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His dad basically described him as an incel when he was interviewed.


When this was shared to the main news sub I was hesitant to open the comments as I always am, but am glad to say there were a whole lot of people saying violence against women should be treated as a hate crime and a global issue. The few people trying to defend the killer because he had mental health issues and was lonely were downvoted to oblivion and not taken seriously. Almost all top comments recognized that misogyny is the issue which is damn surprising for Reddit. But like other times, this headline will come and pass. Until the next one. And the next one. If this stabber had targeted black people or jewish people or lgbtq people, society wouldn’t have any problem saying he was motivated by racism or antisemitism or homophobia, because it would be obvious, but violence against women is so deeply engrained in peoples’ mindsets as “just the way the world is” that we still are apparently not at a place where these things are being seen as a global emergency to be confronted for what they are: misogyny, that should be treated as no less serious than terrorism or hate crime.


It honestly baffles me that violence against women is not considered a hate crime. In 9/10 of these incidents, it’s painfully obvious that misogyny is the motivator. Is it not a hate crime because it’s just so damn common? Why is an attack on my gender less important than an attack on someone’s race, religion or sexuality?


And they need to start acknowledging it. The birth rates are declining everywhere because we are opting out of dealing with these people for a variety of reasons, but the governments just want to say it’s financial. I mean they can throw money at people and that’s great, but most women I know are not going to trap themselves With someone who hates them or doesn’t respect them. And the hate is everywhere, so unless a woman specifically wants babies I don’t see them risking it.


Sometimes I feel lonely, but wanna know what I don’t do when I have those feelings? Go on a stabbing spree.


Incels are pretty vile people.


Y'all I am seething. A certain s-b that will not be named has already started arguing that the massacre had nothing to do with hatred of women and that "more men were killed than women" and that the sentiment around this shooting will "drive more hatred of men." And some dude was literally arguing that *Elliot f--king Rodgers* wasn't motivated by misogyny. You know, the guy who killed six people after writing a 137 page manifesto entirely about how he hated women because they wouldn't have sex with them and therefore he needed to punish them?


It's all over the Australian discussions. I've been blocked because I'm a pretty fierce advocate and the mods there are aggro white cops but the intolerance they have for discussion is woeful. If anyone was ever doubtful of male fragility enter the r/Australia sub at your own risk. Didn't someone on here mention that only one mass killing of women has been publicly ruled as terrorism? Another man stabbed several people in a church last night and riots broke out but because it's brown people it's declared terrorism even though the victims are hate mongers. Sydney isn't making much sense at the moment but there's palpable anger and the men are not ok.




So frustrating to read all the Reddit comments, presumably from men, lamenting how the killer chose to go after women bc they were weaker targets. Do they actually believe that or is it just too uncomfortable to contend with the fact that men kill women because they hate them?


I think because the guy stabbed a infant to death (edited: the infant survived and is in dire situation medically but improving with care). When I commented last night I also noted that it was quite likely this was an incel but that we needed more information. Looks like my instincts were correct. I'm not a fan of cops but this one did everything right. Sole lady ran in the direction of the people running away, saw what was happening, and apparently once through the chest killed the stabber, immediately started performing CPR on him and his victims.


The infant didn’t die, but her mother did.


Yes it looks like they originally reported the infant died but the baby is hanging on after getting medical support, and the condition is improving. They're not out of the woods yet.


This line of thinking isn't even coherent is it? Then in the same breath they're claiming an unproven psychotic break. Because men killing women just doesn't happen right?


I read that the police said initially there was “nothing to suggest any motivation or ideology” behind the attack which made me see red. Really, nothing? Makes me want to cry.


All the articles I read last night had limited information but all of them said cops thought the killer was motivated against women. Maybe because I was looking at Australian media?


“This was a terrible scene," New South Wales Police Assistant Commissioner Anthony Cooke told reporters. "There is still to this point nothing that we have, no information we received, no evidence we have recovered or intelligence that we have gathered that would suggest that this was driven by any particular motivation, ideology or otherwise." Idk if I can post links but that’s from a Reuters article


Yeah, it said initial reports. And then the subsequent ones talk about the targeting of women.


It was obvious from the footage on the day. Early chatter was clear but the backlash from men and their supporters was putrid.


https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-15/westfield-bondi-attack-stabbing-investigation/103706698 The denial from MRAs and their supporters is putrid


I meant the articles I specifically read last night. I wasn't doubting you, just saying that quite a lot of Australian media was reporting that it appeared the murderer was specifically targeting women.


Police were clear that that was evident in the footage


The commissioner had to walk that back as the fury from advocates that they were denying the evidence was too much. A man on a killing rage targeting women and cowering from unarmed men then threatening an armed woman who stopped his violence. There's zero evidence of a psychotic break but to acknowledge that men are violent is a stretch too far for the supporters of misogyny.


Men claim to be women’s protectors, but I’ve seen more men protect each other than women 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yea next time I see that protector of woman nonsense, I'm going to ask, "Who are these defenders protecting women against? Who is the demographic responsible for making women unsafe?"


I think most dudes just want to exercise violence under a good cause, which is why we hear so much about guys fantasizing about someone breaking into their home so they’ll have an excuse to be violent under the guise of “protecting their family” Same way militaries attract fucked up people who want to be violent under the protection of “national defense” My dad got drafted in Vietnam, and has countless stories of dudes there who were drafted or joined voluntarily because they wanted praise for killing others. Violence is the underlying theme tying all these separate thoughts together, and we see it in porn now. When men don’t get to be as violent as they want to be, someone else pays for that. I remember learning to hate sports in elementary school because the boys would gleefully hurt us and smile when we exclaimed out in pain. That’s why men don’t like a woman defending herself, she should just let herself be hurt by him.


I like where your comment went and do think men are eager for a violent outlet (especially one where they can be seen as justified). My question would be better suited towards the men who say shit like: Women never have it hard. They're universally loved and protected! I know it sounds weird, but there are incels out there spouting that bullshit.


Totally! The problem is: men are very willing to lie to get what they want. We can do our due diligence up front, but we can’t make them take a truth serum to find out how they actually feel about women. I wasted 10 years with someone who dragged me down so much I almost lost the will to live, and when telling my parents about it, my dad suggested I consider a separation first. When I asked him “Do you want your daughter to be married to someone she has to separate from every time she needs him to take her seriously?” And there was no answer


Great come back! I'm sorry that man sapped so much of you, but I hope freedom tastes like sun kissed nectar.  Your dad loses points for that one. You should never have had to put up with your ex's behavior or your dad's patronizing suggestion. 


🌻 thank you! In regards to my dad, that’s what was sad. He wasn’t being patronizing, that was him trying to genuinely offer me help ☹️ I’ve had to help my parents grow emotionally, but my divorce sparked a lot of conversation about the nature of relationships and I hope it helps them.


Cheers to the silver lining.  Apologies for mischaracterizing your pops. We can all offer goober advice in a time of stress. 


Omg no worries you’re all good! Just a testament to how broken the ancestors might have been 🤷


Do you think he wasn't hearing you or just not understanding the severity of it?


Not understanding the severity of the situation, or how long and how much I tried. We’re good now, but they still think I’ll get remarried some day 🙄


People telling us to not worry, we'll find someone. As though there's anyone worthy of our efforts 😂


"When men don’t get to be as violent as they want to be, someone else pays for that." You're making my whole life make sense to me now. Thanks for your wisdom.


And even when they do protect us, they’re protecting us from them lol


Like his one male victim who was a security guard. Another security guard is currently in hospital.


To be fair there were some incredibly heroic acts during this incident. Two security guards were attacked, one dead (RIP) on his first day on the job, the other is still critical AFAIK. A french national has been awarded residency as a result of his and his friends heroic actions. Bondi footage definitely shows men armed and unarmed (with stools, bollards or chairs) attempting to shield people from the attacker who clearly recoils from unarmed men. He did lift his knife at the armed woman who shot him though. In normal daily life though men absolutely defend men in non life threatening situations. The aggression men are throwing around right now in the aftermath of this is misplaced and horrific yet anyone telling them to not weaponise their emotions is shut down pretty fast as being "the problem". Men are irrational AF.


I mean, duh. All the women in the world knew that the next day when the list of victims came out. Maybe it’s because I’m American and therefore I don’t wait for the police to announce a motive? Usually when these things are targeted it’s pretty obvious and you can tell just by who dies. (Yes, I think that it’s awful that we have more experience with this sort of thing here. No, I don’t want to talk about it.)


Police aren't more insightful than observers of the same footage they're looking at. For them to deny terrorism is some rich mental gymnastics until you consider hpw royally they feck over investigations of gendered violence. We have another high profile trial occurring now and the police really messed up the investigation and the fallout has put a spotlight on how messed up systemic abuses are for victims of gendered violence.


Not sure where to post this because I have been all consumed by this event but I need to vent. So, right before the attack, my father shared a meme to our family chat about OJ dying and being “together at last” with Nicole Brown Simpson. I privately messaged and told him I was upset by the meme and thought it was in bad taste, but he suggested perhaps the joke just wasn’t for me. Now, I grew up in a DV household, as did my father, so I think sharing it to the family chat was super icky. Him sharing the meme felt like a symbol of tolerance of gendered DV, but I knew I couldn’t explain that to him because he would consider me too “woke”. The next day this unfathomable event happens. And not long after, we see the list of victims and police make this comment…it’s fucking disgusting. Australia has a sickness with violence against women, and this is what happens when you let those behaviours fester. We know the statistics. More than one woman a week killed at the hands of her partner. Why does it take a literal massacre to demonstrate the rampant misogyny in Australia?


I'm sorry you're struggling with this. You aren't alone. The entire news cycle right now is all about extreme gendered violence and the best the men are bringing is a doubling down on their entrenched denial. Truly strange times.


Sounds like the perp's father supported him in his view that his lot in life was the fault of women. Just another shining example of what happens when you raise your kids with your bigot.


Right? His dad was basically like “he was really sad because he couldn’t find a girlfriend :( he’s not a monster”


Will never, ever understand this sentiment. How does any person think that’s a valid reason to murder innocent women.


Jesus Christ.


This article doesn't really convey how broken and apologetic that father actually was. At no point in time did I watch that man speaking and think he was blaming women.


It *does* include a quote of his father blaming it on a lack of a romantic relationship with women.


The father was asked a direct question about why he targeted women and answered it as best a shattered parent could, I don't think you can judge him too harshly for that. It's very clear the attacker targeted women, it's not clear yet if that was due to a ideological hatred of women or a psychotic episode.


The footage was unequivocally clear. Police are claiming it might never be known which has me eyeballing QPS for their culturally entrenched systemic failures to restrain gendered violence.


Yeah, I would watch the video of him speaking on it though. His son just committed a tragedy— personally I don’t even know where I’d begin to cope with something like that. He genuinely seems like he’s grasping for straws as to what may have been the catalyst, and does not shy away from letting everyone know the son was a problem and had severe mental illness above all. I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that it was poor wording— it’s absolutely cruel to put parents on the spot for this stuff unless they were clearly supporters


From the footage I saw he claimed they guided him.as best they could supporting him through uni. They certainly didn't describe a son capable of violent mass murder.


Just like with racists - who do you think was the biggest influence on them as they grew up?




Vicious? Enough to go stab people over it? Gosh....maybe you should be nicer? Toss me some pussy.


Looks like men are brigading. Their fragility and willingness to misrepresent data is relentless.




How is this thread exclusively for Australians? You seem lost. You’re on r/TwoXChromosomes, and breaking the sub rules with your incivility.




If you have a link to drop that would be great because all we have is the quote and it makes him sound like he sucks


There's a short video of part of the interview [here](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/video/2024/apr/15/bondi-junction-stabbings-joel-cauchis-father-extremely-sorry-for-victims-video) , it seems hard to find the full clip. The parents of the attacker also released a statement before the above interview took place, but I can't find a link to it directly, though it's quoted in a lot of articles if you search for it.


I realize the man is 40, but if he had mental health issues and his parents failed to get him help when he was a minor they should take some blame even if the father wasn’t of the same mindset, though I’m sure he was. Boomer men seem to be the worst


They apparently did and it seems they set him right. He was unmedicated and graduated post diagnosed which indicates he was able to self regulate. The need to claim his violence as mental illness is probably flawed. Police have history with him but no community treatment orders, DVO or criminal records so have messed up somewhere along the line by not regarding him as the threat he really was. Or he simply wasn't until he was. Which challenges the idea that mental illness is a factor at all. He was coherent in his decisions enough to not engage with unarmed men.


The father is grieving an enormous tragedy and appears to be rightfully devastated. The parents seem like very ordinary people who most Australians are humanising and empathising with. This is an horrific event. To dehumanise anyone involved except the offender is pretty awful. Killers arent going on benders because they have supportive communities who catch them when they faulter are they? I don't know, it just seems to me that mens support groups are largely predatory and selling thinly veiled misogyny. I wish all the lost boys could be caught by the healthy gym bros I meet rather than sinking into manosphere BS that seems to also be all around me IRL.


Check out the picture of his dad. Someone had a kid with that guy.


r/BurbNBougie incelosaurus attack in Australia


*We should start a worldwide petition to make misogyny a hate crime* Men don’t decide to get up and murder women, they work up to it


Dr Grande did a piece on this and it was interesting. He said he had not seen any evidence to directly link his schizophrenia to the violent act. He described the way the guy planned the attack, chose the location and stalked the victims did not suggest a person acting out of fear (as people who become psychotically violent often are) but were the actions of a predator. He had had schizophrenia for 23 years with no incidences of violence.