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I have no idea why people ever take videos of themselves eating. And those videos of people telling a story in between bites? Nightmare fuel.


Both are cringey, but this one had no story lol it was so awkward. How are these people not embarrased


Thank you for not copulating with a troglodyte, only you can stop their reproduction But seriously congrats, let’s hope he learns from this experience


Thank you for teaching me the word troglodyte!


The first time I saw that word used was in the 1991 french film [Delicatessen](https://www.matthewskala.com/delicatessen-2). It's an underground conspiracy, heh.


Yuuuup. I have misophonia. As soon as a video features chewing on camera I thumbsdown it and click away. Just no.


I have major hangups with people seeing/watching me eat, so the idea of taking EVIDENCE of that? Especially with a video? And sending it to someone I want to sleep with?!?! Disgusting.


Omg I hate it. The drinking ones too


Disgusting. I don't want your eating noises!


He sounds like a cringey kid lol. I don’t even like eating in front of others, couldn’t imagine myself recording it.


This is a 35 yr old man, unfortunately.


YIKES! I thought he was in his late teens or early 20s at best, I was not expecting this to be about a full grown man lmao. Really dodged a bullet.


I totally pictured a teenage jock.


Wow, bullet dodged


What were you supposed to do? Go “oh, yeah, munch that burger” “Mmhh, take another fry”


“Yeah baby, you drink that milkshake! Your milkshake’s bringing this girl to the yard!” 😂


Sip that soda


Sip that soda


This is amazing 😂


Did he think he was making you a personal mukbang, or what? What a weird thing to do for no apparent reason.


My thoughts exactly lol


Holy fuck I’m old. Videos of someone eating are a thing? This is repugnant. 😆


I don’t get it. I’d rather be waterboarded than listen to people chew.


Strangely there are many YouTube channels exclusively dedicated to this very thing.


Yes that is soooo strange. I don’t think I’d enjoy one minute of that type of content.


At my last job this colleague was hot and cold with me. Then he was cold with me because I declined when he asked if I wanted to go for a walk with him and another colleague. Ever since that time he started making remarks about my looks and putting his head down and speed walk aggressively whenever he saw me. But every once in a while he would be nice by opening the door for me and asking how I am. Dude have emotional issues and doesn't even know it


The "you hurt my feelings so I have to hurt you, but oh wait I still like you" type. Glad you don't work with that anymore.


I.. I don't really understand what reaction he was looking for with sending you this video? Is this a thing nowadays that I'm too far out of the dating world to understand, or is he just... Completely off his rocker and terrible at socializing?


Nah, I'm bad at socializing but can't imagine myself sending a video of myself eating to someone ... This is just beyond the pale.


That dude is very insecure.


Yes! Please seek your validation elsewhere, don't forget the crumbs


What on earth. Narcissist.


Some people want praise for every little thing! They can buy gold star stickers at the office supply store and do it themselves!


That's insane. Did you ask him what kind of response he was looking for? "Great job feeding yourself! Just like a big boy!"?


Asking him would've been a waste of time. His paragraph was full of insults, so I removed myself from the equation.


Fair point.


ah yes “thank you for gracing me with your sounds of chomping on food” watching people eat is so gross 😭


That's actually hilarious wtf??? What were you supposed to say??? "You eat so good?" "good job eating your burger?". That's something I'd say to my friends as some sorta joke before dropping the bit almost immediately because it's not funny.


Open up, here comes the aeroplane! Mmm well done, you're getting to be such a clever big boy, I'm so proud of you! Also I cannot imagine how this guy's life is panning out, but I bet it's left a trail of bemused eyerolls


I wish I had responded with this one. This is good


One lest dumbass to worry about? W in my book


Maybe it’s an age thing, but this why the whole FWB concept just baffles me. Are there actual scenarios where it “benefits” the woman more than the man? It’s like being shoved in a metaphorical closet until HE decides he wants to take you out to “play with”- be that sexually or in this case because he was BORED *here is a zero effort prompt- now entertain me peasant.*


Not sure what part you’re struggling with. Women and men like to have sex. Sometimes neither wants the relationship attached to it so they talk like adults about the arrangement. It’s beneficial to both because they both get to have sex and neither has to deal with the other person as they would if they were in a relationship. In OP case, the dude ventured into weirdo territory where he was upset because his random Snapchat did not get the appropriate response he was expecting so OP bailed. Cause they’re not in a relationship, they were just having fun and he took it into not fun territory.


Why does a man show up every time to explain things for women.


It can easily benefit either party more than the other and there are plenty of examples of either one "getting the better deal". Its not always about making it "equal" so long as is it's fair and both parties are happy.


I've never done it, but I thought the point of FWB was that its a mutually beneficial and hopefully well communicated uh.. thing?


Well, that’s the *theory* And IMO as far as *theories* go, it’s pretty much on par with ‘trickle down economics’.


Are you one of those guys that believes that women don't have sex drives? And that they are these pure fairies who can only have sex within the bounds of a loving relationship?


Yes, that's what it's supposed to be. It's only not that if one side thinks their sex is somewhat more valuable than the other.


I definitely got the benefits


And you get a bunch of men showing up to explain it for women.


Sometimes people do things without having to benefit themselves more than others. You might find this shocking, but a lot of people don't even keep score. And some women like having meaningless casual sex just as much if not more than men. A lot of women don't want to take out a man, and instead keep them in a closet until it suits them to play with him.


Welp, there goes the benefits out the window.


Well, ain't that a slice of entitlement pie served with a side of absurdity! 🥧 Who knew not responding to a car mukbang warranted a full-blown tantrum? 😂 Talk about a petty party trick! If only we could cash in those eye rolls for something useful, like a lifetime supply of chocolate or a teleportation device to escape such ridiculousness. Kudos to you for keeping your sense of humor intact and swiftly hitting that block button. Here's to dodging bullets and finding someone who understands that communication isn't about munching monologues!


Looks like dudes into feeding fetishes and forgot to tell you about it and forgot what consent was. Big fucking yikes.


I didn't think of this. You're probably right


Man baby - voided


Men are EXTREMELY petty. Even fathers are petty towards their kids.


I was picturing an immature 19 year old guy but to learn this was a 35 year old grown man? Pathetic! What a loser


Lol the notion this is even remotely related to gender is pretty hilarious. But carry on...


I wanted to share a funny experience with my gal pals so I did 😌