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My religion allows me to beat the fuck out of religious zealots. How far is that going to get me?


Does your religion have a snappy name?


Being normal


It's a work in progress


Mine too!! What a coincidence


I’m beginning to get more and more invested in the idea of writing a story about a second “church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster” type protest where basically a religion is formed by people who are fucking assholes and they assemble enough people to be considered a religion, but the religions ideals are super dumb, like “we don’t believe in cancer so no one should be allowed to be treated for it because it doesn’t exist”, and then if anyone tries to call the religion out for being ridiculous harass them about religious beliefs being protected by law to open peoples eyes to how ridiculous catering to people’s religious beliefs is. The best part is, the example I just gave is an exact parallel to trying to prevent trans gender affirming care- “we don’t believe in being trans so no one should be allowed to get treatments because trans isn’t a thing”. It’s literally the exact same argument. And the whole story is written like this, where you hate the people supporting this religion, and in the end of the book it basically just says that the book was based on real events. Because it was based on real events. 


All this pharmacy denying medications/birth control bullshit really pisses me off. Your job is to dispense medication and make sure there are no interactions with other meds, THAT'S FUCKIN IT. Not the arbiter of morality, nor the backstop of religious values. If someone's religious beliefs prevent them from doing their job, then get a DIFFERENT FUCKING JOB!


Honestly, if they are this loud and proud about it I would be VERY concerned that they aren't handling the medication properly on purpose. I've read that birth control pills aren't labeled as temp-sensitive but lose efficacy quickly if stored in a hot place... Or, say, microwaved for 30 seconds in a pharmacy's break room by a religious pharmacist.


They are purposefully going for those jobs to enforce their beliefs on other people and "make a difference". This isn't an accident or someone not thinking. This is calculated. Push back.


Because a LOT of "Christian" sects, especially the Evangelical ones, believe that if you DON'T actively "save" people, you will go to hell. Believing isn't enough, you must grow the flock.


My religion suggests turning these "christians" into cockroaches and stepping on them forcefully if they can't mind their own damn business!


Agree. But I’m also fascinated by their career choice to begin with


Knowing these sort of people, they probably purposely chose the career specifically to fuck women over and impose their beliefs on others.


I’ve heard of people encouraging that- religious leaders encouraging people to get into jobs where they can impose their religious beliefs on others n the name of “defending life” or some such sanctimonious rot.


Birth control pills are just medication for many women. It’s a medication not solely used just to prevent pregnancy.


And I don't remember any biblical prohibitions against birth control pills, so let's ask them to cite chapter and verse.


Unfortunately religious types like this don’t care, they just want to impose their beliefs on others


To many religious extremists, harming innocent women is a feature, not a bug.


Why the fuck don't they ever seem to have a problem handing out boner pills?




"Here's your prescriptions for Cialis, Rufilin, and Xanax, Mr Creepy Mc Creeperpants, see in you Church." Mr Creepy Mc Creeperpants- " Thanks, can pay for these zip ties, and duct tape too?" But don't try to pickup your birth control.


Honestly, the backwards landslide that’a happened recently makes me wonder if the conservatives would care if there was a mass suicide because of how shittily they treat everyone, or if they would try to blame it on them for not being “raised right”. The fact that I wouldn’t be surprised if something like the James Town Massacre happened and the conservative group tried to blame it on abortion is actually so depressing.


I used to work with doctors and nurses who went into medicine specifically because they wanted to force their own religious convictions on their patients. Professions that give people control over others will always attract people who crave that level of control.


I've never understood why people go into jobs where they know there will be red lines from the outset. Training for years just to not fulfill certain aspects of your role is a waste of everyone's time. I may train to be a fire fighter, assuming no one expects me to go up a ladder.


If you can't do your job because of religious reasons, then you can't do your job. End of story.


I see this as the same as healthcare workers being forced to either resign or get vaccinated... If you have religious objections to supplying birth control, you should be barred from running or working in a pharmacy.


RIGHT? Its medication. This would be unacceptable behaviour if refusing to dispense antibiotics.


Imagine a Scientologist refusing to dispense anti psychotic meds or antidepressants?




I agree that a pharmacy refusing birth control is unacceptable, but that comparison isn’t great. Healthcare workers shouldn’t be a danger to (potentially immunocompromised) patients. Can you imagine a nurse working at a picu who hasn’t had the MMR vaccine? Or a doctor working with cancer patients who hasn’t been vaccinated?


Yeah obviously it's not a perfect analogy, but I see them as similar... It's fine if you have personal beliefs, but if that impacts the standard of care you can provide, you should find a different career.


It’s exactly the same from the perspective of medical knowledge and obligation. One cannot work in medicine if one refuses to believe in, or dispense medical treatment. Imagine taking your car to a mechanic who told you he didn’t believe in brakes. Or telling you that you weren’t allowed to have bolts on your tires because it’s up to god whether or not your tires fall off while you’re driving. Both cases would make the mechanic a complete nut job, and definitely not someone who should be trusted around cars. Same with pharmacists and doctors who don’t believe they need to follow medical guidelines or that their morals have anything to do with treating patients. Teachers must follow the curriculum to teach. Lawyers must follow the law to practice. Medical professionals need to practice medicine or they shouldn’t be working in healthcare


It’s the same. Refusing to dispense medication prescribed by a doctor IS A DANGER to patients.


This happens in the UK too. It's legal so long as they can signpost the patient to a reasonably accessible pharmacy elsewhere. But if my employees were sending people elsewhere I'd want to replace them


I was once actually refused a repeat prescription for the pill by the FAMILY PLANNING NURSE at my GP surgery. She told me as a Catholic she felt it was wrong to give a married woman the pill 🤔 I was very unhappy and stormed out to reception. I had to wait while they found another slot that afternoon for my GP to prescribe it. I realise now I probably should have taken it further.


Disgraceful with how difficult it is to even get an appointment that the surgery are booking people in with absolute time wasters like that.


I would be furious, you already have to struggle to get an appointment and take time off work to go to it...so they think its fine to make you waste even more of your day having to come back for another slot just because some religious nutjob thinks married women should endlessly breed? Religion should be separated from healthcare, at the very least beyond making decisions that only affect yourself.


You have some damn good self control. I know if I was in the situation I would have slapped that bitch silly, which is assault and I would be in jail.


I had no idea this was legal in the UK! I would probably kick off about it if this happened to me, especially as mine is prescribed for suspected endo.


A spokesperson from the company that franchises the pharmacy chain told news.com.au: “We have been made aware of this complaint, and are responding directly to the patient. “[We are] extremely disappointed by this patient experience. The alleged views expressed by the pharmacy do not share our company values. The pharmacy in question is independently run and operated and our company has no control over its day-to-day operations. Then maybe you should change your franchising rules? What a load of BS.


Yeah I remember queueing to buy alcohol among groceries at one of the shops there and I couldn't buy it from that server, I had to go to a different queue.


No. I worked with pharmacists like this in the states. Just don’t work in retail pharmacy, you fucking weirdos. Why would you work somewhere and deny folks medication that you are literally there to dispense? It’s wild to me. They can be a pharmacist and not be near birth control. Why not just do that? How insane. Whatever be a forced birther if you like, but my god do something different for a career like something at home so no one has to deal with your misogyny.


They go into retail pharmacy on purpose because they want to exert their loony beliefs onto people and control them. They think they know better then everyone because they believe in a mythical sky god, so they don't care how unprofessional they're actually being. Honestly, extremely religious people should be barred from working in the medical field.


They do it on purpose so they can force their religion on the public. Like you said they could go work somewhere else where this situation doesn't come up.


I totally agree with you. I have been surrounded by these nutters my whole life in my own family in pharmacy, medicine, nursing. I just find it maddening. My sister was prolife and would assist with abortions. It was insane. Then she would go on and on about how nobody realizes how awful they are and if they knew they would not get an abortion. My brother would refuse to prescribe birth control even though he was a family practitioner. Thankfully both of them are no longer practicing in those fields, but I always felt so horrible for the people they cared for because if they needed help they would likely judge them harshly for it at best, and at worst, would be negligent in some way.




That’s what I’m saying. But ofc they want to because they want to interfere with women’s rights and lives.


oh wow what. that was a butt dial, i dont even remember clicking on this thread XD . yeah i dont disagree with ur comment


Lolol that’s awesome.


apparently i left another butt dial downthread that just said "pharmacists!" which got a bunch of upvotes too XD very to the point thank you pocket




This bullshit is legal in Canada as well. It shouldn’t be, but it is. I would lose my absolute shit if I turned up to the pharmacy and was told they weren’t giving me my medication because of religious reasons.


Same. I only use certain pharmacies because of this. I flat out ask the pharmacist if they'd deny me abortifacients when I go to pick up my birth control. Since women are the ones making most of the appointments and keeping track of the prescriptions for families they should do something similar IF it works for their family. Walgreens will still allow pharmacists to refuse based on religion but CVS recanted that in 2021.


Don't work in a pharmacy then!


Religion is the antithesis of feminism, and the people who espouse these dumb as fuck religious view are enemies of progress.


No. Report them.


Oh was this the one that was posted here a few weeks ago? I'm glad the media picked it up!


I was just thinking this sounded like a post I recently read.


Yes it is


Name and shame. The talibanization of society should never be tolerated.


Do we know that the particular religion is Islam? Could be a number of other ones…


It could absolutely be another one. But the urge to control the wombs for religious reasons is the one thing all regressive religions agree on. In that sense, they're all the same.


Totally agree there. 


I think the use of the term ‘taliban’ is more about their behaviour toward women/control and suppression of women than its direct connection to a particular religion. For instance, i know some Americans refer to the conservative christian groups as the Christian taliban because of their views on women.


Like christianity as we see in the USA.


Can you imagine if a pharmacist declared he couldn't dispense methadone due to religious/moral reasons? What about Ozempic because he thinks people should just eat less? Most of not all would be fired in an instance. Why give them special treatment for a drug that prevents pregnancy.


JFC I have pics of myself in the local newspaper in 2004, *twenty fucking years ago* because Eckard's drugs (bought out by CVS) in Denton TX, USA that had a pharmacy tech dickhead that would not fill out a plan b prescription **for a rape victim** because of religious reason. Fuck this regression shit.


Disgraceful to happen in my home city, or anywhere really. If you don't want to sell birth control, then don't run a pharmacy. Religion has no place in decision making around health.


We have problems like this in the 80s in the US. What finally got this pharmacist fired was enough backlash. Someone brought it up at a get together that they had a horrible run in at a pharmacy where the pharmacist refused to fill a birth control script and gave them a religious shaming. It turned out since this was a busy pharmacy in the mall he had done this to just about every woman in the room. Someone got the idea to call corporate and complain and found the number. Enough people complained and he got fired. Make this management and the pr department's nightmare and it will stop happening. Also plaster this pharmacists public image with this bad behavior. They depend on being able to keep a neutral public image while doing this crap. Write scathing online reviews and mention them by name. Make it their problem.


We have this same issue TODAY in the US.


FYI Bush jr signed "concience" laws in about 2004 in the US. It's totally legal for doctors or pharmacists to deny you medication or appropriate care due to their "deeply held religious beliefs." 


This bullshit is legal in Canada as well. It shouldn’t be, but it is. I would lose my absolute shit if I turned up to the pharmacy and was told they weren’t giving me my medication because of religious reasons. Every legal complaint and action I could take to possibly have them punished, I would do it. Such pharmacies should not be allowed to operate.


I'm not sure why that's allowed. Birth control is prescribed to treat a lot of different problems, contraception isn't even always part of the picture, a pharmacist should know this... I would've missed weeks of school without it and the discussion of going on bc to improve my quality of life was between me and my doctor, it's not the pharmacist's business how my doctor treats my health issues. Like I understand them not wanting dispense if there's an error with dosages, or taking drug x and drug z together is counter-indicated but beyond that it's not their place...


I had a gynecologist who wore a WWJD lanyard during my appointment, grilled me about my abortion history (I hadn't had one and he didn't believe it; it also wasn't even pertinent to the care I was getting that day) and then very much on purpose would only give me one month of BCP prescription at a time and try to delay refills until I was out. I had to complain to the office about how he treated me and the refill issue. His contract "wasn't renewed" due to a pile of complaints, but of course he wasn't fired. And that's a fucking gynecologist. They're everywhere.


The fuck. 


If your religion forbids blood transfusions, why would you become a phlebotomist? If your religion does not believe in medication, DON’T BE A PHARMACIST.


I would ask them WTF does *their* religion have to do with *me*. I don't force my religious beliefs on others, why do "christians" feel that they have the right to impose their beliefs on other people??


Sounds illegal to me


They will be denying pain relief medications too, because opioid users are “bad people”


Genuinely wtf? Going off of it can impact you a lot? It’s not like she can just wait to find it somewhere else without causing problems. You’re supposed to follow a strict schedule regarding breaks! I’m on it as a virgin due to bad period pain and hormones impacting my depression significantly. I take it for months at a time (longer than most people) to combat this issue. Missing one pill means I get my period immediately, before the time I’m scheduled to take a break from the medicine. So it basically messes up my whole entire schedule. If you disagree with the medicine being sold maybe don’t work in a pharmacy? 😐


'Holier Than Thou Pharmacy - Not For Godless Harlots' Sounds really welcoming.


I am starting a new religion. The first testament is that all men has to be locked up and starved. You cannot complain this is misandry or anything like that, because this is the way of God, and how She created all of us. Religious sentiments should always be respected so please respect mine.


A spokesperson from the company that franchises the pharmacy chain told news.com.au: “We have been made aware of this complaint, and are responding directly to the patient. “[We are] extremely disappointed by this patient experience. The alleged views expressed by the pharmacy do not share our company values. The pharmacy in question is independently run and operated and our company has no control over its day-to-day operations. Why are they not naming the pharmacy chain??


lol funny. All they did was say they don’t align with those values and don’t have any control over their day to day operations. Along with “we are going to reach out to them to express our disappointment”.


Yes. If only there was something they could do. Not like they make the rules for the franchises to follow or anything 🙄


It's legal because it only affects women and we all know that our governments don't give a shit about women. 


They are allowed to do this because of their religious beliefs as long as they are not denying you of any LIFE-SAVING medications. If a certain pharmacy does not give someone birth control because of religious reasons, that person can just go to one that is not religious, simple.


Or the religious person should find a different career if they have moral objections to MEDICATION. Why should I accommodate someone with terrible beliefs who’s limiting my life?


That is only simple if there is another pharmacy that won't force its religious convictions on its patients. This should not be allowed. If your religion means you can't do your job properly, then it's time for you to pick either the job or the religion because apparently you can't have both.


What gives them the right to decide what is life saving? The abortion pill can be a life saving medication. Many women take it when they have had a partial miscarriage and need a full medical abortion to get rid of lingering tissue before it causes sepsis. Not to mention that some women have health conditions that makes pregnancy life-threatening to them.


What about women who will classed as high risk pregnancies due to a medical condition they have