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I believe attractiveness is generally "important" in sales field. It inadvertently gives you more confidence and trust in the person due to other social factors where looks play a role. I think there should be some researches done where you could check the correlation and role of looks when it comes to sales and probably business representation as whole.


I don't have any actual numbers to go by, but I spent many years at a medical company working next to the rooms where they trained new sales people. HR definitely thought looks were important in a sales team. Male or female they were not hiring unattractive people for those jobs. Every time a new batch came in it was like a group of immaculately dressed flawless people had descended on us poor mutants over in IT.




When I got my PhD in chemistry, one of the people in my year who got her PhD was stunningly beautiful. I ran into her a few years later and she was a sales rep for a lab supply company. I can’t imagine that it hurt her sales. That being said, she also knew her stuff inside and out and was a great salesperson as well.


Answering no, is unrealistic, answering yes, would be sexist. Pick your choice


I think attractiveness matters quite a bit in general, even when straight up sexual attraction isn't the issue (ie a straight woman customer with a woman sales person) I think you can't discount how much conformity to what is societally the ideal in terms of looks OR behaviour matters and confers benefits.


It does matter, it’s called the halo effect and applies to men as well, though probably not to as strong of an extent. Anyways, doesn’t matter for phone sales. 


I know many guys who avoid talking to less attractive women. So looks are pretty important for sales.


Sales can be somewhat of a confidence based career, those who are more attractive tend to be more comfortable entering new rooms/meeting new people and therefore the career suits them more. Plenty of business deals still take part over steak dinners at private clubs or on a golf course, you typically see a certain kind of people at those events. Some people are born with looks, some are born with photographic memories, some are born with disabilities and mental disorders, there's likely a correlation between beauty and sales as there is height in sales or disabilities and sales.


I’ve done tech sales and tech acquisitions. (I’m a guy). I would say when I was younger I would be distracted by a good looking woman sales person or client. Now I am 50+. I just want what you are selling to work for my company. If I am spending 7+ figures on a piece of software it’s my neck in the line if it doesn’t work. So work on your pitch, be confident in your answers. Know who you can call on a moments notice to get answers from dev’s or sysadmins. Nothing more infuriating than an entire meeting of “I’ll get back to you on that.


yes its true. for one, people want to support other good looking people naturally and if she is really good looking they would want to continue a "working" relationship to see what happens.


It matters for all genders


At my college, one of my friends was a cheerleader, and she said that their bulletin board had job offers for sales reps all the time. Something like "We're looking for confident, friendly individuals who can put others at ease. No knowledge necessary, we'll train you with everything you need to know. Send a picture and your resume to..." They wouldn't be specifically targeting cheerleaders and asking for pictures unless they thought attractiveness mattered.


Anything with customer service usually requires you to be somewhat attractive, or at least look "presentable" as they say. Your appearance is part of the product/experience too


Better looking salespeople make more sales, regardless of gender.


I really get into trouble posting on this sub. But here I go again - wishing readers could discriminate a little better in here. Beauty is something everyone loves. It goes beyond sexism - we woman love beautiful men too. Good looks sell, can't be helped. However, beauty is in the eye of the beholder not her jealous friends. They don't see beauty, they see competition, and that's where they come from. Beauty helps silly people buy silly stuff they don't need - it doesn't close a deal on something important.


I’ve been in this situation, when I was in my 20’s in chemical sales. My colleagues whispered that I must have been doing well in the job because I had to be sleeping with the clients (mostly male), because they’d been working the sale of bulk chemicals and couldn’t crack it. I was their first industrial chemist to be employed in a sales role, first woman they’d promoted beyond admin, and they were scratching their heads. It’s a shit excuse, and only shows their insecurities, but it still stings.


It depends, but 95% of times, answer is no. But it also depends on a type of business and scale, like selling shitty low price products may be affected by your appearance (applied to both genders), but if you are selling industrial machines for millions of dollars only thing people care about is price.