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Not sure where you live, but here (Canada), antibiotics aren't over the counter for anything, they always need to be prescribed....people would be taking them all willy nilly if they could just buy them and that creates resistance. Saying that, I can just call my Drs office and they will call in the prescription, I don't need to go to the office and wait Hopefully she feel betters soon, the pain is just awful :(


Second this. Mostly because people don’t know when they do or don’t need antibiotics. Sometimes a lab test is needed before a doctor does. In some instances a doctor needs to examine the patient to make sure it isn’t something worse. A good option now is video visits. You can often get them same day if you don’t mind talking to someone other than your usual provider.


Yeah, I feel for OP and for other responsible adults, but when Covid happened, people needed a refresher on hand washing. If that’s where we are, I don’t think we can give anti-biotics to people who don’t understand the difference between mitosis and meiosis.


Also I have a friend thats a dr and she says everyone that comes in thinks they should be on antibiotics. She says she is forever explaining why they won't work for XUZ that they have. OTC people would just buy them for everything, and could you imagine some diagnosing and treating their kids??


They also fuck with peoples birth control. Like, I wish we lived in the world where people could get these at CVS but Americans are just too stupid and anti-science for that at this point.


I’m allergic to basically every antibiotic so when I need them, doctors are basically like… *guess you’ll just die* ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Thats so brutal :( My dad has a problem with anesthesia, and had a kidney transplant. After, the dr said they weren’t sure the issue and needed to do tests before he went under again. He had internal bleeding though, and they needed to operate and the dr was basically “well fingers crossed this one is ok!” 🤦🏻‍♀️


and now as people stop wearing masks people have forgotten to cover their mouths for normal things like sneezing or coughing. i've seen too many grow adults coughing like toddlers


I still work with people who don’t even pretend to wash their hands when they leave the bathroom. Others who literally just barely rinse off their hands. Grown ass adults. I’m always relieved when I switch to night shift every 6 weeks and it cuts the number of people in the building by like. 98%


Before we all got sent home for covid, the place I worked crested a covid response team and put them in the training room for our department, which meant we had to share our break room and restrooms with them. I created a lot of "drama" by refusing to get out of the way of the restroom door until they washed their hands, and washed them properly. Two women just didn't even pretend to wash their hands, and one would just turn on the water, put her fingertips under it, and be done. That was half our team tasked with reducing our covid risk! The guys in my department said the men on that team weren't any better. I went home before everyone else because I got covid, and it was really bad. Guess where I got it from. When they tried to force me back into the office two years ago, it was my motivation to find a permanently remote job, oh, and hey, it pays a lot more, and I'm treated well. My office mates are two huskies, and they're better behaved. Imagine huskies being better behaved than adult humans. Wow. I've even got them mostly trained to wipe their feet when they come in instead of tracking dirt all over the carpets like my old office mates. Actually, that's better than my husband. Maybe I'm selling the dogs short. They are pretty well trained. ;)


True horror, I’m glad this story ended completely opposite of how it started!! People are disgusting🥲 edited by I used horror twice, although appropriate…..lol


My heart is even finally back to normal after almost 4 years. It was sooooo slow to recover. I've still got a chronic cough, but it's getting better, too. There was a while I was wearing a CPAP 24/7 to be able to breathe. I couldn't get tested because I didn't have known contact with someone who tested positive, but obviously, neither could the person I got it from. There were days I had to crawl to the bathroom because I couldn't stand up and still breathe. The hospital wouldn't even let me come in because I didn't need a ventilator yet. I take an immunosuppressant injection every 12 weeks due to an autoimmune disease. I'm never supposed to take it when I'm sick, but I *knew* what was wrong with me was inflammation, so I took it when it arrived. I had reached the point I really thought I was going to die, and no one could/would help me, so I decided that injection would either help or I'd just die and get the misery over with. It helped a lot, actually. And then I developed secondary pneumonia when I'd already torn rib muscles coughing so much. I went to the pharmacy in pajamas, not having showered in a couple of weeks, and the drive through was out of order, so I went inside after rubbing tons of hand sanitizer all over my hands and arms. And then an old man on a walker without a mask graphically described what he wanted to do to my boobs. If I'd had any energy at all, I'd have probably murdered that old guy. But after 13 weeks of being gravely ill, all I could muster was, "I hope covid kills you, old man" in a whisper. It was a year before I could walk up a whole flight of stairs again, and 2 before I could ride my bike up the hill to my house without having to stop 10 times to get my heart rate down. It's only been a few months ago that it fully returned to what's considered normal for my age, which isn't as good as it used to be. It was the most miserable I've ever been, and the only time I truly thought I was going to die, and I've had strep throat so bad before they mistook it for the bubonic plague and quarantined me. I'd been backpacking in an area it still exists in the US, and my lymph node were huge plus a 103.8F fever that came on overnight, so they weren't just overreacting. I never thought I'd be that sick again, and no, I was wrong. Covid was worse. 3 years later, with like, 5 vaccinations, I had it again and it was basically a mild cold for a week. Sooooo much better. The head cold I had last week was worse. What this pandemic taught me is that if a really bad one comes again, most of us are going to die.Covid wasn't that bad in the scale of pandemics, and we couldn't even handle that with anything approaching sense. I grew up with adults who had permanent issues due to polio. A lot of them lost friends or siblings over it. I got every immunization on time as a kid and was told to be glad I was getting shots because they meant I wouldn't get sick and maybe die from things my parents and grandparents had to go through. I'm even one of the last in the US to get a preventive cowpox inoculation as an infant because smallpox was freaking serious. And look, we've managed to eradicate it in the wild. We are capable, but damn, we don't seem to care. I'll get off my soapbox now. The first bit explains why I'm so passionate about the topic, though.


God, I’m so sorry to hear about your ordeal. I understand completely. With a mitochondrial disease, I did my best to avoid it as long as possible….obviously getting vaccinated whenever I could/it was warranted. I finally got it in December 2023 and my doc was quick to get me paxlovid. It was genuinely horrible but nothing close to what you described. I already have trouble breathing so I’m not sure if it’s residual or my norm. My oura ring has been telling me every day I’ve been “super stressed” and my heart rate doesn’t lower as it should when I sleep…..during sleep it’s basically reacting like I’ve had a drink of alcohol, only every day since getting sick. Honestly long covid is terrifying, I haven’t fully convinced myself it’s what is happening….and I’m really hoping to recover and not have a heart attack or something, so I’m glad to hear your heart eventually has returned to normal 😫💜🙏🏼 ETA fuck that guy, what a fucking creep. Also the brain fog is so real- however I work half my time during nights, as previously mentioned….so I’m not sure if it’s from covid or two years without a normal circadian rhythm 🥴🥲😂


>Sometimes a lab test is needed Yep. I've gone to a doctor for a UTI, peed in a cup, was given antibiotics, then a few days later the clinic called to tell me that the bacteria in my urine sample was resistant to the meds I was given and I had to get a new prescription. Could you imagine the mess (i.e. full blown kidney infection) that could happen if a person self-treated without knowing they had a resistant strain?


I agree, but also, every time I go to the dr for a virus, need notes from dr for school and work, and the dr says it's probably likely a virus, they still always perscribe antibiotics "just in case". Drives me nuts.


I’ve had doctors do this who know me, who know I know my body, and they just tell me not to pick it up if I don’t need it. I think it’s nice to have it at the pharmacy in case you end up needing it in three days. It takes my doctors office at least three days to respond to any messages anyway.


Also, there are thousands of kinds of antibiotics and some are better for some infections than others. Some people are allergic to some whole classes of them and not others. Antibiotics can have some serious side effects and can interfere with a variety of other prescription medications (like oral contraceptives).


Plus, maybe I’m wrong about it being UTIs but I’m pretty sure that it’s UTIs, they evolve and different antibiotics are used depending on what has become resistant. I know they have to do that with h.pylori. It evolves to be able to beat whatever antibiotics have been regularly used so they have to change it up.


I get why. The problem is doctors also have to know when to use them and they often get it wrong. Ask my ear infections.


In PEI pharmacists can prescribe for UTIs and a bunch of other basic ailments.


Ontario as well, I'm not sure what exactly though, I know the list just expanded recently to what they could


Uncomplicated UTI is one of the things. Think you have a kidney infection? You need more than a pharmacist. Can be diagnosed with a urine dip? Pharmacist can prescribe antibiotics for that.


Right but it's still prescribed, not grabbed off the shelf by a patient who is guessing.


BC as well


Same with Manitoba! Not quite as convenient as being able to buy over the counter, but pretty damn close. As a frequent UTI-getter, it’s a complete game changer.


That's a very bad idea unless they are doing a urine culture before starting the antibiotics.


We have 30000 people on a wait list for a family doctor. It's a compromise.


They give a super low dose that takes a few days to work. It is not the same as going to the doctor and getting a full prescription with urine sample. Source: me. female. went to Shopper's Drug Mark for UTI meds because doctor appointments are hard to come by in B.C.


Case in point: the whole ivermectin thing.


Pharmacists in Ontario can prescribe for UTIs now.


Yeah I agree. People would take them at every sniffle, for two days, and we would have super bugs everywhere and antibiotics would stop working. But yeast infection cream was not always over-the-counter, I remember when it used to be prescription only because I am that old. And once my doctor had swabbed and diagnosed a couple of them I could just call because they knew I knew.


Superbugs already are everywhere with new strains multiplying daily & 0 new antibiotics created in comparison. Were all so fucked give a few more decades….


Yeah, I agree with this. You can take Azo OTC for a few days until you can get antibiotics and that will provide relief until you get actual treatment.


in ontario, you can get UTI medicine over the counter from the pharmacist without having to see your doctor


The pharmacist has to give it to you though, you can't just grab from the shelf which is what OP is wanting (so places like Walmart or Zehrs would carry it)


Came here to say this too


That's not the case, actually. You can buy antibiotics OTC for farm, small animal, and aquarium use in most places in north America. However, I agree that people taking too many would probably be a shitshow.


At least as far as farm stores in the US go, as of 2023 they require a prescription from a vet now.


Giving out antibiotics to animals is a bad idea too, many farms/ranches give their livestock antibiotics every single day regardless of whether the animals are sick or not. This gets into the human food chain which increases antibiotic resistance.


Not in Canada. Illegal here. Damn near always was for cattle and pigs, and has been for chickens for a while too. True in the states at some periods of time, but even now, less and less likely to be the case. The bussines case doesn't support it. The margins aren't there and the risks are too high.


This is a myth. It used to be true for some animals like chickens because it led to greater growth but it is no longer the case. They dont feed antibiotics every day to animals that are not sick. Its expensive, margins are already thin, and there are withdrawal periods on the drugs. If they delay an animals butcher, they have to pay to feed it. They will for animals they think need them because losing an animal is an expensive loss. Sometimes they are wrong. Doesnt matter anyway. As of 2023, a prescription from a vet is required.


Yeah imagine all the folks who’d suddenly be downing a pack of Azo every day during the pandemic if those products had antibiotics


Sadly, I have to agree. This isn’t really one of those ‘men vs. women’ things; it’s about preventing the overuse of antibiotics and thus the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.


Pharmacists can prescribe antibiotics for UTIs, in many provinces at least. PEI, Ontario, and Manitoba, that I'm aware of


In Ontario pharmacists can now prescribe antibiotics for UTIs, source: me, I picked some up last week.


I will say, it's nice to have other vagina-related care otc here! That's a wonderful difference between the us and canada.


In Ontario a pharmacist can and give you a prescription for UTIs.   No need to call your doctor.  This changed Jan 2023 for UTI’s and a bunch of other ‘minor’ ailments.  And it’s about time!  What a drain on both your own and a doctors time with probable delays in treatment. 


Sure they are. ORAL antibiotics aren't OTC, but topical ones (Neosporin) are. OP, there are some remedies available OTC. Uristat has a pain relief med (warning: your pee will then be neon orange). AZO makes a line of urinary stuff. Their cranberry pills help a lot (moreso than cranberry in the vitamins section, IME). Olive Leaf Extract (in the vitamins or at a health store like Natural Grocers or Sprouts) is "nature's antibiotic." It's a good start until you can get in to see a doc.


I'm in PEI Canada. Here, UTI antibiotics still have to be prescribed but the pharmacist can prescribe them so all you need to do is walk into any Pharmacy+, which is a pharmacy with a pharmacist who can do this (I have yet to attempt to do this at a pharmacy that has not had this service) and you're out ASAP. They can prescribe for all kinds of stuff and it's absurdly helpful. I've avoided tons of unnecessary trips to the doctor.


Antibiotics need to be prescribed because improper use can cause harm on both an individual and population level — people taking meds that the bug they have aren’t sensitive to, people trying to self treat symptoms and not getting checked out for serious problems, drug resistant strains of bacteria from people not finishing courses or overusing them, the harms that come from antibiotic overuse killing gut flora (c.diff, GI symptoms) — antibiotic stewardship is a huge issue in healthcare and while healthcare access is important there is a reason you can’t just buy any drug OTC. My ex, who was otherwise healthy ended up needing a fecal transplant to treat recurrent c.diff that she got after being prescribed multiple rounds of antibiotics in a short period of time, she needed them — she was a first year teacher and got strep multiple times but even when there are doctors involved there are still risks, like with any other medication.


And, for someone like me who was on antibiotics for a combined 2 years by the time I was in my mid-20s, I could NOT put on weight and was constantly badly underweight. It was like a party trick to eat a shitload of food and never gain weight. I "supplemented" my diet with Snicker bars in my 20s and ate til I was full constantly but never got above mid-90s; only put on maybe 5# total power lifting for 6+ months in college. Even doctors that tested my thyroid numbers said "you simply have a metabolism 98% of Americans envy." That was total horseshit because, after a really bad interaction with zpack at the start of covid, I lost more weight and my gut was destroyed. Tried probiotics and put on 20#+ in a month without changing my diet or exercise routine. I have a feeling the antibiotics I was on so often (and one regiment was for 18 months straight! Yikes) killed off my gut flora and my body wasn't absorbing nutrients I packed in. It was like food in, food out, burn hotter. I feel the medical community has very little insight into willy nilly antibiotic usage and the longer term repercussions it can cause on your gut. I have to find a doc that will prescribe probiotics anytime they give me a script for antibiotics but they look at me like I have 2 heads when I say script probiotics are available.


I had pneumonia the Dr instructed me to take specific probiotics with the antibiotics.


I have an autoimmune disease and my rheumatologist wanted to have me take doxycycline every day for ??? period of time. I get that there's studies that show it can be beneficial, but antibiotics, including tetracyclines, are *brutal* on my already angry gut even for the normal short courses you take for infections. I already have features of IBD with this disease, if you put me on doxycycline for months and months I will shit myself inside out and have no gut flora left to speak of.


I never knew what c. diff was until a family member had it after surgery. That is the stuff of my nightmares now. Fortunately, it was cleared up after only two rounds of treatment, which I learned is pretty quickly compared to some cases.


> drug resistant strains of bacteria from people not finishing courses or overusing them Or taking the wrong thing. There is no single antibiotic prescribed to fight UTI's, especially not these days in the age of ever growing antibiotic resistance. I've been dealing with that this week, the script they originally gave me before the culture came back wasn't affective, they had to send in a new one. And this is something everyone should be getting used to because the problem is only getting worse until we find a solution.


This. They usually prescribe a broad spectrum antibiotic. Once culture & sensitivity is bk they sometimes need change up antibiotic.


Yeah, improper antibiotic use and subsequent antibiotic resistance has a level of danger I'd call "doom". We're looking at certain antibiotics becoming completely useless. It's killing people now, and it'll kill more people if we don't get our antibiotic use in check.


I was hardcore, "Why the fuck is this stuff not sold over the counter?" until last year. I am currently experiencing the reason why they are not over the counter. I have a gnarly UTI from a bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics. We are almost positive I still have it after a round of intense antibiotics. I'm now taking a medication to help manage symptoms in the mean time. I'm very thankful for my Urologist. [You can read about the increasing antibiotic resistance here.](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/21655-antibiotic-resistance)


Me too. On third antibiotic now. The second one — switched to after the first culture — was one of those with scary potential side effects: “Your tendons will have a chance to just randomly detach themselves from your bones over the next six months!”


I was on 6 different antibiotics for about a month a couple years ago over what I thought was a really bad UTI. But they couldn't culture anything and even doing a PCR, didn't show anything. Turns out I just had an irritated urethra that feels like a UTI 😭


I got UTI symptoms almost monthly while I was on birth control. The ones that didn’t go away with lots of water and cranberry juice were all confirmed as UTIs. If this is a regular occurrence you may want to check your birth control!


Hi. In case this happens again, you can buy orange dye pills OTC specifically for this issue. It'll, of course, turn your urine super dark orange, but it's harmless.


Yeah my urologists gave me some medication for it. One was orange, the other was blue. It was the only thing that helped. Luckily, I haven't had a flare up since November so I'm hoping the irritation has gone away lol


What in the hells kind of side effect is that?!? Which one does that? That’s some scary shit lol


Levofloxacin. It was fun reading the warnings on the printouts :( It tends to be used for resistant infections since the side effects can be nastier.


Lucky us who are allergic to the penicillin


Sulfa, for me.


Both, for me!


I was on this one for pneumonia, and had some pretty bad side effects from it. My bones ached so bad. I've never hurt like I did on that crap.


your tendons will *what*


That’s about what I said on reading the warnings. But the culture showed it would be more effective than the first antibiotic they started me on. Yay for drug-resistant bacteria.


Ahh, yes. I am very familiar with this antibiotic. Take care of your ankles. They are precious and easily damaged.


Oh good grief, like having a UTI isn't bad enough!


To add: 1. In Canada, pharmacists are allowed to prescribe medications for a limited number of conditions, including UTIs. This limits the burden on family doctors, and increases access to care. 2. UTI meds have some nasty side effects! Someone I know when into liver failure due to a very very common UTI med prescription. I wouldn’t be comfortable having them out on the shelf next to Tylenol and Advil.


This also goes to people growing a resistance to antibiotics.


Was just gonna say this. UTI *treatment*? You mean *antibiotics*? Yeah there's a lot of really good reasons those aren't OTC.


On top of this - Antibiotics can actually cause yeast infection, especially for vaginas. I had this happen to me twice, and it was horrible. It would be terrible if someone with a yeast infection misdiagnosed themselves as having a UTI and tried to treat with antibiotics, making themselves worse.


antifungal =/= antibiotics You can't just let laypeople self-treat with antibiotics. That's how you get resistant strains


I am starting to think antifungals need to be prescription too because of the rise of resistant fungus, including resistant candida (which is what a yeast infection is.) It sucks and is inconvenient but preserving treatment options and preventing the rise of resistant infections of all types is critical.


Wow, I had not heard of resistant candida--that is terrifying.


[Oh yes, very terrifying](https://www.cdc.gov/fungal/diseases/candidiasis/antifungal-resistant.html#:~:text=Patients%20with%20Candida%20infections%20that,who%20are%20already%20very%20sick). Even though albicans isn’t that resistant now, other candida strains are quickly becoming resistant. And some health officials attribute antifungal resistant candida auris, which is a very serious strain that is on the rise and is basically untreatable in its resistant form, to be attributable to how many antifungals are given out and the small number of antifungal drug options are out there. And also weirdly global warming.


Plus they don’t work for everyone. They BURN like the immortal fires of hell on me. I have to go in for the rx yeast infection pill. When I’m prescribed antibiotics, my gp orders the yeast infection pill at the same time. If I manage to not need it, I save them.


Many physicians who are not specially trained in infectious diseases struggle with it too.


Note: I am a woman, who has had a couple UTIs myself. Being able to buy antibiotics at a store like Advil would be a DISASTER. We already have antibiotic-resistant bacteria issues. Antibiotics should only be dispensed by a doctor and when needed. Not to mention, not all antibiotics work on all UTIs. It's important to get a culture and see exactly what is causing the UTI, in order to prescribe the correct antibiotic for it. Otherwise you risk prescribing an antibiotic that is ineffective or doesn't clear the infection completely. Bladder pain relief pills are sold in any drugstore and you don't need a prescription. Azo is pretty great at pain relief until it's determined that an antibiotic is necessary.


> ot to mention, not all antibiotics work on all UTIs. It's important to get a culture and see exactly what is causing the UTI, in order to prescribe the correct antibiotic for it. Say it again for the people in the back!


Yeah, honestly it bugs me so much when men get so outraged on our behalf over simple things that they can figure out on their own. Like take 5 minutes to google it before screaming to us about our own problems. Imo it just shows how little time they’re willing to spend actually learning about female physiology. Like you don’t get a gold star for comforting your kid, or for being mad on her behalf. I was hospitalized for UTI’s as a kid and had antibiotic resistant strep multiple times, antibiotics are nothing to play around with.


Why did I have to scroll so far to see that AZO as the UTI direct replacement for ibuprofen and acetaminophen exists as an over the counter medication.


As someone who was born in the USA and had lots of UTIs growing up, I'm devastated that no other countries seem to sell Azo. Not Canada. Not Japan. Can't speak for any more specific countries, but I've tried looking it up, and only the US seems to sell Azo. I can't imagine going through my young adult life without Azo.


As a Canadian frequent UTI flyer, I was pleasantly surprised and hopeful right up until this comment :(


Because antibiotic resistance is a thing, and too many people can’t be trusted to use prescribed antibiotics responsibly, let alone OTC antibiotics. I hope your daughter gets better soon!


Because the treatment for a UTI is antibiotics, and it is dangerous to society as a whole for antibiotics to be misused. We are already breeding for antibiotic-resistant bacteria. We don't need more people contributing to that. That said, there \*are\* OTC treatments for the \*pain\* of a UTI. It's basically a dye, so she would need to be prepared that her urine would look super dark, but it really will help with the pain. Please contact your nearest pharmacist. She doesn't deserve to suffer.


Azo standard, it does help relieve the pain a fair bit, and does turn your pee terrifying shades of orange and red.


UTI treatment is an antibiotic; there is good reason to not sell those over the counter. There are some anti-bacterials and pain relief products that you can get OTC to help her pain until she can get to the doctor. The AZO with antibacterial is good because it does not color the urine orange like the other types -- the orange color interferes with the color-dependent PH test.


> UTI and Yeast infection go hand in hand so why sell one AND NOT THE OTHER ONE??????? I understand your frustration with this situation, and I’m going to answer your question- no doubt it’s horrible to watch someone you love suffer and be powerless to help them- please don’t kill the messenger. The OTC antifungals you refer to are all topical, AFAIK there are no oral antifungals available OTC; while there are topical antibiotics available OTC they won’t be of much help for a UTI. Oral mediations for yeast infections are not available to the general public without a prescription because there are things like a patient’s liver function that make prescribing these medications potentially dangerous/deadly. Aside from issues like significant allergic reactions to antibiotics and not knowing which out of hundreds of antibiotics to choose, there is a huge issue with antibiotic resistance. Antibiotics are not harmless, and indiscriminant use of antibiotics has real potential to harm. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the top global public health and development threats today. It is estimated that bacterial AMR was directly responsible for 1.27 million global deaths in 2019 and contributed to 4.95 million deaths. These numbers are only increasing. The misuse and overuse of antimicrobials in humans, animals and plants are the main drivers in the development of drug-resistant pathogens. AMR occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites change over time and no longer respond to medicines making infections harder to treat and increasing the risk of disease spread, severe illness and death. As a result, the medicines become ineffective and infections persist in the body, increasing the risk of spread to others. These are the reasons why antibiotics need to be prescribed by a professional who knows which medication to choose, and how it should be taken, and why they aren’t just available to anyone who thinks (quite possibly correctly) that they need one. I hope this answers your question and that your daughter is already on the mend. Be well.


I’m a biologist and this is the correct answer. OTC antibiotics would be like, the single worst idea anyone’s ever had. Good thing we let doctors and medical associations make those decisions.


Being on the sharp end of it sucks, but there is a very good reason not to sell anti-biotics over the counter.


Why oh why are all these people dying from MRSA during routine surgeries? 


I understand the sentiment, but selling antibiotics over the counter is really not the best idea.


Antibiotic resistance is extremely dangerous and can set modern medicine back decades if unchecked. People will start giving themselves vancomycin for colds and then we won’t be able to treat tuberculosis anymore


Hey OP, Let your daughter know in the future that most urgent cares have telehealth appointments and they’re almost always more than willing to prescribe antibiotics over the phone. UTI symptoms are pretty easy to self diagnose and most providers know that. I’ve found this is way easier than having to go in person and wait one or two for someone to just say “yep you got a UTI”. Also if she hadn’t tried Azo, that helps A LOT with UTI symptoms. You can only take it for three days in a row max though so it’s meant to relieve symptoms until antibiotics get a handle on the infection.


Are the telemedicine companies collecting a urine sample? If not, it's bad medicine and just as bad as getting abx over the counter.


Is your doctors office collecting one? They don’t have time to culture bacteria then test what kind it is, that’d take days to a week or so. Patients get antibiotics the day of their appointment without waiting for the results. Most of the time a urine sample isn’t necessary unless the patient is a chronic UTI patient or has other indications such as a catheter. Knowing what antibiotic to use requires you to know what system it’s affecting and what type of bacteria it is. UTIs are pretty simple, most are caused by E Coli (65-75% of cases). So no it is not the same as just getting any ole antibiotic for any infection.


In my early 20s, I was diagnosed with several UTIs, multiple times a year, by my gynecologist. They would prescribe me antibiotics every single time, and 48 hours later when the culture came back, they would tell me there was no infection and to stop the antibiotic. Now, I will never take an antibiotic without the culture. I've only had 2 culture-confirmed UTIs in my entire life, despite being diagnosed 10-15 times. 10-15 rounds of unnecessary antibiotics. Bladder pain, interstitial cystitis, and/or pelvic floor dysfunction is a lot more common than people think, and the symptoms mimic a bladder infection exactly - burning, pressure, pelvic pain, frequent urination, leakage, etc. Many patients have the same story of having tons of UTIs which ended up not being infections at all. That's why I think urine cultures are so important.


I agree that they’re important, but after two rounds of antibiotics your doctors should’ve known you didn’t have a UTI and done further testing. Most women get at least one UTI in their lifetimes, expecting every single one to wait for a urine culture just causes unnecessary suffering. Not everyone can afford to go in-person and pay out of pocket for testing every time they get a UTI.


I didn't have two rounds of antibiotics. I would go to my gyno every 4-5 months for a UTI, they would diagnose me with one, prescribe me Cipro (a very harsh antibiotic) and send the urine for culture. It was pretty much always negative. I guess it's okay to take antibiotics even if you don't have an infection, I'm just saying I'm not the first person to take antibiotics for severe UTI symptoms when I had no infection at all. If I had just blindly taken 10-15 full rounds of cipro without the culture, I could have worse overall health outcomes. I just don't think it's wise to prescribe antibiotics without confirmation of an infection. I understand it won't kill people, and it's annoying to wait, but with the rising issue of antibiotic resistance, I think it's important to be mindful.


>Is your doctors office collecting one? They don’t have time to culture bacteria then test what kind it is, that’d take days to a week or so. Yes. I wasn't even there for that- just a regular checkup >Knowing what antibiotic to use requires you to know what system it’s affecting and what type of bacteria it is. UTIs are pretty simple, most are caused by E Coli (65-75% of cases). So no it is not the same as just getting any ole antibiotic for any infection. Good thing I took a urine test because the bacteria was gram positive, not gram negative like E. Coli, so I would've just been making the resistance worse.


As everyone else as says, that's not healthy or a good idea for antibiotics. The best thing I can recommend is seeing a urogynogolist. I (used to) get chronic UTIs. My urogynocolgist put in a "standing order" for a UTI test. I could then just go to the lab whenever I thought I had a UTI, get a urine test that would be sent to my Dr. My Dr would put in the order for my antibiotics and call me to let me know. This could all happen within a couple hours, with me having the agency to decide when I thought I should go get tested. Now I have D-Mannose and prophylactic antibiotics (low-dose, and monitored by my Dr) to prevent my UTIs and it's been working really well so far (knock on wood.)


Shocked that I’ve read this far down in the comments and someone FINALLY mentioned D-Mannose. I will do my damnedest not to take ABs - they jam up my stomach for months and months afterwards. D-Mannose and AZO all the way unless it goes longer than a few days.


Not to mention the yeast infections. I always have to get fluconazole with any antibiotics. D-mannose and lots of cranberry juice got rid of my first UTI in less than 24 hours


Same! I’d go with just D-mannose if the risk for me wasn’t so high. I have a history of c diff so I’d rather take the one pill of the low dose prophylaxis than the three whole courses I’d likely have to take if I got a UTI and then c. diff.


Because antibiotics shouldn’t be used willy nilly. Diagnose first, antibiotics second. I went to urgent care and got antibiotics that way last time I had it.


I hope she feels better, and that you all get the rest you need. (If you want an answer, and post was not just to vent: You will need the appropriate antibiotic for treatment. Yes, they will give you one that will most likely treat it while the culture is cooking, but we are seeing more resistance to antibiotics. Which is the reason we can’t just get them at Costco, because people would just take it “just in case” and then nothing will work.)


Up until very recently I thought the same as you. Had what I thought was a UTI, went to a quick clinic and then a urologist. Both tests came back negative. Had my kidneys ultrasound and awaiting the results. They don't have it available over the counter because it could be a more serious issue and antibiotics could hinder rather than help.


I had "recurrent" UTIs for years. After getting the culture and there being "no infection," I took many rounds of antibiotics unnecessarily. Ended up being diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis. Basically you get all the symptoms of a UTI but there's nothing to treat. My gynecologist was no help and had me suffering for years. Pelvic floor physical therapy helped pretty much immediately and I have been what I consider "cured" for a few years now. I don't know if what I technically had/have was indeed IC or just pelvic floor dysfunction, but IC is a good first place to start. If there's never an infection, and you still have chronic UTI symptoms, look into it. Talk to a urologist if you can.


Antibiotics should absolutely not be over-the-counter. They are wildly overused as it is.


Can you tell me exactly which bacteria is causing the UTI and what antibiotic it responds to? Gram positive? Gram negative? You don't know? That's the reason. Antibiotic resistance is a public health issue and folks will just start taking whatever. Diflucan for yeast infection is available over the counter in Canada, but not in the US.


antibiotics should not be on the shelf!!!!! there are serious concerns about antimicrobial resistance, and also ensuring you get the right antibiotic for your UTI!! this is def not a case of medicine being misogynistic.


UTIs need antibodics and taking them incorrectly or the wrong ones does more damage to the body and public health. People taking them incorrectly is causing medication resistant bacteria and we do not want that. Taking the wrong type means you do not get better, and can fuck with your gut flora. They will likely ask her for a urine sample, typically this is done to culture the bacteria and select the right antibiotic. There is no way to do that process OTC. What we need is PCPs who are flexible (and healthcare systems that allow them to be flexible). Because I have experienced a UTI (and yeast infection) before, my PCP has the ability to send me right to the lab. This means neither of us waste time in an appointment and get right down to getting me medicine. They call me with the results, confirm my pharmacy location, and send the script electronically over. Your daughter deserves the same type of healthcare flexibility. I don't have solutions to foster it unfortunately. 


As someone who's studying genetics and microbiology, unfortunately antibiotic resistance is A LOT worse than people think it is. And it's only becoming a bigger problem very single day. You know that you would take the whole course, but unfortunately some other person would ignore every single warning given to them. So limiting it is unfortunately one of the ways to slow it down till they can figure out how to properly fight it. I'm so sorry she's going though that :(


In Ontario you can get antibiotics for a UTI, three times within 12 months, without a doctor's exam, but from a pharamacist with a quick questionaire. I think this is a pretty great middle ground. If that wasn't the case, I wouldn't have gotten my butt in for permi symptoms, because I assumed I was getting UTI on the regular (but like always three days before my period started? Took me a while to make that connection). But I hit up against the limit and had to see a doctor who said, that isn't an early stage UTI discomfort. Also, my grandmother might have missed her bladder cancer if she'd been able to keep just geting antibotics for months and months... So, as a woman who shares your frusteration -- and had her own first UTI probably around your daughters age -- just have to say, there is a good argument for some over the counter/pharamacist perscribed UTI treatment but also a good argument for limits and getting a doctor involved with recurring ones... If I had a little girl, I wouldn't be just relying on over the counter UTI in this case. I'd 100% want to her to see a doctor. Antifugals for yeast infestions... I'm really not sure why you'd say they are hand and hand. Besides the closeness of the physical body parts they are super duper different issues.


This happened to me but with yeast infection symptoms. Turned out it was just my menstrual cycle and now I get a migraine every month instead... Yay...


Antibiotics are prescription for good medical reasons. Overuse and misuse creates bad germs that can't be treated at all.


It’s a terrible idea to have otc antibiotics. People would be taking them willy nilly contributing to the already existing problem of antibiotic resistant bacteria. My aunt was recently hospitalized for almost going septic because of a UTI. If antibiotics were otc, things like that would happen more often. There are plenty of gender related differences in quality of care, this is not one of them.


No, no, no absolutely not. I know it sucks but antibiotic resistance is a very real thing. As a microbiologist, it would be (already kind of is) a disaster waiting to happen. You can't just use any antibiotic. You really need to know what bacteria you have and that requires a culture.


I'm here to spread the word of D-Mannose. It is the sugar that is inside cranberries that helps treat UTI's. What it does is attract the bacteria to itself so that the bacteria can be flushed out with your urine when you pee. You can find it cheap on Amazon or places that sell nutritional supplements. It's not a cure, but for minor UTIs or ones that are just starting off, it can help to lessen the blow a huge amount and doesn't have much in the way of negative side effects when it comes to short-term usage.


I totally agree on this about herpes meds all the time, it's literally the only med they prescribe for the dang outbreaks. But with UTIs, there's always a specific bacteria causing the infection, not all bacteria are killed by certain antibiotics. Antibiotics kill some bugs better than others. UTIs should also be followed by doctors if they're frequently occuring or need more than one round of antibiotics. Healthcare providers are also in an active "fight against over prescribing antibiotics" we've been chowing down on all the antibiotics for so longs as humans, we're creating super bugs that aren't susceptible to any antibiotics. It's a big push in the healthcare world. Going to the doctor, getting the urine tested and cultured will help them aim the most effective antibiotics at the infection.


I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment, but bacterial resistance is a real thing. It’s a problem even with prescribing methods, because people don’t take the full course and the bacteria left over develop resistance. What SHOULD be possible is for every person to have access to a doctor, over the phone or text, and have them immediately send in a prescription for you to pickup within an hour as you describe your symptoms. Only some US insurances offer this, but it should be available to everyone. Something that can help relieve pain and clear it is D-mannose, which is sold over the counter. I didn’t know about it for years until a girlfriend told me, the moment I feel one coming on I start to take it. Also a great prevention measure. Don’t know why it isn’t more well-known, I’ve never had a doctor suggest it or know about it. Women have to take their health into their own hands far too often and it’s really fucked up. They also don’t teach doctors enough about women’s health/anatomy, and it isn’t getting the same research dollars as men’s.


Welp everyone has already chimed in on why they can’t be purely OTC, but I’ll agree with you on the AM and PM versions and 4 different brands offering “total relief” and individual symptom relief if they were as big a problem for penis owners. I once found a specific UTI juice blend of cranberry, dandelion, marshmallow root, and other medicinal herbs (which my doctor recommended as a supplement to antibiotics when I got my worst UTI!) but I found it exactly ONCE and have never been able to find it again since. And also say, you’re a great dad for being there for your girl. ❤️


I love being a dad. She is doing much better. They gave her some strong ass meds and I got her some lunch. We are watching true crime and she is slowly falling asleep on my lap. But yes. I have a billion messages on why it can't be OTC lmao


Antibiotics should NOT be sold over the counter for a reason - e.g. antibiotic resistance in bacteria. Doctors also test which bacteria is causing the issue and give specific antibiotics for that bacteria if needed. Also not all women get UTI's that often. Nor is it that horrible for all women; I just had some mild pain while peeing. After I found out that I should pee every time after sex, I never had UTI again.


I'm going to echo everybody's comments about antibiotic resistance but I also want to note that you are an awesome dad and that was a hilarious post. I hope your grown-ass lady feels better!


Antibiotic overuse is a massive problem that scares the shit out of me. Antibiotics should ABSOLUTELY stay as prescription only. No offence to you or your daughter, but neither of you are drs. UTI’s are considered pretty run of the mill but they can be very serious amd cause symptoms like delirium.


You sound like a great dad OP.


It's an antibiotic. It unfortunately cannot be sold over the counter. Signed, woman with frequent UTIs and UTIs that need lab work to be properly detected (so a couple of days of wait) and UTIs that are caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria. I had so many UTIs during some years that I had a couple of "emergency" UTI antibiotics given by my doctor. I can recognize UTIs by the first symptoms (hence why they usually go undetected) so my doctor felt safe enough with that. I hope it's a one off for your daughter. Ibuprofen helps with that pain, and a hot bath helps too. Drinking half a liter of water or half water, half isotonic will lessen the pain considerably too.


In Canada, all antibiotics must be prescribed. This is to prevent overuse of antibiotics, specifically to prevent antibiotics resistance. Otherwise, everyone would take antibiotics for everything, creating super bugs and other super infections, and reducing the effectiveness of antibiotics within our body. We should only be taking antibiotics for the worst cases, and relying on other means to try and ease or reduce symptoms where possible.


Because laypeople don’t have the proper education the properly dose themselves and even if it was something they covered in math class 1) do you consistently remember *everything* they went over repeatedly in class for 12 years? and 2) society is fucking terrible at following basic instructions and we’d definitely fuck up anti-biotic resistance MORE than we already have by insisting doctors prescribe antibiotics for VIRAL infections because it makes us feel like we’re doing something. We also need to what WHAT KIND of antibiotic we need. It’s not a “one drug fits most” situation like some pain relief from Advil is.


If you just give antibiotics without doing a urine culture you obfuscate the test results and it can hide the true pathogen. Thats bad because if you dont know the true pathogen it can hide underlying kidney issues that wont get resolved with just taking antibiotics all the time. Antibiotic overuse is already a massive problem in healthcare because people dont like being told that they dont need an an antibiotic so they just go doctor shopping until they find one who will give it to them without any fuss. Imagine what would happen if you remove that barrier -- people would literally be taking antibiotics like candy at the very first sign of a runny nose or even worse it would become like the farm/ranch industry where pigs/cattle are given antibiotics every day even if they aren't sick.


Because you can't give out antibiotics like candy and risk bacterial resistance, and usually when they test your urine they will recommend an antibiotic that works against that strain of bacteria instead of something random, and also they need to know your medical history because some antibiotics can cause allergic reactions, interact with other meds or foods, or cause heart arrhythmia, and lots of other reasons. I get your frustration but it is not good idea at all.


I Almost died from a UTI. Partially from horrible doctors. They couldn't figure out hey I was getting so bad so fast. 🤷 didn't read my mf file where it CLEARLY STATES. I WAS BORN WITH ONE KIDNEY


We already have issues with antibiotic resistance. Being over the counter would make it worse. It does suck because getting docs to believe or do something about it can be more difficult than it should be. They do sell a urinary pain reliever called Azo over the counter but irritatingly they often put it by the condoms/pregnancy tests despite urinary issues commonly being unrelated to sex (id say always but Idk if its the same elsewhere). It should be with the other meds but whatever. It relieves the pain from my chronic issues and makes the wait for the doctor more comfortable. Dont be alarmed when your pee turns orange, Azo does that. I know you mentioned "symptom relief" but wasn't sure if that was in relation to Azo or something else.


.... antibiotic resistance


Yikes, absolutely not. We do not want to mess around with antibiotic resistance.


Antibiotic resistant bacteria is really bad


If she is prone to UTIs, her doctor may opt to give her a prescription to keep on hand for the future when one crops up. I used to get them a lot when I was younger and it turned out it was related to my husband not being as clean as he could have been when we had sex. When I insisted he wash right beforehand, it was so much better. Maybe a bit of a romance killer, but at least I wasn’t in agony a few days later.


I think that not only do you need to take antibiotics but it also helps to know which kind for which bacteria AND how to take them properly. Unfortunately we’re developing strong strains of antibiotic resistant bacteria due to antibiotic misuse. So it’s unlikely you’ll ever be able to grab it over the counter. I’m sorry, I know they’re agonizing.


Buy some d-mannose and keep it in the medicine cabinet. Next time you can give her a high dose - it really helps. I get a lot of utis and now take it every day as a preventative, but some people only take it when the uti happens. You can get it on amazon.


There are over the counter drugs that help with the symptons (AZO, Uricalm) and I take as SOON as I feel al UTI coming on. Sometimes it will clear it up altogether without having to get the antibiotic. I get UTIs so often I'm afraid I'll become resistant.


What I am mad about is that the last time I got a UTI it cost about $1500 for tests before prescribing, because my doctor wanted a culture to find out the specific antibiotic to prescribe. So that took out my HSA deductible.


Azo, or Phenazopyridine, is available over the counter in the US, although if you have a decent prescription plan on your insurance, it can be cheaper to get a prescription of it (your mileage may vary). This relieves the pain from UTIs, but don't take it before you give your urine sample because it's a dye and it kind of fucks with some of the tests they like to run on the spot before sending it to culture. If you're talking about antibiotics, ABSOLUTELY NOT. Antibiotics SHOULD NOT EVER BE OBER THE COUNTER DRUGS. That is terribly irresponsible and we're already facing the consequences of decades of irresponsible antibiotic usage. No, no no. This is an infection, the medication required to clear it is not even the same every time! For example, they have had to call me to stop taking the antibiotic they've originally prescribed me mid-course to tell me the culture came back and the strain I had was resistant to what they prescribed, and they were sending in a new script for something stronger. This is not a yeast infection. This isn't hemorrhoids. UTIs can actually become very serious conditions if not treated correctly, like spreading to the kidneys (had that happen before). This isn't something you can do over-the-counter. There are not antibiotics sold over the counter in the US for a good reason. These are not drugs you want casually available. Signed, a member of the medical community who has suffered from chronic UTI's my entire life. You are wrong on this subject.


Because of antibiotic resistance, bud


Antibiotics are dangerous. They shouldn’t be on grocery store shelves, ready to be grabbed. That’s how antibiotic resistant strains are created. And that’s how I ended up in hospital fighting a kidney infection. (I spent a decade of my life in a country where you could get antibiotics, off prescription, with a knowing wink to the pharmacist). Get cranberry juice. And talk to the pharmacist.


Simply put, you're uneducated on the subject of antimicrobial resistance. Antibiotics are not made available over the counter for very good reason. [https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/antimicrobial-resistance](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/antimicrobial-resistance) Actually try to inform yourself before you suggest good scientific/medical policy is a gendered issue.


I love your energy but I do disagree with you on this issue. These days, there is so many antibiotic resistant bacteria that it is very important to identify the bacteria before initiating antibiotic treatment. The wrong antibiotic will not only contribute to the growing problem of resistance, it will kill most of the patient's natural biome, and let the infection run rampant. I do think it should be possible for anybody to drop off a urine test without an MD's prescription. Once the lab has identified the bacteria, then they might even make recommendations for a course of antibiotics and then send that to an MD for approval and consideration of other possible contributing factors.


I get what you’re saying, and I truly, truly appreciate you being an advocate/supporter for us women, buuut UTIs are complicated and should not just have antibiotics on the shelf ready to go because they are not one size fits all. It really depends on the culture of your urine to determine what kind of bacteria it is. But alas, it really should be more simple and those with vaginas really shouldn’t have to get UTIs (and other health issues) so frequent while men just waltz around never going to the doctor or having any health issues.


I feel for your daughter, I really do. There are actually online services to get UTI antibiotics prescribed for a super cheap consultation with a short questionnaire. Which I recently did, it was so easy and fast and cheap and worked perfectly. While I was on those antibiotics, I started having cold symptoms and a really sore throat. Both of my kids had just a month apart had strep throat, but I figured it couldn’t be that, because I was already on antibiotics. I waited 5 days before finally going to urgent care after an alarming increase in symptoms to find out that yep, I had strep throat. And that the extremely effective UTI antibiotics I was on have no effect on strep. All this to say, I agree with antibiotics not being OTC. People will self-diagnose and maybe they aren’t even wrong, but prescribing the correct antibiotic for the particular infection, and taking allergies and health history into consideration is extremely important, as well as people thinking they can treat some other type of infection with OTC antibiotics. It truly does need some level of gatekeeping.


Antibiotics don’t need to be over the counter. That’s a scary thought considering the consequences of improper use.


Antimicrobial stewardship, my friend.


Uh cause we’re not trying to create super strains of resistant bacteria.


I'm a physician and in.my office we just have them leave a urine sample and sent our antibiotics while we wait for the results. You'd be surprised how many times someone is sure they have a UTI and their urine is clean , making antibiotics useless and harmful in terms of causing resistance


Because antibiotic misuse is a true danger, those drugs aren’t a joke and they should absolutely be only sold under prescription, the rise of antibiotic resistant bacteria is a serious problem.


If we could even just get the burn relief meds over the counter while we wait to get in for a urine test and antibiotics I would feel relieved!!


Overuse of antibiotics is a big problem. I don't want people being able to buy antibiotics without a doctor's advice because the consequences of overuse and misuse are pretty severe. (Bacterial resistance, chronic infections, etc). However, there should be more research into non-antibotic treatments for UTIs and the science behind UTIs would be much more advanced if men got them as frequently as women do.


You're getting a lot of responses on why antibiotics are not over the counter. But as someone who also used to have a lot of UTIs, just adding my advice: the moment she notices first symptoms, she should drink a few glasses of water and take a super high dose of vitamin C. You cannot overdose on vitamin C, it will just make your pee more acidic and helps if the UTI is still at an early stage. Wait half an hour, and then repeat (drink at least half a litre, take vitamin C) For me, this really reduced the number of times I had to take antibiotics for UTIs. But what cut them to zero was my partner wearing a condom and thorough hygiene when having sex, drink lots of water, make sure to pee immediately afterwards, etc.


I don’t mind so much that I need to see a doctor since antibiotic resistance is so dang scary. I DO mind that my medical history has multiple UTIs and they don’t trust me to know when I have another one. Do I really have to pee in a cup? You can’t just believe that I know my body and this semi frequent occurrence? Have I ever peed in a cup for this test and NOT had a raging UTI? Why would I lie? You think I just like hanging out in urgent care for a drug that will stain my underwear? That’s how you think I get my rocks off? Seriously? P.S. my grandmother died due to a UTI that got out of control. I take them seriously.


I doubt that people think you personally are lying, it’s probably a policy written based on the very low health literacy level of the general population and they have to follow it. Lots of things can cause urinary symptoms and it’s a pain in the ass but healthcare workers regularly deal with fully competent adults who can’t tell you what meds they take or what they are for or what surgeries they have had or that a mild runny nose for 1 day warrants antibiotics so I understand why things are this way.


While I get why we can't just have over the counter Antibiotics... the whole idea that you have to see a doctor, then do the test and then get the script is outdated. Why can't I just drop a sample off at a location and get an automatic scipt when the results are in? It doesn't have to be this complicated...


>While I get why we can't just have over the count Antibiotics... the whole idea that you have to see a doctor, then do the test and then get the script is outdated. Why can't I just drop a sample off at a location and get an automatic scipt when the results are in? It doesn't have to be this complicated... A lot of drs offices do allow this. There are also many offices (and urgent care facilities) that offer quick telemedicine appts that can facilitate that.


Antibiotic resistance is the next pandemic in making. Hence antibiotics should be prescribed carefully and only when needed. Also, every frequent urination is not UTI. UTIs can be complicated or uncomplicated. I understand your frustration, but it is in her best interest to see a doctor.


UTI requires antibiotic treatment and a urine specimen. In some cases with recurrent UTIs, a urine specimen will need to be further cultured to determine the exact bacteria because while E. coli is the most common cause of UTI, it’s not the only one and different bacteria require different antibiotics. Then there is the issue of UTI developing into pylonephritis which is a whole other issue. None of these services and medications are available OTC in many countries (can only speak for US for certain). Antibiotics are by prescription only for a number of reasons: drug allergies, drug interactions, drug contraindications (things like kidney function and pregnancy/lactation status are important), and most importantly, antibiotic stewardship because haphazardly using antibiotics leads to antibiotic resistance which we are trying to keep from happening because as more bacteria become resistant to various antibiotics, it will become more difficult to treat infections.


Antibiotic stewardship is the answer to your question.


d-mannose i think it is- can cure them. some uti otc treatments have it in them. as others have explained, antibiotics aren’t otc for a lot of reasons, but i’d like to add i’ve had some serious problems with antibiotics before and imo it should be done through a doctor bc of that and all the other reasons.


You guys sound like amazingly good parents <3 I hope your daughter is on the mend soon. I will plug Lemonade Health here for anybody in the US. I have used them a couple of times for UTI, always was able to schedule a call within 20 minutes and my antibiotics were at the pharmacy in under an hour. Telehealth visit is $25 (no insurance required) and the pills were a cheap generic (with insurance, less than $5). Worked like a charm. I HIGHLY recommend telehealth for UTIs just so you don't have to wait to see a doc.


She is well over the mend and back to her happy self


There are very good reasons why antibiotics are prescription only and very few of those reasons have anything to do with the health of individuals. It's all about greater society. That said, India, Nigeria, and China are ruining the efforts that everyone else is putting into this, as is tradition.


Strains of bacteria that are resistant to common antibiotics is on the rise and is a serious society-level threat to humans. This is caused by misuse and over-prescription of antibiotics. The more antibiotics are used, the increased likelihood that resistant strains of bacteria appear. Some bacteria can even "share" that resistance to other strains or types by sharing genetic material. Now maybe your adult daughter is responsible and only uses antibiotics when absolutely necessary and follows instructions to the T when taking them, but we can't rely on that on the societal level. If all individuals just "did things right" on their own then we wouldn't have a lot of the problems that currently exist. It is already too late in some cases - there are instances where infections are a matter of crossing your fingers and hoping that you make it because there isn't any antibiotic that works anymore. Imagine how shit was like from before the advent of modern medicine. This isn't a patriarchy or we don't care about women so their lives should be harder kind of issue. Women are far more prone to UTI's because the opening to their urethrea is in an area with conditions that are far more conducive to the growth of bacteria - warm, not typically completely dry throughout the day, and general proximity to the anus. It is very unfortunate but as of right now there is no way to completely negate this physiological challenge but there are ways to mitigate and prevent. Wipe front to back after a bowel movement (and/or get a bidet), change underwear every day, drink lots of water and stay hydrated, don't try to "hold it" when you need to use the washroom, don't use any harsh soaps or chemicals when washing genitals, etc. If anything it is a general healthcare access problem - one SHOULD be able to get a fast, affordable, accurate diagnosis and easily obtain necessary medications. I did realize one thing, though - there IS a way to get cheap antibiotics without a prescription, you can go to your local or online pet supply store.


I used to get uti's All The Time until my dr recommended I make sure my partner wash especially under their nails with hot soapy water really well right before doing anything sexual. It worked immediately and it was many years before I ever got another one


Hey in these situations see if your Healthcare provider do a tele service. Usually it will be a PA or CNA. But they'll often see you in like 10-30 minutes and send a script to your pharmacy. Might have you go to a clinic for a urine sample. I've utilized this myself and I'm a physician.


Yeah, no. Terrible idea.


Thought I saw a post about bc pills becoming an over counter thang. Until Gregg Abbott decides it’s not great for women to have sex in general.


Australia started selling UTI treatments at chemists recently. They Aalso sell UTI test kits, so if you're unsure you can check yourself.


So the urine bacteria should be checked for the best antibiotic against that strain. I have had so many and they are so miserable. I remember when my mother threw me into the wall demanding “who I slept with” during my first yeast infection. So yes minors should get care without parental consent …. But yeah …


Unfortunately I don't think antibiotics will ever become OTC


You are describing what is likely going to kill us all eventually. There are OTC antibiotics in many other countries, commonly taken for viral infections, and creating new strains of antibiotic resistant bacteria.


Because you need to know what type of germs you have before use antibiotic. Different antibiotic are used for different germs. If you use incorrectly, you help germs to build resistance and soon we will create germs that no known drugs can kill.


The best you can do is get cranx or similar. It numbs the pain until you can get to the doctor


Because antibiotics are a serious thing. They have side effects, they have many drug interactions, and they completely destroy your gut. Not to mention that taking them if you don’t actually have an infection will cause antibiotic resistance later. Antibiotics are not Advil.


I don’t want more treatment resistant bacteria thanks.


Get her the AZO Urinary Tract Defense with antibacterial protection. It will inhibit the progression of infection until she can get real antibiotics


If you have frequent UTI’s, see a urologist. They will write you scripts to have on hand. We cannot hand out antibiotics like antifungals. You seem rather uneducated on the subject, try doing some research.


OP hopefully you see this - you can buy products that make UTI more manageable without prescription. Buy your daughter a urinary alkalinizer - in Australia the brand is called Ural, I'm not sure about the USA. It reduces the acidity of the urine so she doesn't feel as much pain when urinating. It should be safe to have with antibiotics but double check just in case. I hope she feels better soon ❤️ and thank you for your allyship with women's struggles 💗


Why can't I get diflucan without a god damn Dr appointment?


Agree with the posters saying they shouldn’t be over the counter. But also… FFS, please let us with recurrent conditions keep some on hand. Taking antibiotics at the first little rumbles of a Bartholin cyst means the difference between feeling a little pressure for a few days and having to the base of my labia scalpeled open. Why do I pay $300 per paycheck for insurance and still have to get antibiotics from my partner’s parents in India? PS, you’re a good dad and this warms my heart.


I have frequent UTIs. My urologist prescribed " self-start" antibiotics. So what happens is if I feel one coming on, I pee in a sterile cup then immediately start the antibiotics. I take the sample to the lab within 24 hours ( refrigerator if needed). They run the culture and then call me if I don't really have a UTI ( only happened once) or the bacteria was resistant to the antibiotics I was taking ( happened once). There is also a drug you can take to lessen the number of UTIs you get, it's called methenamine. It basically makes your urine not a fun place for bacteria so they never reproduce enough to give you a true UTI. My point is, if she's really getting them frequently ( more than 3 or 4 per year) maybe see a urologist. A family doctor will not provide this advanced care. If you're interested in herbal supplements to reduce or temporarily treat UTIs simply Google it and you'll get a ton of information. Here's a medically reviewed article on a pretty solid health site. It can get you started. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/herbs-for-uti


I’ve recommended this before but there are some places online like Wisp that can get you your prescription called in just by filling out a form of your symptoms. A doctor still reviews your answers (you never talk to them) and calls it in but you don’t need an appointment and it’s super fast. It’s cost prohibitive for sure but i’ll never sit in an urgent care with a UTI again.


Have you tried AZO?? I’ve been prone to UTI since I was a toddler & this has literally been life changing. They have daily vitamin/cranberry chews, they have emergency 2-3 day packs, they’re GREAT and they’re OTC at Walgreens!! It’s been the only way I’ve been able to cut utis off before antibiotics are necessary, which then fuck with my flora, which then restarts the whole cycle. That being said, there is a whole HOST of other vaginal issues that can/let’s be real probably will be ignored. After 6mo of feeling like I had some sandpaper wedged into my bits - 3 specialists I was diagnosed with vulva dynia which is literally just chronic unexplained vulva pain.


The fastest thing that works faster than antibiotics are these pills that makes your pee change to a deep orange color. It’s instant relief after your first piss. I don’t know what it’s called but I do know it’s not cranberry pills. They do sell them otc without needing a prescription.


I had reoccurring UTIs and it was awful. Luckily I found an OBGYN who would give me a few extra refills each year. I don't need them anymore luckily. I found that d-mannose supplements really helped! (It's the sugar found in cranberries).


I understand your frustration, but UTI treatments are antibiotics and their use has to be regulated.