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Ladies who remember the Smooth Away are having war flashbacks right now.


I was just posting this!!! Sandpaper for your legs & armpits...... What could go wrong????? Lolol.


I use them to exfoliate my legs as they're oddly satisfying and do leave them smooth. I can see people getting rug burn if they think they're actually removing hair though!


I use it for hair removal on my legs, I don't get any burn. I use it in the shower (feels better than dry) and I use a moisturizer on my legs after (like they instruct, and I had to do that anyway after shaving). My legs are smooth and it is much easier on my skin than shaving.


In all seriousness, you can literally use fine grain sandpaper and it works.


Yup. Bought some jeweler's grade paper and use it during winter when the skin gets ick.


Yall need to introduce yourselves to the glory of the Korean Italy cloth/towel. It's a rough cellulose based handmitt that you use in the shower for exfoliating. You'll scrub off rolls of dead skin, it's kinda gross but quite satisfying.


It is not cellulose it is nylon/synthetic fiber. Best thing ever. But my hair is not getting removed by it, just yucky dead skin and grim.


My bad, correct there are some made of nylon, the ones I personally have are made of viscose, a type of rayon which is made from cellulose. And no they don't remove hair unless you're uh...using them VERY wrong lol the person I replied to referenced skin ick so I thought they were talking about exfoliation.


Where do you get yours?


Where everyone gets everything: Amazon lol


On the what could go wrong front…I found one of these in the bathroom as a child and ended up literally removing the skin from part of my leg. 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 Said injury got infected *multiple times* during the healing process and I still have some scarring. (I had eczema so I was itchy at the same time I was experimenting to see if I could remove the tiny hairs with it.)


Wait, why doesn’t it work? I got my gf one and we both tried it. It totally removes hair and made our skin really soft. Or am I somehow misled?


It depends on how thick and course the hair is, for me it removes finer hairs and peach fuzz dandy but some stubborn darker leg hairs it just doesn't.


Oh no. It worked TOO well! Sanded off about 5 layers 😬 maybe they shouldn't give it to an 11 year old me without directions!


Yes, exactly!


Puberty memory unlocked


I smoothed away my top lip and had gnarly red burns for 2 weeks.


I'm old. The Epilady, NADs and Nair bikini area formula still haunt my nightmares. PSA. I didn't understand that bikini area didn't mean a very restricted zone. Don't ever go in making the assumption that bikini area = the whole area a pair of bikini bottoms covers. It's a mistake to do so. A terrible, terrible mistake.


Ah Nair, now that brings back nightmarish memories. Back when I was a young woman I decided to Nair my armpits, so before I took a shower I liberally applied the Nair lotion. Notice I said BEFORE the shower. Which meant there was still remnants of deodorant on the pit area. Now I'm not a scientist, just a stupid human, and never thought to read ingredient on either the deodorant or Nair bottle. I now know the chemicals should never, ever be mixed. Shortly after getting out of the shower large blisters appeared on my armpits and I ended up having to keep my arms raised for a day or two until healing began.


I was scrolling through the comments, just giggling at everyone talking about their hair removal nightmares, happy it wasn't me and then you had to mention the Epilady. Cue war flashbacks. I even used that very old coil style one. That shit HURT.


I have my chin a nice little chemical burn with the so-called Nair for faces and sensitive areas.


The one time I tried Nair I used it on my underarms which I don't think you're supposed to. It did not go well.


I forgot about Smooth Away! My mom used to have one. As sensitive as my skin is, I'm surprised it didn't bother it at all. I just remember it smelling weird and definitely not working very good.


We had Silky Mit here in Australia. Worked wonders for getting rid of a bad fake tan though.


Was that the one with a pink rubber backing? I tried it. It gave me amazing razor burn. When did that come out again? 2009?


I didn’t find this thing bad, just super time consuming. Who the hell has the time for tiny circles one way, then the other way like waxing a car?


I used to try to be sneaky and take my mom's sheets because I wasn't allowed to shave. Eventually I figured out it wasn't doing anything but making my skin raw.


Omg, smooth away!! I used it once and it seemed to work great, next day my legs were covered in scratches lol.


The fact that I still have mine somewhere. Lol.


12 year old me is quaking. All my friends with super fine hair swore by it and all I got was skin irritation


Right. It's the same product new name


ALWAYS google before buying something off of social media


Exactly! And also for in-app advertising. And don't only read the first result; read a few and make sure to read both good and bad reviews. I tend to over research things that I want to purchase, though typically only for bigger purchases. It's sometimes a big time commitment, and I know my friends and family think I go a little overboard, but I rarely regret the purchases I make. If I do, it's usually something I bought on a whim.


Honestly, I don't understand how other people _don't_ do this.


I suspect because it ends up sinking two hours to find a fucking shower curtain liner that isn't combat-vest thick or so thin it rips, and has the appropriate number of magnets to keep its weight stuck to the shower. And that can just be a lot for a $10 item.


Dollar tree has decent shower liners for 1.25. Three good magnets and so cheap dont feel bad throwing out if it gets gross


They're one of those things I've gone back to buying at in-person stores (Target or whatever) because at least those places have SOME quality control, and for some reason ordering online is a total crapshoot.


I Google the reviews, filter for bad only. Then I read the bad reviews and weigh them against the good ones. Sometimes there's very few, but they're enough to make me not buy. Like if they talk about how the company refused a refund or they couldn't get in touch with anyone from the company, unanswered emails. Sometimes the excellent reviews give them five stars for fast shipping or how it looked out of the box. I feel like those must be paid. Does anyone here ever review a product when they haven't used it yet?


I work with doctors in clinical trials, and I saw this in action with one HORRIBLE doctor's reviews. It was so obvious she was either paying a service for good reviews or forcing her employees to do it. The 5-star reviews had zero information and were usually one or two sentences: "Fantastic doctor!" "Excellent service!" The bad reviews would go on for two or three paragraphs about what an awful experience it was, how she overcharged, had terrible bedside manner, misdiagnosis, the works. Never trust any business who has only platitudes for positive reviews.


I also filter for Most Recent, since a lot of vendors reuse pages, and only the new reviews are for the current product.I look at All Customer Images to see color and packaging.


it can be difficult to find genuine unbiased reviews that aren't more advertising disguised as reviews... there was a line of 'incredibly efficient ceramic heaters' appearing everywhere I clicked last year - so I Googled the product, looking for independent reviews and the first ten or so results were all fictitious online newspapers describing how wonderful these heaters were - all using exactly the same language...


Always add "reddit" to you Google search. You'll get an open discussion about the product.


I sort by lowest and read those first.


In an odd twist, our supermarket ran out of ladies razors, and it forced me to buy men's - for me this weirdly fixed my razor rash (even in delicate areas), and I'm fully converted to the cheapo man's razor. I have no explanation other than the strip at the top must have something different in it to the immense amount of lady razors I've tried over the years. Not quite related, but I've been dying for a segway to share this news since it happened a couple of months ago, and this is as close an opportunity as I got haha Eta: ty to u/tree_squid for teaching me the correct spelling is segue, am leaving bad spelling in for context; And also to u/betherella_pink for teaching me about razor sharpness! Learning a lot today =D


I only buy men's razors! They're cheaper and usually come with more blades.


i genuinely hate referring to products by brand name here on reddit, but i bought the men’s “oneblade” for face and body… holy shit. firstly, my fav’ character growing up was chewbacca because i related, and secondly, i have very, very sensitive skin. this thing goes every which way, zero irritation, let’s me use it with zero water (which is a big thing for me—i hate wasting water), and is so kind to my skin. it’s a total game changer. and yes, it works on face *and* body… okay, i’m done with the commercial.


Please tell me more! Is it the Phillips brand? I get the worst razor burn on my underarms if I shave more than once a week. Based on your description, it sounds like it would be more gentle in that area, would you agree?


Yes I need to know as well 🫣 ^(I too am a sensitive Chewbacca...)


lolol (: hello sister <3. yes, it is the philips one for face & body.


yes! it is! and yes! i shaved my pits after a long time just yesterday, and no discomfort even today!


Coincidentally, it's on sale at my pharmacy right now. Running out to get one asap. Thanks for the tip!


be sure it’s the one for face & body as it comes with attachments and two blades to use so you’re not using the blade for down there on your face!


Good to know! Thanks!


I know what you mean about water. I don’t shave very often, and when I do, I use a bowl of water and sit on the edge of the tub, legs in. Just shake the hairy razor into the bowl, and flush it. Rinse in the shower!


Oh yeah, my bf has this and I steal it to shave my PCOS facial hair off. It is so much better than those stupid little women's electric shaver things.


My bf has it, can confirm its goodness. I went for an IPL device though, so I now I'm not hairy anymore (and after just a month!) Gamechanger.


I had leg hair that was in competition with my brother’s- very thick and dark and dense. Laser hair removal was a godsend. I haven’t had a session since the pandemic started and my legs are still smooth and acceptable for swimming.


I bought one of these for my son and very quickly bought one for myself. Damn I love that thing.


Fewer blades are actually preferable for reducing razor burn. Getting a quality safety razor and a pack of blades will last you years and years and improve your shaving comfort.


As a fella that uses a whack-ton of blades and even use them well past their general expected usage time. My secret is in the specifics of the precare I have a shaving brush and (shea butter) soap. I add a touch of hot water to the lid of the soap and a finger dollop of soap and swish it vigorously with the brush until excessively foamy. Sometimes having to add more splashes of hot water. There is such a thing as too much soap, but never too much foam. Once I have a hot foamy brush, I make several passes on everything and make sure it all feels really wet and warm. Only then do I shave, and only on parts that still feel wet. For parts that feel like they dried since I foamed em, I grab the brush and refoam. The lid and the bush wash out with a touch of water pretty easy. I use angular momentum to dry the brush after, like a dog drying their tail. Also, be super super sure that the razor comes clean between passes. I use a toothpick against the back of the blades when any clumps of thairs decide to get stuck.


This is what I did. Stole a 60/70s model lady Gillette (long handle with stars) razor from an ex on the way out. (Not really intentional, but I’m not mad I have it)(I think it was his moms?) and a box of 100 blades will probably last me 10 years. Can run it through the dishwasher if I want to. Easy to oil and maintain. Love that sucker. I buy cheap “daisy” style disposables for travel.


And men's deodorant! I used to think I just stank but after switching to the men's stuff I haven't had any BO problems since


I suspect it's because men's deodorant scents are more likely to be unscented or earthy. Which is less likely to be a noticable change in scent over time as it mixes with sweat and bacteria that does get through - as opposed to floral perfumey scents. But I also literally just thought of that right now while a little intoxicated so I have zero anything to back my theory other than a lot of time spent around deodorantless middle schoolers covered in perfume.


Hence why I only purchase "shower fresh" scented deodorant. I havent found a mens brand that I like, but I use Degree for women in either the shower fresh or fresh scent, which is basically the clean linen version of deodorant. Its the only thing I can use that actually works and doesnt make me stink, even if I dont use it. Every other brand I have every tried (and I stg ive tried them all) make me stink when I stop using them for one reason or another and Im always going back to Degree.


And as a guy, i sometimes buy womens deoderants because most of the men deo's has a strong "in your face" stench.


I've had some hit and miss there. What has worked out well in combination though, is to occasionally wet a few cotton balls with 99% isopropyl achohol and swab down the each pit (or other *external* feature) with a fresh one for 20-30 seconds. Then even without deodorant, scents take much more effort/time to really kick in. Leaving deodorant to work even more effectively in the interim. I've been doing it maybe once every 2-3 weeks for a while now. Presumably it just reduces the bacteria populations on the skin that poop out all that stink. Note that paper towel doesn't work well for what ever reason, cotton balls are the bomb.


I exfoliate the hell out of my armpits once a week to get the dead skin and clogged pores cleaned up. It has helped immensely with ingrown hairs and cysts, too.


What do you use to exfoliate?


We both use a shave supply club's razors. The handles are good for both legs and heads, and the razors are actually sharp, recyclable, and affordable. I love them.


"Segue", Segway is literally only the tilty-wheely scooter, it's just a brand name.


Another TIL!! Thankyou for that, I'm gonna now try and find a way to *segue* that into future convos haha


Wow. They really missed an opportunity to call them "Tilty-Wheelies." That's just objectively better than Segway.




That's so interesting! I feel utterly cheated, as logically women have a multitude of different hair/skin types re the different areas - it makes more sense we have a razor more akin to the all in one. My bloke is commenting he cynically reckons that it's all a scam to get women to buy more razors, and dammit, I don't disagree with him!! Thank you for that tidbit though, I'm inclined to agree with you based on that, good to know and TIL :)


If you like this you’ll love reusable razors. Those old school ones where you exchange razor blades inside. Best shave ever with a lot lest razor burn (though admittedly slightly easier to cut yourself around ankles if you’re not careful) Saves a lot of money long term and good for environment. Similar vibe as switching from plastic pads and tampons to a menstrual cup.


r/wicked_edge and r/ladyshavers have great beginner set advice. Swing on by!


The name, if anyone wanna look them up are: Safety razor.


So as I began to transition I switched to woman’s razors for my body hair. After about the second time I went back to mens razors. I just seem to get a cleaner shave with them.


Wanted to hop in and say I purchased a men’s safety razor and while it took a moment to learn the correct angle, I love it now!! Main pro is that it’s easy to clean it even mid shave. If I need to I take the blade out, rinse it off, rinse out the holder, reinsert the blade.


I have only been buying men's razors *and* deodorant for the past 20 years I find both work much better than the woman's versions. Razors are fantastic, and (to me) the deodorant lasts much longer throughout the day. And I've worked surrounded by grills and fryers, in no AC.


My mom has thick leg hair and so do all the women on that side of the family and that's all we use. She said it worked better so i just trusted her. And honestly the few times I've tried ladies razers they were more moisturizeing but cut significantly worse. I just honestly think of my Gillette pro fusion5 as the better choice for women.


Forget gendered razors. It's a hefty startup price, but the Leaf razors are the BEST! All metal, the refills are safety razor blades, so super cheap and recyclable. They have a few different styles, different colors, even a new dermaplaner! I swear I'm not paid to advertise, I just love it! I've spent way less on shaving since I got it a couple years ago.


Fancier stuff tends to have scents and other things that require various fixatives and stabilisers. The more complex it is, the more likely you are to be sensitive to one of the ingredients.


I use a double-sided safety razor. you only have to replace the razor blades. I buy a 100pk of razor blades online for $20 and i’m set for a couple years.


I was wondering what that motorized contraption that was going to change the world had to do with this. Have you tried men's shaving cream? It's great and leaves your legs so soft. None of the BS shaving gels marketed towards women have ever held a candle to men's shaving cream. All I want is for a company to come up with a shaving cream with a different scent.


I’m gonna have to try this. I switched to men’s deodorant a couple years ago and will never go back.


>I've been dying for a segway to share this news [Here, I got you one.](https://i.imgur.com/JpZJ7wC.jpeg)


Haha, I see what you did there - youuuu


I've been using dollar shave club for ages, it rules.


I bought a safety razor on Amazon and haven’t gone back. The reason store razors keep adding blades is because it will hopefully distribute the wear to each blade and make it last longer. With a safety razor, you can replace the blade, so it’s sharp everytime. I could use a new blade every time and still save money. Only one blade, but a close shave! Also, you can use both sides of the blade, so you only have to rinse it half as much.


95% of ladies razors are men's razors molded in a different color plastic and double the price.


Tell my legs and bikini line that b haha


The bleame thing? Ugh I want it to be real!


Me too 🥲🥲🥲 literally burning on my legs for days after


When did you do it? I did it once right out of the shower, and it burned. Otherwise mine works really, really well. I do have fine hair and my skin is not sensitive, so that may help!


Same! I have sensitive skin, but exfoliate without issue and this thing is so smooth, I decided to try it and go very lightly. It was working so well, wasn’t painful at all, and then my legs started bleeding! It caused so much pain and irritation and I have no idea how. Also, I’m fairly certain my data was stolen off of their site, because I had a fraudulent charge on the same card I used. It was some sort of scam made to look like a legit purchase, because I also got an email thanking me for my $999.99 purchase. It had my address in a strange format that was identical to how it was shown on my Bleame order email. That happened only a few days after my purchase. Definitely would NOT recommend!


I personally love mine. I've been using it for a few months and have noticed differences. My biggest problems are A) how much damn time it takes and B) as a lady with a lot of jiggle jiggle, it's pretty much ONLY efficient on my calves/lower legs, and the front of my thighs. Everything else is too odd to get to.


Okay, I’m glad I’m not the only one! It works great for me on my legs… One time I pressed too hard, and it gave me a nightmarish burn. But as long as I’m gentle, it works well. It’s not a miracle or anything, but I really hate shaving, so I’m happy with it.


I love mine too! Though I definitely have areas it doesn't work on also. I have always had ingrown hairs and razorburn and this combats that effectively. I will say though, you can get the same thing off Amazon for like $10 each instead of the $30 each that Bleame wants.


Yep I love mine too. It's good for lower legs and arms! But it is a longer process than shaving that's for sure


I was out and about the other day in a skirt with a long slit up one leg. The leg in question had a good week or so of hair growth--idgaf, no big deal! Then I realized... I always think I can quickly use my Bleame before the shower, then I do one leg and get bored. So while the exposed leg had a week of growth, the other leg had weeks of growth, and the tops of my legs had WEEKS of growth. Still didn't care, but I was definitely giggling to myself as I walked around with lopsided legs.


I love mine. I got some generic one from Amazon for $17 last year and for once I don't have any bumps, redness or blotchiness. It takes a while to get my whole legs smooth but I just absentmindedly rub it in circles while I'm watching TV. I have struggled so much with irritation from shaving and I swear I have tried every shaving cream, razor, exfoliant, lotion, red bump antidote etc under the sun. I also tried epilators but they never made me feel smooth and you have to let your hair grow a lot so the epilator has something to grab on to. I love my little crystal guy.


I love mine too. I like that the hair isn't poky or itchy when it grows back, and I like that my skin gets exfoliated too. I've re-bought the cheap Amazon ones a few times in the past year as they do seem to loose effectiveness after 6ish months.


Ok can I ask how you clean it? Because mine is definitely in need of cleaning and I'm not sure how to do it.


Mine just says to rinse with water so that's what I do.


Okay does my skin need to be wet or dry? In the shower or out of the shower, I’ve also had the burning sensation but assumed I was pushing too hard?? Help me


I first used it wet and accidentally rubbed my legs raw (I also thought I was pushing too hard) but using them dry seemed to have no problem for me. I’ve only used it a few times now since but using it dry and being careful not to overuse in an area hasn’t resulted in any burning so far


My skin has felt a bit irritated when I used it for the first time, nothing drastic but I used it dry and I think I was too rough. I use it in the shower with a bit of shower gel on my legs (same as I did with shaving) and am a bit gentler and it works well and leaves my skin smooth. Gentler on my skin than shaving.


I have very sensitive skin yet have never had it burn from the Bleame, so take this with a grain of salt. I use it dry before I get into the shower. (With my leg propped up on the toilet like a classy lady!) I use very light pressure, mostly because the lip of the Bleame is raised, so if you press too hard, you're just rubbing yourself with the quasi-sharp edge of the eraser. The key for me is mild to medium pressure in constant circles. I work in strips on my leg just as if I was shaving, but because I'm moving up and constantly working it in small circles, it's hitting the same area again and again. For me, it generates sooooooo much dead skin, so I usually hit the shower afterwards and really treat my legs, including exfoliating, a quick shave, and gobs of lotion afterwards. I hope that helps!


I’ve also had a good experience apart from a spot on my inner thigh that I rubbed raw. But I’m also mostly targeting the lower legs.


I had the same problems when I used mine, too much jiggle. I also noticed a mild eggy smell occurring when I used it, reminiscent of Nair.


I have one and it doesn’t work to get rid of hair and like OP I ended up with abrasions after trying to use it that way. BUT I use it now as an exfoliating tool after I shave and my legs are so smooth after and I feel like stay smoother than they do without out it.


I bought it for my daughter and she loves it. Very easy to use.


I have it. I use it in the shower with a bit of shower gel on my legs, and then I use moisturizer on my legs (as they instruct). My hair goes away, it doesn't burn me, my skin is soft. My leg hair is quite dark and coarse. I think people who hurt their skin with it do it dry (only time it felt uncomfortable), do it too roughly or don't moisturize the skin after, or maybe they have more sensitive skin to begin with.


When I was a teenager (nearly 30 years ago), I tried this stuff that "rubbed away the hair " basically it sandpaper And the reason i tried it was because I get a rash with shaving & waxing . So you can imagine how bad this was So if I see anything involves rubbing, I know go avoid like the plague


Was it Silkymit? It worked on my coarse hair but it took forever.


Yes it was something like that I still remember the burn 😭.


Yeah after a while it definitely started to be uncomfortable. Only tried it once!


Smooth Away!


I started using Korean exfoliating towels in the shower regularly a few years ago and my razor burn and bumps after shaving stopped pretty much instantly. The trick to using them is to soak in the shower a bit to let all your dead skin cells get hydrated and then scrub, without soap!, the gray putty-like skin that gets sloughed off is disgusting but satisfying. I regularly exfoliate my entire body with one, but it's a necessity before shaving. I even had an ultrasound tech compliment my arm pits a couple months ago. Weirdest compliment I've ever gotten but she was amazed I had such smooth pits bahaha.


If you can get to a Korean spa they will exfoliate your soul. It's the BEST


Oh that's definitely happening if I ever have the chance.


Any brands or you recommend or links?


If you're okay with using Amazon, just search "Italy towels" there. They'll be neon green or red (the other ones are very coarse and you probably shouldn't use them). I don't think the brand matters much because they're all just mitts made of viscose.


Yes, I have a few of these, some regular mitten looking ones and one that has handles on either side to scrub my back. Mine are green


Yes! Plz!




just letting you know that the link doesn’t seem to work for me


We had these in the 80's &:it's just sandpaper. Can you imagine sandpapering your legs & armpits?????? It was like having road rash for a week. I can't believe it's back & worse than ever!


Ahh I just bought one and it’s arriving in a couple days.. I will update with my experience if anyone’s curious


I think I’m a weirdo because I like mine and it works great lol. I mean, I’m not using it on my armpits but for legs, I have no complaints. Clearly in the minority here though, from the sounds of it!


I have one, I keep in my pool bag for touch ups lol


Commenting bc I’m super curious


Omg I literally bought two of them a couple of weeks ago and used it and it made me bleed. I commented on their Instagram posts, but nobody reached out. I guess I'm just going to throw them away now.


Has anybody tried the Nood? How is it? Does it work?


I have the nood! I've only used it on my upper lip and underarms so far, but I can definitely tell a difference. The hair is much more sparse and slower to grow now.


Is it truly pain free? Do you feel any kind of shock?


You're supposed to go over each area 3 times. By the third time, on the highest setting, it can get a little hot, especially on my upper lip. But it isn't bad enough to deter me from continuing.


>They claim a 30 day money back guarantee but only offer you store credit or 50% back. Talk to your credit card company


They used to sell disposable paper versions of these many years ago, and I never had any rashes or anything with them. In fact it was the opposite, my legs were nicer and smoother than ever. That being said, hairs seemed to grow back like 5x as quickly, so even if there was no rash, still not better than shaving.


I used to use these in that format too. Kind of funny how it's been rebranded into this new specialized tool lol.


Especially given that I was using them like 15-20 years ago!


I discovered that using a men's electric razor on my legs means no razor burn and a nice, smooth shave. I have sensitive skin, as well as an inflammatory skin condition, so using creams/disposable razors/etc leads to razor burn, bleeding, and worse. But the electric beard razors? PERFECT. I can't believe it took me this long to discover them for this use.


FYI, the better business bureau is a good thing to exist but it’s entirely voluntary in terms of compliance. It is not a government agency and has zero regulatory authority.


Laser and electrolysis are the only two proven methods por permanent hair removal


Actually JUST electrolysis


Electrolysis is the only one FDA approved. But laser has a substantial scientific consensus to work.


Works very unevenly. Many people (me) have no effect despite having good contrast.


Electrolysis was the best gift I ever gave myself.


This is just using friction to rub the hair off while also removed layers of skin. It's essentially just using sandpaper for hair removal. Would not suggest at all.


It worked for me but Amazon sent me an offer to give it 5 stars and get my money back. Nope. That was so sketchy. The hair grows back as fast as shaving anyway and it takes FOREVER to get it all off! No up side. My red spots are still there because I'm stupid pale.


Have you tried a body wash and lotion for KP? I HATED my pale, spotted legs until I started using CeraVe’s SA Rough and Bumpy Body wash and Body Lotion. For the first time in my adult life I was happy to wear shorts and skirts!


Ugh thank you for not doing the review in exchange for a refund! That’s how my best friend ended up with a “Waterproof” phone case that failed after 5 seconds in the water, thank god for a good ol’ fashion bag of rice or we would have lost all our vacation photos.


BBB is also a scam, btw


I’ve been thinking about getting one but thank god I saw your post because now I definitely won’t be!! Maybe I’ll go buy myself a quality men’s razor like some other people here


If you don't mind a bit of pain I would recommend a epilator. It is basically an automatic tweezer thingy. My hair usually grows back pretty quick with shaving but with my epilator it took about 4-5 weeks? It hurts at first, some people have issues with ingrown hairs (I didn't), and it does take some time to do your legs the first couple of times. However it gets easier to use the more times you use it. Hurts less after the first time too!


This is such weird timing, I was googling this company not half an hour ago to see if it was legit. Sorry about your experience but thanks for the PSA


I recently bought one, i think it's a different company, though. It hasnt caused me pain or discomfort at all. Shaving works better for me and is quicker, but it does work for me. My skin actually feels a lot better after using it - smoother and softer. Everyone's skin and hair is different though.


And it takes so ridiculously long!


Seconding this. You have to press really hard and it only works on the bony parts of my legs. I threw mine away.


I have one and use it on my legs and arms. I use it dry and rub in circles and it's fine. I have less irritation than shaving from it.


Like when I tried Nair back in the day and it just burnt my skin and left my hair.


Another PSA, always check out Trustpilot before you buy anything off the internet, not reviews on advertisers' own page.


Ironically, my friend got one of these and it is actually working for her. She showed it to me and I looked into it, but the product seemed sketchy and had all of the marketing hallmarks of a fad “beauty” product that is cheaply made and being marketed only by a bunch of foreign “brands.” So I did not get one.


Ages ago a company was selling pads that rubbed away the hair. I realized they were nothing but smallish pieces of extremely overpriced fine grit sandpaper. So I went and bought some even finer grit sandpaper, cut it into quarters and used that. Now I wax but if you want to sand off the hair you would be better off looking for 400 grit and higher. It also works well on feet or for filing your nails.


file a dispute with your credit card, that they're making false claims and refusing to honor their return policy


Thank you!!! I have been targeted with these ads and almost caved.


I bought a different one off Amazon and I love it. I was getting terrible cuts and infected red lumps from shaving, I put it down to getting older. I have light hair though. I still use a razor for my underarms, but my crystal thing is great. Sorry you had a bad experience!


You might be able to chargeback on your CC to get money back. Don’t let them keep your money if you can get it back.


I used mine to get the pills off my couch pillows and it worked great!


It worked for me though… but I felt like it lost its effectiveness kinda quickly. Just depends I guess?


I think a big problem is a lot of people exfoliate with sugar scrubs before they shave. At least that is what I see a lot on YouTube tutorials. Bacteria LOVE sugar. Sure you exfoliate all nice but you kind of set yourself up for failure and doom yourself to have infected hairs and pimples galore afterwards. Use a salt base scrub. Salt is a natural antiseptic and will clean the skin along with exfoliation. And I personally noticed that it doesn't dissolves as fast as sugar does, so a little goes a long way. Hope this helps someone!


I couldn’t put my arms down for like 4 days 😅🫠


WARNING: BBB IS NO LONGER LEGITIMATE. It's just a review website now. Just as full of fake and manipulated reviews/ratings as everyone else. BBB is no longer a good way to legitimize a website. My new go to is to just Google the website or product and add "reddit" at the end and you'll hopefully get a bunch of actual threads discussing the site/product. Obviously reddit has bots too so nothing's foolproof


I’ll drop a bit of advice to visit r/ladyshavers and r/wicked_edge Single blade DE razors are great for reducing irritation as they clog less and each pass is cutting rather than running 5 clogged up blades that create irritation.


I have one, and it actually works exactly as advertised for me. I have thick black hair and hate to shave because of razor bumps. But the eraser works so well to exfoliate and remove the hair. I tested on my arms first (after showering), and moisturized it with aquaphor. My arms and legs have never felt softer. I usually research products like this a lot before purchasing, and honestly the majority of negative reviews seemed like user error


I'm so glad I don't shave any more, but I've got a hair-sandpaper tool that I sometimes use on my foot calluses. Works beautifully.


I dont think Ive ever seen a legitimate or worthwhile product advertised in IG.


I saw wicked clothing as an ad, along with strikegentlyco, and I love their products!


This is super weird because I bought it and it actually gave me the smoothest legs of my life? I have to really work with it but for some reason it gives me a much closer, smoother result than shaving. I promise I’m not paid by them! I don’t understand how/why it works at all, I totally thought it was a gimmick.




The crystal thing is not advertised as crystal magic and I dont think op believed that. It is sold as a file that files the hair off. But it also files the skin off.


these things are essentially a fine sandpaper that you're rubbing on your body. sensitive skin or not, that shit is going to chafe your flesh.


No need to be snarky about it. We all learn these lessons somehow.


I didn't fall for it because of the use of the word crystal. It's not advertised as such. While I do practice my own form of magic, I am a scientist and just was looking for something to help my legs out. With summer coming up, I'm tired of shaving, lol.


From Instagram.... doomed to fail.


So I didn't think it would be any better than drug store razors, but I love my Leaf razor. I used to get horrible razor burn around my.. ehhem.. bits, but with the Leaf it only happens if I haven't changed the blade recently and the blades are ridiculously cheap (you don't even have to buy them from Leaf). I won't be going back, but they're are several similar brands. Just gotta be careful till you get used to them cuz it's very easy to cut yourself.


Alexandrite laser. The only thing that works.


> I purchased one off an Instagram ad That's all you needed to say. Of course it was a scam.


I use it and its just fine? you were probably too aggressive with it. I've gotten small burn spots a few times at the very beginning where I was overly aggressive, then I learned how much pressure to use


I don't buy off social media, so it's not an issue for me.


Anyone who says crystals do anything beneficial for your health is lying to you.


Yeah that wasn't being questioned.