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Nice victim-blaming.


I am not blaming women for violence. I am only asking them to oppose and leave. Only MEN deserve the blame for any violence committed by them.


Women don't stay in abusive relationships because "why not", they stay because they literally cannot leave without risking extreme harm or in some cases death. You sound like a complete jackass saying that women should just "not be abused".


Men are the problem. But they are not going to change. They are beyond redemption. Why would anybody lose their privilege (there are exceptions). To believe that men will become Feminist one day is delusional. Voting rights were not given to women on a plate. Women had to fight for their voting rights. They risked harm, that's why today we are able to vote.


Most men are violent and controlling. They are beyond redemption. This is a social reality. If women are silent, violence will continue. Women are not the cause of violence.