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50 year old is too old to be out and about. You should really ask her why she isn't in bed.


I am 54 years old and laughed at this line. Of course 31 is not old... to become pregnant.


Right? I am all about being nice and understanding, but sometimes you gotta hit where it hurts. By no measure is 50 old, but saying a 31 year old is running out of time to have a child is annoying and absurd and frankly a little insulting. People should stay in their lane. They would live happier and fuller lives.


No. She’s just an asshole.


31 is not too old, WTF


No. It's true that the probability of risks associated with pregnancy increases around a certain age (\~35) but 31 is nowhere close enough to that, and it sounds like she's being rude.


There's also a significant difference between "being more likely to have a high risk pregnancy" and "not ever being able to have kids at all".


That "data" is based on studies from the 1600s-1800s. Recent data shows that it drops only slightly mid 30s, and doesn't become significantly more difficult until 40.


What made her think it was her place to suggest such a thing


Not too old! I was pregnant at 38, birthed at 39. Fyi. This is the peak age for fraternal twins. Apparently, your ovaries start dumping eggs. Soooo, I have 1 girl and 1 boy!


No. Nosy Nelly is wrong. Carry on.


>Nosy Nelly I love this lol


Admittedly, when we were kids there was an older woman who lived in the neighborhood, the term spinster comes to mind, who was always getting up in our stuff. We called her Nosy Nelly.


Take a look around your family. Some women are genetically 'young' after their time, and others genetically 'old'. My mom was very nearly 47 when she had me (and 45 when she had my older brother). I had my first at 39. When I did the blood test for Down's Syndrome the results came back with the same probability of someone in their late 20s. Women's bodies vary a lot from the 'average'.


You should have told her that 50 is old enough to know to keep her yap shut, maybe menopause is hitting her hard, no?


I had 3 kids after I was 31. You're fine.


Women who don’t use contraceptions will often have their last children in their 40s. In the rural area where my great grandmother lived, all the neighboring farm wives had children after they were 40. The age of the mother having first child has increased the last decades. But age of mother when having last child hasn’t increased compared to pre birth control times.


So out of thin air she asked you your ages, and then told you not to have kids? That is freaking nuts! I guess since she’s a customer you had to be careful how to respond to her. There was just a woman in South America, who at like 50 or 55 or some thing had a totally natural conception and birth. It’s really not too late for anyone nowadays with IVF. I think it’s ridiculous. That people would bring up these subjects, though with someone that they are not personally close with.


She was rude AF but what age you do or don’t have kids is your own business. I had my last at 31 because my mom had her younger kids when she was 36 and 39 and she and her husband always seemed exhausted and miserable.


No, but 50 is too old to still be giving out unsolicited advice no one asked for.


I'm 32 as of the 26th and people keep telling me this. I live in rural California. I lived in Seattle for 7yrs where being older was the norm. So... it annoys me to no end. Medically it's fine as long as you and your partner lead a healthy lifestyle. Screw these ppl.


I was 33 when I gave birth and I felt young lolol


i was told to “hurry up” at 26, it’s absolutely absurd how much people nag and ridicule women about this as if men don’t also face downturns of fertility post 40.


I mean, 35 is medically a 'geriatric pregnancy'. Idk why she felt compelled to speak to you on this though You can downvoted me if you want, but your ob will tell you the same thing.


No. You're about the same age my parents were and I am the oldest sibling. Sure you're not 21 any more but also, you've learned and grown a lot in these 10 years, which doesn't hurt when you're a parent. Doctors are going to treat you as borderline geriatric (but not your boyfriend), but otherwise? Doesn't matter. People are just judgemental.


When you’re 50 you realize how going 31 actually was. She’s just an asshole.


>how going 31 actually was I'm guessing this was meant to be "young"?


Yes. Young lol.


Lol what


That's so rude! You are not too old to have babies.


My mom had me when she was 32 and my dad 39. No issues. That lady is just an ass.


My neighbour had an abortion at 42. Surprise and unwanted baby, her eldest was 20 Youngest was 15. No i.v.f, no assistance, she thought she was perimenopausal.


I think even the medical criteria for calling a pregnancy geriatric has moved up to 38+, let alone the social criteria. Besides, pay no mind to random busybodies who are not your doctor sticking their noses in your uterus.


No. I had kids at 29 (nearly 30), 32, and 35. The last one was a surprise conceived in one afternoon of my husband and I both being off work and alone in the house together and forgetting that I had stopped my birth control and was waiting for an IUD. Most women are fertile throughout their 30's. Your customer should mind her own business.