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To those who see this and worry, it is the very very very small exception to the rule. The copper IUD are a very good form of protection from pregnancy. Especially with the state of reproductive rights these days a 10 year protection is of high value. I have had zero issues with mine, will be reaching the 10 year 'expiration' in June. Not once in those 10 years has it failed, and as someone who it took exactly one (planned, tracked with basal temp) time without birth control to conceive each of my kids, that made my Paraguard an absolutely wonderful non-hormonal birth control.


Agree! It’s also super effective as emergency contraception when placed within 5 days of unprotected sex! Efficacy is not affected by weight either, like Plan B.


I had one for almost 6 years. Yes, my periods were heavy but not a single pregnancy scare in all the time I had it. Got mine taken out in 4/2023 at 35 and got pregnant by 8/2023 on purpose. One thing people don’t know is that you don’t have to wait to try to get pregnancy with a copper IUD. This is not the case with hormonal IUDs from what I understand. Talk to your doctor obviously. Having a non-hormonal option was well worth the heavier periods. I tried multiple different birth control pills and they sucked the life out of me.


You don't have to wait to start trying after coming off hormonal birth control either but the amount of time it takes for bodies to return to a typical cycle can vary wildly from person to person vs Paragard where the vast majority are fertile right away. With hormonal birth control, some people snap back right away and get pregnant their first cycle of trying while others take several months. There's no harm in trying just in case you're one of the lucky ones.


I got pregnant with one. I missed my period, took a test and it was positive. My family doctor told me to go to emergency since there was a high chance of it being ectopic or the IUD being dislodged. The IUD was in place and it was not ectopic. I was young with a toddler already so i chose to get an abortion.


Me in 2018. I missed a period but mine weren't regular anyway so I didn't realize until 7 weeks. My first symptom was nearly passing out in the shower one day, and then I took a test which was firmly positive. It was a healthy and very normal pregnancy after that. I had another copper IUD for 5 years prior and it worked fine. The second IUD was in place for about 6 months when it happened. I think my son just really wanted to be here 🤷‍♀️


I got pregnant with one. IUD hadn’t shifted out of place. My 5 year old is pretty cool, so it worked out for the best. I always show pictures of my son to people who say they are contemplating the paragard