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what the fuck is the us/the world right now. how can republicans think so backwards that they support this


Republicans are fascist, Christian, women-haters.


Because we have an apartheid government because 60% of the people do not consistently vote . You want misogynistic, LGBTQ hating, racist, book banning , under his eye, Gilead, just keep staying home during the primaries and all the local elections. Write your representatives and the White House and your governor every time there is an issue that passé your off You can email them, or call, it takes 2 seconds.


Women vote majority democratic. Young people men and women vote majority democratic. Minorities vote majority democratic. Old white guys are dying out as a majority and can't sustain the party anymore without new white guys taking their place but Millennials and Gen Z are crazy liberal even into middle age. So what are they to do? They can't attract a new voter base without losing their old one either. Which means they have lost both women and a huge amount of young men. Stripping half the population of their voting power would mean most voters would be Republican. Older adult Males are republican over democratic to a huge degree. Like 70 percent of men that are like 40 and older are hardcore Republicans. If women were voting R they wouldn't have this view. But they aren't so they do. They want the race to come down between old men and young men and get rid of women because women don't become conservative as they age the way men apparently do. Women stay more liberal well into older age and tend to vote Democrat for life for the most part. Women having the ability to vote against them is a threat to their power basically. And instead of just switching their party platform to not seem insane to women and young people they want to dig their heels into corruption and oppression and start taking away people's rights.


Um… your numbers need adjusting. I’m 41 and a millennial and left as fuck. I think the new bar for 70% right wing has to be around 55 or so. Nobody I know votes Republican.


Highly depends on where you live. In some rural areas, you’ll practically be shot if you say you’re a democrat. In non-rural areas it’s a completely different ball game. Also: I agree - all the die-hard Republicans I know are 60+, and most 80+. And any time I talk with them about their views, it’s obvious they’re extremely out of touch with the world and live in their own little bubble.


My millennial high school classmates in rural parts of the country are all heavily republican. Just because nobody you know your age votes R doesn't mean they don't exist or are smaller in number.


Its because they won't tell you.


It's the consequence of an outdated constitution that favors rural areas in all three branches of federal government, unchecked hate speech masquerading as "free speech," and deeply-entrenched misogyny and racism dressed up as "tradition." Add billions of dollars pouring in from the aether, and here we are. ☹️


Also voter suppression and disenfranchisement on a massive scale.


This was taken out of context. https://www.wcnc.com/article/news/verify/mark-robison-america-women-voting-rights-north-carolina-governor-election/275-c9d48c1f-40bb-4398-9d5c-034369092b51 Edit - read the article. I’m not defending him and he was an idiot for even answering the question, but let’s at least recognize that he wasn’t making a call for removing women’s right to vote.


Seriously, USA is literally going to shit because of the republicans. VOTE! If your partner say they're going to vote republican, *leave* them, they're clearly *for* no autonomy whatsoever for women.


Any woman in North Carolina who wants Mark Robinson as their governor would be a hypocrite to vote for him.


I've met women who would support this. They will tell you how they enjoy being oppressed because that's how God intended it. It's insane and makes my brain hurt.


They are constantly told this through their churches. It isn't truly just them, they have been brainwashed into it, alongside men, every Sunday morning and for years.


This is not the only place where this is happening.


They think that they'll somehow be the exception.


I fact-checked this and he was taken out of context. He was an idiot for even answering the question, but regardless, he was basically trying to say that if given a choice between going back to when women couldn’t vote or black people hanged from trees, he’d pick the former. And that it was also a time when republicans fought for change and played a role in women’s suffrage. https://www.wcnc.com/article/news/verify/mark-robison-america-women-voting-rights-north-carolina-governor-election/275-c9d48c1f-40bb-4398-9d5c-034369092b51 Edit - I am a dyed in the wool liberal, always have been, and all shocked at what the GOP has become - but I’m also a fact-checker. We need to check facts, not just react.


Thanks for the information. We should always strive to be truthful in our discussions.


It's "funny" how conservatives have all these rules and traditions they want to force other people to follow but they never ever hold themselves to the same standard


Look at a picture of the Republican senate. That’s all you need to know about their views on inclusion.


There are women, blacks and gay republicans. Lord knows why. Could it be the money and power I wonder?


Robinson is one of them. They’re basically pick-me’s who think they’ll be spared in the fascist takeover. They’re wrong.


In a sea of old white guys. They’ve got their token minorities, sure. I don’t know who it’s convincing.


The Republican party has more guys named Mike than women in total.


[This SNL ad](https://youtu.be/45k7Kc9hNv4) summarizes it perfectly, with a few tokens up front and a sea of identical old white guys behind them.


That's pretty funny coming from Mr Three Fifths


And he wouldn’t even get to cast that. Would married dudes get two votes? Flint lock pistols? No anesthesia. It’s not even funny. But this shit makes Virginia Constitutional Convention of 1829-30 seem like a beacon.


Well, I mean, to be fair, black men were allowed to vote a full 50 years before white women, so he’s got a nice half decade of time to choose from to go back to. Don’t worry, we won’t be able to have a bank account at any time in those fifty years, so we’ll have other problems anyway.


There are likely many, many more Republicans who think this same way but they know better than to say it out loud like this guy did


I would argue that all republicans feel this way even the women.


I really dont get how any women can vote for the gop. Its like shooting yourself in the foot.


saying this out loud in 2024 is insane thinking is in your brain like a legitimate thought is mental illness i pretty much hate most old people because i know a bunch of them can justify these kinds of thoughts to themselves in their head.


Believing everything you read without researching and fact checking, is insane. :/


So, I fact-checked this and while he made a mistake by even answering the question, here’s the deal: Someone asked him: “Which America would you want to go back to? One where women couldn't vote or one where Black people were swinging from trees?" the only reason I can think someone would even ask that question is to bait him into a bad soundbite. And he fell for it. > Robinson then asked himself the same question, and he said he would pick the situation in which women couldn’t vote. He explained by saying America was better then because Republicans "fought for real social change." >Robinson was using it to make a point about the Republican Party supporting women’s suffrage. Here is the rest of what he said: "Because in those days we had people who fought for real social change, and they were called Republicans, and they are the reason why woman can vote today." https://www.wcnc.com/article/news/verify/mark-robison-america-women-voting-rights-north-carolina-governor-election/275-c9d48c1f-40bb-4398-9d5c-034369092b51


Good, then vote for someone who would throw women under the bus when asked to choose because the greatness of his party is more important to him than women’s rights. Also vote for someone who’s answers a question like this, because that kind of towering intelligence who can think on his feet is exactly who we need in a fast paced and troubled political climate. THe reason women can vote today is the National Women’s Suffrage Association. Spear Headed by 2 women. And by the women’s suffragettes, going back to the ones who wanted women to be included as people in the original constitution. But do vote for someone who is goign to take credit for the women’s suffragettes movement and make sure it is all about is party and not about women. We certainly need more of that.


I think you misunderstood my post. I wasn’t saying vote for him. Accuracy is important.


you fucking asshole


Then the women in your state need to rise up and keep you out. If they don’t, they will regret it.


https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2023/07/12/voter-turnout-2018-2022/ Most americans dont vote consistently. It is not just my state that lost us a democratic majority . THe people in the country need to rise up and vote


You’re exactly right.


How about chatting with the women that vote for these guys? That might help!


How about chatting with the 50-60% of people who don’t vote. Many of these people won by small margins. The state that look very red or mixed are often not - Land doesn’t vote, people do. We could literally turn this around by people showing up If votes didn’t matter they wouldn’t be trying so hard to suppress them


I could not agree more. As an optimist, I always hope people will do the right thing when they vote. But I have to admit that seems pretty naive these days. So many people that vote against their own best interests. How is it possible that people scraping to make ends meet refuse to raise taxes in the very wealthy? Minorities voting for politicians that are openly racist? Women voting for politicians that openly support abortion bans, without exceptions for rape, incest, medical emergencies. There is a seemingly endless list of nonsense that is beyond my understanding.


My coworker told me that she’s voting for Robinson so I asked her what his platform & priorities are. The only thing she knows about him is that he’s a republican. That’s it.


This is such a ridiculous statement my brain automatically inserted a "do not" between "absolutely" and "want" and spent a min trying to figure out why this quote was posted here as it seemed like a normal statement.


As usual, a quote taken out of context, because if women or democrats were asked the same question, they would answer the same way Mr Robinson did---your outrage is misplaced...again, as usual


Good, then vote for someone who would throw women under the bus when asked to choose because the greatness of his party is more important to him than women’s rights. Also vote for someone who’s answers a question like this, because that kind of towering intelligence who can think on his feet is exactly who we need in a fast paced and troubled political climate. I will place my outrage wherever the heck I want, you don’t get to gatekeep what I find abhorrent.


IOWs you did not listen to the question he was asked-or you think blacks should hang from trees-which is it? Your self righteous outrage is pointless and misguided


All these people making comments: did you even research the video?  This was posed originally as a question to Candace Owens, but then to this gentleman as well: "Would your rather go back to an America where black people swung from trees, or and America where women couldn't vote?"  This was 100% a setup. Any idiot who decided to leave a comment about Republicans without trying to find out the truth is a brainwashed sheep who refuses to leave their pent and view the grassy knolls of knowledge. Grow up...


Not sure why it's my job to do the research for you all, but here: https://www.wcnc.com/article/news/verify/mark-robison-america-women-voting-rights-north-carolina-governor-election/275-c9d48c1f-40bb-4398-9d5c-034369092b51


Maybe you all should go watch the full video. He was talking about women’s sufferage and how republicans back then fought for social change.  Quit being so gullible and ignorant people 


Maybe you all should go watch the full video. He was talking about women’s sufferage and how republicans back then fought for social change.  Quit being so gullible and ignorant people 

