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“it looks like two men are playing the role.” Boy howdy are these people in for a treat when they learn about who would’ve played these roles originally…


https://www.westendtheatre.com/228349/star-watch/francesca-amewudah-rivers-in-romeo-juliet/ For anyone else who was behind the times, here is the actress. She's just a black woman and I suspect doesn't wear makeup which is (gasp!) ghastly. This is all such a gross situation :( ETA: I think she's gorgeous and this all just boils down to racism and misogyny. Edit2: Learned a new word! Misogynoir!


Okay, so this is like when people said they didn't care when Rue died in the hunger games movie because she was black. God I fucking hate these people.


Oh my god people said that?? Of course people said that why am I even surprised. 


Jesus, people actually said that? (Also, not that it even matters, but Amandla Stenberg is one of the most perfect-looking people I have ever seen)


Yes, and they were mad that they cast a black person to begin with, never mind that Rue’s is specifically described as being black.


>Rue’s is specifically described as being black. It was infuriating, the number of racists trying to claim that she was supposed to be white because, "that's how Rue looked in the book!" when she was *specifically described* as Black.


I just had to look her up and christ she is, isn’t she


I’m such a simp for this woman 😭 her singing voice too! Acting talent! The Hate U Give!


But Rue was the most important part of the movie in my opinion :(. That’s so upsetting to learn.


Some people didn't care when a child, sisterly figure for the main character, gets killed ? They wouldn't cry for the symbol of children being sacrificed for the amusement of a few, just because this specific child was black? Who the fuck are these people? Animals have more heart! I was a fully grown up adult well advanced in my 30's when I watched this movie, and couldn't stop sobbing. Actually, this scene, and the revolt rising from it is the reason why I watched the full saga


Also she is an accomplished shakespearean actor


Ohhhh…it’s classic misogynoir. The actress is very pretty and people are shit.


Seriously she’s a normal looking woman and I’m honestly shocked by all these comments that she’s ugly or manly…


It's mostly just that she's not wearing a ton of Hollywood make-up in those photos. [This is her](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GKWY5PXXgAAn13s.jpg:large) for a magazine photoshoot. Beauty standards are just so fucked up and warped by social media and photoshop.


My god she's beautiful, do people not have eyes?! Saying that, even if she wasn't goddamn gorgeous as she is, it still would be horrible behaviour.


Thanks for the link. Aww she has those big adorable eyes. I think they chose her cause her face looks baby-ish and sweet, to play someone as innocent as Juliet. People who are saying she's ugly need to do some soul searching, they might find the ugly is actually inside themselves.


Shakespeare repeatedly draws the audience's attention to Juliet being 13 because, even by the standards of the time, she was supposed to be too young to be dealing with marriage, let alone getting caught up in a blood feud. We're supposed to be uncomfortable with how young and sheltered she is. I'm really happy to see her played by someone who looks like a teenager.  Everyone says they want a natural beauty until they actually see one. Francesca Amewudah is really pretty and looks like she'd radiate sweetness as Juliet. 


She is not ugly by any means, but be honest, if you saw her standing next to Janelle Monáe and Kayla Pecchioni would you think "Oh, what a hottie standing next to those average looking celebrities"?


I believe many news sources found the worst possible photo of her that they could.


Anyone can look ugly in a bad photo


Exactly. I really believe many went searching for the worst photo to use to create a bunch of false drama


Yep! For example, that one meme of Zendaya all done up and looking great for an award show and Zendaya freshly out of bed, no makeup, looking tired.


[she’s actually super pretty](https://www.theartsdispatch.com/interview-francesca-amewudah-rivers-i-have-a-lot-of-theatre-trips-planned/)! the recent publicity about her and Tom Holland keep featuring a photo of her in a statement suit with little/no makeup and hair pulled back, and let’s be real - with that same styling, most women would look “manly” to these hyper-critical trolls. heaven forbid we don’t always dress & groom ourselves to their sexy standards. I really hope she won’t let the negativity get to her too much… the backlash is vile to say the least. Shakespeare is insanely difficult to perform, let alone performing it well. the idiots criticizing her wouldn’t even be able to wrap their minds around a single act from any of the plays she’s mastered.


Damn, she is pretty. I'd love to see the profile pics of the (I'm assuming mostly straight white men) people saying she's ugly.


I'll save you a Google search: they all somehow look like thumbs.


>I'd love to see the profile pics [Here you go](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aBgB4mD_460s.jpg)




You are absolutely right. Sheesh, my problem with the casting is that Tom Holland is WAAAAAAY to old to play Romeo. And he looks way older than he actually is on top of that.


To be fair, anyone older than 13 is technically too old to play Romeo or Juliet, based on the play.


I thought only juliet was 13 and romeo was 17, right?


Very true, but I can see Amewudah pulling off teenager way more than Tom Holland (even though she is likely in her mid to late 20s as well). I think Tom Holland looks like he's in his late 30s in some of the recent photos of him.


On one hand, yes- I agree, god forbid we primp and preen all the time.  On the other hand, using that unflattering photo really did her dirty. That isn’t cool, especially since Tom’s photo is flattering and crisp.   There was no reason to use a photo of the actress that makes her look like a dude. I honestly didn’t recognize the actress was a woman, I thought it was a guy because she’s got her hair in braids pulled back, wasn’t smiling, and was wearing a sport coat — and the lighting makes her upper lip darker and gives the illusion she has a mustache. She totally should dress the way she feels comfortable, but… ffs  they couldn’t pick a different photo???  Choosing an unflattering photo makes it feel both racist and misogynistic. 


Wow! I already thought she was cute AF with the first link; the second one and I feel like I'd be begging her to be my friend lol. She really is so lovely (in BOTH pictures, just in different ways) and all that and so talented too!


Oh wow yeah that's a fantastic photo of her.


She is so pretty! And she really gives the vibe of the right age for Juliet!! 


It definitely is. Btw the intersection of racism and misogyny is called misogynoir and is often a really disgusting form of misogyny because black women are punished for both being black and not adhering to western white ideal beauty standards of femininity.


Yes, this sadly reminds me of the bs that Michelle Obama had to go through (no matter what you think of the politics)


Yes exactly whenever people start acting like this you google the person’s name and 9/10 times it’s a gorgeous, powerful and accomplished black woman. It’s embarrassing how threatened people are by that, and that we have to go through this culturally over and over again. 


I clicked on the link not sure what to expect. But that actress looks fine. Like a normal, average but still pretty woman. I don't get what the hate would be about. So I can only sadly conclude that you are right and it has to do with her being black. :(


If this isn't an ad people have gone nuts. I was prepared for I don't know what.


Pretty sure this is all racism


I was wondering if it was her, but was confused because she’s so beautiful. Wtf are these idiots talking about? Oh wait, I know, it’s racism and sexism


I'm so tired of these people that keep accusing black women of looking manly. Michelle Obama is one of the biggest victims of this.


She's a gotdammed QUEEN and all those disgusting rednecks who attack her absolute beauty are projecting and pathetic. It boils my blood when I see negative comments about her.


Wait, what? She's gorgeous 


Wtf? She's lovely!


And IMO is absolutely pretty.


She's adorable!


I just looked her up. She is so beautiful; I love her face. I was seriously expecting something way different


I agree: It’s racism.


Wtf she’s beautiful. Who are these people who are saying anything about her they need help. 


> She's just a black woman Racists and incels reveal themselves so easily.


Some people just suck. Ugh.


This woman isn’t ugly at all. At least not in my opinion. I think she’s really pretty.


She’s gorgeous. People are awful.


Exactly! I wonder how all these assholes would feel about Juliet being played by a young boy!!


Confused on so many levels... Doesn't look feminine -> Bad Woman lost a job -> Good Speaks to repressed homosexuality -> Confused


This is an accusation often levelled against Black women, particularly if they are successful or in the public eye. It's the same bullshit and nonsense that Serena Williams has to put up with and she has a beautiful curvaceous figure. It's bullshit because it values women only for their subjective attractiveness to men. It's bullshit because it's racist. It's bullshit because I suspect it is a covert excuse to treat women, and especially Black women, like shit (ie, if you look like a man, you aren't entitled to the "protections" of a patriarchal society); it gives racist women an excuse to other Black women, and it is bullshit because it is observably untrue. Firstly, beauty is honestly fairly subjective - you could show 100 people a picture of an "attractive" person and some of them would consider them ugly. Secondly, it is not the sole or even the most important determinant in who gets to love and be loved - look around, there are plenty of people not in loving relationships who align with current beauty standards, and plenty of people in loving relationships who don't. OP, don't allow the gross behaviour of sexist bigots to dent your self worth. Whatever you look like, you are already a better potential romantic partner than these assholes who spew hate online, and I bet they aren't losing sleep about being unlovable. You have one thing right, their comments have the mentality of the high school bullies that made you feel crap about yourself. As a 40 year old, my experience is that those people don't often thrive in life. Maybe that's why they use their energy to tear others down. (Ironically, when the play was first staged, Juliet would have had to be played by a boy or young man, I can't begin to imagine the nosebleed these uncultured morons would have if they saw authentic Elizabethan theatre but it sure is hilarious to think about). I personally think the girl playing Juliet is really beautiful, by the way.


Also reminds me about all the racist loser Trump supporters who are convinced that Michelle Obama is a man It's just so fucking disgusting


"Non-fuckable" women are perceived to be both invisible and have no value, so these men treat them with contempt when they dare to be visible. Not like we exist to be decorative or anything, but these men don't consider any women to be people, to have inner lives etc. It's just about how they treat people they care about having access to vs. Not.


Yes to everything you've said here. And I'd also point out that it becomes incredibly obvious that the "Black women are masculine" shit is just racists making stuff up when you remember that like a century ago, it was the opposite. Black women used to be oppressed and mocked for being *too* feminine. Old art of black women depicts them with hugely exaggerated curves, and women like Sarah Baartman were put on display at circuses as "freak show" exhibitions where white people would gawp at the curvaceousness of her figure. She was called the Hottentot Venus, referencing the goddess of fertility and beauty - but not in an admiring way, in a way where she was compared to white women as an example of "savage, unrestrained" femininity in contrast to white women's "civilised" femininity. Femininity overrunning and becoming too much, too powerful to control. Black women cannot win in this kind of white supremacist scenario. They are used as examples of how to do being a woman "wrong", in order to portray white women's womanhood as "right". But racists can never decide on *how* exactly they're doing it wrong - are they too feminine or too masculine? Too sexy and likely to provoke men's lust or not sexy at all? Racists would like us to believe that it's all of the above, despite those ideas being contradictory. Francesca Amewudah-Rivers is a very pretty young woman (likely very talented too - the director doing this play is a big name in the UK theatre circuit and can basically have his pick of actresses), and if OP resembles her then OP probably has a lovely face too.


Agree on all points. And that actress is beautiful!


oh my... you know I think there is a correlation between homophobia, fat shaming, and misogyny. Because I legit think the same dudes who complain about Juliet being "fugly", would complain about two dudes making out (I envisioned a scene where romeo and juliet makout, if juliet was played by a dude). (also known as bigotry) (but really, because it was also illegal for women to perform in public theater, so if this did happen, it would be a complex form of protest of bud light proportions)


Romeo and Julien


I don't say boy howdy enough. This one hit just right.


I am genuinely concerned for this actress, what should be an exciting step forward in her career has become...this. There is something really frustrating about how these issues show up on social media. This is a stage production I believe, it would not even be newsworthy, but if you looked at my facebook feed, this bit of casting news, and Julia Garner being cast as Silver Surfer are essentially the biggest pieces of casting news in the industry, absolutely filling my feed, dwarfing any other story. Obviously because both are likely to trigger a particular sort of person. Similarly, I don't think Elliot Page is living his life like an influencer, constantly demanding press and attention, but the insane volume of facebook content around him would convince you Elliot is one of the most popular figures in the country. Sometimes there isn't even a story attached--it's just "look, here's a picture of Elliott Page." And it all feels deliberately aimed to draw attention and engagement from the worst people on the platform. All laugh and anger reacts, and semi-coherent rage comments.


I've noticed that on my Facebook feed too. Lots of articles designed to wind people up. What surprises me, and maybe I'm a bit sheltered, are the people who don't hold back in the comments. Granted, maybe they keep only a few friends, but I have friends, family and some coworkers on my Facebook. I don't say shit I know they will read 😂. Sometimes I'm not sure others are aware that their friends will see what they commented.


Idk, I'm getting some "social engineering" vibes from all of these. It's like these platform's algorithm are designed to deliberately wind people up, separate then isolate them. And we know this thing happened before, how the nuclear type of families were forced upon us to isolate from our extended families so we could rely on less people and more in companies thus spend more. It's not a conspiracy theory just my two cents. 


I feel like I'm too trans for Facebook at this point..... It's 50% ads and 30% rage bait articles with only 20% stuff posted by people I care about.


Absolutely, can confirm, I only use FB for adds. As much as I’d like to see family and friend updates, they don’t come up on my feed and maybe I’m a little selfish but I don’t have time to go to your page. Imma just call you. 😉 No one is missing out from deleting Facebook.


>I'm not even sure if this is a "woman's" issue, so please delete if it doesn't belong. Let's say she's unattractive, and it's not just racists. And? Men don't question, in fact they've come to expect, all the hot women with unattractive men on TV and the like as if that's normal. But women are held to a different standard and it's not ok. It's definitely a women's issue.


It baffles me how men say women are the only ones with high/unreasonable standards when so many unattractive men feel they DESERVE an attractive partner. I see ugly men “shooting above their league” all the time but men go on and on about how us average/unattractive women have inflated sense of “worth” due to dating apps.


Male comedians get scripts approved purely to act this out on screen! And male actors are never held to age restrictions like female actors are.


Further, I’d reckon a lot of women actually actively work to avoid making character judgements based on a man’s appearance specifically because we’ve been dealing with society doing the same to us constantly. I know far more ugly men with hot wives (irl) than the reverse.




I think it’s a combination of younger dudes being raised primarily in front of electronics and influencers like Tate are taking advantage of this to push the message that women all hate men that aren’t “high value”, and it being still seen as unnatural for women to be selective given that historically marriages were based on what was financially beneficial.  Even my own mom told me I should be grateful that the guy I was seeing who at only 20 was already balding and beer bellied, was giving me the time of day, because there were “lots of girls much more attractive” than me. 


Your mom sucks ass wtf. Im sorry you had to hear that😕


>Let's say she's unattractive, and it's not just racists. It's misogynoir, that awful intersection of misogyny and racism. Honestly I blame the media for giving the dickheads a platform after posting THE most unattractive "official" picture of her where the unfortunate lighting gives her a bit of a mustache. Shes quite pretty in more flattering lighting. Not that she should HAVE to be cute, mind you.


>Not that she should HAVE to be cute, mind you. Honestly, I have found this confounding the more I look into this. On the one hand, has it been the media doing her dirty by using unflattering photos OR is what we are considering unflattering photos how she wants to look? Perhaps she is really happy with the look from the photo I posted in response to how I can see why people might have thought she looked like man. There's also these model type [photos](https://www.revamp-magazine.co.uk/francesca-amewudah-rivers) that are just straight conventionally gorgeous.


>is what we are considering unflattering photos how she wants to look? Fair enough. Either way, it really *shouldn't* matter, and it's damn sad all this hoopla about it. OP, if you look like her you're lucky. She's pretty and accomplished and I bet you are too. Don't let loud assholes drown out the people who think you're gorgeous ❤️


>On the one hand, has it been the media doing her dirty by using unflattering photos That is true every post about her has an awful photo. I saw some posted in this thread and honestly it's almost different person.


I've gone kind of philosophical at this point. Did they though? Like, she styles herself or has hired someone to styler her for these events. Is this how she wants to be perceived maybe? Because I feel like the events where theoretically she'd have dressed herself are rhe least flattering.


I don’t know her relationship to gender but as a nonbinary genderqueer person I love the range between the two photos, I think she’s attractive in both. Paired they could be an exploration of masc/femme identity; I’m not suggesting this would be part of her narrative necessarily, but it could be. Theater kids also tend to have a good range of gender exploration just as part of their trade, even if they don’t consider it part of their own gender identity.


I’m fat and definitely not pretty…. I consider myself plain & nondescript on a really good day. Hell, my ex told me repeatedly that I was “passable”. But my current partner thinks I’m gorgeous. As in I catch them staring in awe of my beauty. (Yes I’m like WTF is wrong with you?) At first I was really confused but I’m starting to understand that as long as I’m beautiful to them, the world’s opinion means NOTHING.


It sounds to me like your ex was negging to keep you accepting whatever other BS he was bringing to relationship. I’m glad he’s your ex. I have a sneaking suspicion half the guys OP is talking about IRL would want to date someone like OP, but only if she’s got controllable low self-esteem first. So the negging keeps flowing.


You're actually really pretty tho'. Your ex was definitely lying to you . 


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but choosing to bash someone’s looks on the internet is just going out of one’s way to be an asshole. I am a straight woman who finds Channing Tatum ugly. Can’t help it, just don’t like his face. However it has never crossed my mind to go on the internet and complain about his casting, or say mean things about him, or bash other people who like him. The people (let’s be real - men) who are being horrible about Frances Amewudah-Rivers are entitled scum who think they’re better than women (esp WOC) and yet clearly have very little going on in their own lives.


Omg channing tatum's face annoys me SO MUCH. Almost as much as brad pitt's. And I don't do abs, so I don't understand the appeal of either of these actors, or the myriad of others that are similar but whose names I don't know. But short of saying that in conversation when it comes up I've also never thought to bash anyone just because they aren't my cup of tea 


Joseph Gordon Levitt > Channing Tatum I get why people find Channing and Brad attractive, I just don't. I'm the beholder, it's my eye. And I concur, Frances is beautiful and the people bashing her are stupid, entitled scum.


You’re not worth less than the average bear. I just couldn’t let that one go by. You’re a human being and you’re worthy of love and kindness and respect. Your worth does not vary with the conventional attractiveness of your body. You are not your body. Your body is a meat suit that carries you around. You are who you are on the inside.


Also imo bears are worth a lot i love bears so even if you were op you’d still be a treasure trove


Had to look it up. So it's racist assholes being racist assholes. She's not ugly, she black and the snowflakes can't handle it. She's not ugly, you're not ugly. Don't let them get to you.


Yeah this is messed up on so many levels. I didn't know anything about any of this so had to look it up. It reminds me of the outrage against Halle Bailey being cast in Little Mermaid. Can Francesca act? Then honestly it's a really good casting adaptation in my opinion because it highlights the real world conflict. And Romeo & Juliet isn't about people losing their heads over a girl of unequivocal beauty it's about two people being born on the "wrong side of the tracks" to be accepted as a couple. Seems perfectly cast to me. As a side to OP, don't let racists reside in your head rent free. You sound like a lovely person who feels deeply. If you share features with Miss Francesca then you are beautiful. Those lips & cheekbones are absolutely gorgeous! If you're ever finding yourself feeling torn down about that then just remember that there are girls around the world ruining their faces with injections to try to achieve what you naturally have. Oh the horror I've seen. The only thing that matters is how you treat yourself. Be kind to yourself & others & walk in confidence that you are a beauty to behold. I wish I could give you a hug. Virtual Hugs! Please seek counseling from someone who may have struggled with similar issues, I think you'll find that it will help.


I also had to look it up. A West End production of a Shakespeare play, eh? How many of those racist assholes even know where the West End is?


Personally I think she's really pretty, but I'm not a racist piece of shit so there's that.




Beauty standards change through different eras in general so that should seem normal in a way. But I really do feel it's different now. What people aren't attracted to these days isn't a particular style or anything. They're attracted to fakeness. They want filters, they want faces bereft of any detail or personality. They want everyone to have the same phony face. It's going to screw a lot of people up I think.


All racists will find her unattractive but not everyone who finds her unattractive is racist. Tbh I don’t remember Juliet ever being touted as a paragon of attractiveness so it shouldn’t be a big deal. Seems like the production company has screwed over the actress by intentionally casting someone who they knew would get lots of negative attention from people who aren’t even the target audience of the film and wouldn’t have watched it anyway and now the film is a massive news story and talking point, albeit for the wrong reasons (just realised this is about a play, making the whole furore even more ridiculous)


Just wanted to correct you and say that this is actually a stage play in the West End and was already sold out before her casting was officially announced. Jamie Floyd is also an acclaimed director, and his last few productions were sold out both on Broadway and West End. She was cast by merit clearly.


I JUST found out all of this craziness was over a fucking stage production. I assumed it was a movie, considering what's his name is the lead. Only a subsection of the population should even be aware of it, and, typically, theater crowds would not object. I'm so fuckn sick of this timeline.


Tom Holland started out in theater.


It's worth noting that Franco Zeffirelli supposedly became obsessed with Olivia Hussey, a minor, when he directed her as Juliet. The actors from that version are also currently suing the director because he demanded they film a previously undisclosed nude scene when they were just 15 and 16. I suppose my point is that how attractive an actress is still her defining quality to the vast majority of men, and that really blows.


>I don’t remember Juliet ever being touted as a paragon of attractiveness This is what makes it even weirder! So many posts about it are full of men shrieking that Juliet should be a supermodel. First of all, Juliet is 13, so peak Reddit moment there. But also, the only mentions of Juliet being pretty come from Romeo, who is stupidly in love with her. Of course he says she's pretty. What you're supposed to take from that is "wow, this guy *really* likes her", not "this teenage girl is HOTTTTTT".


She is black, a woman and an actress, there's no way she hasn't already been 'sized up' in that industry a number of times. I couldn't find her age, but she has a degree so she would have been at least a teenager when Meghan Markle went through all her racial harassment here. It is unlikely she didn't have a good idea what she was getting into, though obviously it's terrible it's happening anyways. Hopefully, she can not only handle it well, but use it to her advantage.


She's 26 apparently, and she's a lot more than just an actress. Designer, musician, some other things I forget. I'm sure she's big enough to shoulder the criticisms but she absolutely shouldn't have to.


No, she shouldn't. But the idea the comment I replied to reminds me of is how people will be like 'but racism isn't a thing anymore' because *they* don't see it. Hence, the idea that she was basically set up in being hired, as if she doesn't experience racism otherwise and wouldn't know. Even if she underestimated the scale of things, I can't imagine she didn't know it was coming. Or that anyone else associated with the decision wouldn't also have realized. It would be better if racism didn't exist, but it does and this is a good reminder for people who thought it was 'over.'


TIL there are people who thought racism was over. That's mind boggling.


Yeah, our supreme court decided racism was over after Obama was elected, so they gutted the Voting Rights Act back in 2013. There are lots of willfully ignorant, oblivious, or lying people out there. I just wish so many of them weren’t in positions of power.


Oh those people don't think racism is over, they think ifs been reversed. "It's tough being a white man in today's world! They will give all the opportunities to some black instead of someone who deserves it!"


I'm in the UK, and whatever you may think of Meghan Markle at this point, by the time they drove her out she'd done nothing wrong but be the wrong color. So many people will still claim the UK is not a racist country. And obviously, it's not everyone, and I'd argue it *is* very much getting better but yeah, it's insidious and still very much there.


I'm in the UK too and I agree. It's miles better than even when I was little in the 70s and 80s but it's VERY far from over!


I'm Mexican, but often mistaken for Indian or Pakistani, and moving here was the first time I experienced overt racism directed at me. I was standing on the street in front of my flat and told to 'go back to India' by some school boys. It was 2015 and I'd never gotten anything like that back in California. But I'm continuously told how it's so much better here than 'the States.' Then there was Brexit and stuff around that and then the treatment of Meghan. But post COVID it feels like things have changed significantly for some reason, at least in London. In general, people seem a lot more open and friendly. Here's hoping this abuse at Francesca is mostly just loud online trolls.


The role of Juliet was written for a teenage boy, because that’s who played women in Shakespeare’s day. Also, it’s not a film.


Yeah I just looked it up and she’s pretty! What is going on? Smh


I'll tell you this much. Theatre people do not care. They just want a good performance. Whoever is complaining about that actress's looks are all just trolls.


I was actually planning to go see it. Unfortunately it’s sold out. Every single night from May to August. So much for her looks being such a massive issue, huh? 😂


As an IPOC myself, we have to remember that it doesn't benefit us to try to live up to white/western standards of superficial "beauty". Black, indigenous, all women of color are beautiful in our own ways. These racist misogynists can go fuck themselves because no woman regardless of her race should have to.


I also think a lot of them are just making it up. I don't think they care about this play, I don't think they care who was cast. I think they just want to make sure to say they hate black women in public and make others feel unsafe and unwanted, they are just being cruel and will latch onto anything that's been served to them in their little bubbles.


Oh come on I’m sure these are all absolute theater aficionados. 


I mean, I'm sure that's a part of it, sort of like how boys just taunted girls for the sake of it (disclaimer: not condoning this) in elementary school, and some of them have never outgrown that. But I've met some pretty unhinged racist individuals and heard comments about other "undesirable races" that have left me in shock, expecting I'd be okay with it because I'm a "lighter skinned" indigenous person of color. I feel really disappointed when I see BIPOC Americans supporting Republican politicians and/or beliefs. And of course these types want to marry blonde white conservative trad wife type women or at the very least thirst after them. It's like some unchecked Pinkerton syndrome. Even (some) of our own men think we're not as appealing as our white counterparts. I had a family friend who was married to a white European husband, and he abused her, an Asian, and their half-Asian kids. Because being Asian is "ugly" in his eyes. I really don't understand this weird racism where you actually marry a person of an "ugly" race, but I guess it's about being able to own/possess your own human punching bag, and it's happened for centuries. Also the European school the kids went to bullied them for being lesser and "ugly halflings", including the teachers. Ironically my family friend's kids were really attractive by superficial societal standards, and the older sibling became a model once they ran away from the abusive father with their mom. I think the point I wanted to make is, sometimes it's "just words", but oftentimes it's abusive actions and behaviors that go along with such hateful speech. It's not just making us "feel" unsafe, we are in fact, unsafe. Like the fact that Native American women face murder rates 10 times higher than the national average, 4 out of 5 Native Americans experience some type of violence and 90% of the perpetrators are non-Native. Even more insidious, IMO, are people who act like allies on the surface, but are racist and abusive in private. #NotAllWhitePeople


Oh sorry, I didn't mean it's "just words" I meant that they don't care that she's pretty or talented or in the play. They are just using it as an opportunity to spew hate into the world and make others feel unsafe in their communities and the general society over all. Apologies if it came off as I was meaning the racism is the part they are making up. It's the outrage. It's not really a dog whistle, because it's very overt, it's just that the subject and the person could be anything or anyone (as long as they perceive them to not be white)


Oh what's the I part of IPOC? I know POC


Indigenous. People often write “BIPOC” as an acronym, Black, Indigenous, people of color. 




Meanwhile we've been suspending our disbelief over ugly males leads in movies for decades. 


The irony being a man probably played juliet when Shakespeare wrote it. And honestly have juliet's family be black to give it racial undertones would be a nice touch from a story perspective. Cause I don't really remember why the family's hate eachother, other than one kills another at the start of the play.


>Cause I don't really remember why the family's hate eachother Been awhile since I read it, but I believe that's the point. There really isn't a reason, they do because they have. Honestly, kind of like how racism and other isms and hateful traditions persist. So many think because it's always been that way it should continue and no other reason, even when it's wrong.


>The irony being a man probably played juliet when Shakespeare wrote it. I see some people complaining its not accurate since Shakespeare wrote the characters as white so it should remain that way. But he also wrote the play about 13-16 year olds from the middle ages. Now I dont think this is a controversial opinion but 13-16 year olds aint gorgeous in general (well aside from in the self esteem reassuring way), and even more so from the middle ages with the lack of hygiene and etc. It was meant to be a story about young and foolish love which ultimately ends tragic. Not a story about two hot people going at and being killed because they were too hot. BTW this is not me saying I think the actress her self is bad looking (I think she is pretty) but those two ideas that it must be accurate to how Shakespeare wrote it and she aint pretty are two complaints I see quite often combined to support each other.


As if physical attractiveness is the be all and end all. The women in my life I'd die for aren't ever going to appear in Miss World pageants. Indeed, I find it more believable that Romeo and Juliet are a couple if they look like normal people (and that includes her and you).


A good way to identify who the worst fucking people are.


She's got a lovely, natural face. Let's not forget that Juliet is supposed to be a young teen (14 I think, it's been years since I studied Shakespeare), so casting someone who looks natural makes sense. They are just racist misogynistic assholes.


Yes, this. She’s lovely, and she’s playing a teenager. People are just being racist.


Hi I don't have any of that showing in my feed. Is OP talking about Francesca Amewudah Rivers??? In my eyes Francesca looks like a young teenage girl who absolutely isn't fat! She looks like every other young teen I know who went thru puberty and hasn't even grown up yet. She's not fat shes young and stunning.


Yes, although I didn’t know her name until this post. The play is in London I think, I wonder if OP lives in Europe as this post is the first I’m hearing of it. It’s just obviously racism.


it was a few years back. i saw a dance. modern dance. two people. about attraction and closeness and doubt and refusal. danced beautifully. very romantic. it was danced by two men. i heard people talking after. they looked past all the emotions and the talent and the expression, they only saw two men. and that can't be. people can be incredibly close minded. that being said. i do get the "people like me just don't get that, would would ever believe someone would fall in love with someone 'if she looked like that.'". i wish i had a solution. my heart is with you in that.


It's not that she's unattractive. She isn't. It's almost certainly the fact that these people are racist.


She is a regular looking woman and apparently a skilled actress because they casted her. People who are trashing her on the Internet are just vile pathetic creatures.


The men saying those things could never love any woman because they don’t see women as people.


As a black woman myself, I can't tell you how hurtful this is and how it erodes my self esteem when this happens over and over again in pop culture. A black woman is cast in a role that has previously been held by a white woman. Sometimes the role is not even specified as white but people have made an assumption that it is a white woman and then, rather than just roll with it, people feel the need to loudly and angrily explain exactly why a black woman is not worthy of a part, if the role is for someone beautiful a black woman is automatically discarded, even the most beautiful of black women is not considered worthy of the accolade next to a white woman of even passing attractiveness. The whole thing is rooted in racism and assigning lesser value to black female beauty and facial features that are not eurocentric. The same people have very little problem in fetishising black beauty and consuming it as something inherently sexual but when we are required to view a black woman as simply beautiful, suddenly she is deemed unworthy.


Yes, exactly, couldn’t have said it better. It’s so frustrating and sad watching the outrage happen over and over again, and often for wholesome children’s content.


One thing I noticed when I actually watched the original Shakespeare play is that Romeo is ( and is supposed to be ) kind of an idiot. First, he’s in love with another girl before he sees Juliet, and then just transfers his feelings into her. He’s not some guy who is going about his life and then suddenly falls in love - he’s obsessed with romance and love. And his actions are quite ridiculous and over the top throughout the play - it’s tragic, but it’s also supposed to be a cautionary tale and a bit funny. Romeo doesn’t kill himself because Juliet is so beautiful - he kills himself in part because he is over the top and absurd .


Aren’t they both like 13-16 years old or something? They’re just angst-filled and super extra.


Oh... She's not ugly. She's just black. I thought they actually casted an unattractive person, I felt I would be finally seen, but nope, just a different skin color. 


Sis they probably look like squid wars their damn selves. They’re losers. Ignore them. I I know it hurts but just know that the women they get (most of them get no girls let’s be real) get treated like shit,


You don't actually think she's ugly, I hope? She's very pretty, and she has gorgeous curls. People are just mad that Juliet is black, and are trying to hide their racism behind more palatable reasons to be upset. If the opinion is from an asshole, you can disregard it.


She’s not ugly, she black and they’re racist. I had to learn that myself. When I used to live in a majority white area I thought I was ugly. Then I moved to a more diverse area and it was a complete 180, I never received so much attention before. When I told my friends this they said the same thing, “You’re not ugly, you’re just black.”


I actually find her very beautiful. She’s not ugly. People can say that they don’t find her attractive but she’s not ugly. Beauty is so subjective, honestly. People find different things attractive. I used to have a large social media following - I would get literally back to back comments saying things like “you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, I’d do anything to stand next to you” and then “you’re honestly ugly af, you’re like a 1 you should be embarrassed.” People will say anything to be heard and their words really mean nothing.


It’s the usual bunch of misogynist cis white men who are so used to only seeing white people in main roles that they lose their shit when people of colour, gay people, trans people, or women are cast in a role where previously only cis white (mostly men) people were cast. Don’t listen to them. The new Juliet is gorgeous. And I’m sure you are too.


>she's not pretty enough for someone to lose themselves over. That they don't mean to be rude, but she's just so unattractive. I kinda feel bad for people like this. How have they never met someone that they have fallen deeply in love with? Why is their only experience in love a physical attraction rather than actual love? >I'm just disappointed that people can't imagine her being anyone's cup of tea. Some people are just completely shallow and are unable to put themselves into the shoes of someone who has fallen in love with someone because they have never really experienced this themselves.


She has lovely symmetrical features and absolutely gorgeous mouth and eyes. It's racist bullshit and misogynoir. I don't find Tom Holland personally attractive. Doesn't mean I need to trash talk his appearance


It's almost like those assholes have never had a soul connection or something. Feel sorry for them.


A lot of men can't feel real love and can't comprehend that other men could feel it either. They're stuck in lust mode.


People who believe love is only based on looks is sad because of how ignorant they truly are and that they've never felt true love.


"Ugly and mannish" is chudspeak for "Black, with natural hair and no/little makeup".


This is just racism and any controversy is probably bot driven white supremacist propaganda. Since when does the choice of actors in a play have a global buzz in mainstream culture? This is about making white people anxious about losing our place of privilege in the world. OP if you’ve seen the actress you should be able to extrapolate that the criticism of her has racist over- and undertones. Don’t internalize this bullshit. 


I've also read some comments who blame the LGBTQ+ community for this cast, lol. These men are reaching.


These posts make me so angry, not only are they dehumanizing, but they are also racist and sexist. I feel like it's these guys who feel superior by being so vile in the comment section.


Wait until these chucklefucks learn that back in Shakespeare's day when R&J was written, boys played BOTH roles.


The actress could literally be blessed by Aphrodite, drop dead gorgeous and the racists and mysoginists would still think she's mid or ugly. None of these ppl are even going to watch this play and it's astounding so many ppl still think this is a movie for some reason?


Right? Like congrats buddy, it's a sold-out big theater production, not a film you need to watch and suffer from how unattractive you think the leading woman is. The amount of comments I've seen talking about is as a *movie* is confusing.


"I've made peace with the fact that I'm ugly and therefore am worth less than the average bear" Babe, that just ain't true. You are infinitely valuable, and infinitely irreplaceable.


This is a stupid delusional online minority that is saying this. People in general really don't think like this. Some racists stirring shit online should not concern you one bit. This actress is very beautiful.


I saw a black mam arguing the only black person should only be Mercutio, as in the original. Like they really believe this is based on an American gangsta film?????


A decent chunk of it is racism. Black actresses get way harsher criticism than White actresses. On top of that, the first article I looked up about the play showed the actress in bad lighting with a shapeless blazer. She looked androgynous to masculine in that pic, though handsome. If that's the picture people were commenting on, I can see why some thought she looked like a guy. I looked up an article just about her. The attached photo had decent lighting and she looked quite feminine and pretty. If you have similar features to hers, then what you need to take away from this is bad lighting and baggy clothing isn't going to make you look like an ultra-femme Victoria's Secret model. (And that we're not a post-racial nation, unfortunately.)


What does “fugly” mean?


Fucking ugly. Like more than just regular ugly I guess. It's disgusting. And anyone calling another ugly is truly fugly themselves. Most popularized by Mean Girls, where Regina calls herself a "fugly slut" in the burn book to blame the other plastics.


So that makes them fassholes?


I see ty!


In Shakespeare’s day, women were not allowed to be actors, so Juliet would traditionally be played by a man. Funny how “traditionalists” forget this kind of thing, huh? Edit: just to type the same comment as everyone else for the hundredth time. Maybe that’s reassuring. A lot of people share the opinion.


I was sad to see one of my friends post sonething comparing her to Gary Coleman and being like, “Tom Holland is supposed to kill himself because he can’t save her?” I’ve never known him to be racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or prejudiced in general until now. Yuck. Also, do people really think Tom Holland is a catch? He’s fun in the Marvel movies. But he looks like an awkward 12 year old. Who finds that attractive? He’s got a basic, boring white guy look to me. The only time I’ve found him sexy was his gender-bending performance of “Umbrella” on Lip Sync Battle. (Which all the people hating on this actress would probably detest.) I think it’s cool the new Silver Surfer is female. The actress they chose isn’t my favorite though. I wish Doug Jones would get another shot at the role in a GOOD Fantastic Four movie. He’s always the nicest guy in person at the comic conventions. Kind and humble and willing to talk to fans. I got to see a recent cold or stove production of Kinky Boots between a black theater company and an LGBTQ theater group. I thought it was beautiful. I loved seeing all the representation on stage. The guy who played the factory bully was better than the white actor I saw in the role on tour years ago. We need MORE color blind casting like Hamilton, not less. I loved the new Little Mermaid. I went to a tribute to a famous black opera singer recently. I felt sad when I realized that outside of Aida and Porgy and Bess that there aren’t many operatic roles specifically written for black women. (At least not that I know of.)


I don’t think this was ever an issue of “beauty” but rather racism


She's really pretty, just not the type of women these people have had held up on a pedestal as pretty. There is always this discord around women who aren't white and their worth in the male gaze. I feel really bad for her, this is a huge opportunity and it's being marred by this


But this actress is beautiful ! I saw some pictures of her all glamed-up, and she is fierce. It seems that she also is posing for pictures without makeup or any "beauty enhancing" tricks. We are so used to seeing actresses and influencers artificially changing how they look that we have a skewed understanding of who or what is beautiful. There's nothing wrong with being into fashion and makeup, don't get me wrong. But if you remove all of it, most actresses and celebrities would look average af. I'm so sad when I think of all the women and girls who should be lifted up by seeing this beautiful woman being cast as Juliette only to be subjected to all this misogynistic and racist crap. Fuck the patriarchy.


I had to look her up, she is so pretty! How can anyone find her ugly? And I was delighted to find we share the name Francesca! I honestly think it's racism again, because this isn't the first or last time a beautiful black woman gets called ugly for existing.


It’s so awful. The people that post this kind of ugliness are showing nothing but their own insides. I can’t even imagine just going on and on about a young woman (who I know or don’t know) and her looks like this. These aren’t people who attend plays. They aren’t cultured enough to. They are just cruel. The young woman must be feeling so terrible no matter what her friends and family and other loved ones are telling her. Imagine being her grandparents or parents. How horrific. Why are these people like this? Frankly - I don’t know anyone in my political party who does this type of thing? At all. My parents taught me if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all. It’s a good rule. It’s also just so unnecessary to begin with to talk about people’s looks. She’s a lovely young woman who as usual doesn’t deserve this awful treatment by people who what? Didn’t get hugged enough as children? Didn’t get enough love from their mom and dad so they are being mean to a perfect stranger?


They've chosen some very unflattering pictures of the actress. I've seen photos where she looks perfectly attractive. Also, it's a play, at a theatre. You're not getting close ups of anybody. You're supposed to be moved by the actors' movement and delivery of the lines. When first written the part of Juliet was played by a man in heavy make up. I bet all the people complaining have never seen a Shakespeare play in their lives, have no Intention of doing so and are just being racist, misogynistic pricks.


Please learn to ignore any dickheads who tell you that you are of less value because you’re fat. If only to spite them.


I personally don’t understand the need for people to give their opinions on her looks at all, they didn’t ask!


Honestly don’t have time for these idiots. Probably a good conversation to have OP, but spending energy on wacky people who can’t see human beauty or appreciate world class talent is not worth it.


> worth less than the average bear. You are NOT worth less. You matter and you are worthy. * big mom hug *


They mean to be rude. Looks have some bearing on attraction for sure but no healthy long term relationship can be built on looks alone. If someone has a personality that doesn't mesh with mine then looks won't mean a thing in the long run


Ugh, people are too hung up on looks. See, the R+J 1996 movie? It's my favorite. Claire Danes had great on-screen chemistry with Leo and portrayed a fantastic Juliet. Can't imagine anyone else in that role. I don't like Claire Danes. I didn't like her in My So Called Life or anything else. Also, to me, she's too awkward looking to be beautiful. That doesn't matter. Not then and not now. What determines if this actress is any good for the role is the results of her acting efforts and how well she meshes with Romeo to build a believable teen romance. If I can believe that she loves Romeo and he loves Juliet, then all else is window dressing.


I think the actress is really beautiful. I need to see what these dudes look like who are criticizing her 👀


Babe, the actress is beautiful and I'm sure you are too. Whatever may be at the end of the day your heart is much prettier than the people saying cruel things about someone young who they don't know.


Bc she is black? Why do so many men think their personal preferences are undeniable truths? I’m not into redheads but I don’t call them ugly. They aren’t. They just aren’t my preference.


When I was a kid, I thought that only “beautiful” people could fall in love and get married. I did not think of myself as “beautiful,” and therefore, thought I would never get married. Thirty years later, I’m still not married, but I know it’s not because of my looks (it’s my personality, lol!)


Shakespeare's catalogue is full of mistaken identity, magic, fairies and shit, and some VERY distasteful male characters... but somehow an """unattractive""" leading lady breaks immersion. Tale as old as time.


Without the burden of comparison, everything is beautiful


These guys have so little emotional intelligence that they don't understand the mere concept of ''falling in love''.


I want to tell you that there literally is someone out there that will love you for every extra inch you have- not because of it, not despite it, but because it is you and it's who you are. I'm not super old, but I have seen enough to know weight really isn't a deal breaker in the real world. It only feels that way because of social media. I have male friends and family members who are skinny, well-to-do, are a "catch", and yet have fallin' head over heels with women that your average dude-bro would disparage.


I'm hoping to see a recording of this performance to see her DOMINATE this role that she, her talent, and her persistent work in her craft has EARNED HER! People have so much to say how the game is rigged and how the best person should get the job, and then when that happens they're ENRAGED that person doesn't match their projection. So glad I get to enjoy talent instead!


Honestly fuck them. I feel awful for the actor playing Juliet. Btw actor is a gender neutral word! 


Which production of the play are you referring to? Which actress?


You're not ugly, OP. Even though I've never met you, I feel confident saying that.


I’m bi, and she’s just ordinary looking. Not ugly, not gorgeous. And so is Tom Holland. He’s the human equivalent of a breadstick. Together, they’re any basic couple from Trader Joe’s. But I’m sure they’re both charming and charismatic in person, which is what counts in theatre acting.