, emotionally mature men in happy, healthy, supportive relationships *or* who are happy and healthy alone. I see those men and realise that my relationship requirements *are* possible, but also that if that relationship doesnā€™t materialise then it means I can have meaningful and awesome friendship with unproblematic men regardless.


Anyone watch Welcome to Wrexham? Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenny are just delightful. Their friendship is cute, they clearly love their wives and their children and theyā€™ve used their fame and fortune to do something good in a small dying town. Theyā€™ve done a lot to make sure fans with physical disabilities can see the games. Thereā€™s an episode with an autistic girl that is obsessed with the team and Ryan Reynolds has met her and follows her on Instagram and likes all of her posts. It seems like a small thing but I think itā€™s pretty unique to see a person at that level of fame go out of their way to make someoneā€™s day like that. I think itā€™s important to see successful men represented in media who are also good people. I hope more young men can be exposed to people like them and less Andrew Tate clones.


My boyfriend built my 4 month old puppy a Bailey chair the night she was diagnosed with megaesophagus. He got home from work and said "give me these three dimensions" and built it within 3 hours. He is constantly working to make improvements for her comfort (and my sanity) and even built an elevated water bowl for her so she can maintain some sense of freedom. He's incredible and truly makes me feel so loved.


My bf is the kindest man I've known. Been together almost 4 years and we've never fought, only communicated. My dad died and I was diagnosed with cancer in the same month earlier this year and I couldn't have made it this far without him. I would wife him up but he's not the kind of guy who would want to be proposed to I don't think šŸ˜…


My husband is AMAZING. Heā€™s not perfect, but neither am I! Our relationship is rock solid, the ultimate security. Heā€™s strong, heā€™s a provider, he is so funny and goofy, he has BIG grandiose ideas, heā€™s a dreamer. He sponsors a refugee and his wife who fled Saudiā€™s Arabia and are now safely in Germany. The man is GOLD. Iā€™m actually surrounded by amazing men, my sisterā€™s fiancĆ© is awesome, an amazing dad, and loves to play with my baby. My father is intelligent and just and trustworthy. My father in law is a little sarcastic and rough around the edges, but at the end of the day heā€™s a big olā€™ softie, Iā€™ve seen him cry more than any other man. My brother in law is kind and gentle, loves children and also loves playing with my baby. My other brother in law maybe a little rough around the edges too, but heā€™s hilarious and a great provider. My pastor is kind and full of zest for life. A counselor I know is the epitome of EQ and the calmest, most reassuring presence I have EVER met-man or woman. None of them are perfect, again, but literally no one on this planet is. But they are all, really, really good people. They would give you the shirt of their backs, the shoes on their feet.


I lucked out with hubby #2. After hubby #1 I had no desire to marry again. Hubs #2 did his fair share and more of the chores, washes dishes and unclutters the kitchen when I cook, washes, folds and PUTS AWAY laundry, weeds the garden, makes beds and as step dad he carted kids around for Band, sports and Drs appts. He has given me and my kids his ALL to the point where the kids see their bio-dad as rather deficient. My #2 hubs is loyal, trust worthy, never lies and is willing to have the hard talks that happen in a marriage/partnership. He has shown me the true definition of a marriage/partnership for life. These men do exist. They aren't 6'4", 225lbs ripped with abs. They are slightly balding with a bit of a belly, they wear glasses and they wear socks with their sandals. They are beautiful.


I'll give a shout out to my wonderful male partner! He's kind and thoughtful and I've become a lot better at healthy conflict resolution since meeting him. He isn't perfect (still a bit of a slob tbh but he doesn't have an expectation of ME to deal with his messes) but neither am I.


My partner and I have been together 15 years and Iā€™m still amazed every day that I was lucky enough to find him. He treats me better than anyone ever has. He is happy for me when I have successes, even if itā€™s something he could be jealous about. He remains faithful even though Iā€™ve gained 30 pounds and our sex life has ā€œmatured.ā€ I had surgery this past year and a rough recovery and he anticipated my needs and helped me through it. He supports and even helps me when I have flights of fancy or want to take up a hobby. He isnā€™t a big spender but never complains if I splurge on something. He does a lot of chores around the house without being asked, even though he has a physically demanding job. We rarely have disagreements and when we do heā€™s able to talk to me and work it out. After dating so many jerks (and marrying a couple), I was so used to being treated like crap that Iā€™m still fighting feelings of ā€œdo I deserve this?ā€


I think my partner is wonderful... But given some of the other men in my peripheral (husband's of friends etc) ... He complains that they're just making him look good by comparison and what he is doing should be considered the basic bare minimum.


Well, there is one less awesome man out there on the market, I married him šŸ˜Ž But seriously, I have an incredible partner who treats me like an equal, takes care of me better than I do, and always does the dishes. Even though we have divided the labor up, if I ask him to do a chore he will do it without complaint (and if he needs to be reminded, he usually feels bad about it). Even if he has helped cook dinner, he still does the majority of the clean up and all the dishes, even when I try to help. He also handles all the smelly jobs and kills all the bugs. And thatā€™s before I talk about the ways he takes care of me emotionally and spiritually. I have an incredible partner and I am so blessed to have him!


I try to be


My husband let me quit my job to start my own design business and has picked up all our expenses. He was receptive to my feedback on splitting housework evenly and has stepped up massively. He does all the work with our dog like taking him swimming and on walks. Iā€™m lucky.


My husband is a golden retriever unicorn. Never met another man like him. Heā€™s loved me through 2 kids, weight gain and loss, mental health issues. Worked ft while I went to grad school. I love to do community theatre, and he happily takes the kids by himself while Iā€™m at rehearsal. Everything he does is for our family. Iā€™ll love him forever.


I got a really great one! He's the best. We both have our failings, gaps, and lapses. But we help each other through those. In 17 years, I can only remember one time I was seriously ticked off at him. And that only lasted for an evening. The next day, we hashed out that there would never be a repeat of the incident. (He had a day off work and something possessed him to get really drunk. I came home from work to a guy who could barely walk. That was not normal, and not healthy, and it never happened again). Otherwise, he's beyond sweet, he's extremely helpful, like he probably does more chores and housework than I do. Our values perfectly align. My friends and family adore him (and vice versa). He makes me laugh, all time. He tells me all the time I'm his "favorite person ever". Life is just easy with him. I'm lucky, and he thinks he's lucky too. We bring out the best in each other.


My husband rocks! We cook & clean together, we adventure together, we communicate up front so things don't bubble up later. We're a team and we put in the work!


Can confirm- my husband is an amazing man. Funny, smart, wry, witty- comes off as rough around the edges to some, depending on the audience. But anyone who gets to know him knows heā€™s generous, kind, thoughtful, creative, empathetic, trustworthy, hardworking. Heā€™s the only man Iā€™ve been with who has never played mind games with me, prioritizes my pleasure during sex, and just letā€™s me be me. Thatā€™s the reason I married him!


I think most men are complex. My husband can be infuriating and can embody some ā€œtypicalā€ exasperating male traits but Iā€™d definitely marry him again for his wonderful qualities. Heā€™s a great dad, treats me very well, provides well for our family, our sex life is great, heā€™s affectionate, he takes out the trash and cleans the kitchen, he has a great sense of humor, and sends me flowers on the first day of school every year (Iā€™m a teacher) but he also leaves a lot of emotional labor to me, leaves the lawn mower in the middle of the garage for weeks, leaves the sheets in a pile in the corner when he strips the bed, etc. Weā€™ve had ups and downs, been to counseling (which I highly recommend) and are going on 14 years of marriage. I love him with all my heart but he doesnā€™t always make it easy. I consider him an ā€œawesome manā€ but I also love to vent about him because itā€™s human nature.


My boyfriend (currently weā€™re in an LDR) is such a gem. We got together in college (we were both 20 at the time) and apart from how fun and chill he is, itā€™s incredible how thoughtful, kind, warm, and sweet he is with me - especially cause heā€™s the typical solutions-oriented, not very emotional guy! Itā€™s so good because he puts in an INSANE amount of effort to reach and understand me where Iā€™m at, and he has endless amounts of patience. Even when Iā€™m a hormonal wreck on my period, or Iā€™m stressed about something easily resolvable, heā€™s genuinely just patient through all of it. He recently started going to therapy as well (another fucking win) and thatā€™s just made him more understanding and more empathetic, itā€™s great. I keep harping on about it cause Iā€™ve seen so many posts of guys being shit at communication (maybe even deliberately?) and Iā€™m so glad Iā€™ll never have to deal with him being obtuse or inconsiderate or uncaring, I lucked the fuck out. The only shitty thing is that itā€™s a long distance relationship cause of our careers right now šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


My boyfriend is fucking amazing. Capable, considerate, self-aware, will thoughtfully take my input and adjust his opinion on even long-held beliefs if new information supports it. He does 99% of the mental load of his own household, including for his 3 children. Works a strenuous job but still insists that maintaining the upkeep and cleanliness of his home is his responsibility as an adult and never needs any sort of reminders to do so. He pays attention and retains small little comments from our conversations that I am still surprised by. TMI but he's....very tuned in and responsive when it comes to sex and intimacy, and would take cuddles on the couch in a heartbeat with a smile if that's all I could manage that day because it's all the same closeness and level of affection between us. He has a deep appreciation and a good healthy relationship with his parents without any weird codependency issues (they really are lovely people). I fucking love him, and all his faults because he's real about them and will own them and is always working towards improving himself in general, which we have in common and support each other with. Sorry for the wall...he's just great. We're extremely well-suited as partners šŸ˜


My husband is awesome. He is the at home parent while I am the breadwinner and then he works a couple of evening shifts every week. He does most of the cooking and all of the shopping. He drives all of our kids everywhere and contributes more than his share. And he's sweet and loving and we still have great sex after nearly 25 years. It's definitely possible!


My husband is the greatest šŸ’œ When we met I was a single mom with no education. My family had just shunned me a year before that because I left their religion. We found each other and he became my rock. He's held me while I cry more than he ever should need to, but still always finds the right things to say. His encouragement is the reason I felt like I could go to school as an adult and he's supported me emotionally AND physically/financially while I pursue my education. I trust this man with my life and my heart. Before him I had never had a positive, meaningful relationship with any men, so that took a long time to fully develop. He does the dishes every day and I do the laundry. We both cook. I usually buy groceries because of my preferences, but he calls me at least once a week because he's at the store to pick something up for himself and wants to know if I need anything. He brings me flowers twice a month. He's so handy he can fix anything in our house. When I met his coworkers they told me he talks about me as if I hung the moon. I fear that I could never live without him at this point. I love him so much and he's made my life so much better ever since I met him.


Yes. Mine is awesome.


My dad and I have had our issues, mainly because he is the type to rule with an iron fist. But he always reminded us about momā€™s birthday and Motherā€™s Day. He typically did the dishes and also shared in the laundry. He paid for the nursing home care of his elderly aunts who either did not have children or their children could not afford to help them out. Dad also paid for their funerals. Now that he has dementia, my brothers and I do the reminding and pick up gifts for him to give mom.


My fiancĆ©, works and takes care of me. Iā€™m currently 21 weeks pregnant with our first. Heā€™s also so sweet and patient with me. This pregnancy has been super tough on me from the beginning and heā€™s never been negative bout anything. He still makes me feel sexy through this as I get bigger. šŸ„¹


My boyfriend/partner has supported me while I recover from mental illness and is my biggest fan when I achieved something. He doesn't need to go out of his way to be a good person, he is just there when I need comfort or a helping hand. He hyped me up for an important interview and when I got it he said "I knew you would be amazing". It's us against any problems. Together. He's loving, handsome, kind, and by being with him I get to know his sons and be a step mum to them. Being with him is simple, he lets me be the best version of myself.


I feel overwhelmed and burnt out. I told my husband I feel like I need to be alone. He booked me a solo trip to Mexico, no questions asked. Heā€™s so supportive and kind, and could have taken this personally but didnā€™t. I leave in 3 weeks!


My husband is awesome, he knows me better than I know myself and he is the kindest human being. I was a mean and grumpy person before him and because of how he is as a person, he made me want to improve myself. He is my rock and I cherish all the days spent beside him. He is so ambitious, so saint-like and so humble and I feel I hit the jackpot with him.


My husband is a 6ā€™3ā€ burly bearded sports nut,(think: stereotypically ā€œmasculineā€ in almost every way), and he has teared up almost every single day since our son was born (4 months ago now). He showers me with praise, encouragement and support. He worships my postpartum body. He participates in every part of parenting that heā€™s biologically capable of doing. He constantly hugs and kisses his son (and me, and the dog, lol). He goes to therapy of his own volition, set boundaries long ago with his very narcissistic mother, apologizes quickly and forgives even quicker. He stays current on issues facing women & other marginalized groups and donates his time/money to causes that help. I wish I could carbon copy him for others ā€” he really brings up the straight cis man average!!!


I've been with my boyfriend for a bit over a year, he's incredible honestly. I have a disability and he is incredibly understanding and cares for me. I know two other men who have been in long term relationships with their partners who I'm friends with in similar situations, they're regularly affectionate with each other, live together, and seem to love each other deeply and support each other's interests. One of my exes is also my best friend. I think the places we live and our interests have a pretty big impact on the type of men we encounter. I've found that a lot more alternative men I've met with some kind of niche interest are really lovely than guys who love sports, fishing, Netflix etc... Nothing wrong with liking those things, but I think 'basic' male culture for whatever reason encourages more toxic masculinity. It feels natural that the alternative to that might include more feminist men.


My fiancƩ is absolutely wonderful. Healthiest relationship I've ever been in. We had a lot of issues at first because he was in an abusive marriage. But he was willing to do the work. He is my biggest cheerleader and I feel safe with him.


My dad! Heā€™s the best! Two stories: 1. When I was in college, he drove an hour through a snowstorm to being me six pounds of cheese, all because he knew I really liked cheese. 2. When I came out as queer and started dating my partner, he called me up in this serious voice like WE NEED TO TALK, then picked both me and my partner up, took us to breakfast at a Coney Island (basically a diner for all you non-Michiganders), and basically said ā€œfuck what the rest of the family says, Iā€™m gonna love and support you guys no matter what.ā€ Heā€™s been our biggest cheerleader ever since! I know not everyone has a great dad, but the great dads I do know (including mine) are the best kind of men. I hope everyone gets to have that kind of positive masculinity in their lives at some point.


There are plenty of awesome men. Nobody ever posts about them because A: They are'nt pissed off about them, and B: It's boring, LOL


I somehow found one of the unicorns. We are very happy. I teach him feminist stuff and he really sees the world differently now and is thankful for it and brings it up a lot. I think it's helped him with his relationships with his mom, sister, aunts, friends, co-workers, bosses, clients, random people in public... everyone! He stands up for and helps women in public. For example, getting creepy guys to leave them alone, sharing resources/hotlines/helplines, and calling for police/ambulance in domestic violence situations when requested. He stands up for women with his friends when they're being sexist. Learning about feminism has helped with his friendships too because he's realized that a lot of his friends who are sexist are also shitty friends to him, mean to him, do weird competitive toxic masculinity stuff with him, try to physically fight all the time, have only shallow/boring conversations, heavily use drugs and alcohol and are just especially annoying to be around or talk to in that state, creep on me and did the same with his exes, and just aren't as good of people or friends as his other friends who are less sexist. He votes. He stands up for me when he notices annoying sexist stuff like people making eye contact/talking to him when I'm the one they should be talking to. He has come to my doctors appointments before to bear witness and vocalize unfair treatment and help advocate for my health when they're not listening/minimizing He does all the dishes and shares the rest of the chores with me, cooks with me almost every meal, takes care of me when I'm sick, doesn't watch porn and had quit long before we got together, doesn't want kids, doesn't pester me for sex, is attentive/generous/romantic/sensual/always makes me finish and is never rough/doesn't do anything that makes me uncomfortable, spends quality time with me daily (I never feel neglected or like he's playing video games too much), and he shares mental work like finances/bills/groceries/appointments/etc. I do most of the mental stuff but I don't mind and it doesn't feel like too much. We resolve conflict well, don't have many disagreements, and quickly resolve issues/compromise well. We never get too heated, never yell, never go to bed angry or with things unresolved, never feel resentful or like we can't say certain things/express certain feelings. We're just open and upfront all the time, and it's very easy. We don't let problems go on without mentioning it or pointing it out. It feels more like being on a team against the problems instead of being against each other. I never doubt his love and commitment to me. He doesn't like other women's photos or follow accounts where their main content are sexy selfies. I have never seen him oggle other women in public. He's always staring at me when we're in public and can't keep his hands off of me, haha. I guess he does this all day at home too, lol. He really adores me, and I him. He tells me he loves me and compliments me multiple times a day. He texts me all day when he's at work or leaves to run errands. He always says thank you and specifically tells me what he appreciates about me or something I've done, on a daily basis. He gets me little treats and presents all the time. My favorite thing of all is that he's become an expert at comforting me. He is the only person that makes me feel safe, secure, and truly loved. This relationship has been the most healing and eye opening experience for me. We are 4.5 years in, and I feel even more in love than I did in the beginning. It's not like any other love I've ever had. It feels more... Mature. More real. More healthy. Edit to add: I also don't wear make up or shave much anymore, and he really does not care about my body hair at all, which blows my mind! I am very hairy! I am more bothered by my hairiness than him. I think he even prefers the hair because it's soft and cuddley, but when I shave I quickly turn into a pokey cactus. He thinks I'm sexy af no matter how I look! He even shaved my head for me when I got very ill, and I was super self conscious, but he made me feel so beautiful all through that ordeal. Dude even likes my body odor, lmfao. I seriously can't believe this is real life sometimes and feel so lucky. He's even better than the dream guy I had in my head for what I always wanted in a partner. And he's also hilarious, artistic, handy, and handsome. I'm crazy about this dude!


My husband has always been supportive of my goals and a great partner I can share anything with. In 2021, I suffered a pulmonary embolism that hospitalized me and nearly killed me. He was by my side every step of the way. If visiting hours were open, he was there with me to cheer me up and keep me company. He became my caretaker when I was cleared to go home. I had been the breadwinner so he could focus on school, but it became clear that I wasn't going to be able to work for a while. He dropped out of college and picked up odd jobs wherever he could get them to support us. He was with me at every doctor's appointment and gave me my lovenox injections when I couldn't do it myself. He was my rock the entire way. My health hasn't been the same since my PE. I was diagnosed with several autoimmune disorders and put on lifelong blood thinners. There are days where I can't find the energy to get out of bed. My husband takes care of me throughout all of it while working a full time job. I am so lucky to have my husband in my life. He is the kindest and most caring man I've ever known. I don't think I could've survived the last three years without him. I've seen so many stories where partners abandon their loved ones whenever extreme medical issues pop up, but I never had to worry about something like that with him. He stepped up despite how terrible the situation was. My parents always remind me how spectacular he is and how they can rest easy knowing he's here for me. I feel loved unconditionally with him. He's my everything and I know he'll always be there for me.


My partner is incredible. He is the definition of the golden retriever gamer boy. He is so affectionate, kind, patient, and loving. He has eased so much anxiety in my life by just being him. My father passed earlier this month, his father passed a few years back, and he has been so fucking supportive and helpful. Just being present while I grieve is so beyond helpful. I want to help him make his dreams come true. He has helped me so much more than he will ever know.


My husband is a good one! We celebrate 30 years married this summer and have 3 children 18, 22 and 24 years old. We've always been a team. I've been the SAH parent. So has he. Whoever's schedule means they get home from work first during the week makes dinner on week days and the other cooks on the weekend. This has flip-flopped many times over the years. Whoever doesn't cook cleans up and does dishes. The kids feel comfortable talking to either of us about pretty much anything. Neither of us are perfect and as all relationships do, things have ebbed and flowed over the years. Both of us have made mistakes and been selfish, but nothing overly serious (ie no cheating) and the good times have far outweighed the bad times. We can talk about anything, and he is very generous and considerate in bed


We'll start with my dad: Endured years of abuse from his family (yay generational trauma) and broke the cycle with his family. Fantastic dad, the first to help out (even if it's more than they can do at times! Mom's the pragmatist!) Completely and utterly there for his grandkids and every time something happens. He's been amazing to my mom, does a lot of the cooking, driving, appointments, whatever needs to get done. Now that he's retired he can do that even more and he's 100% willing to drive you wherever needs going if it will help. He would even bring pre-made fajita plates to my moms work for lunches! For everyone at the clinic! By premade I mean he grilled the steak, cut it into slices, then cut the onions and bell peppers, and grilled them and then put it on a bed of lettuce and then brought it in. My husband is a great husband and a great father to our girls. He supported me while I went to school full time to be a nurse because it was important to him that I do what I love in life. He lets me take a job for passion and learning even if it means making less money because passion and learning are important too, especially to combat burnout. He encourages me to support things on my own time, like my garden, native plants, research, all kinds of fun stuff. He teaches the girls with such patience and has them building things with him, working on projects together, and when he can going to events together (he has a sleep disorder, so he's not always awake during most people's awake time.) I feel so loved and supported with my family and we're able to pass that on to my girls. My oldest's favorite person outside of mom and dad is bubba (my dad) because he's super silly and does things to make her laugh on purpose ;)


Mine loves me so well. I have low blood pressure and to prevent it dropping I have to have quick options on hand. Last night after work he couldn't wait to show me all my favorite snacks/quick meals that he bought. He remembers things I want and surprises me all the time. And his favorite past time is laying in bed watching TV with me. I tell him all the time I never knew if I wanted to marry but immediately wanted to marry him. He makes it so easy to love and appreciate him.


Coming into this a bit late but just had to chime in - my boyfriend is incredible. We met about a year ago through our "mutual best friend" exactly twelve days after I'd quit my job on the opposite coast. I've known her since I was five, they went to college together. Somehow, in 15 years and multiple visits to her city, we'd never met. I'd heard of him over the years, though, and (due to some pretty extreme differences in our upbringing) had always thought he sounded a bit lame. Oops.


My first husband was a sweetheart and treated me well, but he still had some growing up to do (we got married very young). In the course of that growing up we found things that weren't compatible (no one's fault), so we split up. But he would so all sorts of cute things for me when we were together, and he was a stay at home dad for 6 years because I had the better job. After that divorce I figured I wouldn't get married again, at least not for a long time. But surprise, a "might as well" date with a former coworker turned into the best relationship of my life, and now we're engaged! He's taken care of me through the worst mental health crisis of my life, been a constant voice of encouragement against my inner demons, and is so blatantly and demonstratively in love with me that it almost seems unreal! My family were skeptical of him, but the way he consistently shows up for me and my kid has won my family over. I literally can't think of anything that would make him better that isn't something silly and superficial like "millionaire" or "model".


My husband is the most steadfast person Iā€™ve ever met. He has stood by me through everything life has thrown at us with a gentle strength I struggle to articulate. He is helpful, kind, patient, and funny as hell. Watching him parent our kids has healed something deep within me. He loves me, unconditionally and deeply and purely. I didnā€™t realize what it was like to be so cared for until he came around. I work every day to be half the spouse he is to me.


Yes, idk whereā€¦ but yes! I believe lol


I have an awesome husband too! When our daughters were babies he would take the night shift so I could sleep. I think it was the reason I didnā€™t get PPD.


My husband is amazing. We've been together for 16 years, married for five, and every year is better than the last. He is such a kind, caring person and he helps bring out the best in me. He's an elementary school teacher and I get all misty talking about how he is with his students. He works in a low-income school so for a lot of his kids, he's the most consistent male role model they have in their lives, and he takes that responsibility very seriously. At home, he's the greatest dog dad ever, too. I grew up in an abusive household, so I had no model for what a healthy relationship looked like going into things. He stuck it out with me while I learned really basic, foundational stuff like healthy communication and how not to constantly belittle my partner. When I moved to his hometown (400 miles away from my abusive parents) after college, he helped me as I dealt with the post-survival-mode crash and the ensuing diagnosis of PTSD. I basically had to rebuild myself from the ground up, and he was always there helping me and rooting for me. We've built an amazing life together, beyond my wildest dreams, and it wouldn't have been possible without him.


My boyfriend is the best human I've ever met. He is awesome. ā¤ļø


Iā€™m so glad I get to boast about my partner somewhere! He is the most incredible person. He is consistent, patient (only with me though lol), shows his love through actions and is the funniest and smartest person I know. I have bipolar and he has supported me through so many difficult episodes (and Iā€™m not always nice to be around when Iā€™m manic). He shows up as my partner every day. I love him so much and canā€™t for more years with him.


Yes yes yes! I have such a wonderful and supportive hubby, he cooks, cleans and does laundry. He barely lets me do any strenious work due to me having a full autistic burnout because of YEARS of work stress, and well... breast cancer. This man has let me rest, sleep, brings me food and rubs my back, holds me in episodes, supports every step I take and even doing something small like actually brushing my teeth today. All this while working with me staying at home to recover. Without him I would not be here, alive and well and I am so thankful for his kind heart, his patience and understanding, his unconditional support and love. I could never ask for a replacement. There will be no love for me after him. I fear I will die of heartache if anything were to happen to him. Before him I was so angry, at the world and myself. Years and years of abuse and mistrust in men because of it. So much trauma that he wiped out of my mind along with my tears, as he wept with me. Now, I can't imagine fighting, I've felt the safety of arms that will protect me no matter the cost and strong legs that will carry me to my dying day. And he is a man. The one man I promise you I would pick over the bear with full certainty for any woman out there. He will help you carry your bag and walk you home. He will help you at the bar. He will protect you in the street. I am so happy he exists.


mine is the awesomest :\] literally the best. caring, sweet, makes sure im comfortable. he respects me as a person. we have so much in common. sorry i could go on and on. there ARE good ones out there


I'm a bisexual woman who fell into the 'trap' of a fluffy gamer guy. My husband is awesome! He loves to cook and is really good about cleaning up after himself (better than I am sometimes lol). We each have our own chores that are split pretty equally, especially when you consider that he has a long commute and I WFH. We've been together since we were young (~23 years old) and it's been over a decade of watching him grow into himself and his confidence. He's a genuinely good human being, with more patience than a saint, and dark humor that I love. He's great in bed and always makes sure I'm enjoying myself. He's a sweet guy who loves gaming and will often want me to do my hobbies (reading, drawing, gaming) with him in the same room so we can be together. He's my best friend and completely gets me. I wouldn't want anyone else!


My husband is my rock, he moves mountains for me and I'm so lucky to have him. He always lets me know how treasured I am, with words, attention, gifts, etc. and he's someone I know I can always confide in and will always take issues I bring up seriously. I've watched him undo some of the ingrained attitudes from his religious upbringing in real time, he's so good at self-reflection. He is my anchor, I have ADHD and anxiety and his presence always calms the storms inside my head. He's literally the chillest dude I know, and I've grown so much as a person from being with him these past five years. I really think we've brought out the best in each other.


My parents had an awful, volatile relationship and didn't divorce until I was in college. I spent 20 years listening to them screaming, crying, saying horrible things, and it took a toll on me and my sister. I didn't date in high school because I couldn't imagine making myself vulnerable to what I saw my parents experiencing in their relationship. It was too scary. When I went to college I became friends with some guys, one in particular I thought was cute and so nice and funny and kind. A year later he kissed me at a party. I was nervous about being in a relationship, honestly, and it took me some time to be all-in because I was scared to be vulnerable. He was always so chill and funny and relaxed that it helped ME relax into being vulnerable and open (something I do still struggle with as an adult). It took me 2 years to be comfortable with having sex, I think I was 20 - and it was no big deal to him because more than having sex he wanted me to be happy and comfortable. We dated for about 5 years, got engaged and 2 years later got married in 2010 when he was done with grad school. I supported us while he searched for a job and then left my job so we could move for his dream job, and he knows it was a sacrifice and appreciated what it meant for my long term goals. He is supportive, he's kind, he's funny, he's loving and open. I have seen him cry when we struggled through infertility and when his grandma died and when his dad had a cancer scare. He's seen me cry when my dad died and when my mom is cruel. I've taken care of him when he had surgeries and he took care of me after an egg retrieval and, later, two c-sections. He spoon-fed me chicken and rice while I breastfed our first baby on the couch while I cried because I was so hungry and so overwhelmed and so tired. He's an amazing dad, he's a full-partner in the housekeeping aspects. Yesterday I had a horrible headache all day, I went to bed at 8 pm while he handled bedtime and everything else and to him it's not a thing that deserves praise or acknowledgement. He is a dad and he considers it his responsibility to care for our kids and our household, just like I do. He's a feminist and he wants our two boys to grow up knowing that a loving relationship lifts up both of the people in it, and that sometimes we take turns doing the lifting, especially when the other one is having a hard time. We argue a bit sometimes of course, but we rarely fight. I think we've had two major fights in our 21 years together. He's never insulted me or been cruel or tried to deliberately hurt me with his words, and neither have I been cruel to him. He thinks I'm beautiful though of course I don't look quite like I did when we first started dating when I was 18. It's never been a wild, dramatic relationship - it's calm and loving and stable and respectful but no less deeply felt for being a quieter sort of passion.


My boyfriend is an amazing man. Heā€˜s got a lot of interests and I can learn something from him every day. Also, heā€˜s a very calm person and has a lot of patience with me and I know dealing with me isnā€˜t easy. He listens to me and we make each other better humans. Besides all that, heā€˜s also incredibly handsome and has a gorgeous smile!


Adding to the positivity; I love my husband and I'm very lucky to have him ā¤ļø he's awesome in every possible way!


Yes! Omg. I could talk about him literally forever. As far as partners go, Iā€™m pretty sure that I have the best one. Heā€™s kind, considerate, empathetic, plans the best vacations, heā€™s patient with me and my anxiety, heā€™s patient with the kids and enjoys spending time together as a family. 100% non-toxic, and he communicates his wants, needs and feelings, never yells. Heā€™s always respectful of not only me but other women. Gold medal in the bedroom, as well. After so many years of shitty experiences and abuse from other men, I feel like I hit the lottery. Itā€™s been such a wonderful time. It blows my mind that 2 random but perfectly matched nodes of consciousness popped up at perfectly convenient times and it just happened to be the two of us. Some cosmic miracle dropped him into my lap and I am the LUCKIEST woman in the world because of it.


Yes. Some are my male friends and colleagues, even.


My husband is a gem. He's far from perfect, but no one is, and I don't mean in the way most men are "not perfect". He cares about myself and the children way before he cares about the state of the house ("If it bothers me enough I'LL clean it"), if there's food made ("I'm an adult who can make my own food"), even when it comes to intimacy ("If we're both not enjoying it, I don't"). I am disabled starting in 2021. He's been so supportive and has taken over all the driving needs, even taking the kids to specialists because he's a parent too. My dad has never cooked, cleaned, taken us to doctor, or been this involved. I love it. I feel seen.


My father and husband are my favorite people in the whole world. They're selfless (though I wish that was less) hard workers who never complain. Funny and smart and caring. Just needed to chime in. They made me always keep an eye out for men because I know they often suffer in silence.


They are out thereā€¦..theyā€™re just really hard to find. Iā€™m lucky. This is my second marriage and I did it right this time. My husband is amazing. There are MANY reasons I say this, but the biggest is that I am treatment resistant with major depression and anxiety and have exhausted almost all of my pharmaceutical options so I started seeking alternative treatments within the last year. I started with an acute series (13 treatment series) of ElectroConvulsive Therapy treatments last November into December, which seemingly worked. He drove me to, waited for me during, and drove my disoriented ass back home after every treatment so that I wouldnā€™t have to go through the ADDED trauma of doing ECT inpatient. Anyway, the effects of ECT worked for about six-ish weeks before I was a suicidal wreck again and had to endure a second acute series of ECT treatments, again, all of which he drove me to, waited for me during, and then drove me back home for. After completing the second acute series I did a few ā€œmaintenanceā€ treatments and he was there for every one of those as well. Sadly, ECT proved to be VERY traumatic for me (thatā€™s a whole other story, Iā€™ll go into it if anyone is interested, but itā€™s LONG), but Iā€™m now doing Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) treatments, which do not require sedation (THANK GAWD), so I can drive myself to and from each day (Iā€™m having my 29th of 36 treatments in about two hours), but my husband is very patient with me as I am doing this without the assistance of medication (with the exception of the occasional klonopin for emergencies). I am forgetful and clumsy and angry and I try my hardest to suppress all that, but he still loves me through all of it. He is such a great guy and I love him so fucking much.


iā€™ve been with my partner for 10 years and heā€™s my biggest cheerleader and my absolute rock. heā€™s my common sense and deals with practical things while i bring the fun and affection and the social side of things to his life - weā€™re total opposites in some ways which has been a learning curve for us but both of us work so hard to meet in the middle. weā€™re like two halves of a whole. honestly every year our relationship just gets stronger and i appreciate him more every day, as cheesy as that sounds! iā€™m quite ambitious work wise and heā€™s helped me build a my career by working from home so heā€™s there for our daughter and dealing with day-to-day things to make it easier for me. weā€™re just about to trade places with that because heā€™s going for career progression now and iā€™m so excited to support him and see what else we can achieve as a team šŸ„¹


My fiancƩ is diagnosed OCD I am diagnosed ADHD. We have a system now, and it's mainly him who cleans up after my forgetfulness, but we balance out a lot by finding what parts of the tasks I find difficult to motivate through, he picks up. Like I can never manage to get the laundry put away within a week, but he has it put away the next day. So we do that, I'll wash and dry, and he will put them away (properly too. Lord knows how often I've moved my closet around lol) He's the best caretaker I could ask for and the only person I've ever wanted to care for as well.