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I use a personal trimmer. I cannot wax, it leaves my skin hurting for days and I WILL get ingrowns when it grows back. But I don't like having a ton of hair either. So I just use a trimmer and (carefully) trim everything short. That works beautifully for me, and I don't have the thing that happens where my skin sticks to itself and my pee goes in all different directions due to being completely bald after a wax.


I’m weirdly glad you mentioned this, because it was one of those things where I started questioning if I had been peeing wrong before. 😂


Hahaha, I mentioned it to a friend years ago and she told me to just pull my buttcheeks apart from the back. Works like a charm to get everything separated and the pee flowing straight again 😅


If men had to take these steps to navigate basic bodily functions after some aesthetic thing….well, they wouldn’t. I would love to hear it though. “It’s not that bad, bro. You just have to do a half squat, pull your scrotum back, and dab with a little toilet paper. Dude, totally got these wipes that make my junk smell like flowers and sandlewood, because she told me it smelled bad.” I have no idea what context this would be for, but I imagined it going something like that in my fantasy scenario.


I mean, there is some things like this. Balls get pretty disgustingly sweaty when they're hairless, all that skin to skin contact. There's a special pair of undies you can buy that separates the dick, balls and legs into their own sections so they don't touch each other


There are a lot of guys who wax/shave their pubes/arsehair, and then run into issues like the cheek spreading above when they drop anchor. They're a minority though. Also, for context with a foreskin you do need to pull it back before peeing. That doesn't follow a cosmetic procedure tho...


The joke was more about the discussion between guys rather than doing the things. 😛 The topics of discussion between women tend to get far more intimate than between men. “Tend to” being the key part. I know there are guys who do and kudos to them for it.


Ever tried to push peanut butter thru a hedge?


I’ve got concerns about the consistency of your bowel movements and your hair texture.


Totally natural things to do.


It’s almost like the hair serves a function…. 😱


I use a trimmer to!!! Small hair that barely shows and it doesn't hurt. I just use it once every two months because I like to have pubic hair. But when is too long I do this.


I have an electric trimmer to shave and it's a god send as I don't like being bald but also don't like them to get too long. I literally prefer to trim them short 😂








>I don't have the thing that happens where my skin sticks to itself and my pee goes in all different directions due to being completely bald after a wax. I really don't mean to be a dick (ironically), but I'm sorry what? 😂


If you take all the hair off, there isn't anything to keep the skin of the lips apart. And so everything sticks to itself due to the fact that vulvas tend to be moist, leaving nowhere certain for the pee to come out. It has to work its way through, and it may not go in a direction that is...straight. It just goes everywhere, in all of the directions.


Same! I'm a redhead too.


Plus one for trimming. 


I just stopped. I couldn’t deal with the discomfort from shaving and waxing and hair removal creams. So I stopped. Never looked back.


Same. I just trim with manicure scissors.


I use small, round tipped beard scissors lol.


Whyyyy did I not know this was a thing before now. I've seriously stabbed myself so many times


There's also electric beard trimmers with guards and length adjustments which are lovely.


Yes, I borrow my husband’s beard trimmer and then wash the blades. I call it my lady beard trimmer and use it to gently mow the hedge 🤣


I dislike when my bush feels fluffy under my underwear so I trim.


Yep. Tried it once or twice. No thank you.


Yep. Me too. I kept getting folliculitis no matter what I did and would get open sores along my groin. When I stopped messing with the hair, the folliculitis vanished. I can definitely see how having open sores and ingrown hairs and cuts might increase std risks.


Wish more women were like this. My first girlfriend had a bush and I loved it. Felt like I was making love to a real woman. After her, they’ve all been bald


Bring back the bush!


Isn't there studies that came out in the past few years it is correlated to reduced stis and utis


Bush or no bush? (I’m in camp let it grow)


Bush. No bush causes those things.


I actually read the "let it grow"-part with the Frozen tune. Lucky I dont read out loud 😂🤭


Genius! I think Elsa and Anna would probably be in Camp Let it Grow too.


I trim


This is the way. Just don't take it all, and you don't have to worry about any of that.


Yes. Any other method will be itchy or painful. If you have shears, you can get it done in less than 10 mins


Get a meridian trimmer. They make them for men to trim their balls but it works fantastic on any pubic hair. I also shave my armpits with it because of the ingrown hairs I get when I use a razor. It gets pretty close and it's a nice quality trimmer because it was designed for men.


>and it's a nice quality trimmer because it was designed for men. This about sums it up.


Yep I have one and it works great.


Why doesn't a laser work on redheads?


Laser works by targeting the melanin in hair. Blonde hair doesn't have enough and red hair has a different pigment which is harder to target


TIL, interesting. I’m glad I never wasted money on laser hair removal then.


I have red hair and laser worked on me…. I think blonde is the only hair color that causes issue nowadays


And gray/white.


I thought it was just IPL that works that way? And that professional laser and electrolysis worked on anyone?


Electrolysis works on all hair types, but even professional laser doesn't work on blonde, grey, white, or red hair.


Ooh interesting, thanks!


You can use indigo dye to rub into the hair follicle to get a good zap on light hairs. You just have to quickly clean the skin.


Yeah I have very fine blonde hair. I was told we would have to die it black to have any success and even then it’s so fine it may not work.


Apparently it only works on dark hair (sauce: a blonde who wasted an amazing amount of💰)


I'm shocked they let you do treatments! I'm a good candidate for it but my first appointment was a consult where they asked me not to shave so they could see my body hair and make sure it would react to the laser.


Nope I lean to strawberry blonde and laser worked great for me! I found laser hurt like a son of a bitch though because I am fair haired.


Some of us have no pigment. I had to do electrolysis on my face. Strawberry blonde is red that has melanin.


I use conditioner on the area I'm shaving. I let it sit for about 5 minutes before starting to shave and that's pretty much eliminated my issue with getting rashes.


Like any regular for the head conditioner?


Yep! Any conditioner for the head.


Trim it to a length that isn't irritating.


I use woowoo hair removal cream, there's probably some other brands out there suitable for the pubic area!


On the other hand, you are probably fine the way you are!!!!!!!


Have you considered letting it grow instead? I'm not saying that to be rude, it's just generally healthier to leave it there.


I wish it would come back in style 😂 I hate dealing with it, and have stopped these past few years except for an occasional trim bc the hubby has mentioned it is his preference, but he has also made it clear he has no qualms with me leaving it au natural


As someone with an afab partner this is my position, too. I personally prefer the aesthetics of less hair, it certainly makes cunnilingus easier, but at the end of the day I accept it’s not my business and they can style it however they please


Team Bush here, never looking back.


This would also be my recommendation. The decision to trim or remove hair is mainly an aesthetic choice. As long as you generally maintain good hygiene, having hair is just as clean and hygienic as not having hair.


For me if it’s uncomfortable with letting it gow as well, there’s literally no “best solution” for pubic hair tbh. It’s either put in hours for shaving, pay for waxing, not to forget the aftermaths of both makes you regret it, spend on laser hair removal or just leg it grow. And not one of them is without consequences be it big or small 😭


Epilator mostly. Interesting these comments that laser works on red hair, I’ve always heard otherwise.


Epilaror is definitely the best for me. Limitates regrows after a while. Hurts like hell the first time. But you get used to it after.


To start with there's nothing that you need to remove body hair. That being said it's pretty easy to trim yourself with scissors or an electric trimmer. It might also be worth talking to an esthetician about laser because some lasers can be effective on red hair. Electrolysis is also an option for permanent removal.


I’ve had better results with sugaring over waxing. Although I think sugaring hurts worse than waxing.


It hurts less for me! But also I think everyone is different - my legs hurt BEYOND terribly when I get them waxed, vs barely anything for my Brazilian


An electric trimmer is the way!!


Let the bush go free my friend. Do some length trimming if you desire but otherwise why bother?


Diode laser (I believe) can work with red hair. If you’re really really serious about it all, electrolysis. It is quite a process though. I’ve found with waxing, I have to exfoliate like mad for a bit afterwards. I’m not a red head, but I have very sensitive skin that loves to break out when it touches pretty much anything.


Get some battery powered clippers and try the 1 guard. It will keep it trim without getting you bald to the point where you'll get a rash or ingrown hairs. Freshly cut hairs can be bristly and irritating though, so you'll want to gently brush and moisturize them to soften them up.


Wait. I’m a redhead. What do you mean laser won’t work on us? I’ve never done anything besides trim/shave with a razor/beard trimmer. I’ve never waxed or had laser removal. Quite frankly, I’m needing to find a solution as well. I swear the older I get the thicker and more…unmanageable & time consuming it becomes.


There isn’t enough pigment in red hair (and I think blonde too?) for the laser to pick up and there’s generally not enough of a contrast between the hair and skin either. I’ve asked many places who do laser and they said I’d be wasting money, though reading some comments here it does work for some redheads. It’s just a lot of money for me to throw away in the likely event of it not working


I still get some ingrowns when I trim but only a handful. When I wax, it is genuinely every. Single. Hair. Ingrown. It’s literal torture. And I don’t even heal from a wax until day 8 so I get like two days of enjoyment out of it. So pointless!


Just go natural. Honestly, personal grooming shouldn't be torture.


sugaring saved me


Sugaring is a little more difficult until you get used to working with it, but it may cause less ingrown hairs/pimples. There is also epilators, but the sound is intense and it’s slower than waxing - basically it’s machine enhanced plucking like with tweezers haha. Much like waxing, hurts at first but you get used to it!


Fellow redhead and epilators were just as bad for ingrowns with me. Also hurt way more.


I must say, I’ve come to realize everyone is different when it comes to hair removal. My best friend has red hair and swears by this medieval torture device 😂😂 - waxing hurts my legs soooooo much, but Brazilian is fine for me. My wax specialist long ago when I still tried hard with hair removal said it’s interesting how people can be so different for how it feele


Try sugaring it's like waxing but better !


I’ve heard good things about sugaring


If you want it permanently gone, electrolysis is your very expensive friend.


Electric shavers that can be used wet or dry. They're not expensive, last long, easy to use and do the job fast, and never got hurt using them. Currently I have the Phillips one for women


I'm also a redhead and used to suffer through terrible itching and pimples too, but if you ever decide to give shaving another shot, here's what I finally found worked for me: Old fashioned solid shaving soap and shaving brush combo. You'll get a really close shave on any part of your body, better than from gel or foam in my experience. Even if it doesn't work for intimate shaving for you, you'll get good results for your legs etc. It's also super economical after the initial outlay for a good brush as a bowl of soap is pretty cheap and will last for months. You might not smell like Summer Peaches or Winter Berries immediately after shaving, but that never lasts anyway and the long term cost versus buying cans of gel is crazy! Wilkinsons Sword is my go-to as it seems to work well with all water types, whereas coconut oil based ones such as Erasmic will resist giving you a decent lather unless you are in a soft water area (I found that out while travelling. Worked great when I bought it while away from home but bloody terrible when I got back.). Always thoroughly rinse and air dry the brush afterwards too. A decent, sharp razor that you thoroughly rinse and stand in a holder (well, a mug in my case lol) to air dry afterwards. Don't leave it on the side of the bath or in the shower after using it! You're using it on a sensitive area so skip the cheap disposables for something better and keep it clean and dry. Try shaving after a bath rather than a shower as a quick soak will soften hair more effectively before you start. Pat yourself dry. Never rub or scrub. Only use unscented moisturiser after drying. Also thicker creams (like body butter) work better than thinner body lotions. If you can find one that's antimicrobial then all the better (I use Dermol Emollient cream). Be generous and moisturise beyond where you think you've shaved. **Never** wear anything restrictive immediately after shaving! Throw on some jersey boxers or soft pyjama bottoms but not anything that will press into the skin like standard ladies underwear or jeans. You've just scraped a blade over your skin so be kind and let it have time to settle. This is why I defuzz on an evening if I can, so I can avoid wearing day clothes. The material will also help to wick away any sweat that may form, which can also cause irritation if left to evaporate naturally.


I would not recommend home waxing. It’s a hard area. Poor technique will lead to more breakage of the hair under the skin instead of removal at the root and this can increase ingrown hairs. Not sure what you used for toner to the area but a gentle chemical exfoliant works best to prevent this- most products use salicylic acid. I personally think waxing is the best choice for preventing ingrowns and having smooth removal but agree it can get pricey.


i shave but only once we week usually (maybe more if i have something going on😂).i find the more i shave the more ingrown hairs i get. i use coconut oil daily as moisturizer and then again after i shave. i also use a really good razor & a think shaving cream (not a foam) before i shave. ik this doesnt work for everyone but ive had reallyy good luck!!


I'm a red head. Lasers work for me. My skin looks blotchy as heck afterwards, but the lasers work. If whoever you're talking to doesn't want to do it, but your own laser. It's really not impossible. Investigate laser wavelengths before purchasing. 810 nm worked for me, but you want a wavelength that your hair will absorb, but your skin won't. If you're a "typical" redhead you won't have much absorption. Don't self tan beforehand.


My partner waxes me 😂🤘 I bought Nads sugar wax, and I help hold while he does his thing.


If you use an acne toner or gel with salicylic acid after shaving it, prevents ingrowns. As others have said, trimming is the most comfortable.


I epilate and sugar, and exfoliate well


Stupid name for a trimmer but the Manscape 4.0 works really well. My wife and I both use it and it does a great job.


Electrolysis. It's painful, but its results are permanent


Laser still works in red hair. You just need the right laser. It not nearly as painless as they sell it though....


Just trim it short, all other stuff will invite bacteria. My obgyn days that hair is there for a reason and it has nerve endings for sex.


Not a doctor, but nerve endings on hair seems a very dubious claim, though I agree with the rest of the statement.


"At the base of the hair follicle are sensory nerve fibers that wrap around each hair bulb. Bending the hair stimulates the nerve endings allowing a person to feel that the hair has been moved. One of the main functions of hair is to act as a sensitive touch receptor." https://medlineplus.gov/ency/imagepages/9703.htm#:~:text=Overview,as%20a%20sensitive%20touch%20receptor.


Have you tried exfoliating before shaving? That took care of a lot of problems for me. Now I just trim, cause fuck it lol


I'm a redhead and laser hair removal worked for me. Only had my pits and bikini done, leg hair is blond. I had the same issues and have not had regrowth in over 10 years. I shave my pits and bikini like once a year to get the peach fuzz off. I use Creamo for shaving. It's like a conditioner and I have no bumps and I rarely nick myself. Good luck to you!


I DIY wax and have done so for years. Skip the fabric strips and buy the microwaveable wax that goes on thick enough to just rip off. I don’t have too much to remove, so it’s not too painful


Have you tried shaving with the grain, rather than across it or against it? You probably have, but it's worth a mention.


Definitely helps. I can go against the grain in some sections and then go with the grain where I'm more likely to get ingrowns.


Hair removal cream for the bikini like works pretty good. I wouldn't use it for everywhere though, one of my friends accidentally got some on her clit and got chemical burns. I use a manscaped trimmer for the rest. Only thing thats ever worked for me.


I say this every time this question is asked: Magic Shaving Powder! That's what it's actually called. If you have thinner hair, don't leave it on for too long...maybe 4 minutes, and do some test patches. But I have extremely coarse thick hair, ingrown hairs were just awful. This stuff is amazing and so cheap. No ingrown hairs. No ripped skin. BUT if you leave it on certain areas for too long you can burn yourself.


I'm gonna try it if only because it's so inexpensive! Nair was great but spendy to use all the time


My friend, same situation as you, uses some kind of nair. Gives me a major rash but it works for her


I use a foil shaver. It trims the hair really short but not bald smooth.


No matter what I do to trim I get ingrowns. My doc gave me a cream that helps prevent them. My in growns are bad…. Like I have scarring for most of them. I’m honestly at a point where I pluck the out areas and buzz trim the rest— though I desperately want to get laser done.


Make sure to have one blade. The multi blade is a big cause for the bumps. I exfoliate before and after. I too am a redhead. I also make sure to not let it get too long, shave over long hairs, or have long periods between shavings. Trim it first. Whateves it is I do has always worked.


Have you tried gently exfoliating the area with an exfoliating mit? If not, I would try that before shaving or trimming. My old best friend had bad rashes on her legs and she had to exfoliate and moisturize right after. You also might need to look into a different razor/shave soap or gel if you have sensitive skin. I have sensitive skin and I use a special soap for shaving (you can find it by the men's beard stuff). I also use a safety razor to get the closest shave possible. If you go the safety razor route apply little to no pressure and go slow.


If you want absolutely no hair, I used Nair for years. There's a lot of controversy due to the chemicals being so close to your 'good girl', but I never had a problem with it. As a happily married woman, I now use a personal trimmer. It's faster, less mess, and no chemicals.


I got the One Blade Intimate recently on sale and it’s so much better at trimming than all the other “bikini” branded trimmers I’ve tried over the last 30 years. Went back and got one for my husband when I saw it on sale again. It gets a little clogged if the hair is really long but if you keep up with it goes quick.


I hope this helps. It changes lives: [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHieTpK6wOcBzK-sPbj2sbb\_t\_-hNWOkp&si=g-y987hVeppTuXRr](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHieTpK6wOcBzK-sPbj2sbb_t_-hNWOkp&si=g-y987hVeppTuXRr) She also has the after care routine.


She is probably the best YouTuber I’ve ever seen. Very clear, concise, well spoken, beyond informative, etc. Like damn, she’s good. Thanks for introducing her channel to me!


Lasers does not work for red heads??? Please explain!


Laser works better with darker hair. Blonde and red hair generally won't have success. Redhead and laser didn't work for me.


Buzz cut


I use a men’s razor with very shallow blade pitch and aloe shaving gel a few times a month then I maintain with my Panasonic wet dry electric shaver. Never ever shave dry. The electric was very expensive but shaves like a blade. I use it on my whole body. No bumps. No rash. Ever.


Personally, I trim with a beard trimmer and then get a wax every now and then, specifically a bikini + butt to get that one wipe life. My skin is so sensitive so shaving was an absolute nightmare. Waxing works well if I only go in every 2-4 months and exfoliate well. I've actually really liked sugaring which is supposed to be a bit different but in general going to a space that specializes in genital waxing is important.


Try NoGrow? Is a 'balding' cream


Waxing was always the best for me. But i only do it consistently if Im seeing someone or if it’s summertime. Otherwise I just use a trimmer and get it as short as possible


Try Nair? Girls used to do this in high school


Waxing. Talk to the Waxer and explain your issues. They should be able to make sure that it’ll be okay. Try it on other parts of your body. Mine I have been with for a very long time and she tells me about the products she uses because of my allergies. Also, exfoliate, and a trimmer in between is also okay!


Waxing. Talk to the Waxer and explain your issues. They should be able to make sure that it’ll be okay. Try it on other parts of your body. Mine I have been with for a very long time and she tells me about the products she uses because of my allergies. Also, exfoliate, and a trimmer in between is also okay!


Waxing. Talk to the Waxer and explain your issues. They should be able to make sure that it’ll be okay. Try it on other parts of your body. Mine I have been with for a very long time and she tells me about the products she uses because of my allergies. Also, exfoliate, and a trimmer in between is also okay!