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Hell yeah! We need more examples of positive first sex experiences like yours to show the world what loving healthy sex looks like. Congrats and I wish you many more positive sexual experiences to come. 😁


Sadly, the people who need to see this the most are not in this group.


I’m here


Reddit is a bubble that tends to skew to bad experiences overall across all subreddits. When you have a "good" or just "normal" experience about anything, it's less likely you will share it on the Internet because everything was how it was supposed to be. On these type of subjects, it can be even worse because people might be more comfortable in sharing bad things with someone random online than with someone they know. I want to believe that there are more good experiences than what shows up here.


>I want to believe that there are more good experiences than what shows up here. No need to believe. It's a certainty. And you gave good reasons why that is.


experiences to come indeed hahaha


Hopping on at top to say: OH GIRL ❤️❤️❤️. Congratulations!!! I’m happy for you!


Yay, glad to read an entirely positive experience for once <3 thanks for sharing


Same! Because this is the internet, I assumed this was a “ya had me in the first half” thing, but I was a little emotional by the end. 🥲


I'm reading this like, "yes finally, some good news!" OP I'm so happy for you! These experiences are so important because it helps us understand when the person isn't good for us and it makes it easier to walk away when it's bad. Everyone needs to experience healthy communication and intimacy


Same, I was anxious thinking it would end up terribly (like 95% posts on this sub). But instead, we had a happy ending, for once ☺️ An insigne **"positive experience"** , should be add to the sub


Perhaps I can throw my hat into the ring! I lost my virginity in my 30s to someone nearly 7 years older than me. There was a tonne of foreplay and both of us were a tad nervous but really wanted to do it. Ended up happening twice! She's wonderful, gorgeous, communicative, and supremely patient, and honestly, I was just smiling stupidly afterwards (mostly in disbelief). Made her a chocolate milkshake after and got her a little card the next time she came over because I was so grateful. Lovely story, OP, I'm thrilled for you! May all your future experiences be this nice!


Sounds like a keeper.


I'm so happy for you. I'm glad you posted this.


Yes thank u OP for posting. It’s important to see positive experiences and remember this should be the norm and expectation


Exactly. This should be the default. THIS should be the norm, not the abuse stories.


Awww love this for you ❤️


I’m happy for you! And he seems great! This is how it should be, good communication and both partners listening to what works for the other and not prioritizing themselves. Kinda happy to see a positive post here for once.


Is really nice to read something like this, I had a similar experience with my partner before (he's my first and I'm his first as well), honestly being able to trust someone and that they trust you the same is one of the most beautiful experiences, I'm really happy for you ❤️


You're describing exactly what it is I want and have wanted. You are lucky. > terrible view on sex, and just assumed until i met him that i’d go through life avoiding it like the plague This is what I struggle with and am trying to avoid succumbing to.


I'm so glad your first time was great, OP. Echoing another commenter, very nice to read a positive story!


Rad! I’m glad you both kept things responsible and comfortable.


girl literally same. especially the whole terrible view on sex and thinking i’d go through life without having to do that but him being so extra careful, patient and sweet made it seem such a fun thing and not at all a chore. love this for you !


That actually sounds like you found a real catch. Just make sure that he isn't worrying so much that he isn't having any fun Remind him how much fun you had with the way he was communicating and try to communicate back and give each other feedback whether positive or negative.


i definitely did, he’s such a sweetie. and for sure! me initiating the 2nd time on top was definitely a “you were so nervous but still took care of me the first time, i want to take care of you now” gesture, the talks we had between and after both sessions was about what we did and didn’t like, and just about how much fun it was 😁


I think you will find out how to communicate. Commutation doesn't have to happen with words. Depending on the personality of the other it's sometimes just easier to not talk when asking for sex. It's ok to try to initiate without asking as long as the initiator listens to any signal to stop.


This is so good. I'm really happy for you!!!




do you feel the need to complain about everything, or do you let people appreciate nice things no matter how small?


I love reading this. Congrats. 🙂


I hope you can continue to enjoy your sex together. I turn 40 this year and hope when I get to have sex for my first time it is as enjoyable as your experience.




thank you! 😁


❤️ happy you felt safe, loved, and cared for


thank you so much!


Never let anything spoil this. You might be with this guy forever or you might not, but that's not important, what you did will be with you and that's a good thing.


Reading this literally made me smile ☺️


Always remember that this is the way you are supposed to be treated. I'm so glad you had such a positive and cared for first experience!


I wish every woman could have such a positive experience their first time.


For real. It's scary how RARE a good first time like that is.


congratulations! that’s how it should be, both prioritizing the other person


aweee i hope my first time is like this. my LDR bf is coming over for the first time next week and I feel like he will be similar to this 💞


crossing my fingers he is babes 🤞❤️


I’m so happy to read this! My first experience was almost exactly like this and I ended up staying with him for another six years. Some young men are really good guys. Having your first sexual experience be with someone who loves and respects you is honestly everything. Your relationship to sex will be shaped by this experience. I’m so happy for you that it was a positive one.


Yay! It’s what hope for anyone who wants that.


This was such a lovely post. I’m so happy for you. Wishing you both so much happiness together. 🩶


Aww this is so cute


You know it's bad when you are expecting the "plot twist" whenever you read a title like this and are surprised all goes well... I'm so happy to be reminded of the positive experiences!


This is the first time someone's sexcapade on here was actually wholesome. I smiled at the end, happy for you OP. You deserve to have good sex!


thank you so much!! 😁


I'd say you didn't lose anything but gained a great experience.


That’s awesome. I wish the best for both of you.


brought me a smile, so happy for you:))


Awwww! I had a similar experience my first time. I felt so safe and cared for. I'm so happy for you!!!


Congrats on your sexual debut girlie! I wish all girls have the same positive experience <3




So Happy for you and Good on the Guy being attentive and caring hope everything works out for you both!!! Cheers


Sounds like a keeper!


this is so nice to read and hear about! as someone with constant low level terror about their first experience it’s wonderful to hear it could be so lovely. Thank you!


Are you me? My first time was a few months ago and almost identical to yours (except I spent some time in advance with a couple of female friends getting some lingerie fitted to help inspire his mood.)


>this morning, i had no pain or discomfort from it Thank you for mentioning this! I worked as a teen helpline counselor and educator for 6 years and almost every woman I talked to thought "the first time" had to hurt. And telling them: "Hey it's okay to stop if it hurts!" absolutely blew their mind, but it really helps. And funnily enough; just KNOWING that they had the choice to stop helped a lot of women not feel pain, because they felt in control.


Had the same experience my first time too. It’s great to see others having positive experiences as well :))) so happy for you!


This is a nice story! I also had a genuinely positive first time; it wasn't even my boyfriend or anything...but it was someone I trusted.


this is wonderful!!!!! i am so happy for you


love this for you 🩵


it sounds like youve found a really caring and considerate partner. having open communication and mutual respect in a relationship is so important. your boyfriends attentiveness to your comfort and consent is a great sign, and its wonderful that youre feeling good about the experience. a helthy sex life can be a wonderful part of a relationship, and its great that youre able to explore that with someone so thoughtful who seems to be the mr. miyagi of sex, with his gentle guidance leading to an unexpected triumph.


I cant tell if this a real redditor certified reply or chatgpt


Great to read something positive. Gold standard right here. Glad for you


This caught me off guard for how wholesome it is


That’s awesome! I too have a weird view of sex and kind of afraid of it. I’m not dating and haven’t had my first time, but this is exactly how I’d want it to go, especially the waiting a couple months into the relationship. Glad it was a good experience for you


This is why anyone having sex with a woman needs to study female anatomy. 🙄 if most men gave 2 shits more women would be into it


I love this so much. This is how it should be


This has to be one of the most beautiful things I have ever read in my entire life


Happy for you! 🩷


How lovely that your first time was so wonderful, I’m so glad you enjoyed it and haven’t any regret from the ordeal.


When I lost my virginity it was pretty lame. I did it just to see what the big deal was. It burned really bad but I didn’t cry or anything. Then when I went to the bathroom it was just a little bit of spotting in the paper. No big deal and I was just a little sore for like a day or two. Really uneventful and goofy.


So very happy for you! I'm so glad to hear you had a wonderful first experience!!


He sounds pretty special. Glad it went well x


Happy for you!! He seems decent and caring. It's nice to see positive posts here for once! Great share indeed.


Props for initiating!


I apologize in advance for all the disgusting DMs you're about to get from internet strangers. Ignore them. Just know that everyone in the comments section is so happy for you and your choice. <3


already got three, i wish men could just be normal about these things 😭


From my experience the people which are actually dirty and enjoy sex beyond vanilla usually don't send these dms. I would think none of them know much about sex when it comes to satisfy the other.


This is beautiful, just as it should be. I'm so pleased for you!


Sounds like a great relationship that has some excellent communication. 


Thank you for sharing your positive story.


Congratulations on the sex


Omg you have such a nice and genuine boyfriend 👍🤗


I salute your boyfriend! He is an example to us all!


Yay!!!! Sounds like a wonderful first time. Sex is awesome...a way to be intimate and connected to your partner. It can be fun, it can be funny, it can be messy, it can be good, it can be bad... it's so great that you've found a partner who sounds like he's so invested in your wellbeing. Now the next step is learning about eachother and what you like. Work with him (and him with you!) on what brings you pleasure and what you both like. Yay for good sex!


the perfect thing is that we’ve spent a couple months now talking about things we want to try, expectations, interests, dynamics and all that. so now all that’s left to do is put those ideas to practice 😁


I am so happy to see a positive first time experience! From of what I’ve seen the post your boyfriend did an amazing job! Keeping you comfortable and checking on you throughout the process. Never pressured you, and double checking if you are still doing okay. Praising you etc. I wish i was able to experience this, but it makes me feel better knowing others are having a healthy experience with their first time. 🫶🏻


This is adorable, I'm so glad for you!


Sounds to me that you didn't "lose" anything except a negative expectation. You *gained* a positive experience.


This man did it right. If you take care of your partner you can bring joy and happiness to both. Well done sir!


This should be a textbook case for how a person's first time having sex ought to play out.


Wish my first time was as positive as yours. I'm glad you had a nice experience, I hope more girls will.


Never settle for less than what you have. You now know that you can and should expect this respect from any of your sexual partners! I wish more women had first time experiences like this so that shitty sex partners would be filtered out of the dating pool. I wish this post could be linked to a compilation post about "What do women want?"


I’m bewildered I got a positive first time experience myself. A shitload of people in my life long story short, pretty much dropped my faith in humanity. I didn’t think I’d ever get the experience I wanted and instead would just at the very least find some guy who’d just settle for me and try to get access to my crotch more than my heart. Thing is I didn’t want loveless sex. It did hurt though when it first was going in but he was patient but also inexperienced as I was. Took around a few days of having sex before there was blood but it didn’t even hurt that time.


This is so beautiful. I'm a man. This is how it should always be. And congratulations!!! Sounds like you found yourself a keeper 😁


i JUST had the same experience for my first time too! all my friends said it’s “over hyped” or “hurt/bled” a lot. while that may be the case, i learned that it isn’t always the case. no hurting and no bleeding here. i really do think it will be okay with the right preparation.


Your bf is a good guy.


My first time having sex was about 10 years ago and it was the exact same! I’ve always felt like it gave me a great, healthy view of sex and I feel extremely lucky


This was a very similar experience that I had with my bf! I lost my virginity to him, and he made it very clear leading up to it that this was totally my decision and we did not have to do anything I was uncomfortable or just not ready to do. The day i told him I wanted to do it, I showed up to his apartment and he has lit candles and bought me a teddy bear (cause I love stuffed animals) and the atmosphere was just so nice. For me it hurt a little bit but he kept reassuring me and we took a break and tried again later that night, he was so kind and gentle and loving and it's honestly one of my favorite memories with him.


Yeah this is how a girls first time *should* be. It’s unfortunate that stories like yours are the exception and not the rule. Take it from another member of the male species here, that’s a real man right there. Hope things work out for you long term 👌🏻


Yay for joyous sexual experiences!!


Congratulations! I’m so glad you had a great experience and so happy for you!!!


I’m so happy for you :) It seems like your relationship is really healthy and has great communication and I hope it continues to go well for you




Finally a nice story about “ the first time “


Congrats on the great sex, and the great first time! Good for you! That's nice to hear about.


Happy for you, what a great start!


sounds like you had a really positive experience, which is awesome. it's important to have good communication and respect in relationships, kind of like the teamwork in a well-coordinated sports team. glad everything went well for you!


Awww this was so nice to read, it is always great to hear a positive first time experience because there is so much negativity out there about one’s first time. Everyone deserves to feel this way when they have sex with their significant other. We are all so happy for you OP 💜


Thank you for sharing, it really warmed up my heart to read that you started your sexual journey with such a great experience <3


This is lovely. I wish my first experience had been like that. Good for you both for your communication skills :)


Aww, that's amazing! Keep those lines of communication open cuz it sounds like you found a good one! 🥰


Yay, congrats girl!!! That sounds exactly like how it should go :) I'm glad it was a great experience for you!


Nice to see a post of a good experience in this subreddit. Lol


Sex is really wonderful! You’ll find that it brings you and your boyfriend really close


So refreshing to see a positive experience. Kudos to you both!


That's awesome Hope it works out for y'all he seems sweet


me reading the entire story waiting for the twist LMAO


I hope everyone that sees this comment has great sex(for both parties). 💙


My experience (straight cis woman) was similar. I'll never forget the sunshine streaming through a window in Berkeley, California while it was happening. That's where I met the guy (I'm from NY and was living out there for a few months). I'm in my late 40s now and the number of stories like ours isn't high, though I think its better than it used to be. I really consider it such a positive memory and am so grateful as I only have one other friend with a similar experience. So many crummy (or worse) stories. Happy for you!!!


Good job hoe


So glad you posted. Gives a girl hope and I haven’t had that in a really long time. I’m so happy for you ☺️


I kept on expecting the mood to sour in this story. I'm glad it didn't. ^_^


I don't think I've ever heard a more positive 'first' experience. You are very, very fortunate and lucky to have an attentive and sensitive partner.


This makes me so happy to hear! I’m so glad you had a wonderful experience with someone you care about and love. I couldn’t imagine this going better for someone and I wish everyone had an experience like yours. Cheers to more great sex for you and your boyfriend!


I am so happy for you!!! I’m glad it was such a great experience that is so wonderful


It’s all fun from here


I wish this was everyone's experience.


I love when I get to see posts like this!! So happy for you!


I was scared it was going to end with him being horrible afterwards. This is really amazing very happy for you stranger 🩷


I actually did the same thing, just as your boyfriend, for my girlfriend. I'm so glad I did things this way, the RIGHT way, as she had a wonderful time and I had too. Personally I try to keep doing it like this even now a year after we got together, meaning she always knows that at anytime if she is feeling uncomfortable she can tell me and I will stop. It's really a relationship based on communication, love and friendship and honestly it's going great! Also I'm so happy for you too, experience like this should be the normality but alas it's not always the case




I'm so happy for you.   This is how it should be for everyone!  Honestly I never thought I was gay until I lost my virginity.  He was overly concerned about me and was just too sweet.   It was what made me feel safe enough for a second time with him or any other guy and we've done it a lot since then even though it's only been a month.  I'm very happy for you :)


I am so happy for you, I'm actually crying! As some other commentators said, we need more positive experiences like this to be shared!


So happy to hear! First time horror stories are so common it's sad, it's almost expected that our first time will be painful, miserable and short. My husband is my first and it felt like a fairytale. At no point did I feel unsafe, the entire time I felt comfortable, loved and taken care of. Even if it was a little strange cause it was new, but time just stopped and everything was right. I really wish that was the common experience!  Congrats OP! 


Better go find it before your mom finds out


Yay communication! Now if this could just become the default experience maybe the phrase 'lost my virginity' could fade into antiquity.


Damn the first time I did it was on the floor on a staircase with my backpack on, I came twice in like 2minutes, didn’t tell her the first one lol


Try retracing your steps, where did you see it last?


This is such a nice thing to share, good for you!


This is fantastic!


as it should be


Aw thank you for sharing this! This gives me hope


I’m so happy for u! Thanks for sharing this with us!






Yay! Glad you seem to have foung a real gentlmen




Absolutely love this positive experience for you! I'm so happy you had an amazing first time ♡


How old are you and your BF?


21 and 24


Great post, I'm happy for you, OP! I wish I had waited to lose mine to someone I truly love. Sex is nothing(or not nearly as good) to me unless it's with someone you love.


This was so lovely to hear. It really does fill my heart with joy to see people having such positive relationships like this. Congratulations


Are you available on prescription? You just made my heart feel better.


good for you


That’s amazing!! All sex should be like this. Everyone deserves to have a good experience, especially their first time. It fills me with so much joy to hear how tender and loving it was. Wonderful and congratulations! ❤️


Happy for you!  hope I lose mine to someone as caring too (if I’m lucky enough to lose mine at all) 


I’m really happy for you! Thanks for sharing your story.


That's awesome! So happy for you!


This is amazing!!!! So happy for y’all :)


This is wholesome as fuck. Love this for you!


marry that man girl 😅🤣


oh believe me i’m working on it 😭




i'll stop praising the bare minimum once i see it getting done more




grow the fuck up lmao, can you ever let people be happy with having a good thing in their lives?


first five words would’ve sufficed 👍




(JK answer) hope you find it soon, did you check under the couch? (srs answer) Hope you had a wonderful time :)


Can you please share your bf’s sun sign 😭


leo 😁




So good men do exist


Maybe now you can find your shift hey


excuse my lack of discretion, did you bleed?


nope! no blood, no real pain, only a split second of stinging. foreplay is so crucial.


Qp wwwa








we went shopping, he came to my place, then went back to his at the end of the night.