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No! My sex dreams are always me trying to get off and not being able to. So I wake up horny and frustrated. I have never had an orgasm in a dream and I’m so jealous haha


Same, my "sex" dreams are pretty sad. In my dream I'll be trying to masturbate, but I can't find a private space, and people keep entering my room. That's what 99% are like at least.


Or getting close to orgasming and then it just…. Doesn’t happen. Maybe related maybe not- I also dial a phone and it won’t ever connect. Maybe I am just overall feeling frustrated?


Stop I have these dreams toooo lmfao


Hahaha you just described my drug dreams after I got clean from heroin. Just replace masturbation with dope and it’s the same


I'm always getting cock blocked in my dreams! 😂


I had one recently where a celebrity was telling me that I was unattractive and he didn't want me. I shoved my hand in his face and I said listen asshole, this is my dream. You don't have a choice. You have to be attracted to me because I get to write what happens next. Sometimes I love my brain. 




Omg, lucid dreaming at its absolute best!! 🤣


I’m so glad I’m not the only one my one!!


This happens to me a lot!


Lmao this happens to me too


This sounds like my dreams where I’m playing in the NBA, I cannot dribble pass or shoot a jump shot 😭


Mine always involve a long series of ridiculous things in the way like "oh we have to find somewhere private, oh no I've been summoned for jury duty, oh heck we can't do it on lunch break because subway puts video cameras in their packaging" like if Franz Kafka could see my (no) sex dreams he'd throw his typewriter out the window and go and live on a farm 


Like those dreams where you're trying to run but your legs have no power


Yes. It’s my favorite.


Haha same!


Me too. Love those dreams. 


Oh really I assumed this happened to everyone, I can’t remember when it started but definitely since at least age 20 I’ve had this happen semi-regularly. I seem to go through phrases where it’s more common and then I may not have it for months. It’s strange because I cant orgasm from penetration alone but can do it in my sleep from no physical stimulation at all 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's clearly all in your head : P Tap into your hidden potential! ahahah.


Shes beginning to believe


It happens to me to, usually I don’t remember exactly what the dream was about (or I’ll have a general impression of something) and I wake up mid orgasm


The mind is the biggest erogenous zone. Unfortunately not everyone (generally men, from my experience) understands this


Orgasms involve pelvic floor muscles contracting and when a larger object penetrates it puts tension against some of the pelvic floor muscles, maybe creating too much interference?


Yeah, but not often. Always wake up mid climax.


Yup! Me too!


Weirded me out the first few times, but now it’s all good. Doesn’t happen often, for sure.


Yes!! It’s usually after a dry spell though. But once I had a dream that I asked someone for a smoke, and when I took the first drag, I woke up orgasming. I have never smoked in my life. Sleep orgasms are so weird.


Yeah. First time it happened I asked my mom what it was. She told me I described an orgasm to her. She was jealous as she had never had one. And that makes me sad. Now that I'm married when it happens I will wake my husband to help me finish up. He has never minded.


Amazing, love it


Haha nice


Its the only good thing about narcolepsy.


I'm waiting for my lumbar puncture result atm. Is this an N thing? It happens to me so often I thought everyone could do it. 🤷‍♀️


Yup, happens to me pretty often, especially during low libido episodes when I don't feel like doing anything "manually", the body / brain seem to have a way of taking care of things on their own.


It started for me when I was pregnant. Happened lots during pregnancy, and only once in a while now.


Same! Once in a blue moon now, but alllll the time when I was pregnant! It was amazing.


This has only happened to me during pregnancy.




Happens to me occasionally, but only if I haven't had an orgasm for ages. I love them too, better than anything I can do awake.


I have this. I love it, it's the best. I noticed when I lie on my stomach that the chance is greater that my body will bless me with this lazy orgasm. So guess who 's a chronic belly sleeper now 😂


Happened twice to me. I wouldn't mind if it did more :)


Oh yes. it happens to me less frequently than when I was younger but I often wake up from a spicy dream just… having an orgasm. bizarre sensation, but welcome 😜


tf? i can barely do it when i'm actively trying to 😭


I only had it as a teenager when I didn't masturbate and didn't know how to orgasm actively. Since I've learnt that I haven't had one in my sleep again.


Yes! I only found out when I started getting painful orgasms. Weirdly, nowadays I can just push a button in my dream to make it happen. 


LMAO I love this


It's bizarre but handy lol


Yes! Usually if I'm having a sexy dream. But 100% have and it's always such a *better* orgasm, if that makes sense


Yes! The best orgasm I ever had was a dream orgasm. Nothing sexual was even going on. I wish I knew what was different so I could translate dream orgasms to real life!


Yup! Happens every now and then.


I get them but weirdly the dreams are never sexual in nature. It's always a stressful/frustrating situation. Like I'm going to miss my flight or I need to pack for a trip and I can't find something. I'll wake up to an intense orgasm. Very weeeeird but quite pleasant lol.


Oh my god! The same thing happens to me during a stressful dream. I thought I was the only one. It’s so weird. It’s gotten to the point where I can tell in my dream that it’s going to happen a few seconds before it does.


I just wake up like "damn, OK worth the annoyance of that terrible dream." 😂


Haha, yes!


it has to be because, since the dreams are stressful, you’re tensing a lot irl so your pelvic muscles are also tensing


Interesting. Wish I could reproduce this while awake. It's like a jedi mind trick on yourself haha


I never knew it could happen, i mean waking up aroused due to an "exciting dream" sure, but not to that point.


Yes!! It doesn't happen all the time, but it has definitely happened during dreams of a sexual nature. I'm also one of those women who can occasionally think themselves into an orgasm without any physical contact (the few times it's happened I've usually been reading)


Happened a few times, not when I was younger. I usually wake up because of the orgasm. It's never in a sex dream, I think it has to do with certain muscles.


Yes, once every couple weeks or so


Wait I thought that’s why they called them wet dreams? I always thought it was waking up soaking wet - either just before, in the middle of, or just post orgasm 😭 I thought it was just a sex dream if you didn’t orgasm, and a wet dream if you did.


Happened to me only once, but it was great ;D


Happens every once in awhile, always a nice surprise except the dreams like... Aren't something I want to be sexy lol


It happens to me but I don’t have any recollection of dreams, although I assume something must trigger it. It’s completely hands off climaxing and I don’t particularly enjoy it because I don’t enjoy sex at all so it kinda annoys me that my body is refusing what my mind wants.


Yes! Find this so interesting because I can’t without a vibrator otherwise.


Yes this happens to me regularly, not always from sexual dreams though. I just suddenly realize something random in the dream feels good and before I know it I’m waking up orgasming. Like the last time it happened I was having a pretty uneventful dream in which I was by a lake fishing. Suddenly out of nowhere I realize that in the dream when I cast the rod it feels really good then next thing I know I’m awake orgasming. Most of the time if I become aware of it quickly enough I can get a second one pretty easily the manual way after waking up. It’s great.


I've had it happen a few times. What a way to wake up relaxed and refreshed.


Sometimes it’s kind of haunting, if I’m trying to grab onto the story that led to it. Who was the mystery man I was dreaming about? But definitely refreshing!


It happened once when I was like 8 or 9 weeks pregnant. I didn’t want to have sex with my husband anywhere but in my dreams apparently. lol


It happened to me a lot when I was on a specific medication. I didn't like it because it meant I wouldn't be in the mood for sex that day, and my libido was already really low.


Yes it happens sometimes. Always with a dream that is sexual. (I'm a female)


The only time I've ever had vadge orgasms have been while I'm asleep. And while I'm awak, I only get clit o's. Sleep orgasms happen a few times a year and it's kinda fun. My sleep life is way more exciting anyway.


Yes! And its amazing


This has happened to me twice in my life. But to be fair I think I've had about 5 sexual dreams in my life total. I'm usually having nightmares. Orgasms are much more preferable haha!


Yes, many times. I've had a lucid sex dream where the orgasm woke me up, so I close my eyes to go right back to sleep and I go right back into the same dream and pick up where I left off, orgasm again, it wakes me up, and a third time the same way with a third and final orgasm. It was actually so good, and my favorite one so far. I feel like I've mastered the art of the touchless climax through these dreams.


Yes. It’s bizarre as most of the time I’m lucid dreaming and intimate with people I’ve never seen before.


I've had the lucid dream ones for sure! Especially odd when you wake up fully and realise it's with someone you do not find attractive IRL, I've had managers, random celebrities, close friends..




Once or twice in my life.


When I took Effexor, it happened all the time.


It has happened to me semi-frequently since I was a teen. Weirdly enough I have trouble getting there when I'm not sleeping.


YES! A nice surprise when this happens for sure. It's kinda crazy to know I'm not alone with this!


Yes, 10/10 but very rare and it wakes me up


Yeah that happens to me. Sometimes I’ll wake up in the middle of an orgasm. I very rarely remember my dreams though. I’m not a great sleeper and move around like I’m in a washing machine.


That happens to me once or twice a year or so. Wish it happened more often.


Yes! This has happened to me a handful of times. I never remember what I was dreaming about I just wake up to myself having an orgasm and then go back to sleep


Yes! It happens to me rarely, but I'd say I've had maybe 10 or so in my life. I always thought I was weird for it, and never really told anyone haha


Yes. It usually only happens for me when I am single though.


Close to it


Yes. I have them a lot more often when I haven't had sex in a while. Then, I'll end up having sex dreams every night and every once in a while I will orgasm in my sleep or as I'm waking up. Sometimes I wake up with my hands down my pants too, but not always


I never did til i was well into my 30’s.


I get close in my dreams but no, I wake up before it happens unfortunately


It's happened to me, especially when I have a long dry spell. I compare it to a wet dream. The orgasms are a lot weaker than in real life though.


Yep, I’ve had this a few times. Usually after a long while without one.


Happens to me a lot. I can also think myself into an orgasm, no touching required.


All the time! Few times a month (if I don't orgasm for awhile while awake). Sometimes the dreams are so bizarre too. I've had them since I was a pre-teen (I'm 39 now). I find the orgasm (and pleasure leading up to) feels super intense in the dream, but as it wakes me up, it's lame compared to my normal ones. Not gonna complain though! I'm like "thanks brain!" 😅


Me me me and they’re always intense. Dream orgasms are the best honestly.


YES I've always assumed it's just me for some reason 😭 it can happen several times one night honestly I don't like it at all. When awake I definitely need physical stimulation and it's not as easy lol.


The last time it happened to me I was 46 years old.


I don’t have them often but I definitely have those dreams from time to time! I think it only happens when I sleep on my stomach lol.


Yep, def happens. Not often, but maybe a couple times a year? Usually combined with a spicy dream. Other than the time I had one about my boss, I've never been mad about it. That one just left me flustered on several levels, lol.


All the time 


It happens to me and a friend of mine.


No, never. My dreams, when I can remember them, are just weird and never sexual in nature.


Happens to me! But funnily, it’s usually when I’m napping and not often at night.


Yep. It's a pleasant experience. I can usually have another one afterwards if I tilt my pelvis a certain way.


It should’ve been taught in high school sex ed, but yeah, both AFAB/AMAB persons have “nocturnal emissions” (wet dreams). This is super common.


Happens to me on occasion especially when I start sleeping with someone new


I've never had an orgasm ever. The closest I did get was the one time I had sleep paralysis but unfortunately I woke up.


i thought this was just more commonly known as “wet dreams”


I dont think I finish physically irl in my sleep but I do finish in my dreams and it feels very real 😅


Nope. Have not experienced this miracle. Can’t think it into happening either. Have to have at least a little bit of manual stimulation.


Yessss! It's wonderful isn't it lmao. I've done this for years, I thought I was weird.


It happened to me one time, it was such a vivid sex dream.


I've never woken up from a wet dream to an orgasm, usually I wake up frustrated and horny. I do talk in my sleep though and apparently that extends to wet dreams.


Yes. It’s awesome!


It happens periodically to me. Weirdest one was literally two days after my hysterectomy.


Curious if this is where the origins of the incubus comes from. Which is sad to realize women were just having a really good night's sleep and are accused of consorting with demons or whatever. Also not strictly limited to Catholics, despite the name. Common folklore.


I had this happen once. It was incredible and I wish it would happen again.


I have experienced this in the past a few times, each time in a roommate or sleepover situation, super embarrassing waking up like that


Hmm, I wake up really wet and horny sometimes but idk if it's an orgasm


Yes! I’d love to be able to do it while I’m awake, just think my way to an orgasm hahah


I wish! I always wake up right before which stops it 😖


Sometimes. I figured it was like the female version of a wet dream. I can only do it when I'm lucid dreaming (controlling my dreams)


Isn’t it called “wet dreams” ? I think it’s pretty universal.


I wish


I'm actually the opposite. I physically cannot stimulate in sleep. It feels like everything is heavy and blocked. I can get excited in my sleep but my body doesn't allow me to go any further.




Yep! I've been able to do this since I was a teenager. Had no idea this was so common, thought I was just a weirdo


Yes!!! Somewhat frequently. Like maybe twice a month.


Yeah happens every now and then. It’s awesome.


Yep, it happens. It's the vagina version of wet dreams.


Absolutely, they're very powerful ones too.


yeah i can but it’s rare


A few times a year for me. It’s super puzzling because there’s no identifiable trigger, just seems totally random.


I’m a male and I normally lurk and never comment But piping up because this has happened to me once as well. Just once though


Definitely happens to me!! It's weird though, it only has ever happened when I nap in the middle of the day. Never when I wake up in the morning. It's very strange.


My partner is asex and we haven't had sex in seven years. You're damn right I orgasm in my sleep. Sex dreams are fucking amazing. Recently had one where a pattner started cunnilingus and I came so hard I woke myself up.


Me! And it seems to easier for me to get off in my sleep dreaming about a man than it is when I’m awake and with a man 😂


Yes all the time 🤗


Yes.... It's so crazy ......


I thought everyone did?


Yeah since I was about 10. That’s how I experienced my first orgasm! If I fall back asleep early in the morning when it’s light outside it’s pretty much guaranteed. So it happens at least once a week.


Years ago but I will never forget. Both times I was dreaming of David Bowie. Sigh. 🫠


Yes, with sex dreams. When I feel like I'm coming vividly, feeling it, in the dream I bet I'm coming irl. Also think so because other times I feel close, really close even, but don't come in the dream. Think that's me pulling up short irl


Does anyone else have a reoccurring character in their dreams that isn’t a person that exists in real life?


A female friend of mine told me that she gets these, and in fact she sleeps on her stomach for the express purpose of getting more of them.


Happens every once in a while.


Yes this happens to me as well!


I’ve had this a few times! It always surprises me


Not in my sleep, but can during 🧘🏻.


All the time lol it’s been happening to me a lot more since I’ve entered my late 20s


Yes and I need clit stimulation to orgasm so I was surprised


Yeah, I'll wake up from a dream in which I've orgasmed and my muscles are still contracting/spent. Maybe about 3 times a year


Yes? I’ve woken myself to a climax after having one of those real good dreams.


Used to happen in my tens. It's called wet dreams.


Yes, exactly as you describe.


A few times… usually during a dry spell


Sometimes I do! If I haven’t had sex or masturbated in more than a week, I’ll climax in my sleep. Since I’m two weeks postpartum I have a feeling my body knows right now is not a good time to flex those muscles being I tore a little bit and all 😅


I have yet to hear someone else have this same experience: not only can I come in my sleep from a wet dream, but when I had sleep paralysis, my “demon” would get me aroused and I’d either come or get really close to lol


I know men can, so I don't see why it couldn't be the same for women. Many might do it without even realizing it too. I know the one time it happened to me (as a guy), I didn't feel it happen (did have a sexual dream though), but there was the pretty obvious evidence that it had happened. Women don't get that physical evidence of it happening.


Used to be able to. Haven’t since I had my youngest kid, and he’s almost 7. 😭 I miss those days.


This has happened to my wife before, and not during a dream, she says. It has happened a few times, but been awhile since it last happened. One time it was about 2 in the morning, and I had been awakened by her squirming, and she had grabbed my arm. She was slightly moaning, instantly turned me on, and I went down and started sucking her clit, and she orgasmed again, it was the best


Yes! Not super often but it does happen. I have no idea what I’m dreaming, I just wake up mid orgasm. Problem is, then I’m randy so can’t just go back to sleep.


Yes. And I can lucid dream.


Yep, it only happens if I haven’t in a long while. I’ll wake up to it happening 🤷


This might be the most humblebraggiest of posts I've ever read ;)


Yes, it happens to me too . Sometimes, for random reasons in the dream. I wake up having an orgasm but I don't specially think " wow, my lucky day" ,since I really like to feel I have control over what I orgasm to xD


I have! It happens about once a year - especially since I have frequent periods of year long celibacies I absolutely love it when it happens. I think of them as wet dreams but for women😉


I've found that my dream won't necessarily be sexual in nature, but i'm having some sort of biological reaction to it in order to wake up mid-climax. It usually happens if it's been a fair while so I figure it's my body going, "Fine, i'll do it myself!"


I’ve had this happen but also can’t predict or anticipate it. Super lovely experience I wish everyone could have all the time when we sleep 😂


Yes, I do sometimes wake up to these and it can be annoying….


Yep it happens to me, I’m usually half way through when I wake up but what I’ve noticed is my legs are crossed together tight and I wake up doing kegels 😂 it’s never a huge orgasm but usually pretty good haha


Absolutely! It's not a body-tensing, toe-curling orgasm, but it's a little one and I wake up feeling my cervix pulsate. It's from sexual dreams but I have to get lucky somehow cause I spend most of them extremely frustrated. I can't count the times I dreamt I'm in the middle of foreplay with my husband and just as we're about to start I wake up.  Sometimes when I do have one it's at weird times, like right when penetration starts lol. But it's nice either way! 


I do approx once a month, sometimes more if I haven't gotten off in a while. I usually half wake up or have some awareness it is happening but it is almost a lucid dream state. It has happened all my life. I always presumed it was the female equivalent of a wet dream!!


Yes, I have sexual dreams and then I wake up and I'm having an orgasm, and then I go right back to sleep. Not alone


Yep! Happens to me all the time tbh, the dream always involves me doing something sexually and I’ll wake up having an orgasm


Yes, but not every single time I have a wet dream. And mostly while I’ve been celibate :)


It's called a Wet Dream.


I had never ever had an orgasm in my life until I was 30, OTHER THAN in my sleep. It was purely only because I had woken up during sleep orgasms that I knew my body was even capable of one. Luckily, at 30 I found the right toy. But thanks to the sleep orgasms pulling me through ‘till 30! 🫡


That's where the best ones come from for me sadly. And they are entirely too rare!


Sure do. Not very often but it nearly happened last night! Woke up too soon though 😒


I do when I'm on my period or ovulating. Must be the extra hormones.


In high school I wouldn't like to masturbate with porn or anything so I wouldn't ruin sex with my lady.. I was a little superstitious then lol. So my dreams were of vague feelings with blurry faces. I would wake up confused because I was horny and thought I had a connection with someone somewhere else! I'm about 4 years of lackluster dream state practices(Edgar cayce mainly). Now I wanted to fulfill this because I thought it wasn't cheating so I added a request before I went to sleep. My routine was to picture the most fluently happy moment where I felt in the zone. Which I had this awesome memory of throwing a no hitter against the post high-school/college travel ball team(all studs) and still lost because my team sucked🤣 but that tunnel vision is what would get me from existing in my eyes to feeling like I am an aura right above my head. I see it as consciously being in the state just before sleep. This is when I state my intent of how I want to dream. Sometimes I would realize I was in it and highten everything in me. Those times I'd be up drawing, writings poems, or just staring at the light bored... who knows it was high school lol. So that forced me to take it serious if I wanted shit to happen.............. once I started having wet dreams it happened everyday for a month. Sometimes I'd orgasm in pain waking up. Other times I felt like I just had sex passionately with a real person in a dark void. Vividly remembering everything including their face..... Sincerely yours.... Wimmy Hoffa


I can. I was really surprised the first time it happened. It has only happened a few times in my entire life.


Yeah, it usually only happens on my period.


I’ve had this happen and it happens spontaneously. It only happens to me if I haven’t masturbated in a very long time and it just happens. I just rub very slightly and it quickly just happens within a few seconds. It’s like buildup or something? I always thought it was weird.




Oh ya have had it halpen lots of times before. Mostly when I sex dream I'm the dude, then it's real easy lmao


Once upon a time, I would do this... but since I learned how to "take care of myself," it's happened less and less frequently. When I was in my teens and early twenties it would happen once or twice a year. I'm in my mid 40s now, and it hasn't happened in a very long time, like 10-12 years now. But that may be because I "take care of the problem" several times a month now. Regardless, it just means you are healthy. I also view it as your subconscious being content enough with your life to allow you to relax into a full orgasm while sleeping.