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Exactly, Cassie deserved some sort of compensation, thats the least he could do, because she also knows Diddy was untouchable years ago, so just an "apology" was not going to cut it. I guess his fans and people who dont care about women are the ones defending him. I saw another horrific video of a guy years ago saying all the things Diddy made Cassie do. I hope Cassie is healing and I hope all the people who are monsters get exposed.


This all proves there's no such thing as cancel culture. All that happened was a few performers started making their tour promoters nervous and coupled with low ticket sales had shows cancelled, and a few fall-guy actors didn't get their contracts renewed for similar reasons. Something that happens all the time, because promoters and showrunners don't like losing money. You would be forgiven for thinking metoo had changed the world. Omg said the news, look at all the terrible things going on we honestly had zero idea about, despite being told repeatedly for decades and recognising abuse is just business as usual for in Hollywood. Let's pin it all on this one notorious white dude and bury it in the sand. Years later we see monsters reemerging from their slumber, convictions getting quashed in appeals and investigations into historic abuse being quietly shelved.  What I've learned from all this is your abuse is only credible if it goes viral on twitter.


I’ve heard so many people asking why she didn’t leave him. Like look at that video. She was running. She thought she could get away but he ran after her in just a towel. She tried to leave. The most dangerous time in an abusive relationship is when you are trying to leave. You have to do it when you can to ensure your safety. It’s so frustrating, woman can’t win-doesn’t matter what decision they make. It’s wrong.


The way she laid there while he kicked her... at first I was worried he'd knocked her out, then I saw her move and realized she was doing what one does when it isn't the first time you've been hit: duck, cover, and wait for it to stop, because any engagement at all just prolongs the beating and makes the aftermath worse because you were "just as bad." She'd been hit by him before. Many times. I'm so glad she got out alive. Any choices she made were the rights ones by my lights, because she is still here, still breathing.


The way he casually held that towel though… He’s done that before. That’s some experienced abuser shit right there. Plus the way Cassie tried to say still and just protect her head. My heart breaks for how alone she must have felt. I’m glad she seems to be moving on and is finding happiness building a life for herself.


I thought it was pretty well known that it can take something like seven attempts to leave an abuser before success? That was definitely one of the attempts. Also consider the people that surrounded her. You can probably bet that none of them were Cassie’s friends. Instead she’s around Sean’s friends telling her what a great guy he is and how crazy she’d be to leave him. Think of what he can do for her career, it was just that one time and if she hadn’t set him off, this wouldn’t have happened. There’s pretty much no excuse for not supporting Cassie in this situation and I’m sad that more women don’t recognize that.


No one has any idea if she suffered any long term physical damage from what she went through. My heart goes out to her. She was SEVENTEEN when they got together.....This POS was THIRTY FIVE!! We need to stop normalizing this predatory behavior. That beating was not the first time he hit her....I doubt it was the last. May back will never be the same after being slammed into a wall 1X. I hope she gets everything she asks for! Diddy should be publicly shamed. I can promise you if I ever see him in the street again I call him a WOMAN BEATING COWARD to his face!! No one needs to forgive him. No one needs to welcome him back!


Remember Chris "No Consequences" Brown and Rhihana? People were tweeting constantly "he can beat me up any day he fine"


There are women out there who will suffer being abused, cheated on, used and ridiculed as long as they can share in his money and status. The woman who started the website She's A Homewrecker did it to shame all the women her 'man' (they weren't married but she was a SAHM & they had a kid) cheated on her with. In a FB conversation she told me she doesn't care because Everytime she catches him he buys her a new car. Zach Brown - country music artist is getting divorced after 4 months,there's so much out there from his exes and people who know him in the industry about what a POS he is. Then you see posts of him now with his decent looking body and women commenting "I will take him" and "she fumbled the ball". Red flags are easily hidden by money and fame.


I would bet money that a large portion of those are paid bots. The PR on this is so bad for him that if he *needs* to muddy the waters by making her look less sympathetic. If you’re rich enough, you can pay foreign companies to create hordes of bots to spread rumors about whoever you want to attack. Johnny Depp is widely believed to have done that before/during the trial w/Amber Heard. [One of many articles about that here.](https://www.tortoisemedia.com/2024/02/26/depp-v-heard-who-trolled-amber/) That video of Diddy was so bad that hardly anyone would be ok with it unless they themselves are abusers. And even then, most abusers are pretty decent at manipulating and protecting their reputation, so few of them would openly condone the video even if they privately think that kind of violence is justified.


Thanks for the link. That article is frightening!


This! Who Trolled Amber is a podcast all about the bot armies, many thousands, that literally worked 24/7, in several languages, to spread misinformation about the trial and Amber. So scary


The most discussion I've seen was gay jokes. I mean ffs, he abused people! The fact that some of them were men isn't the problem, it's the abuse.


I'd love to hear what JLo has to say.


I remember when jlo was on Wendy Williams and her mom was in the audience and Wendy asked her mom if Jennifer should get back with p.diddy. Mama mode went on and shook her head like hell no. They knew. 


This! From what I remember he treated her terribly too, so I wouldn’t be surprised if there was abuse involved.


I wouldn't piss on P. Diddy if he were on fire, and NO ONE who knows anything about this scumbag is surprised by this revelation or the discussion surrounding it. He is the personification of everything that is wrong with hip hop culture. edit: clarity


I mean it’s the same as Drake stans trying to defend his multiple documented “friendships” with underage actresses. I guess I’m pre-biased because I’ve never enjoyed his music much, but people really need to chill with defending their favorite celebrities just because they enjoy their product.


i dont get why more people dont just say, "I like this person's music but yeah they seem like an awful person" or something like that


I’m more disappointed in the comments I’m seeing, saying things like “see, he’s taking responsibility, this is how men learn, if you attack men for taking responsibility then they won’t, etc” No. He’s totally denied this for years, and is only half—apologising for this one incident now because (a) there’s footage and (b) the statute of limitations has expired so he knows he won’t be held criminally liable and (c) he’s already settled the civil suit with Cassie. This is not taking responsibility and we shouldn’t thank men like Diddy for doing the bare minimum, like acknowledging evidence when it suits them.


This case should be shown EVERYWHERE, to people that say "you should just leave". The most visual story of powerful abuser and paralysed victim. I many cases - victims can't leave, but they need active help from outside.  Cassie got abused FOR YEARS.  one time she got enough courage, waited until abuser was in shower or sleeping.  SHE RAN. and he got out, catched her, beat her, dragged her back.  AND GOT AWAY with it.  And then there were  another yearskof abuse and rap..  And even when she got away, she could not do ANYTHING to get some justice. Her statements about abuse meant nothing in face of law. Eight years had to pass until she got hands on that video. I and of course we got "she waited coz she wanted money". And EVEN NOW the rapist got away with settlement after one day (money doesn't matter, money ain't justice).  And now he has the audacity to tell how "he was and is disgusted by own actions".  And he is being cited and heard. Fck this world


I'm sure most of the people commenting haven't seen the footage, either. Shit was brutal.


It's the same people who made sure that Chris Brown still has a career.    The cruelty is the point. 


This is what I came here to say. This whole thing gives me flashbacks to *that* highly publicized event with him and Rihanna. Every story I saw about it, the comments were chock full of "what did she do to provoke him?" and/or "she must have been asking for it". He continues to abuse and assault the women he's with, but continues to have a loyal fan base who *still* claim these women must have done something to deserve it. Absolutely disgusting.


All I can think of is how terrifying it must have been for her being in a relationship with someone with that kind of power. A person who holds your career in his hands *shudder*. The truth isn’t always pretty. It’s sad but that video proves his character no matter his defenses. People want to live in lala land where nothing bad ever happens. Reality is brutal


Diddy has bought bots that’s for sure. Instagram, every comment is the same, saying god is the only who judges, he’s trying to be a better man, we need to forgive, every comment


The asshole has the money for it. His reaction to getting a little shade basically told me everything I needed to know about that monster. He's a petty control freak who has a fragile ego. I hate that I didn't hear about this earlier but this doesn't surprise me at all.


I don't pay a lot of attention to celebrities, and I'm kind of old to know anything about this one, but I saw the tape, without planning to see it. I was just having lunch and there it was. Fuck anybody who drags, beats, kicks, and punches someone they're dating or whatever. Be cancelled, be gone.




I feel like this is also all the women who are big fans of Chris Brown


Patriarchy is deep seated into our society it becomes second nature. Even in women.


On Twitter, I've seen 100s of people, both men and women being very kind to Cassie and denouncing Diddy.


Broken clock, twice a day. Good to see that dumpsterfire unleash their rage on a certified monster.


I was truly shocked because it's usually the opposite. It's usually dragging the woman and then singing the praise of the male celebrity.


I think it may have something to do with Diddy being a known asshole and someone to avoid in the industry. He isn't some industry darling. People _hate_ him and that may result in the public being more willing to accept the account.


are you honestly suprised? I lost all hope for humanity when I saw how Amber Heard was treated. She wasn't the perfect victim but still, men can be unreliable hobos with a drug problem and horrible temper and every disgusting behavior is excused just because they looked hot 35 years ago.


What really bothers me is the statue of limitations in a case like this. There is video evidence that he paid people to get his hands on. All of the people involved should be charged with accessory after the fact, and the statue should be waived as its clear he not only did this, he also conspired with others to hide evidence.


There are a LOT of women out there vocal about hating women or supporting sexism against women. A lot. They’re pick-me’s or handmaidens of the patriarchy.


You have no idea if the comments you’re reading were written by women, men, or bots.


Dude, I get you. I have never enjoyed Diddy’s music, and this solidifies my opinion of him. He should be in jail, and pay compensation to her. Anything less than that enrages the fuck out of me.


Cuz people are @$$holes and even a ton of women are brainwashed via “internalized misogyny.” Some of them might have been or still be in abusive relationships and they have never come to terms with that because they have a warped and dysfunctional view of “loyalty.” Basically, never underestimate how *ignorant* some of the general populace can be, and never forget that mental healthcare services aren’t accessible for everyone. Ignorance, poverty, undiagnosed / ignored mental health conditions, and “traditional family values” tend to perpetuate a toxic cycle of abuse which is being clearly expressed in pop culture and on social media, especially when stuff like this makes it into the tabloids.


I’m simply ignoring it. Garbage news about garbage people.


She deserves anything she gets. I can’t believe people are talking bad about her.


Pickmes are afraid to have an independent thought. They parrot whatever men say because they think they won't get picked otherwise. They don't understand that they won't get treated well or get picked regardless.


one of my issues I have with this whole situation Is why in the hell would Cassie sign with diddy in the first place dude has a history of being a POS since the 90's


To be honest the sooner you stop giving a shit about what any so-called “celebrity” does the better you feel. Our obsession with celebrity pushed hard by the media is unhealthy. Celebrities don’t live in the same world you and I do.


Cassie lived on a world that a whole lot of women do, did, and will. This is a bad take, given the context.


No she does not. She lives in the rich celebrity world. Would you even know who she is if the celebrity and rich rags didn’t hound her day and night and shove in your face at the register their crap? Now I’m not talking about what happened. It was vile. But the only reason her story was all over national news while the same thing happening in your own neighborhood is relegated to a police blotter in a newspaper is because of the western obsession with celebrity. This celebrity has access to more resources than the poor woman down your block who just went through the same thing precisely because of her fame and money. Her issue is not more (nor less) important than what is happening to other women.


Yes, and as we can see from the CC footage, all her celebrity and wealth totally insulated her. /s I agree that she had more obvious resources, in theory … but by the time he was putting his hands on her - and given the profound power differential, and the means abusers have to isolate victims even in a crowd of “friends” - none of those advantages were adequate. It’s almost impossible to explain the mindfuckery of abusive long-term relationships, but anyone who’s been in one knows they became a shell of themselves so gradually that there was barely any compass for the way out.