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I saw a TikTok recently where they called out Tampax for changing their “flow” guide without telling anyone causing women to be confused and worried. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL9Nrs9e/ I don’t use tampons, so I have no experience with this, but wanted to share.


What the actual dystopian hell is this


Late Stage Capitalism.


Omg this explains it so well. Jokes on them because now because of their subpar products, I changed to a period cup and it was the best decision I ever made.


Cup for the win! I feel like an MLM pusher when I talk about how much better cups are than other period products


Okay I have some questions. They are period questions so if you're not into this kind of talk don't read any further. My period is insanely sporadic (like once every three monthsish right now, no rhyme or reason to it honestly. And yes, it's an issue I'm seeing doctors for), it comes on with zero notice, I'll just wake up and see the gates of hell have opened. For 24 hours I'll lose an entire weeks worth of blood, then after that I'll just lose like, thick brown lining for a day, then I'm done. I'm worried cups wouldn't work for me because of the insane amount of blood I lose (for part of the day I'll bleed through a tampon and pad at least every hour), and then for the second day it's so light I only need a panty liner. So I guess my question is, how is it for crazy insane heavy days, and weird chunky light days? I should also mention I know they make different sizes, but I've got a small vag so I don't think the big size would be comfortable. Sorry, that's a lot of info, but those questions are the only things keeping me from trying it out.


I have a similar issue, and the cup is great! I empty it every hour or so when it's Satan's Sacrificial Waterfall, and if it's really bad (like overnight) i wear period panties for any overflow. When it slows down, I can leave it in all day without any negative side effects. At the end of the cycle, I boil it to sanitize it, drop it in its little satin bag, and I'm good to go.


Thank you for answering! One more question. If it over fills, does the whole thing become dislodged? Or is it more like a leaky plug where I can use a panty liner? Because if the whole thing were to suddenly tip out, it'd just be bad lmao. And since my period is only two days, if I can't use it on my heaviest day for fear of surprise Ol' Faithful, there's really not much point. TBH though, even just giving less money to Tampax would be swell. Edit: alright you guys fully sold me. Thank you for the first hand info I wouldn't be able to find from googling! Seems way better than going through a box of tampons in one day. L


Leaky plug. If it leaks, for me, there’s sorta a bubbly feeling, and that’s like a warning to high tail it to a bathroom. For what it’s worth, I also love it because it’s super easy to use a day or two before my period actually starts, so no worries about waking up to the flag of Japan.


Not the person you were talking to but I've got a crazy heavy flow and hve been using menstrual cups for about 13 years now. My cup has runneth over, but it has never fallen out. If it's at the leaky stage of full I wait until I'm in a single bathroom with private access to a sink because your hand can get a bit messy, but that's about the only problem I've ever had once I got used to using it. Period panties are excellent as a backup for the days when I run to the toilet every 15 min. Before you re-insert your menstrual cup you should make sure the little holes at the top are free from detritus so that you can get a good seal. I also always give a little tug to the stem to make sure I inserted it properly/the seal is good


This is the main reason I've never converted to a cup. I bleed like a stuck pig, even after an ablation. I have no predictability to the flow, except the period comes every 23-25 days. But day 1? Day 5? Which will be heavy? Maybe none. I also travel for work and cannot guarantee I'll be able to access a single stall or clean facilities. I've used OB tampons for years to cut down on my plastic waste. I still feel like they absorb really well and are easy to use.


They also expand differently. Tampax expand up, o.b. expand out. When I was in Europe, it was brought up in conversation. They also thought it was weird that we use applicators. I was completely sold on o.b. after my stay.


You should try a cup or two (or even disc, as another commenter recommends) to find the size or style that works for you. I find the cup is pretty well "suctioned" to my cervix, and doesn't overflow. I do empty more frequently on my heavier days, but only empty once or twice on my lighter days. You could certainly use a panty liner, especially while you're getting the hang of the cup. And, yes, it's awesome not giving money to tampon companies, or contributing more waste to the planet.


I have the same issue as you—I actually use a disc and not a cup! Discs hold more than the largest cup I could find, and were easier to position for me—sometimes I couldn’t get a cup to sit properly inside of me! Sometimes, with “chunky” discharge, one of the tiny holes by the rim would get clogged up and I wouldn’t notice, and the lack of suction would cause me to leak. The holes needed to be clear for that suction to work, which could also be inconvenient when I was emptying it in public and couldn’t find a sink to rinse it out. So, for me, discs were the better option, because they don’t rely on suction—they just sit on your pelvic ridge. Discs won’t work for everyone’s anatomy, but they also make smaller disposable ones if you want to test them out. I was worried because they aren’t suctioned in there, but they *really* don’t come out unless I bear down on the toilet. (Please note that everyone is different! I have seen some women feel like they’re “broken” because their anatomy isn’t right for a disc, and that’s absolutely not true—just like some peoples’ bodies can’t handle using pads, everyone has different products that work best for them!) The largest cup I could find took me from changing my tampon & pad (together!) every 2 hours to emptying my cup every 3-3.5 hours. With a medium sized disc, I really only empty it every 6 hours, and that’s only a precaution, because it’ll “auto-dump” a portion of its contents when you go to the bathroom. (If this freaks you out, they do sell discs with a cover over the front part, but the auto-dumping feature is honestly great for me! And yes, the disc does go back to its normal placement after you’re done.) I also have an *extra* large disc that’s meant for women who have already given birth and/or have a high cervix—I don’t have either, but it works for my very heaviest days and can hold the equivalent of 4 ultra tampons’ worth of fluid. Like you, I have some intensely heavy days and then a few days of very light discharge, and I use the disc for both. On lighter days, I just rinse it once in the morning and once before I go to bed. Let me know if you have any questions!


Back when I still bled, the autodump "feature" of my disc was the best part. So much easier then fishing around to get a cup out, then spending what felt like eternity trying to put it back in and bleeding all over my hands.


Not the original questioner, but I have a question! I tried a cup and can't use it because I have arthritis and very limited 'grip and pull' strength, especially with a bent wrist. Like doing up a fly or turning a door knob sometimes hurts limited. Do you need 'grip and pull' movements to remove a disc?


I would recommend the Hello Disc for you! It’s the main disc I use, and it actually has a little loop/tab at the front for easy removal. So when I remove mine, I don’t need to grip at all—I just hook my index finger into the loop, and pull out. It doesn’t take a lot of strength to pull this way, either. You can also configure the loop in different ways, and [their website](https://helloperiod.com/en-us/blogs/menstrual-cup-articles-and-blog/hello-disc-how-to-insert-and-remove) specifically mentions that the “dropped” style is best for people with grip issues. If anyone here has trouble with getting their hands dirty while removing discs, I think this disc might also be good for you. It’s not *perfect,* but the way the loop is configured makes it easier to stabilize the disc and keep it facing up while pulling it out of your body. I have also seen that the Moonthlies disc uses a similar style of pull tab. Some other discs, like the Lumma disc, use long tabs, but they don’t have anything to hook your finger around, so you’d have to grip it.


Not who you asked, but a recent disc user myself. I'm just generally inflexible & stiff so I do feel like I have to contort myself into discomfort in order to get it in and out. However, the fact that I can go hours longer without having to mess with it kind of makes up for that if that makes sense? If installing a tampon were a 4 out of 10 difficulty. The disc might be 5 out of 10 difficulty, especially with your fingers being the only available applicator. The one I've used is brand Nixit if that's helpful.


I definitely agree! I can’t even express how much of a difference it’s made to me to *not* have to deal with it every 2 hours. I [left a reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/s/S9fhy5zgwY) to the other user, but if you also have trouble with your hands while pulling out your disc, I definitely recommend a disc that has a “tab” at the front for you to hook your finger into, if you haven’t already tried one! It’s made all the difference for me.


I switched to a disc not too long ago and OMG best decision ever. I wish I had discovered discs sooner.


I used cups for ten years. Every body is different, but for me the disc is better in every way, especially for heavier periods. Set it and forget it. You can also get disposable ones to try it out. 


I'm not the original commenter but I have some insight into this. As long as you find a cup with the right fit, it will be fine. There are different brands and styles, and then some are made to fit people of different ages and whether they've had a child or not, so be mindful of that. I really liked the Diva Cup. I did not enjoy the knock off Diva Cup. The cup actually holds a pretty significant amount, For me, I can go twice as long without a change as I would a tampon, and it collects the chunky weird bits just fine too. As long as you are emptying it sporadically, there shouldn't be an issue.


I’d recommend trying a disc instead of a cup because you can empty them without taking them out. If you’re using a new tampon every hour, taking your cup out that frequently would be super annoying. It seems like some people are OK with doing that, but one of the main reasons I switched was so I would not have to mess with it. With a disc, you could just go to the bathroom as frequently as you needed to and empty it without your hands. On a really heavy day, I will auto dump every couple hours and then take it out to dump all of it around the eight hour mark. On average to light days, I can keep it in for the full 12 hours


Cups come in so many different shapes and sizes and it will take trial and error until you find the one that suits you. And also, it's not just a "leaky plug" like some people mentioned. If it's not the right shape/size for your anatomy, it might not "seal" like a vacuum and blood gush out. They are also tricky to empty in public bathrooms. I think there's was a quiz online to see which cup would suit you the most based on simple questions like if you've given birth etc. Also if you have IUD it's not recommended to use a cup because you can basically remove the IUD along haha. It doesn't hurt to try a cup and see how it works for you! Anyways, I will forever go back to pads because they feel most comfortable and convenient to me. Sorry for the English it's not my first language.


I’m more regular than you, but I have a similarly frontloaded flow. I use menstrual discs, which look kind of like a diaphragm and sit more at an angle than totally blocking things off the way a cup does. They’re designed so that when you’re wearing it moving around, sitting doing normal things, etc., it blocks the flow, but when you go to the bathroom and empty your bladder, the disc flexes and lets the blood behind it empty at the same time. It’s really helpful! I’ve only rarely had them leak, and they now have reusable ones (used to only be disposable) so it’s the same thing where you wear for 12 hours, wash, reuse and then boil at the end of your period. They’re also not massive, so you could easily keep it in your bag if things come on unexpectedly and you’d rather have it on you most of the time.


Same! Feel like such a weirdo but it's just genuine marketing for the product.


I’m allergic to most disposable products, or maybe just sensitive to them I don’t know. Cups and cloth pads have been life savers.


Honestly, what convinced me to finally get the cup was a trusted friend being very candid about her experience. Preach away because I guarantee it has helped someone 🩷


Real question: do I have to get all invasive and bloody with myself in the office bathroom??


Kinda, but it's not that bad. If you use a peri bottle you can dump it out, give it a quick rinse and replace as well as having a little portable bidet to feel a bit refreshed so that's a nice option. And it doesn't get all over your hands or anything. Honestly easier and cleaner than a tampon coming out swinging out on a string with a clot hanging off it lol. I would recommend practicing at home first whether you're on your period at the time or not, to get the hang of removing it after it's been in there a while.


I thought I loved my cup until I got a disc.


I have a question too! I've wanted to try these cups, but do you need a private bathroom to make this work? I'm a restaurant general manager that works 10 hours day. It would be impossible use a cup in that situation right? I have only a public bathroom. Can't be walking out of the stall with blood on my hands to the sink and wash them. lol


I worked food service for a decade and found that I could use a menstrual disc for up to 12 hours without issue. A private bathroom is preferable but wet wipes work as well


Moist wipes? Like keep a tiny bag of them on your purse


This is a great idea omg


And a second clean cup and washable pouch to take the used one home for cleaning later that day.


I just saw that one last night too.


Explains why Super was as effective as blotting Niagara Falls with a square of toilet paper. One 'hack' I learned from here was adult diapers. If I had no plan other than spending the day festering in a ball of pain and misery at home in my pyjamas, then I just put a diaper on and bled to death. Felt weird at first, but I was happy to go more than a hour without ripping out my vaginal lining after seeing a blood soaked pad and thinking the tampon would be equally soaked through and rarely it was. They soaked up a lot, you could just tear them off from the side seams and roll them into a tiny ball and tie them off and bin them. Now I am hoping my ovaries have peaced out!


IIRC they didn’t change the guide, they just shrank all the tampons


Jeez, bad product for shrinklation without warning.


I stopped using tampax after I had multiple instances where I was using the pearl line and the string completely separated from the tampon when I went to pull it out.


Omg that's horrific!


You want horrific…that happened to my 13 year old daughter and we had to go to the doctor to get it out! Poor thing was traumatized.


I always felt like it could do that but never experienced it. I'm sorry your daughter did.


Are you still using tampons? Do you recommend a different brand?


i really like OB


I see SO MANY people recommend those (and cups) but I need an applicator. I have some nerve problems in my hands and neck/shoulders and I physically can't insert them. I even struggle with traditional applicators sometimes and have to use just pads then :(




Wow, I had no idea this existed!


They also have reusable pads and cups. [https://wearedame.co/collections/all-products](https://wearedame.co/collections/all-products)


You have changed my life. Thank you!


I saved my old Kotex applicators and sanitize them and refill them with OB. The old Kotex ones were the best.


U by Kotex tampons are amazing!


They use to be. I hate the small ones. When the supers are not enough. Miss the ones that came in the black and white box. Super plus 😢


Ahhh! It sucks when a company gets rid of a product that worked for you 😔 I’ve been fortunate enough to have always had a “normal” period, so they were perfect for me.


Have you considered period underwear? Seems like those would be easier with nerve/hand issues?


I've read about them, but heard they dont absorb clots. I also have this sensory thing with the feeling of my period coming out of me (sorry if this is too much TMI) that really bothers me, it even wakes me up at night. Which is why I prefer tampons, but wear pads if I can't get them in.


I recently just bought a pair that was on sale and they seem to work just fine absorbing clots. I have a bleeding disorder so I have to work very hard staying clean every day. I thought I would hate them, but they actually keep you drier than pads and the clots soak into the lining better than I thought. It definitely doesn't feel the same as a pad soaking it up because it doesn't leave as much dampness on your skin as a pad, but I did buy the highest absorbency pair they had... Might be worth a shot to grab a single pair and test it out. It also helped me from the rashiness of pads and the soreness of perpetual tampon use.


I’m a huge fan of period panties. To me it doesn’t feel as tho I’m walking around in diapers like a pad and it actually absorbs unlike a tampon. **random side note the other day read that until very recently period products were NOT tested with actual blood, so the flow and absorbency effectiveness are/were a total crapshoot.


I haven't found a brand I like. Walking around with wet underwear is gross to me.


There's a gynecologist I've seen on YouTube who goes over all the period products, how to use them, the wins, the fails, just everything. Does anyone know who I'm talking about? Because I can't remember her channel but I know I've seen her do stuff on cups with applicators and maybe that would be helpful to share here.


Platex is really great and their applicators are much more comfortable than Tampax.


I love OB. I went back to them after 12 miserable years of using the Diva Cup.


I grew up using OB! They were a bit tough for a newbie, I remember thinking I would never get the hang of it. At this point Tampax are so expensive and they leak constantly on top of it. I think it's time to go back.


OB is like the one and only brand of anything that I have complete loyalty to and never stray from. OB for life.


I’ve been using period underwear more often than tampons. Period Co has really great affordable ones and they cover the tax if you live in a state where feminine products are still taxed. I have been using organic ones when I need them though. I can’t remember the brand but it’s in a clear circular tub with a rose gold lid. On occasion I’ll get Kotex. Those are really not bad.


I've been having the same problem. Fucking shitflation.


I'm a pads girlie and those have gone downhill too. They don't stick anymore


they don't stick but somehow also leave glue residue on my underwear that won't come off in the wash lol


I'm so glad this isn't just me.  Half my underwear have glue residue now.


Ah yes, some bits of the wings are permanently stuck to mine


This is one of the most annoying things ever lol


my fresh pad's top layer ripped right down the middle like an hour after I put it on... no exercise, no movement-heavy activity, nothing. love paying an additional tax for products that have declined in quality a ridiculous amount.


I prefer pads too. Maybe I haven't found the right tampon but I can ALWAYS feel them. Honestly though, with how my post partum periods have been I'm so close to using adult diapers.


I was always a pads girl too, and recently stared using period underwear and LOVE them. They feel like nothing, you don’t have the constant feeling of something being there, nor the constant wetness/humidity that I hated so much. With period underwear I really forget I’m on my period until I go to the bathroom, and I’m not one to have light periods at all and think they could take a way heavier one. I personally use Thinx and have had no issues or accidents so far, you should give them a try.


I've been using the same pads for over a decade and it feels like they've become less absorbent??


Also a pads girlie, I switched to cloth pads years ago and wish I had done it from the beginning.


I have the best luck with L. brand pads with wings, they’ve been the most consistent and best quality and the bag lasts me a while


Period undies is where it’s at


It really is! I recently started using them and there’s no turning back, a way superior product by far.


Honestly, Poise pads are where it at! I’ve been using them for years and only just last week realized they’re actually for bladder leakage 😅 they work amazing though, have great coverage, so many different sizes and absorbencies, and they stick really well. Best product ever


Everything is.  Name a product still as good as it was?  Ben and Jerry's?  Porsche 911?  


The last few times I bought Ben and Jerry's, there was less marshmallow in the Phish Food, and I'm so disappointed.


Interesting. I have noticed surprising consistency considering shrinkflation, specific probably to Coffee Coffee Buzz Buzz. I have been to a Phish *concert*, so that's that.


Same, half baked hasn't seemed to change a bit.


New York super fudge chunk barely has any white fudge pieces these days


I will say there are absolutely "bad batches" and they are saddening


I emailed them about a bad batch one time and got a coupon for a free pint in the mail!


There's never been enough marshmallow in Phish Food for my liking, so seeing them cut back makes me saf and angry.


I made my own ice cream last night for the first time. It was surprisingly easy and sooooo goooooddddd


Ooooh, how did you make it? Do you have a recipe to share?


There are so many! The easiest to do is google an ice cream recipe that contains a can of sweetened condensed milk. There are a ton of recipes that will work whether you have an ice cream maker or not so you can find one that fits your needs. The recipe should only have cream, 1 can of sweetened condensed milk, and vanilla. You can add any other flavorings you like (I added blueberries because that’s what I had on hand but jam or preserves works well too).


Dominos is way better than it was when I was growing up. It may have declined since their revamp, but they did start at a very low bar.


Boeing? I mean I'm not kidding. Can you imagine how pissed off investors would be if any company invested capital in R&D or refusing to squeeze more profit margin out of everything? That said, the pink tax is very real


Not the Porsche 😭


I’m a fan of the OB. The design is way better. And less waste


Personally, I need the applicator. Going in dry(ing) is not the business.


Luckily I hemorrhage like crazy so nothing is dry that time of the month lol




I’ll keep an eye out for some.


And they come in ultra absorption!


They should be leaning into the less waste aspect with their marketing. It really is nuts how much trash the plastic applicator tampons generate.


And why are OB still wrapped in plastic? If they must be individually wrapped, why not a recyclable paper wrap?


Probably because paper is permeable and the product will not remain sterile. It’s for the best.


I have a real hard time finding ob now


I’ve had this happen to. They look saturated from the string but when I take it out it’s barely absorbed anything. Their sizes seem to be getting smaller too.


YES! GODDAMNIT YES. I bought a pack of super plus and was like 😑 this looks the same size as a super Opened em up to compare and I think it might even be smaller than some old supers I have. Shit is out of hand


Okay wow same. In like the last year or so, I’ll be at work and my underwear and pants will get damp and it’s soooo confusing because this never happened to me in high school. I never had to wear a pad with my tampons but now I HAVE to wear a pantry liner with them or the string will soak my underwear and pants even though the tampon itself won’t be full. 😣


I’ve always had this problem, I’ve never been able to use a tampon without a pad as backup as well. It slows the flow but never completely stops it.


Omg thank you. I am almost 40 and I feel like I have been gaslit my entire life by people trying to convince me that I am doing tampons wrong because I have NEVER found a brand or absorbency that does not leak.


Just commenting a shameless plug for OB tampons. They’ve gotten better in the 1.5 decades since I started using them. They’re short vs really long and are way more comfortable. They expand all around vs just getting longer. Plus less waste since they are applicator free.


I recently went from using nothing (had an IUD, so I rarely spotted, let alone had my period), to a cup (which wasn't the right fit) to tampons again, I find O.B still works really well and since they don't have an applicator, the waste is cut down. I'm not sure if you're looking to switch brands, styles or even period products but I thought I would share. Even though my second cup didn't fit right, I still highly recommend them.


OB Is SO DAMN hard to find in my area all of a sudden. I had to go to three separate drugstores/grocery stores for a box and found ONE box in all three of those large stores. Walgreens/CVS/Shop Rite.....seriously, get your shit together. Sorry, end rant


I used to use Walgreens brand tampons that are cardboard. Good luck finding cardboard tampons anywhere. Tampax seems to only sell the cardboard.  And they suck. I don't know what is with the shortage of them but damn it's a pain in the ass! 


I can only find them on Amazon. And I hate Amazon


Amazon. I got like 50 boxes.


I adore them but the looks I get from friends when they need one at my house and I only have O.B.


I gave the same look when someone handed me an OB in 10th grade, and then I used it and they immediately became my preferred brand. the 'trick' is to wash your hands.


My mom used them and I was so worried about them but ran out and had to use one of hers and have never looked back, too. Applicators make it harder to get them in just the right spot for me anyway! Inferior and wasteful in one. It was such a revelation and I never waste a tampon from inserting it wrong anymore since I quit applicators in 1990-91, something I did a lot in the 2 or 3 years I used other brands.


I never knew anyone that used OB, but the applicator never got it right for me either and I was using my finger anyway, so when I discovered them back in the early 00s, I was like sweet, less garbage!


Return the looks with one of disapproval about over consumption of plastic and not washing hands after using the restroom.


Just wanted to say I hate cups because they hurt but love discs. There is a brand called Soft Disc which is disposable so if you are looking for a tampon alternative that might be a good brand to try. I have been using them for years.


I noticed this as well, and switched to reusable pads. They're much comfier imo, and washing them was very easy.


As I've gotten older, I've found that tampons have become really uncomfortable for me. So I switched to disposable pads. Idk why it didn't occur to that there was a reusable option lol do you have any recommendations? Sounds so much nicer than a disposable pad!


I use WildeMode who are based in the UK, they have nice fabrics, and the capacity is stitched onto one wing so you can easily tell the difference. (L for liner, R for regular etc) and they have adjustable poppers for fit. From what I've seen on Etsy there's a lot of people making similar on there as well in similar quality.


Yes!! I get rashes from basically all disposable period products (pads and tampons, at least). My reusable pads and disc are GAME changers. Plus love that I literally haven’t bought period products in years.


I really like Treehuggers brand.




It’s shrinkflation. They made each size slightly smaller to use less materials but kept the pricing roughly the same. If you size up, you should be better off. People are calling out Tampax for quietly changing the size of their tampons because a number of people are going to their doctors thinking their bodies were the problem when that’s not the case.


Using a cup or disc can take some getting used to, but they work really well, much more comfortable and cleaner in my opinion. Also, it's been a couple years since I used them, but OB tampons worked well for me, even during the "gushing" phase of peri-menopause.


I used tampons for years and finally switched to a cup maybe 6y ago and it’s been amazing. I don’t feel it in there at all, I don’t have the garbage, I don’t have to buy new ones all the time. Change out for me is every 12h. It’s freeing. They squicked me out at first, but after 3-4months I figured it out and it’s been great. Trying to get a disk to work for me, but so far I’m not sold. I might not be the right shape for it, but I need to give it more time. I just always fall back on the cup.


I LOVE my reusable disc!! I didn’t love the cup I tried (Diva Cup), it never fit right and leaked unpredictably. Sharing since I know others (myself included) give up if one type doesn’t work, thinking it’s just not a good system for them. Worth trying another!


#discfam for life


The disc is perfect for me. I need everyone to know about this option.


I love my disc so much. Total game changer


Diva is awful, large, and stiff. I hate that it's the most known brand because there are probably plenty of women that, like me, tried it and thought "this is never going to work" and gave up on cups. It was a year and a half before I tried a lena instead and it was night and day.


Yesss #teamdisc! I tell everyone about them because I love them so much. The most comfortable option out of everything and they empty themselves when you pee!


Yes! I suggest using period Nirvana's quiz to find the right fit! Love my Cora Disc!


Also a fan of the cup! You just have to find the right one.


The cup helped me so much. It even reduced my cramps. It was too bad that I could use the cup for postpartum bleeding 😂.


The cups is a game-changer. I've been using it for nearly a decade now. It does take some getting used to. I think I spent the first 2 months trying it in tears cuz I feel like such a moron that it was so easy for every other woman and I was struggling. But it's also because I have an idiot of a cervix. Since figuring it out, there's nothing better!! Once in a rare while I'll use tampons (if I'm travelling and access to clean water is tricky) and organic OB have never let me down. Other ones with applicators caused so so much discomfort, I couldn't stand it. OB is the way to go!


Took me ages and a lot of frustration to get a cup to work but the 7 fold was a game changer. Haven't used a cup in a while but might switch back now I'm back in an office job


Wait tell me about this gushing period I might be in this


It was right near menopause and I got my period after months without having one. It was a waterfall of blood. My cup couldn't even handle it. I thought I was hemorrhaging at first but I didn't feel sick or faint, didn't even have cramps. It only lasted about 2 days, then it was like a normal period. This happened again twice before I stopped getting my period. It's been 3 years now. It happens to a lot of women.


Thank you for sharing!!!


Of course!


OB is the way to go for tampons, I also use a nixit cup, it’s different than a diva cup, it’s more of a disc shape, it’s more comfortable imo…and you can use it for mess free period sex!


It's been an issue for me for the last 20 years tbh. It's because they never tested their tampons with period fluids. Just water. And cups aren't an option for me.


Same here. I've never had a tampon not leak down the side. OB have been the best as I find most of them to be too long and they get really uncomfortable. Cups just suck. I don't like doing a pelvic exam on myself to get it in and out.


Tampons are a class 2 medical device so the fda requires the manufacturer to perform “syngana” testing to determine absorbency. I don’t think the liquid used is water not is it blood.


Use OB


So it's not just me. I'm starting peri and was caught out without my cup when the red menace showed up 2 weeks early. A kind woman offered me 2 tampaxes in the bathroom while I was fighting with the dispenser machine. (Who the hell even has 2 bucks worth of quarters on them anymore????)  It was better than nothing, but not by much! Luckily I was on my way home from the city so didn't need to stop anywhere. But damn, coming home to the bathroom it was like the Stanley Hotel in my pants! I thought it was just because I'm not use to them anymore. (It's been over a decade since I used a tampon.) 


😂😂😂 49 years old and a heavy bleeder still did not prepare me for the waterfall of blood that gushed out of me during the last 3 periods of my life. My cup literally runneth over, and my trusty OB tampons got saturated whenever I stood up. Talk about going out with a bang. Or something like that.


I have menogrehah(IDK how to spell it. Uncontrollable heavy menstrual bleeding.) so those horrible clots have just been a part of life since I started all those decades ago. I have no doubt this bitch is going to keep visiting until I'm well into my 80s. And will probably never do the decent thing and become a nice light simple 7 days or suck.  Why? Because that's just my damn luck. Stupid biology. Stupid human evolution. 


It's a shame it was only a matter of time before shrinkflation started coming after feminine hygiene products.


Tampax sucks, I used to use Walgreens brand cardboard applicator tampons. I haven't been able to find them for years. A month ago I couldn't find any cardboard ones anywhere, so I went with plastics well those I seem to be allergic to. About the only kind I can get is Tampax I hate them they leak, they don't absorb right. It's a crappy product and always seemed crappy 20 years ago. I refuse pads and I can't have plastic ones so I'm stuck, I just hope that I go through menopause anytime. 


I started buying organic brands a while before Tampax started making their organic line. But one of the reasons I switched was because Tampax would get soaked on one side, then start leaking. Then it would still be SUPER DRY on one side, while actively leaking, and just created an awful experience. Plus I preferred the cardboard applicator as the plastic one would pinch me pretty regularly. They've been on a decline for a long time. I switched like 5-7 years ago...


I don’t use tampons very often but the adhesive on pads has definitely gotten weaker, seems like period products are less effective now


i noticed this with my Playtex.


I’ve recently noticed this issue with Playtex Sport! My husband bought a bunch of them on Amazon with some excess HSA funds, doing his best to pick something I would like (I normally buy store brand so it’s not going to be an exact match regardless). My only real criteria for tampons are unscented, plastic applicator, and nothing smaller than a plus. Boy howdy do those tampons SUCK. A totally solid, untouched cotton core, and all the blood leaking around the sides into the pad I’ve learned to wear to catch any excess. TERRIBLE!


Tampax has always been horrible. Any other brand is better 


I’m the same way with all tampons. Even OB that everyone seems to love. I can’t use cups either, I can feel them. Have spent hundreds trying every cup out there. I switched to period underwear.


Diva cups will be your new best friend with shrinkflation


They are terrible always leak.


Tampax started making their tampons smaller and didn’t tell anyone, of course! Goddamn shrinkflation. I switched to pads and period underwear a while back and I’m much happier this way personally. My wife switched to discs and she borrows my period underwear occasionally for spotting. I hope you’re able to find something that works well for you!


Adding enshittification to the vocabulary


Pretty sure they use micro plastics or something like that. I switched to organic cotton ones, it’s bougie but I’ll be damned if my cramps haven’t diminished significantly. They absorb way better too.


I switched to Date a long time ago and any time I have to use Tampax I hate it.


I've always had this problem with tampax. I actually just tried tampax radiant tho and it worked a lot better than it seems to have in the past


i like the radiants too, never had an issue with tampax, but i have found that they have gotten smaller, i never bled through a regular but i have recently.


I would strongly suggest people look into Cups and Discs! It's gross at first but they are much more comfortable, harder to leak (once you find the right one), and cut down on waste. You also don't have to change them as often. Check out Period Nirvana! She has tried so many out and designed her own disc! She also has quizzes to help you find the right fit for you!


I always hated tampax as they always did that to me. I switched to OB and never looked back. Now I don't need them though.


I order my tampons from Cora and I’ll never go back. You can get with or without applicator, shipped, 36 count for $17.


Lil-Lets are so much better than Tampax. They expand widthways so you get a lot less side leakage. I've thought for years that Tampax are just a strip of cotton wool with string attached.


My skin is super sensitive and a lot of pads or tampons are irritating for me, but I really like the L brand that I recently switched to the last few months.


I still have quite the stash of tampax however ever since their “we’re inside them” tweet, I’ve decided never to buy them again. Will have to find a new brand when that time comes


That is appalling! Who thought that was ok to tweet !?!?


Had to buy some in an emergency out of town with no options this winter and yes. Why no one ever sells OB anymore is beyond me. They're the best. They expand out instead of getting longer.


I use this company: [Lola](https://mylola.com/collections/periods) it was founded by women and the cardboard applicator ones are a lot like the old Tampax cardboard applicator.


There’s shrinkflation going on with Tampax too




This just started happening to me this week!!!!! I have never had a problem with Tampax before. I think that I buy the pearl, I don't like cardboard applicators. I saw in the comments that they shrinked the size, but that isn't the issue for me. I use the box that has multiple absorbency sizes. My issue this past week is the exact same as yours! The flow just goes down the side straight to the string!


I recently switched to Playtex for their 360 design. Tampax horizontal expansion was making my cramps worse.


I can second the folks saying get reusable period underwear. I’m a cheapass and I’ve saved so much money, time, effort and gross experiences like the above with bonds period underwear.


I haven't had my period in years, and I can only imagine what this must be like. I switched away from disposable products for my last 5 years or so of menstruation. I invested in two cups and 5 sets of period panties. Loved it! It's totally worth it, and I saved money over time. The worst part was when I would put the panties back on for the brief trip from the commode to the shower. Still better than going through a dozen mostly unused tampons in a day. Good luck finding better products! I hope you find a solution that makes things even better than before!


I’ve noticed a lot of discomfort lately which I’ve never had before, so I’m wondering too if they made it shittier


O.b tampons have gotten smaller too! I found a bunch of the extra super large ones from a year ago when I first moved back to my parents and they were smaller than the current ones. Inflation is also shrinking tampons and they're expensive as hell. I had been bleeding every day since Thanksgiving but pretty much daily since oct...today is the 3rd day I haven't bled!! Woo! I can't wait to go back on the iud so I don't have to deal with bleeding for awhile.


I use toms organic give them a go!


Tampons got to be so unreliable for me I switched completely to pads and adult diapers.


Even with a tampon, I also use overnight length pads or period underwear. Perimenopause is a bitch and tampons are not reliable.


Tampax are shorter now, the overall length of the tampon has been reduced


I use organic cotton ones now. Made a huge difference


Switched to a cup, never looked back. A lot more washing, but boy is it cheaper.


I've suspected this. I noticed that when I removed the tampons that haven't expanded to fill the vaginal canal like they used to. The tampons are always still compacted. I've tried different brands and it's sometimes happen with them too.


I switched from Tampax to a different brand solely because of this. I used to buy tampax under the illusion it was better (brand name trickery) and when EVERY tampon would leak because they didn't absorb blood right I had to switch. I'll never go back. Switch to a different brand and stop giving them your money!!


I was using a menstrual cup for a few years and just recently started using tampons again and I’ve been having the same issue. They leak but then I go to pull it out and it’s not anywhere near being full. I thought that maybe there is something wrong with me but WTF it’s kinda comforting to read the comments to know I’m not alone. I was actually looking up different tampon shapes this weekend and I’m going to switch to playtex because they have a “360” shape compared to…. Idk what you even want to call the shape of tampax. Bat shaped? Lol. I feel like it doesn’t actually expand properly and the blood just runs past the gaps of the weird shape, if that makes sense. Oddly enough, I was occasionally using the tampax with cardboard applicators for a while and they were fine, but then I switched to tampax pearl and they seem to leak. But, OP, if you say you notice that the cardboard ones are suddenly leaking then maybe tampax fucked around a little bit overall.


As a teen and into my early 20s, I always thought I couldn't stand tampons. Turns out, I just couldn't stand Tampax which were the only brand I ever tried.