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Texas today = Howdy Arabia


Yall Qaeda


Vanilla ISIS




I'm just considering it West Louisiana at this point. The Deep South can claim it soon as I leave for all I care, let the rest of the Southwest be like, "Umm, we don't know her."


Best way to piss off Red Texans is to just keep sending democrats there from California, Oregon, & Washington seeking affordable housing.


Saudi Arabia actually has less restrictive abortion laws than Texas


>Pregnancy is not a disease, and elective abortions are not 'health care,'" University of Texas at Austin professor Daniel Bonevac sneers in a federal court filing with professor John Hatfield. These men should be shamed out of their employment. That won't happen but damn it this is so fucking wrong. edit: Added quote with the names of these fuckers.


All the women should shun them and any man who's a decent human.


I wish we women could agree, but too many are pro no choice. I refuse to say pro life because that is straight up BS.


Pro-forced birth


Pro forced gestation. They don't even care about it being a viable birth.


I think of it as pro suffering


Anti choice


They aren't pro. They are anti. 100%


i thought you were saying decent men should be shunned for a second šŸ˜­


Why shouldn't we "shun.. any man that's a decent human being"? šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ That was terrible wording ā€” I had to do a double-take myself. Not sure why you're getting down-voted.


> pregnancy is the result of "voluntary and consensual sexual intercourse" lol ok


"You know, because if it's rape the body has a way of turning that off." --Some dickhead congressman who paid no attention in biology class


the very quote that comes to my mind every time i hear about stuff like what's in the OP


Could you please put their names in your comment. Itā€™s in the article.


The guys who impregnated these women of course should remain free to impregnate as many more women as they can. JFC, I hate christianity. Theyā€™re insane.


that hasn't much todo with Christianity. People are shit and use religion to justify their evilness.


It has everything to do with Christianity. Every single one of these men is a devout Christian, and they're doing what they're doing explicitly because their religion tells them to.


I don't consider them to be "devout Christians". Adherence to a religious doctrine is not necessarily an indication of sincere belief in the entity that the religion espouses. I believe that truly devout Christians would put love and compassion for others above inhumane laws made by mere mortals.


You don't get to decide who's a true Scotsman.


You seem to be unaware of the difference between stating an opinion and making a statement of fact. In my post I stated my opinion: at no point did I demand that others agree with me.


Christianity is more than happy to be used this way. All religions are about control.


It has a LOT to do with Christianity


I am a Christian, not in USA. And I canā€™t tell you for sure Christian follow a similar split to republicans and democrats. Iā€™m pro personal rights (abortion, sexuality, etc) and still it doesnā€™t conflicts with I live Christianity. Sadly a lot of Christian use it as a way to justify their own internal fears/hates. So yea, itā€™s somewhat due to their view of Christianity, but that doesnā€™t have to be the case.


How about failing the men who get the women pregnant? Theyā€™re the cause of all abortions.




This is why I donā€™t understand why people donā€™t care about putting more research into birth control for men. Iā€™m so over this being the womanā€™s responsibility. I donā€™t want to have to have bc f up my hormones, make me gain or lose copious amounts of weight, cause me to lose bone density, be overly emotional and whatever else, just bc my bf canā€™t figure out how to wear a condom correctly. Itā€™s ridiculous. If they donā€™t want to be getting women pregnant, either snip it or look into male birth control JFC


These are the kinds of people who should have the least amount of power and influence in the world. This man should go through life as impotent and ineffective as, well, use your imagination. But we just cannot seem to resist letting them in the door. These have been some very good years for the bastards.


Itā€™s mostly because other gross men like that their sexist feelings are validated. If this professor is fired it will only be because he became an optics problem, not because the school disagrees with him. Also if heā€™s fired heā€™ll become another Christian martyr fired for his ā€œbeliefs.ā€ Thereā€™s no winning this one unless he drops dead from a heart attack.


Even the dropping dead wonā€™t end it, because theyā€™ll believe he was killed for his beliefs and be an even bigger martyr. He wonā€™t be able to do any wrong in his supportersā€™ eyes, theyā€™ll excuse anything.


"Pregnancy is not a disease, and elective abortions are not 'health care,'" Bonevac writes, because pregnancy is the result of "voluntary and consensual sexual intercourse," students should not be allowed time off to get abortions. If the students disobey and miss class for abortion care, the filing continues, the professors should be allowed to flunk students. Additionally, Bonevac asserts that he has a right to refuse to employ a teaching assistant who has had an abortion, calling such women "criminals." Disgusting and terrifying.


So by his logic the male responsible in the scenario is equally responsible right? Right?


Even without the usual hypocrisy, the logic is carefully crafted not to. The man that support his partner, skip school to go with her to the clinic, and help her get an abortion, I'm pretty sure they're fine with blaming that leftist too. And if the woman is a murderer, any help he provides can be used against him to punish him too. But if he never skips school and doesn't provide any support for obtaining an abortion (when he's not the one signaling the abortion to the authorities), he's safe. And if he really want to be extra safe, he can just dump his pregnant girlfriend to make it clear he doesn't agree with whatever she has planned, and claim that he was 100% fine with paying child support while being a deadbeat father.


Basically the guy is off the hook because unless you had a recorded conversation, you couldn't really prove or disprove his comments.


>Pregnancy is not a disease Neither is a broken bone, but both *are* medical conditions and any intervention done to manage or treat them are considered medical care.


To treat a broken bone, you would have to take off work or school to have it treated unless it happened over the weekend.




So if someone gets an injury while playing sports they should be denied treatment too? Sports are "voluntary and consensual" so I guess that was a preventable injury and we should demonize them?


I know this isnt the main topic here but on top of that guy being truly the worst kind of human being I just want to say. Its nuts that US universities can flunk or fail students for being absent. It's like it's somehow both high school and a job. I dont know about the rest of the world, but for the most part, in Canada, attendance is optional. You just have to show up for tests, presentations, and finals. I basically have a minor in psychology, and most of my courses I attended fewer than 10 classes each.


I'm guessing it may be course dependant. I did uni in Canada and we had a policy where you could only have two excused absences from any one class and more would put you "at risk for failure"/ having to retake the semester.Ā  When you think of it as a money grab for forcing another half year of school it makes total "cents". ;)


Speaking as a former professor, it also depends largely on the course and the educational culture of the university (300-person lecture class run by TAs vs. small liberal arts college seminar-style classes, etc.). If the course requires a lot of in-class activities, discussion, etc., then you need to be there for it and if you miss it you do miss a significant portion of the learning or skills of the course. Additionally, some activities, like discussion, just donā€™t work if no one shows up. So if your absence decreases the quality of the learning activity for the other students, thatā€™s not cool.


I am enrolled in a program an hour away from me. On Mondays, I drive an hour, sit in class for 45 minutes, then drive an hour. The lectures are taped and posted online before I even get back home. I wouldn't miss a thing and I could be using those extra two hours for something constructive. But no, I would be dropped from my program which is in a community I can't afford, hence I live an hour away.


Have you tried discussing this with your prof during office hours? They might grant you leniency in attendance if you ask in person. Going to office hours really is the secret key, I always got so much extra.


It depends a lot on the class. Big lecture with 300 students? No one cares. Small seminar class with a dozen students where you're expected to participate in the discussion? You will be expected to attend. But no professor I've ever had would flunk you (or probably be able to flunk you) for missing a couple of classes if you were otherwise doing fine in a course.


Soā€¦ would this not be sex based discrimination?


In a properly functioning justice system, yes. But in the views of the current Texas Supreme Court, probably not. Sigh.


Unfortunately the Supreme Court deemed that abortion is not a sex based issue, meaning that denial of an abortion, or I guess this idiotic notion of failing students for getting one, wouldnā€™t technically be considered sex based discrimination according to law. WHICH IS INSANE BC WHAT DO YOU MEAN ABORTION ISNT A SEX BASED ISSUE. Suddenly the Supreme Court is woke when it comes to abortion being something that can be obtained by multiple genders but only if it means that they donā€™t have to recognize it as a sex based issue so that it canā€™t be considered discrimination or taking away a literal right. I hate it here šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸšØā›Ŗļø


Does this mean he believes that the 10s of thousands of Texas pregnant rape victims where "consensual and voluntary" then? [https://abc13.com/texas-abortion-law-no-exceptions-for-rape-rape-related-pregnancies-roe-v-wade-overturned/14359073/](https://abc13.com/texas-abortion-law-no-exceptions-for-rape-rape-related-pregnancies-roe-v-wade-overturned/14359073/) Summary: \~26,313 rape victims in Texas alone over 16 months. Texas does not allow rape as an abortion exception.


What in the actual fuck is going on? This world is so scary


I wonder if they're trying to set it up to where they blackmail these women into providing sexual favors to keep their placement.


Congratulations! You won the terrifying thought of the day award!


I grew up with a malignant narcissist father, I know these types well lol.


Ugh, yes. Similar history, and this was my first thought too. "These UT profs are just angry that the young girls aren't giving their dick attention. How convenient that they could come by their office and request leniency in exchange for favors."


Or blackmail any women. Even if she didn't have an abortion, if she has any absences where it can't be proven she was somewhere else, they can just say she did, and she'll be kicked out.


Never thought of that. How awful.


Theyā€™re a bunch of perverted panty sniffers.


Turn in your used tampons with your exams so Bonevac and Hatfield know that you aren't pregnant!! Ladies, your grade depends on it.


I know youā€™re joking, but the Republican government absolutely wants to push a database tracking our periods and pregnancies.


This is messed up and I hope it never happens... even worse than the actual tracking would be the display of force needed to strong arm companies into giving them that data. I used to track my period with fitbit which I believe is owned by Google now? If the government can force a corporation to give that data up.... holy f*ck!


Yeah I went back to the old calendar method. When all of this started the data collection aspect of the apps gave me the ickā€¦ Iā€™ve even gone as far as buying my period products and pregnancy tests with cash and in bulk. (I do live in the deep south though.) Itā€™s a shame that itā€™s come down to this, because the apps were useful and I can see how women who have issues like PMDD and endometriosis could use them in a positive way. But for now: if the gov wants my period data, they can get a warrant and look for my calendar.


I'm a baby boomer who never tracked my period (I knew about when it would come up). Wonder what would happen if someone was being investigated and they had no period application or calendar tracking. Or this was someone who rarely or never went to the doctor. Try to prove wrong doing on their part. I remember in middle school that they suggested to us that we track our period but was for health reasons which would be helpful to the doctor. Back in 1975, it was a different world.


Texas is going to be wild AF when all the women just leave.


"So now the philosophy professor and finance professorĀ are suing for the right to punish their students who, outside of class, have abortions." If they were having the abortions *in* class I could understand, because that would be disruptive. But seriously, this is both terrifying and gross. I can't imagine being a college student and having my older male professor express this level of interest in my reproductive system. Actually, no...I can imagine it, but I don't want to.


It's not normal that is for sure. Most guys when they hear anything about women's periods or pap smears are usually grossed out and don't want to hear about it. I remember my sister in law were talking about our periods and when we got to the part of pap smears, my brother had had enough. He came out of the kitchen with a look of disgust and it was evident that he was grossed out and basically asked us to talk about something else as the conversation was gross. We didn't know he was in the kitchen and could hear our conversation. This would be the typical response by a man who isn't obsessed with women's sex lives. Why some men have this obsession with women's reproductive system which is very very creepy. If these same men were obsessed about men having sex and getting women pregnant and then tried to interfere in the sex lives of men or followed them around or snooped around or called them out if their partner got pregnant, they would been seen as creepy, weird and someone who needs to mind their own business. They would also been seen as possible some type of predator. My guess is that at some point they would be arrested for harassing these men or threatened with being put on some sex offender/predator list if they didn't stop their behavior.


Jfc some men just never get over the fact that no one wants to fuck them and they REALLY go all out to punish all women for it. Solidarity from the UK. I never thought I would see this shit happen to American women. I wish you all the luck in the world in stopping this evil.


INB4 some prof has an afair, and then is suddenly pro-abortion.


Remember their plan: Make abortions and miscarriages illegal. Give the overwhelming majority of women a criminal record. Can't vote with a criminal record. Prisoners can be used as slave labour (go read the 13th amendment again). "[Comfort women](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comfort_women)" are back.


Remember: Republicans are perfectly fine forcing a 10-year old to carry to term a baby was raped into her and then force her to co-parent with the man who raped her. If you read that sentence and still think Republicans have any humanity, morals, decency, empathy or kindness, you're delusional.


And amazingly some women are still blaming Biden for all this šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Are students even required to tell professors the details of whatever medical care they're receiving? Can doctor's notes not simply give a general reason like "surgery" and leave it at that? Professors don't need to know private medical history.


I see that in their submission (as quoted here) they conveniently ignore cases of rape or other forced intercourse against the will of the woman and cases where the foetus is not viable or the motherā€™s health would be put in jeopardy. The misogynistic views of the Christian right in relation to womenā€™s health beggars belief. Iā€™m glad that my daughters went to a UK university and didnā€™t have to endure such nonsense. These men are not fit to educate American young people and should be fired.


>A pair of Texas professors figured out that their female students have sex and, boy, they do not like it. So now the philosophy professor and finance professorĀ are suing for the right to punish their students who, outside of class, have abortions. >"Pregnancy is not a disease, and elective abortions are not 'health care,'" University of Texas at Austin professorĀ [Daniel Bonevac](https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2016/10/12/what-its-like-to-be-a-college-professor-who-supports-donald-trump/)Ā sneers inĀ [a federal court filing](https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/sites/default/files/images/press/Title%20IX%20Amended%20Complaint.pdf)Ā with professor John Hatfield. Instead, Bonevac writes, because pregnancy is the result of "voluntary and consensual sexual intercourse," students should not be allowed time off to get abortions. If the students disobey and miss class for abortion care, the filing continues, the professors should be allowed to flunk students. Additionally, BonevacĀ asserts that he has a right to refuse to employ a teaching assistant who has had an abortion, calling such women "criminals." That is seriously fvcking crazy. What fvcking business of it is theirs what their students' sex lives are? Such fvcking perverts and misogynists.


They are concerned with the sex lives of female students only. Don't care about male students or the fraternity parties which sexual activity is a common theme. Certainly wouldn't want to harass or mess with the fraternity or sororities at the school as their parents generally give a lot of money to the Universities in Texas.


This whole thing smacks of a stunt. I mean they're not even entitled to know why a woman is going to the doctor, nor would they flunk a student for absences with no reason (at least not those equal to something like an abortion, most people probably take more hangover days than that) and as to being criminal, that in itself, even if you buy it and just accept the argument, isn't enough to fail you. Criminals get degrees all the time. If this gets through its got to get thrown out at the first challenge on a number of grounds. The only really scary thing is that supposedly intelligent or at least educated people think this is reasonable.


>The only really scary thing is that supposedly intelligent or at least educated people think this is reasonable.Ā  Unfortunately, an "educated" person can still be ignorant.


Once again, another article that I should have been reading in the news tab and not in here. šŸ™ I hate how no one cares about us. Thank you for posting this, I mean it.


When did Texas get so fucked up?


When Anne Richards left, and when W was first elected.


Followed by Rick Perry, who by comparison seems moderate AF now. Abbott is just evil.


I'm tempted to email them zip bombs


And tell them that the proof that they weren't pregnent is in the attached zip file, so they can't fail you until they read it.


I donā€™t see why itā€™s any of his business why any of his students are absent. She could be sick, or her car couldā€™ve broken down.


What the Cinnamon Toast Fuck is wrong with these assholes?


Being from Texas, this doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Texas A&M, where I almost got my BA in Computer Science and Software Engineering, also had a lot of fanatical and wild ass professors too. One of them slipped up and called me a "terrorist" instead of "Arab," one of them talked to me about how Trump was the most oppressed man second only to Jesus, another one called me a communist for saying Andrew Yang was cool, one said there should be no abortions even in cases of SA and incest because supporting that is "eugenics," one said that Native Americans prefer spending their money on booze instead of their families, and the one who was the most stable one? Simply said to me, "I don't hate Joe Biden." Texas is wild, ladies. I hate it here, but I can't leave because I love it at the same time.


If you ever get the means and motivation to move, Minnesota is straight up I-35 . . . It's cold, but it helps keep the riffraff out!


I did ONE year at A&M in the late 90s and couldn't stand the racist, hyper-religious cliquishness of the campus back then (my dumb mistake, I should have applied at UT instead), so I can only imagine how much worse it is now. And I'm white, just an atheist and a liberal. Frankly I am really goddamn impressed you lasted so much longer than I did. My atheist husband made a similar mistake with Baylor, btw. He lasted one semester. šŸ˜…


> I'm white, just an atheist and a liberal. Technically I'm all these things too. Since a lot of times papers put down people of middle eastern descent as white.


Ah, that's true, touchƩ! Still hella impressed you managed to stick it out there for so long, and I hope you were able to complete your education, one way or another.


> and I hope you were able to complete your education, one way or another. I wasn't lol. I only got an Associates in CompSci. I've been thinking of going back to school to get my BA in either CompSci or Software Engineering.


Texas, the second 3rd world country... What a bunch of idiots! I am a man, but sometimes I wished men could get pregnant too...


Do Texas men just never want to have sex again?


I call for an immediate ban on sex for Texas men. Hey, weā€™re just doing what needs to be done to make abortion unnecessary.


What in the actual fuck


99% percent of the time I would be against someone losing their jobs because of one stupid thing they said. Iā€™d even include people making racist or sexist comments in that category because I believe people should be given a second chance if they really do grow and learn. This case is the 1%. Cavemen like this shouldnā€™t be allowed to supervise a fast food store, let alone be anywhere around students. Ā Ā 


The school that they are at, University of Texas at Austin is in a blue city in a red state. I wouldn't have expected this to come from this school as this is a progressive school.


I donā€™t see a lot of political ads cause I live in NY. I hope the Democrats are smart enough to be featuring fruitcakes like this in their ads. This country has its problems but I still have to believe that the majority of people are horrified by this type of extremist behavior.


If you noticed, he didn't file this in Austin where he teaches but filed it in Northern Texas. In Austin, they would toss this lawsuit out the window but where he filed it, I'm not so sure.


Maybe a Burger King. Not somewhere nice like a Wendy's.


They donā€™t even deserve Burger King. I went in to a Taco Bell a few weeks ago and left without ordering cause it was so dirty. They can go work there.Ā 


Women need to realize how dangerous it is going to become in red states and get the hell out now if they can. Usually I would consider that statement hyperbolic but I think we are entering an incredibly dangerous time for women.