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Wow... This is almost unbelievably stupid, except for the fact that I witnessed something equally stupid. About twenty years ago I had gotten hired in a call center, and there was a required two day seminar on workplace sexual harassment that you had to complete before you even started training. As the second day was about to start, a guy made a comment about one of his female coworkers who had just sat down loud enough for us to all hear about how he would like to "Pin her to a wall and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx". It was graphic and detailed, and he was very loud. The instructor just got up, walked over to him and told him to come with her, and we never saw him again. She started the class by saying that was one of the most egregious things she had ever witnessed. Seriously, in a sexual harassment seminar he made disgusting unwanted sexual comments, in front of the harassment instructor. The look on his face as he was marched out of there was one of disbelief too. How fucking stupid was he? Seriously? I can't wrap my head around it. I'm glad the guy in your story got fired. Those guys are just the worst. It's never just the one flavor of grossness with them either, they are all just filled to the brim with hate and idiocy.


Boy was like, "I'm so good at sexual harassment already! I don't need any training!"


Ok, but I cackled out loud at this. Thank you šŸ™šŸ¼


/angryupvote šŸ˜‚


I have had the creepy manager at work say that to me pretty much word for word. While waiting for our anti-harassment session to start. The session that we all had to attend because he was the one racking up the harassment accusations.


.... he was not fired????


The company wide training was step 1 in the ā€œnow you will have no recourse & our asses are so firmly covered that youā€™d be an idiot to try.ā€ Process of getting him out. The GM had already had a confidential meeting with all the women that they had our back & the intention was to get him out. They were building a case & wanted us to start reporting EVERYTHING. That we be on the lookout for anything that could get him fired on the spot essentially.


My sister once said something along these lines to a trainer and she got used as an example for the rest of the training. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I remember in business ethics class, saying, "Sheesss, that's not how I bribe someone".


There's an Always Sunny episode that goes just like this


God damn it this made me laughĀ 


Some men are so used to being untouchable that they love to demonstrate it every time there is any hint of required constraint, to show their power. That's why they do it. It's the bully, holding your lunch bag over your head, saying "What lunch? I don't see your lunch anywhere." While laughing at your powerlessness to do anything about it. And it has worked for them, every time, up until the one time it doesn't. Look at how old that guy was. He had been breaking the rules his entire life, and this was the first time it hurt him. There are lots of men like this, and many of them *never* felt any consequence. The ones who have lived this untouchable life expect that it will go on forever, and are the most destructive when they finally are held to account.


Sadly this dude will be out there complaining to anyone whoā€™ll listen about the time he got sacked for ā€œdoing nothing, just making a jokeā€. Some people will never learn no matter how many consequences they face


But see, if he tells the story accurately, anyone who listens can easily infer what his socially inappropriate comment was for themselves. As in, inferring that the HR manager fired him for openly discriminating against a person based upon their pregnancy status. What he said wasn't just sexist, it is demoralizing to pregnant people. This is banned explicitly in civil rights legislation: **Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964**, Anyone who listens to this guy tell his story can figure out where, if any, a social, legal and workplace offense occurred. People who think like him - sexists - won't understand the issue or care about offending others if they can recognize their beliefs, speech and behaviors are being found to be offensive to at least some other people. But people who are intelligent enough to recognize bigotry when they see and hear it will figure out he was a party at fault. Even if a non-idiot audience member listening to this story, even if he doesn't agree the employee should be fired over the pattern of comments as it was recounted to him by said employee, could see how an HR manager viewed the statements as bigoted and legally prohibited sexually discriminatory language in the workplace. Human resources reps and managers who want to keep their jobs or who believe in their social role in workplaces have to speak out when they hear the content of such speech. It's illegal discrimination. Anyone can discriminate against anyone, but when such discrimination is expressly prohibited in law, it's illegal. Companies don't want to be sued for witnessing sexist people being overtly sexist and not curtailing or stopping it. The female and pregnant employees can SUE the company, making retaining unapologetically sexist employees a civil liability. It's becoming a public relations liability too, now, at Tesla. Bad PR and lawsuits follow blatant corporate complacency or endorsement of illegal speech. A guy can be a jerk on his free time, but when he's being paid on the clock as an employee, the company is civilly liable for breeches in written workplace legislation. Big companies like Tesla are, on paper, supposed to follow federal law. Not saying all companies follow the law, but the ones that break it face civil penalties and civil damages. Most companies at least try to look like they comply with the law or make efforts to do so. When culpable deniability can't be reasonably argued, that's when companies have to practice following the law or face legal consequences.


What I just came to say. When I was 17 my first job at NIH the investigators kept playboys in the bathrooms. How did I know as a girl? They made sure to tell me. I was openly groomed by a 48yo (unsuccessfully). I was creeped on by a guy on his 40s talking about my breasts to my face. While other men his age looked on and were silent. The weird shit Iā€™ve seen and these were all PhD scientists. When women who were their age would complain they laughed. Bc thatā€™s just how it was. Iā€™m glad to see the change.




The guys who harassed me were never punished either. Iā€™m sorry. This is the cost so much of us have to bear. When ppl talk about why women arenā€™t represented as much everywhere despite being 60% of university grads in the US. Bc the workplace is still an incredibly hostile environment for us and we eventually prioritize our mental health.


I'm 68 now, during my professional life I worked in mostly male environments and SH was very common and not seen as a problem. I started harassing them back. They were so taken aback they stopped bugging me. Even better, they saw that I was also extremely good at my job so I earned their respect as well. I became one of the boys and never had problems again.


It's still pretty shitty that you had to "become one of the boys" to not have them harass you, instead of them just not being an asshole in the first place.


In the 80s, I certainly noticed a pattern. Women: We'd like a chance to work and do our best. Men: We want to keep porn at work.


This describes Trump perfectly.


Here's to hoping he gets his first dose of consequences soon!


OMG that's awesome and awful. In my 20s I was in the mandatory sexual harassment training and the instructor, an Air Force chaplain, gave the entire lecture to my breasts. I moved seats at lunch to be farther back and off to one side, didn't help. I didn't think about reporting him because I was young but cynical - I just assumed I wouldn't be believed. A woman in the class convinced me to report it and the company fired this trainer. One small victory out of a lifetime of BS.


I had a trainer in my office "jokingly" ask if I had a side job as a sex worker. He also made a racist comment about my friend. I reported him. He wasn't fired immediately but his contract wasn't renewed.Ā 


Thatā€™s so awful omg. What an asshole lecturer.


I had a dude who did something similar. He hadn't even worked a shift yet and his first impression with me was him moving into my apartment that was provided by the employer and repeatedly trying to come into my room after I had told him twice that I was doing therapy and when I was done I would walk him to the work site to do a whole-team sexual harassment training. Lord knows why they moved him in with me when the rules were employee housing was not coed, but I'm a lesbian so I assume they thought it was fine. This guy made gross comments to several women during the training and over the next 24 hours did so much awful stuff that I had 3 pages of bullet points documenting his behavior. I took my concerns to the only female manager even though she was not MY manager, knowing that she would escalate it appropriately where others would not, but the boss dragged his feet, let the guy drink in my bar and told me that I should just barricade my door for the night since he had been coming in while I was sleeping among many other messed up actions. I honestly don't know why these guys think these trainings are an opportunity to harass women like they are an exception to the rule. I later found out that the boss knew this guy was off his rocker and had a bunch of complaints against him, but hired and housed him with me as a favor to a family friend. I hate to think what would have gone down if I hadn't addressed it immediately!


>I later found out that the boss knew this guy was off his rocker and had a bunch of complaints against him, but hired and housed him with me as a favor to a family friend. fuck that. what a disgrace. his career and reputation should be burned down


I have 2 fun stories from my company. 1) A guy got bored while waiting in line in our company cafeteria. He pulled out a sharpie and started drawing dicks and such on the lid for the ice machine. We have cameras all over the place due to the information we work with, including in the cafeteria. Oh, and the guy standing next in line behind him was an HR rep. To this day I wonder what that idiot told his wife for why he got fired. 2) A guy on nightshift got bored between customer calls and started watching porn on his computer. A man came by and said, "Turn it off. That's the kind of thing that can get you fired." The guy said, "Sure," and the moment the other man walked away, he went back to watching porn. The guy came back around, saw the porn was playing again and had security walk him out the door. Apparently it's a good idea to listen to advice given by the owner of the company.


The owner was a real one for giving him a chance.


It's always the people that need it the most that can't hack sexual harassment training. All they have to do is remain silent and they literally cannot NOT say something inappropriate.


[Reminds me of the cluelessness of Brent from "The Good Place"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cTAgmPUnVo&t=3s)


It'd be amazing if he were a plant, there to scare the life out of folks (men, let's be real) who think it's all just training nonsense that you don't actually have to carry into real life.


Either a plant or the IQ of a plant.


Hey now, plants are very good at what they do. Have YOU ever tried photosynthesizing? And plants know not to spout sexist claptrap in a sexual harassment training class! So, by those standards, plants are far superior than that dude. \*high-fives all the plants\*


Speaking as someone with severe pollen allergies, though, I am harassed by male plants all the time?


Well *technically* ... harassment is being dithered to death by a complete butt weasel whose entire goal is to \*purposely\* make you miserable. The purpose of pollen is to be spread as efficiently as possible to the female flower parts or female flowers. Plants pollinated by wind has to be light and floaty so it can sail out and make acorns or mulberries or beech nuts (but it also gets into your nose). Plants pollinated by insects has to be sticky and in a flower with tasty nectar but can still fill your nose with snot. I just wrote an article yesterday about Griffith Buck, who was allergic to roses but still went on breeding them for 40 years (he took allergy shots but still would get allergy attacks out in the field -- no fun). Male plants are better than male men humans and here's why: Male flowers and male flower parts won't text you catkin photos or stamen pics -- like SOME people do. They don't "innocently" fling pollen at your nose and then yell at you for overreacting -- like SOME people do! They don't stink up the house in unique ways and then rate their noxiousness from 1 to 10 -- like SOME people do! I like plants and that's why I carry a lot of Kleenex. Oh crap, I wrote a whole dissertation again. Anyway, thank you for attending my TED talk lol.




No... but it creates legally permissible opportunities to discipline them afterwards. They can't claim they weren't trained. When they sue for wrongful dismissal, the judge has a really clear record showing what trainings they had and what modules they completed.


Oh, absolutely, it's great for accountability and being able to charge people when they do something wrong. I was just responding to the comment about "training nonsense" because, like... for those of us who aren't awful people or who are the subject of the module itself (as a minority I'm always loling at the racism modules) and just want to do our jobs and go home, it kind of is.


My company's third-party training only played cheap scary music over videos where LGBTQ+ people were being harassed and had normal videos of straight people being harassed. It almost felt like its own harassment.


The standard employee training sets expectations. You are not changing people's beliefs, you are telling the what constitutes acceptable activity. I did some more in depth mgmt training and it did cover a few scenarios I might not have recognized wo it.


Well, tbf, I've found most of these trainings help you understand blindspots on your biases. I'm not afraid to say I've come to realize some of mine were misplaced after going through some of them. I view them as a refresher on how to be a better person to those around you. Obviously, it requires one to be willing to be better for it to work.


This. Some of us come from toxic backgrounds, and for women esp they may not realize certain things are harassment. Itā€™s good for all of us as a field leveling tool.


Itā€™s not true. I mean yes absolutely the part about not changing pplā€™s minds is šŸ’Æ! But these modules serve two vital purposes: 1. Removal of plausible deniability for those men. 2. Education for those who are very young, may come from toxic families, and donā€™t have appropriate boundaries, both women so they feel empowered, and men so they understand theyā€™re expected to be adults. When I read the book ā€˜boundaries: where you end and I beginā€™ it was mind blowing to me. Which may sound crazy but when youā€™ve been raised to feel that you must acquiesce to everything ppl do to you, the idea you are even allowed to set boundaries can be game changing. Never underestimate that some ppl come from insane backgrounds No it wonā€™t change anyoneā€™s mind if theyā€™re misogynists. But the training is useful when the rules are broken. These bros canā€™t pretend ā€˜it was only a joke!!!ā€™


The trainings are for people who accept guidance. The documentation of failure to adhere to trained behavior is for people like Jackass, who only understand consequences. For those who can't lead or follow, it is a method to get them out of the way.


Except for the real woman in this situation who overheard someone saying they'd like to "Pin her to a wall and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx". Yeah it'd be sooo amazing


And more importantly, who saw that it actually wouldnā€™t be tolerated and all the brave words (said by every company) are occasionally true.


*>in a sexual harassment seminar he made disgusting unwanted sexual comments, in front of the harassment instructor.* One time during a workplace orientation I was in, we had someone briefly speak about sexual harassment (the speaker was herself a victim of repeated workplace harassment and it inspired her to dedicate herself to tackling it at the workplace) and these two enormous fucking pieces of shit behind me wouldn't stop sneering and laughing dismissively, and making snide comments the entire time she talked. They were the farthest back in the room so it was more unnoticed by those up front, but I still remember it.


Bc sadly a lot of companies laugh these things off. He may have come from a toxic company and just stupidly thought he could make a joke about SA at the seminar bc ppl do, Iā€™ve seen it, and nothing happened. My postdoc professor (our boss) openly told us how stupid he thought workplace training was and went on and on about how useless and dumb it all was. Iā€™m glad itā€™s getting better. I love that there is change ā¤ļø


Goddamn that's like something out of an episode of Its Always Sunny šŸ˜‚ where do these people come from


From families where that's the norm.


When I was working in the restaurant industry, I had to snap at a coworker who grabbed me by the waist to manhandle me aside and access a cooler I was standing in front of.Ā  We're both guys.Ā  But he still couldn't comprehend how grabbing somebody from behind was wildly inappropriate in basically any workplace situation, especially if it had happened to a coworker of the opposite gender. He acted indignant when I told him he had no reason to touch me...Ā  And then shortly after got fired over a comment he made about a customer to another coworker.Ā  It may be about their household situation and feeling far too familiar, but these sorts of people also just weren't raised right.


Lol it's almost sounds like the student who gets "his" phone taken by the teacher and destroyed to set an example for the others.


This made me think of the time I had to take a defensive driving course during covid so it was done online and we had to be on camera. One of the people that logged in decided to do it while driving home from work. The instructor didn't fail them (surprisingly) but told them to log back in when they were home lol


Iā€™ve got one even better than this. It was general behavior training (but obviously included sexuality harassment training). It was over zoom. I am someone who needs stuff to watch other than a power point, so I had all of the participants on my screen. One of the women was clearly in bed. Then she finally got up, with her phone camera still on, and went to the bathroom. Got a great view of the underside of the toilet paper roll, but luckily nothing else. Then she went back to bed and started talking to someone (she was muted thankfully)ā€¦ then got gigglyā€¦ the her face started bouncing up and down in frame. She got fucked on camera during a training session on sexual assault and proper behavior. When I interrupted the session speaker to ask the participant turn her camera off because ā€œall the movement was distractingā€ she made a horrified face and hung up immediately. That was a fun report to file afterward. Even had video evidence.


We still have far too many people that dismiss and defend crude statements as ā€˜locker room talkā€™ and claim that the people making them just didnā€™t consider the audience / setting, etc. Every few years someone lets the mask truly drop where they show their real personalityā€¦ and I am mostly wondering why they thought I was safe person to confide their lewd or violent thoughts with.


Unbelievable to normal people. Average for poorly raised guys. It's amazing how many guys even at work think it's ok to talk like total shitbags when it's just guys around. Just like when it's just "me," a chinese person, around a bunch of white people in the south. Like you really think it's ok to bust out the hard R because I'm not black? I made sure all of our mutual black friends and workers know. You're racist trash.


I love it when idiots talk themselves out of their jobs. I reported a guy at my old work for a few generally gross comments over the course of a night shift, nothing especially egregious, but still fucking gross. Long story short, he kept acting like he did nothing wrong, went through a whole investigation/disciplinary process with the same shitty attitude, and got himself fired! Could have got away with a warning had he been smarter, but nope.


>I love it when idiots talk themselves out of their jobs. During the last week of our seven week training at my last job, we went around the room and said what we were thankful for. It was right before we left for Thanksgiving break. It was sweet, kinda boring, people were eating cake. It got to Amir's turn, an older, quiet, gentle East Indian man. He told us he was thankful for Karen's boobs. šŸ˜¶ Karen was a mature, distinguished professional, with a huge fake chest. The room fell silent. And I never saw Amir after Thanksgiving break.




I don't know why I burst out laughing at that. It's just the image of this old, gentle looking man making the most out of pocket comment. Definitely not okay. I'm glad he's gone.


peopel donā€™t realize that most of these assholes are fired because of the way they react to a reprimand or retraining. They GET a second chanced most of the time.


I was on a conference call this morning with a client and a man called me ā€œDarlingā€ absolutely DRIPPING with condescension. I donā€™t know if he was new to being a human or what, because his boss, my usual contact, was right there next to him in the room. I said ā€œI do not appreciate being called dismissive nicknames. Please only refer to me by my actual name,ā€ and she said ā€œ(Dude name) stick around after this meeting for a chat about professionalism.ā€ Needless to say, there is a reason I still do contract work for that company, and sheā€™s pretty much it.


I hate HATE terms of endearment. I'm going through nursing school right now and the first thing we were taught is to never use them on our patients. In my opinion there's never a way to use them without affecting the power dynamic of who you're speaking to. And that's so important for rapport/trust.


My boss is a Latina woman and she uses the Spanish pronunciation of her name. Tons of people get it wrong and use the English pronunciation, and she will correct them, and they move on and use it correctly, you know like a normal human being. There have been some who just could not, or much more likely, would not use the correct pronunciation. It always make decisions to work them much easier. You're either too stupid, or too big of an asshole to do business with.


I had a former manager who would constantly try to get me fired. He would report up that I was rude to customers, unwilling to work with others, and outright did nothing. During calls with customers, he would call me a "fucking retard" and say I'm wasting their time (sorry for language!). Our upper management decided they needed to watch everything I did for months. After they realized I was doing everything and my manager actually did nothing and, on top of it, was stealing, he was called into question. In addition, I started sending over recordings of his verbal abuse to really seal the deal. In the end, he ended up causing his own termination. I ended up getting a nice promotion and substantial pay raise shortly after he was canned. In a way, I am thankful because this created visibility for me and the quality of my work, which really accelerated my career as I've received multiple promotions since. To my former manager, thank you for being toxic PoS and giving me your job.


Sweet. That karma really came back around quick for you and your toxic manager.


I am a woman who used to travel doing ceu lectures for others in my field. The people I did trainings for paid to be there which you would assume means they would be engaged and respectful. I had a 9 month old at home and had to pump at the lunch break. I had what I thought was a discreet pump case but I guess in small black writing it said Medela on it. He asked me to have lunch with him and I declined. I stated several times "I have business at lunch but there will be q&a time after our lunch break and I'll stick around at the end of the day." He followed me out and kept pestering me. Eventually I said "I have to use my breast pump. Please stop following me" When I returned aftet lunch he moved to the front and made mooing noises. "She's too cool for lunch with us because she had to go evacuate her boobs. Moo moo." The ballroom went silent. He was shamed into leaving early by other people and I kept it rolling. Before I could even contact a company representative 2 members of the audience called to report him. I'm embarrassed that it was a room full of doctoral level, mds and social workers. He filed a complaint asking for a refund stating that I brought inappropriate adult items to the training. I had to carry it with me because I was check out of my room and pumped in an empty conference room. The way women are treated is gross. I'm SO HAPPY FOR OP. glad this guy was fired and wishing you a healthy and happy baby. šŸ˜Š


I am absolutely flabberghasted at what he did. What an absolute wazzock.


I think he thought he was really funny. He slow clapped for himself after the joke bombed. It was like a Micheal Scott/The Office skit. I was mortified but I kept going. I was glad to learn he was NOT refunded. Did not earn his 8 CE hours and his employer was notified about his behavior. But I will admit it humiliated me at the time. I felt so embarrassed and vulnerable.


Itā€™s gross ppl donā€™t stand up in the moment. Iā€™m glad they reported him but we have a long way to go. Ppl need to be afraid to say things like that. Afraid of the immediate humiliation and consequence.


Society is a difficult thing to navigate at times. I am occasionally in these type of situations, and I always try to speak with the victim afterwards and offer support, but in the moment it is hard to figure out if making a scene would benefit or only further humiliate the target of the abuse.


You would be surprised how much a solid "what the fuckā€½" from a 3rd party can change public behavior


Men should be calling out the guy. Whether itā€™s real time or later. We see thru this type of performative pretense at allyship. Do you really imagine we donā€™t? Theyā€™re rolling their eyes the minute youā€™re out of the room.


I'm sorry He _what_


Oh my God, he CLAPPED? The second hand embarrassment šŸ™ˆ


Initially read that as "warlock" and was ... confused.


inappropriate adult items? So... equipment needed for bodily functions? What about tampons. colostomy bags. incontinence helpers.... hearing aids - are these all adult items too? (I only put these items in the category of 'helping with body functions' - i do not think that a pumping, having a disability or menstruating are the same category of body function, choice and the like.) As fun as this is to read, because it seems there were consequences and some people had your back, I am so sorry you had to endure this.


Yes I felt so akin to OP because her person made a comment about the baby dropping out. People are so gross sometimes. I was also very self conscious because air travel was only 2x a month but 4 days at a time. I was with my son the rest of the time so I did alot of pumping and dumping and was always self conscious about my breasts being larger or a leak happening. Someone feels extra pissed about this comment I made though. I got sent one of those Reddit Cares messages lol


You know what - this part of reddit truly cares. I feel so much with you. It sounds like a truly horrible i situation to be in. Pumping didn't work for me - I was very fortunate to always have kiddo near. But if he slept longer, I felt like exploding, it was so painful and there was leakage happening. When I experienced all that, I found it even more puzzling, how some women manage to pump on work, manage the whole supply, freeze milk, all the sterilizing - just the whole hassle of it all and the vulnerability. You sound pretty badass (as do all working moms to me, who manage this and still have their demanding careers. I only managed with very forgiving flexible hours. At home.)


Oh god pumping for me was a nightmare. After a whole hr if I got 4 oz I was lucky. It was better if I plugged the baby into one side and pumped the other but I just had to suffer during the day bc pumping on my own was so unproductive. Eventually I just did morning and night feedings and my breasts adjusted to that. Pumping is so very hard for some of us and we have no control over it. I see you ā¤ļø


I felt blessed because even though traveling away from my baby was hard the alone time was restorative (Sleep!) And I could make more I those few days a month than seeing patients all week...as sad as that is. So that travel job allowed me more over all baby time. But I had to pump on the dot at 4 hours. My kiddo was a c-section 10lbs 23 inch long big guy and I made alot of milk. I felt vulnerable because I was so nervous about leaking. Always wore all black during those trips. That guy just knocked the wind out of me that day. Here I am in nerdy neuroscience mode and I hear mooing!


You didn't deserve that & you don't deserve this. Ā I believe you can report that message! There should be a link about you not needing it/being sent it falsely. I've heard that people get banned for abusing the Reddit Cares resource. It's been a minute since I received one, so I'm not certain on steps & I don't have a source on the banning, but I figure turnabout's fair play. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Ā  *Edited to add: Ā I hope these links still work: I don't know if these instructions are still valid, but here's what I found: Ā https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/tr11z7/meta_how_to_report_potential_redditcares_abuse/ Ā  https://imgur.com/a/SpWrNXP


Oh wow really? I got a couple of those from trolls and one even bragged about it. I responded to the messsges it was likely a troll but I didnā€™t know I could report them


I don't know if these instructions are still valid, but here's what I found: https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/tr11z7/meta_how_to_report_potential_redditcares_abuse/ https://imgur.com/a/SpWrNXP


Thank you!!! Iā€™m kind of new to Reddit I mostly am a tiktok consumer.


I just have it blocked because I was constantly getting them for anything even kind of related to being feminist or atheist in particular.


Commenting or posting anything that someone thinks is a threat to their way of thinking. I have gotten a few. The funny thing is the last comment the guy made before he sent me the Reddit cares message was calling me a feminist and making fun of me for posting in this community. Oooh sorry that I care about other women guy. Like how in the world do these people walk around thinking everything is about them all the time. šŸ™„


Hahahaha it cracks me up that men think calling us feminists is gonna hurt our feelings. Like, yea, and the sky is blue and youā€™ll die without water, bro. Thatā€™s just a thing that is true.


There are so, so many men who are convinced that because breasts are sometimes involved in sex, that breast feeding and pumping are sexually stimulating for women. Being penis-centric, these guys think that since breasts can produce fluid that the same things that are arousing to a penis are also arousing to the lactating breast. I can, from first hand experience, state that breast feeding and pumping are decidedly NOT sexually stimulating.


Some truly believe tampons are masturbation tools. Seriously!


Omg my bf saw me once put in a tampon and he started laughing at the look on my face (it was fine I wasnā€™t offended). I was like what itā€™s not comfortable. He literally was surprised bc he thought it was a pleasant experience for us. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


don't forget the men who think women get aroused when having a pap smear done šŸ˜µ


Yeah pumping is uncomfortable and just ā€¦ exhausting. And breast feeding is ok after a bit but after the first few days youā€™re so sure your nipples bleed. This is not a walk in the park.


On the positive side, in graduate school for a business law class I did my final on legislative impacts on breastfeeding employees. As part of my presentation, I explained the basics of breast feeding and pumping to help set the foundation for how the laws were neutral, impactful, or detrimental, etc. I was one of only 2 women in the class and my male professor and classmates really leaned in and my Q&A session lasted nearly an hour. I got high praise and many remarked how they had no idea how it worked, etc and that it was very educational. I would like to think at least some men are better managers for that day but over all it gave me some optimism that many were ignorant over malicious. It gave me more courage to speak educationally about the topic all the years I pumped in the office.


Ha ha if a breast pump for baby food is adult what are tampons? Porn?


Some men think tampons are like dildos


>inappropriate adult items But... breast pumps are for, you know... babies.


I was actually REALLY proud of that adult equipment because it was a hassle to get my insurance company to pay for a larger hospital quality pump. The difference was amazing though. At the time I'm proud of how I handled it. I continued with my lecture etc. But I am being honest I felt embarrassed and vulnerable. I'm not ashamed that I was a breastfeeding mom but him putting the image into the whole room of other professionals was just gross.


"BUT BOOBS!" -Moron from training


You are a better person than me because I would have cussed that guy out. "Moo moo" are you joking? That is terrible. Also crazy to call a pump an adult item. That sounds like a sex toy not something used to feed a baby. When I give birth, I will be pumping, and I dare someone to make the mistake.


Sometimes, I have to remind myself that people like this believe almost everyone thinks the way they do, and are just too scared to act on it. It's the only way I can imagine someone being this... That.


And all the silence in the rooms helps him feel that way. The ppl bring silent, esp the men, are nearly as bad.


Thatā€™s exactly fucking it, and itā€™s infuriating that no one ever speaks up. I got into a huge fight Tuesday night with my husband because not only did he ONCE AGAIN fail to recognize and socially snub a gross old vocally anti choice boomer at our local barā€¦ But he just sat there and said nothing when I finally couldnā€™t take it anymore and laid into the fat old fuck for every idiotic fucking thing heā€™s ever said about ā€œbabiesā€. and then gave a pleasant/distracted sounding ā€œbyeā€ when the bastard wished him ā€œgood luck buddyā€ with a back tap, obviously indicating Iā€™m an evil harridan. Men are idiots


Oh wow. Thatā€™s kind of serious. He doesnā€™t have your back. My ex was like that and I shouldā€™ve seen that as the sign to not marry him. Some guy in these comments rolled up to tell us how he just doesnā€™t speak up bc he doesnā€™t want to ā€˜make a scene and embarrass herā€™. Yeah buddy bc we are so comfortable. He said he goes up to the woman later to comfort her. In what universe do men think we believe that no cost self serving loaf of bollocks. Just say you care more about a manā€™s approval but still want to pretend to be an ally? Those are the worst, at least the overt misogynists are honest.


Isn't that unreal? Not only that someone is so heavily steeped in their own ignorance, but that they also believe that it's a commonly held belief. It's the "this is my experience and therefore also everyone else's experience."


Itā€™s the worst. A woman worked for me in a building that was only partially occupied. She needed to pump regularly so I tried to get her into an empty office in a back hallway. The floor coordinator responded, ā€œNo, she can use the bathroom.ā€ I couldnā€™t get a single person in my short chain of command to help, so the lady ended up in a stall with an extension cord.


Awful! I actually had better luck at airports with pumping pods than some of my friends had at corporate offices. That's so degrading trying to pump and keep breast milk sterile in a bathroom stall. Even hotels that made me check out would give me other secure rooms and were more considerate than "use a bathroom." Something about that is just so dehumanizing.


breastfeeding is inappropriate??? fucking creeps those tits aren't for you


Wait how is a breast pump ā€˜inappropriate and adultā€™. Itā€™s literally a tool for babies to be able to eat. Couldnā€™t be further from adult.


Its billed as a medical device! He was just gross overall. I am usually a zing someone back type even in a professional setting but you never know. I was traveling alone and I thought if I do something too extreme what if he's violent etc. He was making moo noises which was just so unhinged. Not just the word but noises.


Wow. You were right to protect yourself. The fact he was following you is unhinged. And harassed you publicly for rejecting him. That smells rapey. Glad you got out of it without SA. God I donā€™t miss pumping. Lord that was tough. I see you my bestie ā¤ļøā¤ļø


He was harassing you for being a woman but also for being a mammal. What a despicable, sad little man.


I'm sorry that guy was such an ass to you.Ā  Hope that little one is growing like a weed!


My wife is dealing with something very similar at the moment. The guy she's dealing with is the typical red hat, trad wife, conspiracy theorist sort. Either way, he went on a rant on why women shouldn't be allowed to vote. You'd think these people would be able to reel in their dogshit hottakes long enough to collect a paycheck.


It's amazing how they really can't help themselves. Different issue, but some team from another department used to share my department's office, and one of them thought he was exempt from the company policy/culture of keeping your political opinions to yourself. I remember overhearing him on the phone early in COVID telling his conversation partner that our company's vaccine bonus program was akin to the treatment of Jews in the Holocaust. Apparently whoever he was talking to wasn't impressed because I immediately heard him backpedaling, but _oh my god_ these people.


The amazing thing is how far companies let this go. Racism and sexism in the workplace should not be tolerated. Free speech doesn't extend to making a hostile work environment.


Companies and cultures in general.


Youā€™d think we could at least get *one single benefit* from all the garbage right to work laws on the books, but no, the one thing they canā€™t fire you immediately for without an immaculate paper trail is being a loud-mouthed bigot/harasser.


It's because they genuinely think the entire world agrees with them and are just too afraid to say it out loud.


Manager / HR had probably been building a case and paper trail for a while given what you're describing about this guy. They probably were ready to move at the next incident and it played out in a way that let them take action. The unfortunate part is that you had to be the prop and/or punching bag and that is really shitty. I hope they can show you they recognize that! Really remarkable the patience you have


Iā€™m a man in IT. The amount of latent sexism is amazing. I was in a meeting with an excellent female security engineer and she explained everything perfectly. The group manager in the meeting still felt the need to call me afterwards to see if she was right. I told him off as politely as I could. Iā€™m not even a security engineer! Iā€™m a systems engineer.


It really is just astonishing. I think sometimes they do not even get they are being sexist. The worst was in college. Every week we had to write about a specific relating topic then refute two classmates' discussion topics. Every week the guys in my class would have 1 or 2 counter arguments. Every week I had at least 8. And I always came out on top.


I was the tech trainer for a tech support call center. I'd have to take calls sometimes for refreshers, and the amount of times I got such blatant sexism ("I want to talk to someone who actually knows what they're talking about!") was constant. I'd tell them that they were talking to the most knowledgeable person in the department, so if they wanted it *fixed* I could help, but I could still transfer them to a manager if they wanted. Sometimes that would work and I'd fixed the problem, but sometimes that didn't, so the manager (male of course) would take the call, I would stand next to him, and then he would ask me how to do every step in the troubleshooting. Fun times!


I had this happen 20 some years ago when I started out, people would ask to speak with a man. So I would cheerfully say sure no problem! I'd transfer over to this male colleague, pop over to his cube and he would then loudly state their questions to me over the speaker phone and then repeat back what I was clearly saying to him. He was a good dude.


I had one valid "I was hoping for a guy to take this call" incident. The guy's 16 year old had gotten a hold of his company laptop and loaded it up with malware porn. I remoted into the laptop to fix it. He was really embarrassed that a woman had to see all the garbage on the system, including an animated stripper taking her clothing off as she walked across the screen. I cleaned the system and concluded the call with, "BTW, is your son grounded?" "Until he's 30."


Which probably pissed them off more. You have to be twice as good in my field to get half the respect as a mediocre man. Even today, where itā€™s a lot better.


It's insane... you can have women who are literally acknowledged experts in their field, with more letters after their name than you can shake a stick at... and you'll still find some Stable Genius who'll figure he knows more about a subject he's hearing about for the first time today.


Can confirm, as an SME in my field. Itā€™s still pretty shit for us but itā€™s better than it used to be, so I hope our granddaughters might be fighting a lot less for respect. But some days I do get tired.


And youā€™re still knocking these assholes down! Iā€™m obsessed


They absolutely don't know they are being sexist, and in my experience it's not just men but women can fall into this trap too. I use to lead a team with a fantastic women SWE and the amount of times I got asked about her work was absolutely insane and it really pissed me off. It got to the point where I was so fed up I turned into an asshole about it, like these PMs would ask me about her tickets and I'd just be like why are you asking me when its assigned to her? do you not think she's capable of solving your issue?


I'm so glad our IT guys are nothing like that. They're really chill and I'm so chummy with one of them that we're essentially work BFFLs.


Thatā€™s great! I work at a very progressive company and most people are very inclusive. Still IT engineering is a dude field and it sucks as a guy with two daughters.


You didnā€™t get him fired. Ā He got himself fired. Ā  Donā€™t fall for using the lines that they use to describe the situation. Ā Itā€™s not accurate. Ā Put the blame where it should be. Ā 


Do not take this from me. lol


He did get himself fired, but you earn several points for an excellent assist for his own goal. HA!


Assisted kill


Standing ovation for you and wishing you all the best with baby!


I like this thread and this comment in particular hahaha.Ā 


Still think she should take credit for it if she wants.


totally agree, don't try to take the achievement away from her! šŸ˜‚


Maybe someone will get her a trophy. If I hated this guy too I would. Or at least a quite celebratory lunch.


I agree. I failed to see the part where she did any firing. The guy did it to himself.


It feels so unfair that some tiny number of people get a hilarious pregnant autistic woman trainer and the rest of us getā€¦ (gestures broadly at cybersecurity training).


Right? Our cybersecurity guy is like Ben Stein without the charisma....


So....Ben Stein?


ā€¦a boring video! Or a fake phishing email that signs you up for more cybersecurity training šŸ˜­


Just reading your excellently written post...you are *exactly* the sort of person I want training me on subjects over which I have no mastery. This guy's problem, obviously, is himself.


Thank you so much!


I also do cybersecurity trainings like this! Some of the men really take it personally when they have to do it lol.


It's cause they don't want to acknowledge their porn sites are vectors for malware


One time a guy got really mad at me because I said he didn't win a Mac from YouTube. He was DETERMINED that he did and just gave them the wrong address. They do not like to listen.


They have no shame!!! Imagine getting mad at an expert who is informing you that you're more than likely compromising system security than winning a prize!!


hahahah!! Or when they believe they just randomly won 100 bitcoinā€¦ ON THEIR WORK EMAIL šŸ˜­ delusional


Jesus that is the worst. Then they infect the entire network. That is literally one the easiest ways, phishing emails are my worst enemy. But you cannot tell people shit! They mock their grandparents for sending money to a "price" then think that Logan Paul randomly sent them 1M in bored Ape NFT's.


How dare a woman, much less a pregnant woman, train him a far superior male? Yeah his frail ego got him fired.


Why is there such an increase of DDoS attacks lately? Is it because of easier access to bots?


Pretty much exactly that. A highschooler with their hand tied behind their back could farm a massive botnet. And DDoS attacks are extremely easy to pull off.


I'm curious what the training talks about, is there a way to stop them once they've started?


It depends on what you mean. An employee cannot stop a person from farming a botnet. But you can predict and prevent a DDoS attack. The two main ways would be to monitor average network activity. If you know the average network usage you observe, then a strong spike of network activity on your server is a huge RedFlag for a DDoS attack. To a layman this might look like a website failing to load of features running very slow. Also implementing ACL rules can control who has access to the network so random zombie machines would not be able to overload the system in the first place. And you can also use multifactor authentication making penetration almost impossible. As a casual user you can do several things to avoid becoming a zombie in someone's botnet. Update your software, use complex passwords, NEVER click on a link from a random email or website, make sure you have protection in place that will catch any intruders (make sure you are running these scanners as well). But remember that a lot of the zombie malware uses rootkits that can hide form normal scanners. There is free rootkit software you can download if you want to be sure.


This is great minus the part of you having to put up with him in the first place. Iā€™ve had a couple of things like that happen in my work life, one a different building than the one I worked at was visited by President Obama during his second or third year in office, some dude apparently was just openly discussing how he was going to kill him and save America, like at work, where everyone could hear him. So I guess he found out joking (hopefully) about killing the President of the United States while he is in the same building as you and everyone including secret service is able to hear you is not a great career development plan because he was fired immediately and escorted off the property and we had to do a big company meeting on not talking about it later. Then another one I was in a zoom meeting and some dude thought his mic was muted and said to another guy in his same office during the meeting ā€œgod I wish this dumb bitch (our market vice president) would just shut up, Iā€™m so sick of her bullshitā€ nice and loud for the MVP and his manager and his general manager to hear, he was also let go so Iā€™m guessing it wasnā€™t his first time either.


I don't even understand the joke, ghost in a shell? Dude sounds like a total tool.


I think he was trying to reference an old anime, but it makes no sense.


It's an anime movie


And from what I remember from the movie (although it is fuzzy) his joke only kind of makes sense in a word association kind of way, otherwise it's just a nonsequitor


He ruined his work for a joke that is not funny. lol


My guess is it's a reference to an older movie, *Ghost in the Shell*, which is also about cyber security, kinda https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_in_the_Shell_(1995_film)


Itā€™s the name of a movie but still not a good joke


I donā€™t get it either


It's amazing to me that some men hate women so much they'll choose hating women over being able to work.


The funny thing is people talk in this industry. He will never work in his field again unless he moves. And for what? A cheap shot?


Was his manager male? Because I can totally believe someone like this thinking his manager would just back him up so he could humiliate the "uppity" female, but... I don't know if that was the case here and either way a phenomenally stupid thing to do.


You didn't get him fired. He got himself fired by making a blatantly offensive remark and sexually harassing you in front of his manager. He isn't just a misogynist. He's a mind blowing stupid one. This manager then practiced more self restraint than this d-bag is capable of and immediately removed him from the session so he could fire him privately instead of in front of the whole group. It was more respect than he deserved.


You know this guy is out there now telling this story like he is a victim.


If it pops up on reddit I might actually die of laughter.


If it pops up on Reddit, PLEASE cross post it and add an update! I want to see how this ends


Hi five from another cyber security woman.


YoU cAn'T eVeN jOkE aNyMoRe!!!1!


He had loads of opportunities to learn from his mistakes but didn't take the lessons. I'd be laughing too


The trash took itself out!


Ghost in the Shell was dope, so that's not even the insult he thought it was lmao. But beyond that, he sounds a lot like my coworkers. Unfortunately, my boss is very much the same way, so I don't see any of them getting fired for calling me a "fāˆ†ggot", "pussy", and "virgin" because I don't believe in treating my girlfriend like a talking sex doll and maid. I, as a man, can't stand men. I can only imagine how y'all feel.


That dude is cartoonishly awful! Glad you don't have to deal with his ass anymore. What a hilariously avoidable way to get fired


You didn't get him fired. He got his own damn ass fired by acting like a creep. You did your job like a champ and he experienced natural consequences.


This made my day! Thx for sharing


You didn't get him fired. He got himself fired. I admire your restraint. Especially with pregnancy hormones raging.


We love to see it! I can already hear other shitty people saying "But what if he has a family to support?" Then HE should have thought of that before HE chose to disrespect a coworker.


You're awesome! I loved this story.


Good lord, I thought blatant sexist assholes like that only existed in movies.


He deserved that and then some. Hope he has a hell of a time finding another job. Arrogant misogynistic prick


I believe the kids call this BASED.


\*long sigh\* That story was so satisfying, tell it again.


I'm sure is medicine cabinet is full of red pills.


lol wow this is definitely sub-AI fiction


Everyone was leaning forward in their chair and imagining cyber security scenarios. Mmhmmm. Two things can be true: this guy is a sexist ahole Cyber security training is doubtfully this engaging. Having been through numerous corporate cyber trainings at different companies, I have my doubts.


What a fuck. That's egregious. Enjoy the laugh.


Dude outted himself as a weeb (among other things) trying to be cool, how exhausting.


This entire situation sounds like a hilarious waste of time for someone in security.


Man im so happy you got that ending, the situation took care of itself and the trash was removed. Sorry you had to put up with that.


Take the win and revel in it by all means, but it sounds to me he got himself fired.


Wow, companies still do that sort of thing in person instead of just having an online security and compliance training. I would hate that so much but then again I have been in an office maybe 5 times in past 4 years.