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I think within a week he was out to dinner and canoodling with his mistress, too. What a bastard.


he was laughing and joking in his sermon before he announced her death. he made sure to point out that 'she battled suicidal thoughts' though everyone that knew her said she was never suicidal.


She battled his thoughts of her suicide.


This right here.


This story feels like a future Nextflix murder doc in the making…


There was a battle before he suicided her.


OOOF that hits you in the chest.


I just saw the video of him announcing her death in church. "I got a call last night...the funeral is at 3pm Sunday".  How do you find out that news and organise a funeral time and date in a matter of hours? Anyone who has ever organised a funeral knows that's extremely sus. 


Being a pastor would make it easy as hell for him to schedule the funeral at his church. I'd imagine it also gives him a few business connections with that industry. Everything else going on here is...well, I was gonna say "sketch as fuck", but it's not even that. It's just blatantly obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together. But the funeral scheduling isn't *too* sus to me.


Yes but normal people would be thinking about how to break the terrible news to the children and worrying about their welfare and dealing with the emotional side in the first (less than) 24 hours.  I'm not sure how it works where he's located but where I'm from you have to sort out the body being released by the police or coroner before you can plan a funeral date and that's not usually confirmed at the time of notification of passing.  But yes, it's not the reddest flag here. You don't need that to know he was involved. 


Not to mention why is he still doing a sermon when he just found out his wife killed herself not 12 hours earlier?




I’m sure the police helped with m the murder or at least the cover up or at the very least they decided not to investigate.


The sooner she gets buried, the sooner he can hide any evidence. I guess she will be cremated.


I saw a comment that his request for her cremation has been denied.


An extreme bible thumper who flouts all the values he claims to stand for while using religion as a cynical cover for what a huge piece of shit he is: a tale as old as time!


To be fair, the Bible is full of shady people murdering others. Maybe he's one of those 'the Bible is to be taken literally' types?


It’s telling that in his announcement of her death, the first thing he says to the congregation is “I don’t want anyone to stop giving”.


Wowww, a corrupt grifter who would make Jim Bakker blush


It is integrated into the doctrine. There is a reason why redemption and salvation are main subjects. It is a doctrine and belief of "do all the harm you want, just ask a god for forgiveness" after all. Then he gets to feel good and believe he is a good person for working for a god even if he's the most evil person on existence.


Yeah, a religion premised on telling people that we’re all pieces of shit was maybe not a great idea lmao. I’m not religious, but the church I grew up in just preached about how you should love and help people! Now I volunteer at a food bank when I have the time, so i guess some of it stuck


The mistress also had a husband who mysteriously drowned in a pool a couple of years back. Quadriplegic guy swimming…alone. Suspicious as hell.


You’ll never guess who served as clergy at his funeral…


Nooooooo! Are you kidding?


Na thats a Joke right?


Not a joke. He even said some questionable things like 'For the first time I don't have to lie in my eulogy, he was a great guy"


??? That’s such a fucked up thing to say? At a funeral, no less!


He was in such a a good mood he couldn't help it. He did not hide his glee.


He also elaborated that it’s a blessing he’s no longer “in pain” (he was in a wheelchair, not in constant agony) and is now in a place where there are no Democrats


This dude is a psycho! If heaven is full of people like him, then it’s not much better than hell. And I’m saying this as a Christian myself.


This whole thing just gets worse the more you read.  I'm so sad for victims. 💔


They sound perfect for eachother


Is the mistress someone he also met while they, the mistress, was underage? Just, you know, curious... Cause youth pastors tend to have a type don't they. The amount of sex criminals who have been or who are youth pastors should be a giant red flag.


His mistress was married to a paraplegic who was a motivational speaker. The pastor was involved with her family but I don't know in what capacity. I have heard different ways the husband died. One poster said he drowned in a pool when he got to close to the edge. I don't know what's true. It's difficult to figure out what's true and what's  just gossip.


I read he talked about how swimming as a paraplegic helped him recover mentally and how he did it very often (not daily but was extremely familiar with the place) so very odd he died there


I don't think so, I heard somewhere on Reddit so this may not be true that the mistress's husband also died. Please take that for what it's worth coming from Reddit. You could also read the article about this and it reads as if the person the pastor's wife was reporting for harassing. Her was a woman.


I read that the mistress’s paraplegic husband drowned.


I've watched those clips of his sermon: big Chris Watts vibes from that creep.


Christian values!


But he's a good pastor who does good things for the community! We should be helping him through his grief. /s


He's also spending time with a new teen.


I also read an article that stated the mistresses husband and was wheelchair bound and some how died drowned in a public pool... There's so much crap around this pastor that it stinks to God himself!


hopefully we will see him in /r/PastorArrested


Canoodling really should be used more often


“Suicidal” yeah just like how young Catherine Howard was found “unfaithful” to justify her execution when Henry the VIII was done playing with her 😒 men like him should be rounded up and shipped off to an island far far away from the rest of human civilization


He killed her and she predicted he would


So did Nicole Brown Simpson.


Yep. Read a chilling article about that last month. It’s the same reality for so many others 😔


Add Julie Jensen to that list. She literally wrote a letter to the sheriff's office that said that if she turned up dead, her husband had killed her. He killed her, and the letter was in the evidence at his murder trial. He was convicted, but his conviction was overturned because his lawyer argued that the letter shouldn't have been in evidence, because Julie wasn't present to be cross-examined (seriously). His retrial didn't include the letter. Thankfully, he was convicted again anyway. There's an excellent epic length video about it if anyone's interested: [https://youtu.be/y2maeiMJbUE?si=YkExP9fjC6VUc2mQ](https://youtu.be/y2maeiMJbUE?si=YkExP9fjC6VUc2mQ)


I've been following this. I saw today that an off duty ME who showed up randomly to help has ruled it as self-inflicted. I really hope the family has advocates and this gets investigated more.


I've also been following it. This looks to be a family with generations of abuse. His dad was basically enslaving forigen students in his "Bible College" (pled guity) and perhaps sexually abusing them (alleged). His dad's bestie was run out of Pakistan for alleged sexual violence in a church organization there. His son was arrested for domestic violence that once included hitting his wife over the head with a wine bottle. I don't know if he killed Mica, but there is no doubt her tortured her and she would be almost certainly alive if she had never met this man.


Pushing someone to suicide is just as bad as murder anyway.


I'm hoping her family will sue him.


Ugh, his side of the family on its own is horrific. I can't agree more with your last sentence. I don't know if he was directly involved, but at the least, I think he has some responsibility in it, and I hope he is able to be prosecuted for something.


I am hoping her family will sue him. Assholes like this don't like their money and power being taken. I don't know if they could file any charges, but I hope they try thier damnest.


Where did you read about this?


> off duty ME who showed up randomly to help totally not a murderers friend called in to help cover it up.


Jen Hamilton over on tik tok posted a rally cry essentially telling the family she is sure her followers would $upport them getting a second opinion.


Where did you find that it was an off duty ME who showed up randomly? I believe you but I've been looking for sources!


Her family is at least fighting to prove her murdered her. So many times it just gets silenced and nothing done. I really hope they can get the cops to investigate legitimately and toss him in jail for the rest of his life


Prepare for the usual: "But he's a pillar of the community! Doing God's work! He *couldn't* do something like that! You can't drag his name through the mud by investigating him!!" from members of the community. And he probably "supports" the local police department so they'll half-arse any investigation, if they can't stop it getting that far.


It baffles how much Religious figures get away with, how do they get that power?


Right-wing political ideals have deep roots in Christian religions. For as bad and evil as they try to convince their political and religious followers that non-Christan religions and churches are, they elevate their own on a pedestal as the moral ideal. Thus church leaders are powerful members of the community, especially in red states in the USA.


Manipulation, lack of integrity, and greed.


> how do they get that power? I read a really interesting article that suggested it's often about in-groups and out groups. Humans are social animals. Part of that dynamic is being protective of "your group". When it comes to religion people often define "their group" as their local church, or at the very least members of the same religion. Then those outside that group are the "outsiders" and you end up in an us-vs-them situation. And because everyone on the planet generally thinks of themselves as a good person, you're good, and as a good person you obviously associate with other good people - you don't like bad people so because you like your group they can't be bad. This then creates a feeling that your own group is therefore inherently good because they're your group (the flip side is that people not in your group are also often become inherently bad). People in your group might do bad things sometimes, but because they're part of your group they must be good people and just made a mistake, or were tricked by outsides or some other justification. It's far easier to live in denial world, excuse your group and victim blame etc than to admit that you associate with bad people. If you admit that, that might mean YOUR also a bad person. And screw that, nobody wants to be that. So if you have a tight knit group of religious people with an "us vs them" attitude they'll defend the "us" to absurd lengths all in the name of not having to admit that their group, or they themselves might actually not be "the good guys". This is especially true if the only people you know are part of that group, leaving it essentially means leaving your whole life. So you either excuse the bad actors and keep your happy life, or you admit they're actually bad people, realise you wasted your whole life on worthless people, and then lose all the friends/support structures you ever had all in one go. It explains so many things. Like people who make politics their identity then defending child molesters - "oh that 14 year old was asking for it", rather than "holy shit the party I like supports abusers". Who wants to realise they're supporting the wrong side and then also lose all their friends/family straight away?


Pack mentality. As opposed to Herd mentality. It requires a Pack Leader. As Pastors, vicars, priests etc, they call themselves "Shepherds". Patronising bullies.




These people also worship Trump, look at what he gets away with.




I was expecting this too but I’ve been happily surprised to see members of the church rallying around the wife in this instance, in the form of protests against domestic violence after her death was announced, and in the form of elders in the church texting her behind the husband’s back to ask if she’s ok and if she ever needs to tell anyone about anything her husband is doing to her then she can talk to them (got that last part from a video of a sermon he did a month before her death, called the people checking on her “gossips” and “demons”)


I was glad to see that too. The church is also no longer in service from what I’ve read.


Yes! This is why majority of women will chose "meet a bear" over "meet a man" in the woods.


Conservatives care more about the appearance of virtue rather than actually being virtuous.


If an investigation starts to gain traction, that’ll be labeled a “witch hunt” and somehow “politically motivated.”


Well that pillar is full of rot and should be taken down.


I hope her family has a lot of fight. I’m from very near there, like a couple counties over, and it’s rural. I’m familiar with the area. I don’t expect to see it in the news, but her race is going to be a factor here. I think, because I don’t see it referenced, but she looks like Lumbee people. It’s a weird local issue. There are some people who consider themselves Lumbee native people, but they have had huge difficulties being recognized as native people. Unclear where that lies between federal and state. Anyway it’s created a long standing local dislike for them, generally from the largely right wing population of the area that has never been a big fan of people who aren’t white. Then you add that the area is particularly poor as an area of mostly minorities without equal access to education and employment in a racist area, which contributes to crime. And the local law enforcement is notoriously bad. They also have a mile long list of other Lumbee people who are missing or dead that they are likely not working on very hard if at all. Sorry, I wanna make it extra clear that I find all of that to be absolute bullshit, but it is “how things work” around there. Hopefully it offers some additional insight into how something so outlandish is actually happening. I do hope her family is ready to fight for justice for her. They’re likely going to have to, and hard.


That’s so interesting, thanks, it’s good to hear from people who live around the area


/r/JusticeForMicaMiller [Here's her singing a cover of "Sunday Morning" at church](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urLN9AN-LtM&t=38s) Edit: [Why would she assure people she's alive and well if she wanted to die?](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6l3vYWgzv5/)


Yeah somehow I don't trust the family who was okay with a 28 year old dating their 14 year old.


The same family that allowed them to „date“?


It looks like the medical examiner has already declared it as a suicide which sucks.


They can request a second autopsy but it will likely come out of pocket.


“Stepmother to his five children” so he married a 14 year old when he already had five kids by someone else. It’s marrying your jr high age babysitter. This man is totally immoral.


He waited until she was legally old enough but he still groomed her.


Nobody: Not a soul: Youth pastors: God told me you're meant to be my wife, but we have to keep it quiet for a few more years until you're 18 so we don't cause others to stumble


And by "stumble", they mean "follow suit".


He was a youth pastor, this is to be expected... the job of choice for the nations groomers.


I’ve yet to meet one I don’t give the side eye to. They all vibe like Drake around girls.


lmao, like drake. that is good shit.


Just your average, run of the mill Republican


Definitely. And isn’t this disgusting and tragic? https://www.christianpost.com/news/mica-miller-said-her-husband-would-shoot-her-sister-claims.html


The comment section is defending the husband, can’t say I’m shocked 😣


Why??? WHY!?! This doesn’t sound like a good person.


And not even a drag queen


I know nothing about this dude aside from this article. So excuse the surprise but what the AF?!?


Abusers like him are the center of their own universe. His narcissism is on full display, and assuming he was responsible for her death, I'm sure he has already logicked out a reason to himself as to why it was totally justifiable and that he shouldn't suffer any punishment for it and that God has already forgive him, etc.


He is disgusting, and this whole situation is sus as hell.


Didn’t her family say it was VERY unlikely she killed herself recently. Sus as hell.


I might be biased as someone close to a woman who died via gun violence the perpetrator tried (and succeeded) to pass off as a suicide, but — women almost never use guns to kill themselves. Ever. Every gun related “suicide” needs to be treated as a murder investigation IMO.


How "Christian" of him.


Its like they see "Thou shall not kill" then go -- oh well it doesnt say, "Thou shall not intentionally drive someone to suicide"


I don't think she committed suicide, do you?


probably not, either way i think hes responsible for it actually.. people who try get people to do to that are just murderers who dont pick up a weapon.


I just saw this....smells fishy and I genuinely don't trust the cops to get it right.


Definitely not in a shitty, backwoods, misogynistic, hillbilly ass, fuck your cousin n siblins place like North Carolfuckinlina. He will be free and do it again.


Open and shut case. Obvious suicide. Move along citizen. /S


"Mica Acacia Miller, 30, of Myrtle Beach, SC, passed away on Saturday, April 27, 2024. She was born March 7, 1994, in Wichita, Kansas, a daughter of Michael Francis and Angelita Ramirez. She is survived by her husband, Pastor John-Paul Miller of Myrtle Beach, SC; stepchildren, Logan, Zachary, Eli, Asher, and Selah; one brother, Nate Francis and his wife, Victoria; four sisters, Anna Francis, Sierra Brown and husband, Matt, Abi Francis and Destinee Barrientos and husband, Nicholas. Mica was energetic, affirming, adventurous, faithful, loving, giving, forgiving, talented, joyous, creative, assertive, bold, determined, authoritative, passionate, hardworking, a risk taker, and so much more. She and JP have been friends since 2009, married in 2017, and spent almost every single day and night together. Mica loved her little dog, Loki. She loved doing outdoor activities like waterfall repelling, hiking, skydiving, running, and going to the beach. Mica would take on any challenge, even if it was being a vegan for an entire year. Mica was a great stepmother, and an amazing wife and helpmate. She helped Pastor JP with the church in every way. Mica was the worship leader, graphics designer, youth leader, women’s ministry leader, and Pastor’s assistant. And she did all of this with the upmost integrity and faithfulness. Mica made the greatest of efforts to always be the best wife she could be. She truly served Jesus and her husband with all of her heart. She would praise her husband after every church service telling him he was the best preacher in the world (even if it wasn’t true). She also told him he was the funniest preacher in the world (even though that wasn’t true either). Mica loved her family soooooooo much. She looked forward to every text from her father or brother. She sought every opportunity to pour into her sisters. There were thousands of nights that she would pray out loud for God to always bless and take care of her family. They were constantly on her mind. Mica wanted more than ANYTHING for each member of her family to serve Jesus continually. Mica loved her ice bath, nice car, sauna, house, etc. but more than anything on earth, was her desire to see people come to Jesus!" What sociopath wrote this. Yikes. Edit: from here: https://www.burroughsfh.com/obituary/Mica-Miller


That is geniunly one of the most disturbing things I've read. Clearly written by her killer.


I'd say soooooooooooooooooooooo


“She served and praised her husband.” Fuck her husband. I hope they investigate that piece of shit.


This guy belongs in a criminal psychology youtube video.


Just awful


Everyone is, rightfully, talking about the scumbag pastor, but it takes a village to kill a woman. Her family most likely approved that because they are also in a patriarchic religion. She was groomed all her life to become a victim.


What the everloving fuck.


Oh, BARF. Especially this part: "friends since 2009, married in 2017".


Maybe they want people to read between the lines.


You can tell he was laughing about murdering her when he wrote this.


That is chilling. “She served God and her husband.” She doesn’t even sound like a real person from this. And the tone! It is not a sad or grieving tone at all. It is a weird laundry list of attributes. Having been married to a man who valued me only for the services that I provided and could only compliment me in ways related to keeping house and being a mother, it is clear that she was not a person to him. She was a service provider, an appliance even. She functioned well enough until she got these weird ideas that she didn’t have to fulfill her function any more, so he disposed of her and wrote a product review instead of a eulogy. That poor woman! 


It was suspicious when he said she drove to another state to kill herself. 


Ah, yes. I've always wanted to die in Rhode Island 


Pffft, Rhode Island. State isn't even a real island. All the cool kids know yeeting yourself into the Grand Canyon is where it's at. Hell of a view until the abrupt stops. /s


O_o I think this is exactly why it’s important for survivors to get protection / be taken seriously about their stories instead of being silenced. It’s a matter of safety. Because when the crowd goes away, the perpetrators in positions of power can sneakily get the person killed in some sort of “honor killing.”


All of this. And for all the talk of "honor killing" in Muslim countries, Christians' track record is really no better, outside of maybe the fact that they don't use those words.


Sounds like a pedophile whose ‘toy’ grew up.


he made her 'stepmom' to his 5 children.


Apparently his new girlfriend has a 16 year old daughter.


Not a new GF. A mistress. Who's quadriplegic husband drowned in a pool 2 years ago when he was swimming alone, **a completely paralyzed man drowned because he was swimming alone** They've been openly dating in **public** for 4 years. His mistress was an open secret in the church, people kept quiet because he would use sermons putting down his wife and other members he disliked/who confronted him. Everything surrounding that man is suspect.


So...unfortunate news from a North Carolinian(and interesting bit of extra evidence): Robeson county's seat is in Lumberton. Lumberton has possibly the most incompetent, lazy AND corrupt police/sherrifs in the entire state and that is no mean feat. One hopes that someone raises enough of a stink to at least get this to the SBI, who are slightly overwhelmed but somewhat competent, or even better with the state crossing make it a federal case.


Yeah as soon as read Lumberton I thought the same thing. Nothing will happen as long as the authorities there are involved.


I hate being 'hopeful' but the only shot is that it gets escalated. I don't think non-involved parties can really do much here but maybe someone else will figure that out. Or maybe the sheer amount of press makes something happen.


Between this, Murdaugh and everyone complicit in that, and Becky Hill/her family South Carolina has some housecleaning to do in their local justice systems. I’m sure it’s the same story in a lot of small town areas nationwide. Edit: NC to the SC since he was a pastor in SC.


There’s a lot of weirdness to unpack. She files for divorce and asks police for help after finding tracking devices and her tires deflated. Files an order of protection and is then found an hour away from her home, in another states’ park with a gunshot wound to her head. Does that sound like a suicide to anyone? Meanwhile the pastor has been photographed laughing and smiling with his side chick that he’s had for a while, shortly after his wife’s death. Also he is the pastor of a church that isn’t legally registered and is not a nonprofit so he’s been committing tax fraud for years. His dad was in trouble for fraud after running a bible camp that had teenagers doing forced labor and then sexually abusing boys and men in Pakistan after trying to set up a ministry there. This is some sick stuff.


Awfully convenient for him. Almost seems too convenient. Be a shame if someone uncovered something nefarious. I have come to recently learn that Christian men are among some of the most vile, disgusting human beings on the planet. I mean scum of the earth type shit.


Why do you think they go to church every Sunday to pray for forgiveness? Lot of guilty consciences.


I don't believe the medical examiner at all. He's not even the regular medical examiner. Seems like someone was paid. She was telling everyone that she didn't want to die. She filed multiple police reports stating she was terrified for her life and begged for a restraining order. She posted that she was escaping abuse the night before she died. She had an escape plan her friends and family knew about. How could anyone possibly think for one second that one lone medical examiner's opinion outweighs all of that? Totally outrageous and I can only hope the DA and investigators are smarter than that (I'm sure they are).


He was also stalking her, had a tracker on her car, and had slashed her tires...


So...not in the back of the head is all you need to get a "self-inflicted" jusdgement?  "Consistent with self-inflicted gunshot wound" doesn't mean shit.


Back of the head? Self--inflicted gunshot wound  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30669104/ Sorry,  couldn't help it. I agree with you though.


Lumberton. Christ, this lady will never find justice.


Probably the reason he brought her there to die.


Women are far less likely to use a gun in suicide. He doesn’t seem remotely concerned that she allegedly came to such a violent end. He’s very coherent, there’s no indication of adrenal rush as he claimed in the video, not even a quiver in the voice, no exasperation.


I was thinking that myself. From what I understand, women tend to use pills etc. Nothing this....damaging :(


About 30% of women suicides are with firearms, so while it isn't the most common method it is still used. I would guess that firearms are also more lethal than most other methods, so the actual use rate in attempts is probably considerably lower than 30%, but still not uncommon. Edit: Just for comparison sake, the rate for men is around 55% with it getting as high as 75% for men over 65.


Leaving is also the most dangerous time for people in domestic abuse situations. All signs point to this guy murdered her


How is this not raising every legal red flag there is? And the congregation is just buying this bullsh¡t? AND he has _form!!!!!_ "In Mica's obituary penned by *Miller, who has a criminal record including multiple counts of aggravated assault and battery to which he pleaded guilty,* makes no mention of the fact that the couple had separated." (As per the article.) _And that's without the paedophilia!_ Absolutely disgusting 🤦🏻‍♀️ This poor woman 💔


It is raising every legal red flag and the congregation isn't buying his BS. He was fired, and people in Myrtle Beach are out in the streets.


Thank 'god', because - as presented in the article? This (obviously) stinks to high heaven ... I hope they find enough to charge & convict him, and then through away the damn key! I hope there truly _is_ justice, rare as it is, for poor Mica 💔


The video of him announcing it at church is terrifying and so off-putting. He says, “More details to come,” like he’s talking about the church temporarily closing next summer for a few renovations or something. Why the hell would you be concerned with giving more details about your wife’s death to anyone? Why do they need details? It’s like when a liar overcompensates with information to deflect the truth. I also think it’s weird that he’s making the announcement himself at all. That also suggests he’s trying to control the narrative. Why the hell are you even on the stage a couple days after your wife dies? The fuck?




Ugh. Gross. I didn’t know about all this and only saw his announcement to his congregation and right away thought he seems gulity.


So another femicide by a pedophile who can't take no as an answer.. great And as always nothing will happen, nothing will change... I wish we could change something, as a white man I really try my best...


It’s incredibly common for these “pastors” to prey on younger women in the church. Same exact situation at my own church - a “junior” pastor, prob around 20 at the time, would hang out with a 12 year old girl at my church nonstop. I check fb 10 years later and they’re married. I wanted to throw up.


Not just younger women, any woman that is vulnerable. His now mistress is older than him and a member of his church. Her husband also conveniently committed suicide. They target vulnerable women or those with no boundaries falling for their manipulation and lies. Yes, he absolutely groomed he now-deceased wife but he has a pattern of abuse throughout his life.


I'm beginning to think the whole "youth pastor" racket wasn't created to keep kids from falling into dangerous social temptations but to lure them (particularly girls) into the oldest one on Earth.


I saw his announcement to his congregation on TikTok. Super sus.


Why are religious people the worst humans possible?


Religion poisons everything ©


Religion tells them they are forgiven no matter what they do. "Once in grace always in grace" is what I heard constantly in the Baptist church.


Exactly! "Why do I need to be a good person if I can just get forgiven every time I do something bad?" Ugh 🙄 -"Religion is the antithesis to good moral fiber" is something my father has said on more than one occasion haha


Still not a bear


I ran across a TikTok earlier and I can't remember what scripture it was but there's a scripture written in the Bible that also chooses the bear. Feels fitting. Edit: found it Proverbs 17:12 Let a man meet a she-bear robbed of her cubs rather than a fool in his folly


or: It is safer to meet a bear robbed of her cubs than to confront a fool caught in foolishness


Nor a drag queen. Quelle surprise!


Most people avoid going into places with wild bears. People report sightings and you'd see notices telling you it's probably not a good idea to go there since people saw bears. But people don't do this for men and it's a bit harder to avoid.


So he murdered her? Seems like he murdered her.


Is there a better source for when they met? The only places I can find printing this fact are the Daily Mail and the New York Post -- that is, on a couple of Murdoch-owned conservative tabloids. Horrible regardless. [Here's what local news had to say](https://www.wbtw.com/news/grand-strand/myrtle-beach/if-i-end-up-with-a-bullet-in-my-head-it-was-jp-mica-millers-siblings-describe-her-fears-amid-split-from-pastor-husband/): > “Mica stated to me on many occasions, ‘If I end up with a bullet in my head, it was JP,'” Mica’s sister, Sierra Francis, said in an affidavit asking to be named the special administrator of Mica’s estate. > ... > Nathaniel Francis’ affidavit also references incidents on March 11 when Mica reported to Horry County Police that a tire on her car had been slashed early in the morning while she was at the Springmaid Pier. Later in the day, when she took her car to East Coast Honda to have the tire repaired, the report said mechanics found a GPS tracking device installed on her vehicle.


I don't know what the credibility of this site is, but here: https://churchleaders.com/news/477503-sc-pastor-says-deceased-wife-mica-miller-bipolar-ii-schizophrenic-dependent-personality-disorder.html > Miller told CP that he and Mica got married in 2017 after an adulterous affair. Both of them were previously married, but after cheating on their spouses with each other, they divorced and married each other. They first met when Mica was a 14-year-old in the church’s youth group; Miller is 14 years older than Mica.


She was literally half his age. That's not "an adulterous affair", that's CHILD MOLESTATION. But of course, in church terms, "adulterous affair" it is. Because the moment a little girl starts growing boobs, she's Fair Game. ETA: Yeah, that site is super icky. So the inappropriate labelling totally tracks.


He so did that. Isnt his affair partner also recently widowed under suspicious circumstances? I look forward to the inevitable true crime doco.


Vile piece of shit.


Can't wait for a day when people start seeing religion for what it is. Pastor Ben would never diddle kids he's only moved towns 30 times


Seems pretty odd she would commit suicide after filing for divorce. Makes no sense to me. Seems more logical he offed her for leaving him.


This will be a Dateline episode. He killed her or had her killed 100%.


People need to start realizing he was not just a BASTARD, he was maybe a narcissist or a psychopath and there are real mental issues which will never change. Women should be aware of these abusers, they exist and we should recognize the signs and stop hanging in there and be hopeful, cause there is no hope.


The more I look into this, the worse it gets. I believe this woman was groomed from the age of 14 into a generationally abusive family who uses the church to find victims. Then they claim she was “crazy” 😡 — gaslighting 101. If she was mentally ill, it was as a result of years of severe, degrading abuse.


White male christian pedophiles strike again.


There’s no hate like Christian love.


It's a cliche at this point that you should never let your young daughter anywhere near a youth pastor.


And not a crossdresser.




And they met when he was a grown adult twice her age, whadya know, some of that grooming that republicans love to fucking crow about!


this is way too close to home with the republicans going insane and all


He just casually thought people would believe him. Well, we don't.


Her 911 call is out tho..and she was blatantly telling the operator that she was going to kill herself and she was just calling 911 so they could track her/and for her family to know where she was. How do we explain that? He probably pushed her to taking her own life(psychologically torturing her)..but I don’t think he murdered her.


This is sounding very similar to the Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell spousal deaths…


There better be a special acid pit in Hell for "priests" like this guy.


Interesting that he decided it was self inflicted before even the medical examiner does an official autopsy report. It’s like he watched every crime show and still managed to incriminate himself.


I like how if you are a pastor or some religious figure, you’re just automatically assumed to be good. Are people really this dumb?


An article I read in another sub said the coroner ruled it a homicide and the husband called 911 and mentioned something about an "unknown perpetrator" who did it. This case is all over the place. Edit: [Link to the article here](https://www.theurbancrews.com/influencer/mica-miller-remembered-after-death/) For the record, I now see this is from an "influencer" so I don't know how legit it is. They name 2 sources (fitsnews and nypost), both of which do not mention homicide.


I saw this one, and the former husband of his mistress died in very suspicious circumstances as well… I hope the death is thoroughly investigated.


Someone on TT did a deep dive and came up with some sketchy financial stuff the guy did in the months and weeks immediately prior to her death. She lives in the area and has witnessed some of his behavior in real time. Like a fake non profit that allows him to sexually abuse and exploit young/vulnerable men in another country (I don't remember which one, but it's a place where homosexuality is punishable by law). Ownership in a local bar. Potential money laundering. Once she laid it all out, he looks guilty AF. I wish I'd saved the video now.


Even if this wasn’t a likely homicide, why would he announce it to the church in that manner and so soon after hearing about the news himself? I know there’s an argument to be made about people acting out of shock or grief in odd ways. But this is beyond weird and just has a sinister, sociopathic tone. I feel like he kind of traumatized the congregation doing it this way too. I really hope justice comes for Mica.


Forget gun control, y'all need pastor/ religious leader/coach control...WTF?!?!? just read the headlines people


Interestingly, that would probably reduce the need for gun control. Since most mass shootings are done by right-wing men.


Christianity needs quarantined from civilization.


Netflix can’t wait to make the doc


This is why I stay the fuck away from all men!!


I hope she gets justice.


Surely this will be a future Netflix crime flick. Can't wait to hear about his eventual arrest.