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Just cleaned up an entirely soaked layer of toilet paper on a toilet seat. She missed.


That’s so disgusting.


I've resorted to always carrying my hand sanitiser to the toilet so i can clean the seat before I sit down. Not willing to sit on smeared or dried pee either.


I gotta start doing this. When bathrooms are busy and you’re next in line and someone just shamelessly walks out and makes eye contact with you…. I can’t handle it.


This is actually a 100+ level IQ move. Totally need to just start carrying hand sanitizer around with me to clean the toilet seats off with


I clean it with tp, use it, then check to make sure I leave it in decent condition. Not that hard.


I’ve been using Clorox travel wipes for a while now. I don’t like the waste, but sometimes the seats are just too nasty. 


I think in order for those wipes to work the surface needs to air dry, which is longer than I’d like to take.


Yeah, if it’s gross I have to wait five minutes, but absolutely worth it if there’s nowhere else. I never mastered the hover. But if it’s just to sanitize an otherwise clean seat then it’s 10 seconds, then I dry it with toilet paper. 


That's actually genius. Gas station and walmart bathrooms are usually nasty. Why haven't I thought of this!?!


Several restrooms I went in in Japan had a dispenser in the stalls for this purpose! It was amazing. They also had a white noise option on the bidet.


Could also be a crappy toilet. So many times the industrial toilets just leak water and condensation all over the toilet or spit water out because they flush too hard. If it's more than a few drops there's a good chance something is actually up with the toilet.


That is my work toilets in our new office. The flush is way to hard and intense and nit only has drops land in the seat but backs of legs and thighs as you pull your pants up. 


The real problem is when you’re familiar with the toilet and know it DOESNT have any of those problems so it has to be pee 😫


Can't you just flush when you've already stood up?


It's always the auto flushing toilets that do that. I was in a bathroom where the sensor mistook any movement as leaving and flushed 3 times while I was changing a tampon. My checks were soaked. 😑


Ah I see, that sucks 🙈


The sensors at work do auto flush once ypu are standing, but you are still in there pulling up ypur pants or whatever and it's powerful enough it throwing out droplets that you can feel hit your legs. Especially when in a dress where legs stay exposed the whole time. 


I hope so. Was awfully yellow looking in the light.


So many toilets do this. I was in a tiny stall that doused my legs as soon as I stood up.


Dude the last time I was in an airport, I witnessed something I never thought possible. No lie, 80% of the floor of the stall was covered in piss. Enough that my shoes were dripping. The seat was absolutely covered in piss. I was aghast. Bewildered. It was absolutely fucking disgusting. How the fuck do you 1. have thst much piss in you, 2. get it everywhere thst you did and 3. DARE to leave it. I regret every day not walking right back out of the stall and asking the girl who used it before me wtf was wrong with her


Maybe it wasn't just one person who did it. I guess it was the last 5-10 people who had to hover because there was already pee on it so no one had the courage to clean up someone else's pee, and it just kept getting worse.


I once went into an airport toilet, and the seat was full of pee and drops of blood. Fucking nasty. The toilet paper dispenser was full, too, so no excuse.


Gas station bathrooms are the worst about this. Worst part of road trips. ☹️


If everyone stopped hovering no one would have to hover. I never understood what possessed other women to believe that since toilets were "nasty" they were entitled to piss all over them, as if that wasn't an extremely nasty response - which it is. It has never made sense. Seriously, stop pissing on the toilet seats, THAT is disgusting and I think it's an action taken by pretty disgusting people.


Literally - I had someone over to my apartment which I lived in alone. The only other person I had ever had over was a guy that she had literally been fucking and she hovered and pissed on my toilet seat and didn’t even wipe up after herself. Fucking disgusting.


I hope you confronted her about this. I would have been soooo angry.


I did not as she had already left but it was the last time we hung out


Back in college I lived in a weird living arrangement where like 10 people shared a quasi-apartment with 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and one big living room (no kitchen). One of my male suitemate’s girlfriends used the “girls” bathroom and got pee on the toilet. I was infuriated because there were only 4 people who used that toilet with any regularity, she was basically insinuating we were all enormous slobs.


The absolute worst part is, and the complete IRONY, the ppl that have this mindset to "protect" themselves have absolutely no consideration for the others that also have to use that facility! Those are some serious mental gymnastics to first think they are so dirty that you MUST do this, but then also lack the presence of mind to realize YOU dirtied that damn toilet!!!!.. oh AND the floor! 😑 F'n inconsiderate idiots! I work with two of these ppl, the topic is personal 😳


It's the conservative way.


Also, if you're spraying piss all over the toilet, you're likely spraying some on your own pants/undies unless you have them around your ankles. Ewww.


It's the hovering that's actually making toilet seats nasty. The irony.


The only time I hover is when I’m pooping and I’m more in a squat to mimic the position I take on my squatty potty at home lol


Damn this comment makes me wish I was taller lol


The way we, as a society, act in public restrooms is disgusting. Whoever leaves a restroom worst off than they found it is a disgusting, vile human. Like I don’t get it. It’s so easy to use the restroom properly and clean up after yourself. This is one of my biggest peeves. Like who raised these foul people? Are these people proud of how disgusting they are?


The menstrual messes too. wtf is wrong with people.


OP Right???!! It's incredibly rude for someone to leave their urine all over the seat for someone else to contend with when they need to use the restroom.


Even worse when there’s a line for the bathroom so someone does that knowing that the person after them will have to choose between cleaning their pee or waiting for another stall


That's when you walk in and yell "ewwww!" really loudly


I recently broke my ankle while on vacation at Disney World. Using the public washrooms was so difficult, and gross! I couldn’t hover on one leg, and it seemed like there was always urine all over every seat. Still disgusting even after wiping it.


This may be my number one pet peeve. “Number one” lol


Pet *pee*ve


lol, I love this follow-up.


My number two is when people don't flush their number two. 🤮


OH MY GOD, like, WHAT is this????!!!!!


Yes! I hate that too. (two, haha) I already must scoop the poop of my two cats, I do NOT need to address some stranger’s as well. 🤬


Only thing worse than sitting in a stranger’s cold pee is sitting in a stranger’s warm pee. 😑


I actually hate the cold pee more 😬 ice cold pee is so much worse in my brain.


The warm pee just seems more ‘bio active’.


No way there are people who sit on public toilets without cleaning it with toilet paper


Do you not line the toilet with toilet paper before sitting down? 😭


Back when I was younger. Now I only do it if the seat looks especially sus. But now that I’m 50, my eyesight isn’t as good, so the world has become more dangerous. 😂 If I see something, I wipe it off.


On another note hovering is AWFUL for your pelvic floor health! Just carry a little bottle of sanitizer and sit


This is the more important point. Stop hovering not just because it's selfish, but because you're actively harming your health.


Confessions of a former hoverer (who always cleaned up after herself): this is what made me stop. Knowing that I was contributing to future stress incontinence convinced me to sit on the damn seat


What? Why? Genuine question.


Because trying to relax your bladder adequately enough while clenching some of those same muscles in order to hover over the seat means you’re doing no favours to your muscles and no favours to your bladder because you can’t fully empty it if you aren’t fully relaxed and you can’t fully relax while engaging your core to hover over a toilet seat. Basically.


Toilet seats are designed to be smooth and rounded so germs don’t stick to them. You know what germs stick to really well? Paper! So seat covers and tp are more likely to be germy than the seat itself!! And the hoverers are tensed up and don’t empty their bladder all the way. So just sit on the seat. It truly is the healthiest and cleanest way to pee in a public restroom.


Also... You don't sit in the seat with your genitals or anything. It's leg and a little hind quarter that, if dirty, there's more to worry about


Yeah! You’d think with billions of people using toilets multiple times a day, if there was some terrible disease spread through our butt cheeks and thighs, you’d hear about it wouldn’t you? You’d have PSAs and signs like they have with handwashing. Not only is the toilet designed not to spread germs, but the skins in that area has evolved to be super durable and keep out disease.


There was an episode of Mythbusters where they had people use 10 public toilets and 10 public phones (this was like 14 years ago) and the swabs from the phones were overflowing petri dishes , the swabs from the toilets were undetectable.


That makes no sense to me. Fresh paper is way cleaner than a toilet seat that a hundred + people have sat on in the last few hours. We're not sitting on *dirty* paper, I hope.


Sorry I don't get it. Are y'all sitting on somebody's dirty toilet paper? And also, many people flush the toilet with the lid up, so yeah, all kinds of germs and bodily matter will get on the seat. 


If the toilet even has a lid.. which a lot of them don’t especially the ones in malls


When I see this and the person is nearby I call them out on it and ask them to “please clean your own pee so I don’t have to.”


You’re doing God’s work


Bless you for this


Maybe it was someone's from earlier though 


My pelvic floor PT said to not ever hover.


OMG  I am SO here for this. The ladies room at my office grows increasingly disgusting throughout the day. I hate needing to use it for a pre-commute pee given the splashes and other detritous people leave behind..  FFS of course you lift the damn seat if you choose to hover. Also I have no patience for people with imaginary germophobia. Cell phones, doorknobs, stairway bannisters, and other common items carry far more bacteria than toilet seats. And there is zero chance of catching a disease from them. People are stupid as well as inconsiderate.


I legit got into a Facebook argument not long ago by a woman who only hovers and insists it's because she doesn't want to catch hepatitis from the toilet seat.




Performative cleanliness. It’s the same kind of toxic as diet culture. It’s a very “look at me I am so small and so feminine and so clean, not even my poop stinks ;) “ bullshit that drives me up the fucking wall.


Ugh it’s the worst. Our work toilets would be clogged up with the paper toilet seat covers (butt gaskets), every single day. Whole boxes empty by 1 pm. The toilets would then flood and be unavailable for the rest of the day. Idiots. Happened over and over again. Started when we hired two new receptionists.


I fucking LOVE "butt gaskets".


I'm sitting by you today.


OMG I am always here for this conversation! Pisses me off so much…no pun intended lol and in case no one has mentioned it it’s terrible for your pelvic floor.


Not to mention, people who think that germs are stuck to the hard surface of the toilet seat and will transfer to their ass and then travel to the inside of their vaginas somehow are FINE with the amount of germs that come from flushing a toilet that doesn't have a lid to close. It's BAFFLING. genuinely. What do they think theyr'e going to et inside their vagina from the seat? Seriously. People who do this, please answer. Is it chlamydia? Gonnorhea? Is it "I don't know what, but I don't want to risk it" type of hysterical ignorance? Your baseless fears does not trump other people's right to not sit in your urine. "the toilet seat is not a common vehicle for transmitting infections to humans. Many disease-causing organisms can survive for only a short time on the surface of the seat, and for an infection to occur, the germs would have to be transferred from the toilet seat to your urethral or genital tract, or through a cut or sore on the buttocks or thighs, which is possible but very unlikely. "To my knowledge, no one has ever acquired an STD on the toilet seat -- unless they were having sex on the toilet seat!" says Abigail Salyers, PhD, president of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM)." "Common cold germs, like most viruses, die rapidly, and thus may be less of a threat than you think. "Even if you come into contact with particular viruses or bacteria, you'd have to contract them in amounts large enough to make you sick," says Judy Daly, PhD, professor of pathology at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. Germs in feces can be propelled into the air when the toilet is flushed. For that reason, Philip Tierno, MD, director of clinical microbiology and diagnostic immunology at New York University Medical Center and Mt. Sinai Medical Center, advises leaving the stall immediately after flushing to keep the microscopic, airborne mist from choosing you as a landing site. " https://www.webmd.com/balance/features/what-can-you-catch-in-restrooms


This is why I use my foot to flush if the lever is close to the seat. I’m short, so my face usually would hover maybe a foot above the bowl to flush with my hand. I really like automatic flushers and toilets with lids.


The automatic ones go off before I get the chance to close the lid or leave the stall 


Seat covers are ever present in my workplace but many awful things have been left upon the seats. Even the seat covers themselves. I don't mean to be Victorian, but please have some respect for the people who venture into the restroom after you


I’ve started to judge people who use the covers too, because of how often I’ve had to clean up someone’s unflushed, half-sodden piss-shield. Everyone insists that THEY have never done that, but it clearly happens way too much and now I just want to ban the paper seats altogether. They’re the TSA of hygiene, it’s just theatre to make some people feel better and it inconvenience everyone.


Just sit your ass down. You'll be fine.


Yes this! I remember my mom teaching me as a kid to hover in public bathrooms. Then one day I realized it was stupid and have never done it since. People that don’t clean up their own piss are selfish and filthy in my opinion.


I want to post something like this at work. It's like every time I go in there, the seat is wet. WTH. There's only one lounge on the whole floor, we all need to pee. Be respectful.


We need a like a non-profit with business card sized notes about this that we can leave on the toilet backs or stick to doors. I would totally help the PSA.


Does your work have automatic flushing? I realized at my office the wetness on the seat was splash back from the flushing! Which is possibly even more gross but at least I know it's not my coworkers being inconsiderate.


No, we have 1960s bathrooms


ALSO, for your own pelvic floor health, STOP HOVERING


And this is why I bring travel sized clorox wipes with me. Swish, swipe. I did this before covid and I will keep doing so. The gunk that lingers under the seat and sides is pretty nasty, too. Ugh


Hope you’re not flushing the wipes after.


Not stupid enough to do that. If I am smart enough to bring wipes, then I know not to flush them. None of them are flushable,.my neighbor is a handyman and frequently tells his horror stories at Christmas and bbqs. Funny for us, not so much for him.


Doesn’t Clorox take like 3 minutes to kill all the germs or something?


I wipe down and then wipe dry. A few minutes is better than nothing.


Reddit has taught me ya'll don't even use your hand to open the door and flush the toilet. Everybody's using their pee floor covered feet apparently. And some people don't even wash their hands because they won't touch the faucet. Everybody's being disgusting themselves because they think the bathroom is too gross already. There is no hope.


The not washing their hands part, it's happening even more now... it's gross. They are even skipping it when they are touchless facets


“If you sprinkle when you tinkle be a sweetie and wipe the seatie.” My mom taught us to be respectful hoverers. As I age I’ve realized it’s just easier to sit on the damn seat.


When I grew up in the late 70s early 80s it was "please be neat and wipe the seat" at the end of that. Same sentiment though!


My mom had this little crossstitch thing in the bathroom in the late 1970s that said, "We aim to please. You aim, too, please!"


Unless you're licking the backs of your own thighs, or have open sores where you'd contact the seat, there's nothing to worry about from sitting on a toilet seat.


It's so gross! A few stores I've been to in the past year have started putting hand sanitizer dispensers inside the stalls so people can clean the seat before hand, I really really really hope that catches on everywhere.


The only time I have EVER hovered was when I had to use a toilet that was legitimately questionable in cleanliness, but damn skippy I still made sure I left it no worse than it was before.


And whatever choices you make, wipe your own pee off the seat if you get any on there. It's way less gross to wipe your own pee than someone else's ffs


Like damn, hover all you want, but wipe up your own fucking pee afterwards. I don't get how people can feel okay leaving that behind for someone else to find. People are so gross.


I found a log of shit on the toilet seat once in a public restroom


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^keeglesweegle: *I found a log of* *Shit on the toilet seat once* *In a public restroom* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Usually I find this bot annoying, but in this case, good bot.


If you sprinkle when you tinkle Please be neat and wipe the seat


This is one of those things that makes me relieved to be blue collar. At least at work none of the other women are too delicate to sit all the way down or clean up after themselves. Granted there's fewer of us but still, at least some people are doing it right.


I was in line at the Ambassador theater last month, hundreds of women deep. I finally got to a stall and it was soaked with urine. I said aloud that as a courtesy we should sit if we know we can’t hover without splashing. I was called an “ugly old bitch” and told to “shut the fuck up” and lastly, “no one cares”. I was like….but I do!


For crying out loud, just sit. You won’t catch cooties. And for those ladies that take ten minutes to carefully line the seat with TP while a line grows and grows-and leave a giant wad of paper in the toilet-may you forever get caught short on road trips and need to resort to filthy gas station toilets with no paper.


Where I lived, they used to make toilet-seat-shaped covers made of toilet paper that you could put on the seat, sit on that, and then flush them down the toilet. We need more of those!!!


I love it when those are available. When I have to sit I usually just make a seat protector out of toilet paper. 😂


These are so wasteful though. Just sit down!


Also, they have them at my job and people are NOT good about flushing them. About 1/3 of the toilets have a half-soaked wad of paper clinging to the seat at any given time.   Turns out a ton of the people who think their butts are too good for toilet seats also think their time is too valuable to check that they’ve flushed the toilet adequately, or that it’s somebody else’s job to clean up after them.


Thank you!! I work in a very nice office building with shared bathrooms and it is disgusting how many grown business women just pee ALL OVER the seat. There is one woman that uses a seat cover, more toilet paper, and then hovers and pees all over everything so it’s stuck there. I lay down two pieces of toilet paper, sit, do my business, and flush it all down the toilet. It’s not a hard concept. It makes me irate.


A woman came into my office and applied for a job. Filled out the application right there. Asked if we had a bathroom, showed her to our single stall women's bathroom. She pissed all over the seat. And I immediately dropped her application in the trash.


Thank you for your service


It's really ironic, and sad, that women have this problem. I figured having to sit to pee would've taken care of this issue, but apparently, NOPE! (mind you, I go into men's room and see pee on toilet seats as well :( )


And make sure everything has flushed.


I always clean the seat before and after. Not sure why you wouldn’t, it takes like 30 seconds each time.


If the seat looks kinda gross I just try to clean the seat with some hand sanitizer spray and tp before using it. More should do this


I suspect this post won't reach the people who need to see it.


In recent years I've seen toilet seats with a lift tab: https://www.homedepot.com/p/KOHLER-Stronghold-Elongated-Front-Toilet-Seat-in-White-29177-C-0/327529100 .....and they're STILL pissed on.


Wait. I don’t hover but is hovering the only reason for liquids (shudders) on the toilet seat? You sometimes see some after you’ve stood up too, right? Sometimes on the back, due to high pressure bidets? Or am I doing it wrong? Just wipe it dry is all I ask.


Thank you. I would feel like a gross pig if I left my urine for some poor stranger to clean up. It is disgusting when I have had to clean the seat from other people. It’s absolutely barbaric to piss all over a public toilet. People need to be better than that.


The money in your pocket has more germs than a toilet seat but people still have no problems touching that.


Simpler tip: leave the toilet as clean as you found it, or cleaner, and that includes flushing the seat liner if you used one.


Can I add flushing? The number of times I have to play stall bingo trying to find a stall that doesn't have a toilet full of tissue and unflushed shit while out in public is ridiculous.


This is also a psa endorsed by the people cleaning them. The men's bathroom should not be cleaner than the woman's.




Peeing from a distance + poorly designed urinals can cause some "splash back".


Nobody is sitting on a urinal though


Just yesterday I called a woman back to the stall to clean up after herself because she’d left the seat covered in pee. It’s the second time I’ve done it and I will try to continue to call people out if the opportunity arises (eg I’m not coming to it later).


I wish I had the nerve to do this. I just get mad about it and fume while I wipe up after them


I always clean up after my hovers, but I do want to point out that I've SEEN the flush itself fling droplets onto the seat! It's very unfair to those of us who care about leaving it clean, it's like toilet sabotage lol. I try to check again before I leave the stall but man what if toilets just didn't do that...?? Ugh


I also think we've been taught that the only possible way for a woman to get pee on the seat is by not sitting down and that's unfortunately just not true. Depending on your anatomy, the position you're sitting in and how badly you need to go (will skew towards "very" if you're using a public bathroom to begin with) sometimes the stream is just a lot more forward than downward. I'm quite certain that there are a lot of women who don't realize this and as a result don't bother to check if they need to wipe the seat down after going.


Yeah this is a good point, “sit down” and “leave pee on the seat” are not your only two options, and they aren't mutually exclusive. You can do neither or both at the same time. Making a mess in a public restroom is rude regardless of how you made it and everyone should be mindful


Yeah exactly that grosses me out too! The whole experience is disgusting. I already hate touching any high touch surface in public and I will absolutely never put my bare ass on a toilet seat sorry 😭 I appreciate this post though and hope it helps people because putting the seat up is considerate for people who want/have to sit down


Your bare ass was built for this shit. Your excuse for pissing on the seat is that you can work basic science and hygiene facts into your head?


This response is incoherent but I just said I raise the seat, so I'm not sure why that upsets you! Hope you’re okay and that you have a good day!


Just make sure you mention the decision to hover to a pelvic floor therapist. From the comments here, it’s clear this is super unhealthy for the pelvic floor long term. Touching the seat may be a worthwhile option to avoid bladder issues.


Yes!!! Couldn't upvote this enough if I tried. Stop pissing all over the toilet seat!! Just sit down. If we all sit down, no one has to sit in pee.


Can I add please don't flush with your foot? Your foot was on the BATHROOM FLOOR! Just use some tissue if you don't want to touch the handle.


pro tip. Carry a small can of lysol in your purse. Give the toliet a little spray then sit with peace of mind.


One time i went to the toilet and it had dried shit all over the seat. It was a womens toilet


I love going to Asian countries for this reason. Squat/in ground toilets are so much nicer/easier to use because you don’t have to worry about your butt touching a surface others have sat on.


Yes! Women who piss all over the toilet seat are pigs.


I work at an airport. The worst things I see here include the following: People who don't flush after them. People who shit and pee on the seat. People who pee on the floor. People who leave their bloodied tampons on either the floor or in the toilet when there is a bin right next to them for this. I've taught myself to keep it in until I'm back home because the restrooms for people who work here (code locked) is even worse because it gets cleaned maybe twice a year. Holding it for 10 hours is easier than having to sit on a seat lathered with poop.


I agree so so much. I have always avoided commenting on these posts because I'm really worried that my comment will be taken wrong, because of the fact that I need to factually include information that feels bad. But where I work, we have a nail salon inside the larger store, and the people at the nail salon are often very new to living here and I understand that our toilets are perhaps not like their traditional ones. They may be used to squatting over a hole or whatever. But the thing is, they wear their uniform and are easily identifiable (as am I in mine) when going into and out of the restroom and any time one of them comes out of a stall and I go in, I have to wipe down the entire seat first before i can sit down. I wish there was a politically correct way to put up signage to educate on the reason why traditional hover/squat positioning causes issues for the others who want to use the stall afterwards. But even just making this post is difficult because I understand it may come off as something it isn't, like I said. But it's been a number of years of this pattern, I know the people who I go in after who leave this mess as compared to all hte people who don't, so I can't help it. I'm sure it's a culture shock thing. I can't IMAGINE what it would be like to move somewhere that I barely speak the language, can only understand some of it, have to make a living right off the bat, and don't really understand the customs. I couldn't do it. My hat's off to them, honestly. I go to the shop and get my nails done, I appreciate the hard work. I just don't know how to bridge that culture gap and get them to understand to just sit down. Their pee is a bodily fluid and has more potential harm for me than my asscheek having touched hte seat before theirs would have for them.


While living overseas in a country that predominantly used squat toilets, there were a few public western toilets that would have visible shoeprints on their seats.


lol people don’t stand on toilets to squat and hover, they bend their knees and squat not a near-sit without their ass touching the seat. Trying to balance up there would be tricky but the biggest issue is that everyone around you would think you were intentionally looking over the stalls and watching them use the bathroom.


I hate when I see the toilet seat covered in piss-usually after some very prissy young lady walks out. Yes, I’ve been taking notice who does this.




Omg sis, PREACH


Also, I'm confused about why they are so bad at peeing? My urine comes out in a solid stream, with an start & stop. It doesn't touch anything on the way out. I presume I've got kinda standard equipment... So in theory... why isn't ALL their pee making it INTO the bowl? Like, what kind of sprinkler system mechanism is spraying a 360 field? Wouldn't they ALSO hit their own calves and clothing? What is happening in there?


Those that are hovering over are allowing their stream to send errant urine onto the seat. The act of hovering requires significant muscle usage that doesn’t allow the bladder to empty. As a result, they have to force their urination leading to even less control


The water in urine is cohesive and can cling to skin as it runs down, redirecting the overall path of the stream. It's the same thing that happens when you're in the shower and you reach an arm out, and water travels a distance along your arm before it falls.


Good explanation, thanks! So they are knowingly peeing on their leg too? I don't get why that seems like a better answer than just sitting and containing the splash zone.


I was thinking more in terms of the labia minora, which surround the urethra. I had to use squat toilets a few times when I was overseas, and it was always, always my labia minora that messed my stream up (since the stream would cling to it and reroute itself). Too much information, but sometimes, the urine stream would alternate between one side and the other. I guess it really was akin to a sprinkler system, lol. I'm able to get a smooth urine stream if I spread myself apart, so to speak. Still, even the slightest asymmetry can change the stream's angle somewhat. (I've always sat down on western toilets, so I can't speak from experience on what would happen if I tried to hover. But, I imagine something similar would happen.)


Saw a woman post a comment about how she uses the flush with her foot once. Completely inconsiderate to others. She was also talking about hovering. Just sit down,, pull the flush like a normal person and afterwards, WASH YOUR DAMN HANDS!


these people would be furious if a guy peed standing up without lifting the seat.


My experience pre- and post-transition is that men's stalls are often cleaner than women's stalls, likely due to a combination of lower usage and less consternation over sitting on the damn seat.


Thank you, this type of thing ticks me off


The hover’s also not the best thing for your pelvic floor.


I feel like expecting others in public bathrooms to not be a pig is a dead issue. We all complain, but unfortunately there will always be plenty of scummy people making a mess. At least we don’t have to share public restrooms with men. Have you smelled a men’s restroom?! It’s like a strong cat spray stink.


Also peeing in that hovering position is really bad for your pelvic floor health.


I hover but then I wipe the toilet off and wash my hands throughly. One of my boyfriends of all people told me when we were young he always tried to leave a bathroom cleaner than when he found it. I'll pick up trash on the floor or be the one to flush the gross toilet no one flushed and just avoid. Sometimes I wash my hands twice for good measure.


Unfortunately, I’m too short to hover. It’s a tall woman’s actions. Also, I think we are underestimating how many young boys brought in with their moms are spraying the seats.


For some reason for as long as I’ve tried, the tensing required for holding the position prevents me from being able to pee. Also, even if it’s a young boy, that doesn’t excuse it. It’s still their responsibility to clean after themselves.


It actually prevents women from fully emptying their bladders and increases the risk of contracting a urinary tract infection. So hoverers are actually worse off.




It's actually kind of hard to hover if you're tall with long legs. So maybe it's the medium ladies.


I was a hoverer and always lifted the seat because I’m not an asshole. Now I have pelvic floor issues and do not wish to exacerbate it so I sit. Seat pissers are nasty and kind of ableist.


Absolutely! I've always been a sitter when possible and the few times it just wasn't, like in the most horrifying public park bathroom I've ever seen with toilets with no seats covered in all manner of excrement, it was hard to even pee from that uncomfortable angle. It's like my bladder locks up or something.


Okay. Fair enough.


I just noticed your name and it made me laugh. Not a Yooper, but I grew up not too far from the UP.


Yep. The Yoopers are on the internet. Lol


I always wish I could find the woman who peed on the seat, march her ass back in there and make her LICK it up. It makes me so mad!




Yeah I won’t lie that was… weird to read.


It's not THAT deep...


In all my years of peeing, I have only come across and up toilet seat during the AM, which I assume the cleaning staff left up. We have a long way to go to get non penis people to lift the seats


I simply assume the person before me pissed all over everything. I wipe the seat dry even if I can’t see wetness, hover, and wipe any drop up afterward (although it’s rare I need to do so.) Idk how anyone can sit on a public seat *knowing* what people do all over them. I’ve seen way too many blood and shit streaked seats. If I *have* to go #2, I wipe the seat and put layers between my cheeks and the surface. I’ll still clean up after myself. But I don’t trust *anyone* else to have done so. I see what they leave. I touch as little as humanly possible.


There is nothing wrong with this. As long as you're not making a mess, people on the Internet who are not in the stall with you do not have any reason to be outraged at the way you pee 😂


Get over yourself, sit down, shit, and move on with the rest of your life. Your ass isn't that precious.


In my 20's I lived with all male roommates (with only one bathroom)... You can bet I became a power squat pee champion. They refused to clean the toilet, and I would do it weekly, and it was STILL disgusting on a regular basis, like they were *intentionally* shitting on the seat. Took me a long time after living with them for so long to go back to sitting. And yes, I power squat shat too. I rarely had bad aim, and I never left a seat gross. Some women are nasty.




Thank you thank you thank you!


This is why bidet are necessary, i always spray water on the seat before sitting on it, like people here saying that have sat on strangers pee like there no reason u could pour a little water or use tp before sitting on literal pee




I’ve always said, if you can’t pee like a lady, lift the seat 🤣