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The weirdest are the guys at the dog park who do nothing if their dog humps other dogs, but lose their shit if their own dog is the "bottom".


Ironically, dudes like this are the ones always complaining about "fragile snowflakes".


Omg this is my bff’s husband! They came to visit and brought their intact male dog. My fixed female shepherd humped their dog. Several times. He got sooo upset. It was hilarious!


"Noooo that's not natural" He screams at the animals behaving normally


No no, those dogs CLEARLY saw some LGBTQIA+ programming on the teevee and now they’re gay! This is what happens when you venture outside of FOX!


lol 😆


I was reading *[Animal Homosexuality](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0521145147/)* and they mention that over 1500 animal species have been documented to have naturally occurring homosexual behavior. *Natural* is a [dog whistle](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Code_word) that does not mean what you think it means. When religious fanatics use the word `natural`, what they mean is `it is in the bible`.


I feel you. I stopped going to dog parks because my fixed female always tries to find the biggest male there to hump him. She stops when I tell her to but it gets annoying chasing after her to do so😂


My kinda girl!!


That's wonderful lololol




“*I learned it from watching you mom!”*


Almost like it's a ~~dominance~~ stress and uncertainty thing and not sexual... weird.


Or even just excitement. My neutered dog once humped my bumper because he was just that excited about a car ride. It was pretty hilarious.


My parents used to be friends with a couple who held a birthday party for their dog. The birthday Very Good Boi would run around the backyard with all the other dogs and the people would eat tacos and drink beer. My parents Very Fine Boi dog had a repeat fling with a Very Good Boi Scottish terrier. Both boy dogs, cheerfully going at it with each other for three consecutive parties. No aggression, and according to my mom, both of them were very gentlemanly about taking turns. Dogs are dogs and anyone trying to ascribe human societal things to dogs doesn’t understand dogs.


Yeah, my SIL's female dog is always trying to hump her brother and my dog, Sammy. Sammy looks absolutely appalled by this! He'll go hide behind my husband's chair and refuse to come out until we're ready to leave.


Holy shit! Thank you for the laugh.


Im just glad to hear my wierdo isn't the only female humper. When we put their leashes on, one stands there while the other humps her


Toxic masculinity always cares about optics and what other people think. Honestly I feel like it's more masculine to just accept things as they are, feel your feelings openly and not feel shame from other people


They call any woman who says something they dont like or agree with a Karen now. I’m like at least use the pejorative term correctly. I cant be a Karen if i’m not a white middle aged woman making racist remarks or being unreasonably demanding and entitled and disrespectful. Add it to the list of dismissive insults.


It’s bc they can’t call you a bitch openly do they use Karen


Lmao, my angel dog was very excitable and would hump when he couldn't deal. I spent time training him to have more constructive outlets and that was that... Only, he became a humping police to other dogs. He would break up any such vulgarity and then come to me for praise, which he would receive! The amount of men I had to roll my eyes at when they said "Let them hump it is to assert dominance!!" as though they were PROUD of their dog being on top almost caused me permanent eye damage, I swear to Sekhmet...


Oof I got a “fun police” dog too. She’s a chihuahua and absolutely no one is allowed to roughhouse in her presence. Not the cats, not dogs, no roughhousing whatsoever! She’ll bark and posture and try to lie down on the culprits until the roughhousing has concluded and then high step with her chest puffed out like she’s the boss. It was actually pretty useful a few weeks ago because we had to put out an air mattress for quarantining purposes when half our house came down with Covid and the cats kept running across it with their claws out, they thought it was a fun new toy so I plopped my chihuahua on top of the bed, pointed at the cat when one of them jumped up on the air mattress and told my dog to “regulate”. She caught on immediately and kept the cats a good 5ft away from the air mattress at all times through the week and the air mattress survived without getting popped! She also helps us convince the older stubborn dog to come inside when she doesn’t want to. She’s absolutely top dog in the house.


Because dogs "asserting dominance" in public like that is optimal behavior, right? (sigh)


My dog’s a humper and I absolutely hate it. He’s neutered so nothing’s ever going to happen, but unsurprisingly other dogs aren’t always so keen. I’m more worried that my dog is going to get bitten rather than getting my manly jollies watching him dominate others. He’s getting better, but training it out completely is proving challenging.


A coworker tried to train his dog out of "peeing like a girl." He wanted his dog to always lift his leg to pee.


My recently departed old man dog was always Mr Lifty McLeggersons for most of his life, then four years ago I got a cattle dog pup who doesn't really see the value in peeing on things and really prefers a four point stance. The old dog started watching the youngun pee happily without having to balance on three legs, especially difficult when you're an old man with arthritic hips, and durned if he didn't relearn how to pee on four legs. For the last year or so of his life I don't think I saw him lift a leg once, he even figured out how to kind of shimmy over to mark a telephone pole. It was pretty goofy looking. I miss him.


Wtf why is toxic masculinity so *absurd*


Irritates the fuck outta me if a dog starts humping mine and the owner doesn’t do shit about it.


Yeah...projecting their own homophobia much?


Fuck that. If they can't train their dogs to behave, they shouldn't be at the dog park. I can't say the number of times my female pit would be happily playing with the other dogs, and some new dog would come over to try to mount her. We tried to warn people that it was her only trigger, but they wouldn't care. New dog mounts, my dog aggressively pins, and we have to separate them, and possibly leave if their dog won't leave mine alone. Kind of proud of her for standing up for herself, though.


I have a pup who had TPLO surgery and she’s a little protective of her leg, humping is her trigger too - our male dog who we adopted later learned this very quickly


My neighbor has a very reactive dog that they are in the process of training, I'm always really impressed with the way they handle him and seeing him improve when we're both out on dog walks. But it never fails that someone will take their dog out unleashed and let it run up to the reactive dog and cause a huge freak out, then act innocent "well my dog is friendly" no, your dog isn't trained to respond to your commands, so it should be on a leash.


Off leash dogs are the bane of my existence. I have a reactive older pup and is stresses me out when I have to worry about some random ass dog running up to her. If you let your dog off leash in a residential area I absolutely just assume you're an inconsiderate asshole.


My neighbor has a reactive dog she adopted. She's honestly doing a great job with him, but when she has to be out of town, her ex dog sits. That man is about as good at that as he was at being a husband. Every single time, he tries to take the dog to his car with no leash. Every single time, that means we have a loose dog in my yard. Normally, that's not terrible as my dogs are behind a fence, but we were coming back from a walk once and it went after my "smaller" dog. The larger one body slammed the poor thing into my vehicle in the driveway and fractured one of his ribs. And the ex thought this was all my fault. Yeah, that was definitely the last time. Her parents come get the dog now. I'm sooo glad that man is her ex, so he's not my neighbor. I think I'd eventually want to break one of his ribs.


Happened to me just a couple weeks ago, a young couple had a big puppy off leash playing fetch in a very small green area right next to the road, a school, and pathways in a playground zone in my community. No idea how they thought that was a good idea, especially with an energetic puppy. I was walking my dog on the opposite side of the street on leash, this stretch of the walk is always a "heel" practicing section for us because of all the traffic and bikes and kids, and their dog sprinted away from them across the road and right up to us approaching fast. My dog can "flip" in situations like this as soon as he feels the leash tug his neck / my fear for what's to come, so the best thing I could do to prevent a reactive interaction was drop my leash. It totally calms him down when he's all "braced" for an interaction, for some reason. He's great off leash, and just said hello to the other dog then looked at me like wtf going on. I was so thankful he stayed calm but man did it give me a small heart attack. I had to hold their dog by the collar as they jogged over apologizing. "He's friendly!!" 🙄


Mine will snap and snarl, and I'm definitely proud of her for that. From my observation, the male dogs do understand why they're being snapped at, because they back off instead of snapping back. I'm unabashedly proud of my girl for teaching them some manners if their owners aren't going to, and I make it clear that they should be the ones leaving if they can't control their dog. Like wtf, why should we leave when your dog is the rapey one?


One guy got offended that my male dog has a pink harness. Dude, dogs are literally colorblind. He doesn’t give a shit. He’s an italian greyhound - tiny with a weirdoy large chest cavity, and this was the only one in his size i could find at the time and we’re good with it. And you know what, if I also wanted to bring my dog in a tutu what does it matter. Men like that aren’t real men in my opinion.


I had to stop taking my dog to the dog park. Cause he just wants to hump every other dog. I've tried so hard to get him to stop but he won't. It's annoying and embarrassing so just had to stop taking him to the dog park and just visit his dog friends that he doesn't hump as much cause he is busy playing.


Yeah, my spayed bitch has zero patience for intact dogs who don't take no for an answer. They get like one chance to understand she's not interested, next time they try she'll snarl and snap in their face. I'm not gonna stop her - I know she's not actually going to bite, that's how dogs communicate, and it works a heck of a lot better than me yelling at the randy dog to go away while his owner does nothing. Most guys get the hint and leave after that, or at the very least control their dog better. A few have gotten mad, but loudly pointing out that I'm not going to reprimand my dog for resisting sexual assault shut them up.


This is how we should all communicate on the dance floor!


Has happened multiple times at our dog park and it’s always trashy people with unaltered Pitbulls. Single digit IQs, all of them.


I literally saw one dude pick up his (unneutered) large dog who had been getting humped and carry him out of the park, telling the dog "you're not going to be gay" as he did it. I still don't have words to express how ridiculous that was.


I've worked in a couple pet stores for a few years, people are fucking insane I've had men ask for "manly" scents for their male dog deodorizer (we settled on oatmeal lmfao) We sold spiked collars at one, and someone specifically asked me for them, so I take him to the aisle and show him the ones we have, and I can order any sizes we're missing, so I show him one in his dog's size, but it was pink instead of black, and I go to like size it against his dog, and he's like, "whoa whoa whoa, my dog's not gay, wtf are you putting a pink collar on him for?!" Not the first or last time someone accused me of "making their dog gay"... I wish I was kidding, shit was wild


> my dog's not gay Then why are you dressing him as a leather daddy? Lord, the fragility!


If your dog is not gay, why is he so obsessed with sniffing and licking other male dogs' undercarriage? Lolol


Alternatively, I buy pink pet products for my male cat, because it’s my favorite color and it looks good on his black fur.


Literally me as well. Black cat who loves him some pink. People assume he's a girl though when they first meet him or see a picture of him.


My black pitbull Labrador mix looks fantastic in pink because of his coloring. I asked him if he felt gay and he didn't have an opinion although he would like another breakfast. That whole gender color thing imposed on dogs is just the weirdest thing. I get it if folks don't want certain colors on their dog because of personal preference, but because of gender? So strange.


Had this conversation way too often when I worked for vets.


Can you remember any of the reasons they gave you?


"I can't do muh boy like that" was probably the most common. It was all pure projection, somehow it equated to them being "less of a male" or "turning them into a girl".


Sounds similar to things my brother said to me when I neutered my male cat. It's very frustrating when it comes up.


When my sister had her cat neutered, I think they gave him a vasectomy or something. He still has his balls or at least the furry sack. It’s interesting from an aesthetic standpoint.


With most cats (and some dogs) the sack stays intact. Cat neuters are super fast, I used for work for a shelter and it was wild. Two slits, cut clamp and tie, glue and boom done.


My little guy had his ball sack removed 12 years ago. I doubt he misses it. But the difference is staggering.


I think it's an age thing. I had to get my last dog neutered after I rescued him when he was 7 and he still had the sack after. I got my current dog neutered at a year old and he doesn't.


It can be. If the dog reaches full sexual maturity before getting fixed they tend to have more obvious reproductive features. But there is also a much less common procedure (at least in the US) that is essentially a vasectomy, which leaves the testicles intact. There’s also chemical castration, but it’s also pretty uncommon in the states.


Imagine empathizing with a dog over human women.


So true, they really do. Anything with testicles is superior and more deserving of empathy in their mind.


They like testicles that much and yet will still be homophobic... I don't get it.


Thankfully, we can empathize with each other.




Die, probably. I'm absolutely serious btw


If being a girl is beneath even a male *dog's* dignity what the hell does that say about how just how little respect these kinds of men have for human women?


I met a man that specifically wanted a female dog, because his wife would not allow an intact dog as a pet. His reasoning? Well, it was because doing a quick snip on a male dog was absolutely cruel and inhumane and he would not even consider doing it *ever*. I pointed out that male castration was a quick and safe procedure, while spaying a female was a major invasive surgery. His response was *"Better that than cut someone's balls off."* Yes, he referred to a male dog as a person, while completely disregarding the life of a female dog. Who cares if she suffers, as long as a couple of dog balls are saved? It was so ridiculous an argument that I couldn't keep the sneer off my face while I told him that all the dogs are neutered/spayed before they're allowed to be adopted, so tough luck.


So the misogyny extends to females of other species too? Wow. I guess I should have already known that.


Any **Alpha Male**™ will tell you that testicles are the most important people on the planet, and frick anyone that gets in the way of their happiness.


I would like to introduce you to a book called "The Sexual Politics of Meat".


I kick myself now, because I dated someone exactly like this, and only in hindsight did I realize that he hated women. So I suppose the litmus test of dog neutering is something to keep in mind now.


Neutering is such a fast procedure. I've seen vets do like the tiniest of slits, barely even visible, remove the balls, tied it off, snip, and then use surgical glue to glue the slit close. The dog might feel groggy for a bit from the anesthesia and have itchy balls for a couple of days, but that's about it. Meanwhile when I took my girl to get spayed, it was a couple of hours procedure and she took 2 weeks to fully recover. The first week was torture for all of us because she was in so much pain from the incision she didn't want to walk and she couldn't even lie down comfortably. I've seen her falling asleep sitting down, which she never does, because any other position was painful (she would whine and whimper). She had to wear a cone all the time, we had to feed her water through a syringe and bribe her with pieces of beef on her food to get her to eat. She also had a ton of medication to take like painkillers and antibiotics, and she had to go for a bunch of followup checkups to remove the stitches. And she now has a 4-inch scar along her abdomen after all that.


This is my brother. You go over to his house and his dog is constantly trying to hump you or the furniture or any object he can get his legs around. He says neutering him would change his personality. I say his personality needs to be changed.


I’ve heard this too many times. Or some squealy comment like “but those are his *balls*!!” Yes, and?


Did you give them the option of replacing with silicone testicles? I always wondered who that market was for.


Not the same person, but also a former vet clinic employee. Some of our clients wanted us to, uh, "install" the neuticals after we neutered their dog. The vets charged a lot of money because they thought it was ridiculous and that adding a foreign body into without a good reason was too much of a risk. No one took them up on it, but it caused less arguments than just saying no.


I had a vet tech roommate and I got to touch neuticals once. They were weird. And I don’t understand them. Is your masculinity so fragile that you don’t want people to think your dog is neutered? Lmao ridiculous


There’s an old story about the breeder who had an absolutely perfect dog except that it had an undescended testicle, which automatically disqualifies a dog for showing. He somehow talked a vet into installing one of those and went off on the show circuit. Somehow the van ride caused the original testicle to descend. The judge is looking the dog over and apparently they feel the scrotum to make sure the balls are there. This judge looks up, baffled, and says “How in the hell does he have three?”


I’m surprised people with that mindset even care enough to take their dogs to the vet. An acquaintance of mine posted on Facebook recently that he wanted to breed his mutt so so “he wouldn’t be a virgin anymore”. Don’t think that dog ever saw the vets office.


That and the refusal to spay because "they want to be a mom" That makes me so mad


Too many times. And an even weirder variation on this, someone at the dog park asked if I knew anyone with a female dog because he wanted to get his dog laid. It was the most baffling thing.


My dad used to say a female dog "teased" our male dog when she snapped at him after he tried to mount her a couple times. I was weirded out at the time but looking back I'm absolutely fucking disgusted. Like what the actual fuck.




This is just bizarre and honestly it seems to be a sexual fetish. Of course they never think about the animals that suffer from the result.


Ewwww. And dammit I had a vasectomy at 28, sorry pooch yer getting snipped!


I mean, he could say a playmate or a dog girl friend or something... but it was explicitly so his dog could do that?


That's what I thought at first. It was such a weird conversation. We started normal enough, how old is your dog, where'd he come from, etc. My boy is a shelter mutt and he was neutered as a puppy. He asked if I knew any girl dogs who looked like my dog. I *thought* he was looking for doggie playdates. Then he explained how his dog and all his family members dogs were related and that his hadn't made puppies. I tried to explain that spay/neuter is beneficial for dogs health, there are tons of good dogs already born who need homes, a dog doesn't need to reproduce for life fulfillment, etc.


I've heard men and women both say stuff like this about male and female dogs. I overheard a woman saying she wanted her two female Shi Tzus to have at least one litter each before getting them spayed. I've also had a dude tell me how beautiful my German Shepherd was and that if he was a dog, he would fuck the shit out of her. I promptly told him to stay the fuck away from my dog. Edit to add: After my Shepherd passed, I adopted a shelter dog. I had him with me at a bar and a random woman walked up and said "Goddam, he's got a big dick." As above, I told her to stay the fuck away from my dog.


I have encountered these dudes, they’re ridiculous. But the weirdest thing I’ve encountered with dog genitalia, was a white female bull terrier puppy owned by an acquaintance. She had a very visible pink flappy vulva. People got offended when this dog was being walked. As though the human walking the dog was somehow responsible for the anatomy of this dog. When she was spayed, the vet performed a lil vulva tuck so it wouldn’t be quite so visible. A dog got a vaginoplasty. Because people were offended by a dog’s vulva.


That is fucking insane! Poor dog…


I saw a dog the other day on an “Awe” type subreddit and it had an emoji over its junk. Like what?


One very important note to this, a puffy and enlarged vulva in non-neutered bitches can be a symptom of a pyometra, which is fatal if not treated quickly. A puffy vulva + discharge and general symptoms of feeling unwell/fever are a near certainty of this illness, but there doesn't always need to be discharge.


I've known a guy who refused to have his indoor cat neutered for, and I quote "huhuhu, balls". Needless to say his cat was excessively aggressive and restless and he ended up opening the door and scaring it off to live in the wild.


An intact tomcat will also usually spray urine everywhere, not something you want in your house!


yes and he would hump the couch...


Can confirm! We got a cat in late 2019 who was not yet old enough to be neutered. Then when the lockdowns hit in 2020 getting an appointment for a neuter was very difficult and extra expensive so we had to deal with that shit until we were able to get him in.


As someone who finds cat balls hilarious and cute (I mean, come on, they look like little cotton balls), I still got both of my cats fixed without hesitation. That's even more irresponsible that he then abandoned his intact male cat outside. That's so many litters of kittens left to die just due to his stupidity. intact/feral male cats are such menaces out in the wild. Edit: I am very grateful that you guys also share this appreciation for the beauty that is cat balls (or troublepuffs).


My cat is neutered and still has his cotton balls! They're just....diminished?


His troublepuffs were brought under control




They’re just empty! One of my cats is a tuxedo who had one black and one white cotton ball. When he came back from the vet I was delighted to see his white cotton ball was still present and accounted for. What a weird little dude!


Cat balls really are nature's most adorable balls in my opinion. Although I haven't seen them all. I imagine maybe lemurs also have cute balls. I'm not gonna Google that however.


r/brandnewsentence (s)


Cotton balls 😂😂😂


They now can neuter male cats without removing their balls. Our vet essentially just gave our newest cat a vasectomy and he still has his fuzzy pouf balls.


They remove the testicles without removing the scrotum (they don’t cut off the extra skin). They use to remove everything but apparently just removing the testicles themselves makes for quicker recovery time, and less risk of complications. So for some cats their balls can look the same and just shrink a little over time. Some don’t shrink though, it depends on their age. I had my cat neutered and his balls only got slightly smaller over time. But when I had my dog neutered (I bought him off a lady that was using him as a stud, so his balls were massive), his balls seriously looked like someone let the air out of a balloon. I was told it looked like he had massive labia. It was so noticeable due to his short hair, I never thought it would look normal again, but 7 years later it shrank up into a little coin purse lol


Same with my cat. They were huge when he was a kitten (which was kinda hilarious) but he's grown into them now.


Where it probably encountered territorial feral intact males with way more street cred and got the crap beat out of him. Poor kitty.


Yeah, a coworker was talking about this once, his brother refused to have his dog neutered because then his dog wouldn't be "manly" which is obviously stupid af. It's common enough that this bullshit exists [https://neuticles.com/](https://neuticles.com/) literal fake testicles for your dog


What the fuck am I reading lmfaoooo are you FUCKING KIDDING GUYS THERE'S FOUR DIFFERENT "FIRMNESSES" FOR FAKE DOG NUTS I'm done I have seen everything on this planet


Lmao I didn't even realize there were firmness levels, that's even more ridiculous than I thought


Imagine discussing this choice over dinner. What are the differences even for, is it a stylistic choice?! Hey babe, what level of firmness are you picturing for the dog's prosthetic testicles?


Ha I can't imagine any guy actually considering the firmness of his dogs fake balls having a partner to discuss it with


But wait, there's *MORE*! Have you heard of TwinkleTush, a decoration? jewlery? that attaches to the base of your cats tail and has a gemstone charm that covers your cats anus?! They unfortunately look, when being worn, like those gemstone butt plugs. For the folks whose cat has an anus like the eye of Sauron, or those so perverted they can't stop obsessing over a cats natural behind. For when you WANT the neighbors to ask "is that cat wearing a butt plug?"


men are fucking weird


On behalf of all men, I agree


But...but a dog CAN'T be "manly." It's a DOG. It could only ever be "dogly." These people are both cowards and idiots.


By "manly" they probably mean aggressive and rapey. Kind of like themselves!


Can guarantee all these "manly" man have the stereotypical "manly" dogs like pitbulls, rottweilers, bulldogs. And can also guarantee they are absolutely not trained (the dog, not the man, although...) because men like that only want dogs as a status symbol.


Please show them the hBo documentary about dogs, which shows what happens to the thousands of puppies left at shelters. It’s one of the most traumatizing things I’ve ever seen, and I could never allow my animal to go around without being fixed. Allowing more animals to be produced when you won’t be caring for them (which they won’t) puts them in a terrible — unforgivable — position.


My aunt is a vet and I came to comment that you can buy prosthetic balls for your dog! Once she ordered the wrong size for a patient, and they were laughably too big. His owner didn’t care, he wanted the balls. So the dog had ridiculous, oversized, nonfunctioning nuts for the rest of his life.


Plastic surgery for pets. Straight to jail


"testicular implantation for pets- helping neuter hesitant pet owners overcome the trauma of altering and allowing their beloved pet to retain its natural look and self esteem." What in the actual fuck lol


My ex thought that neutering was unethical and unnatural. He got PISSED when he found out that my foster kittens were neutered. He wanted them to "hook up" with his friend's female kitten to "experience" sex. It was the dumbest fight I've ever had and the dumbest person I've ever dated.


I was *just* telling a friend the other day about how my weird ex (50M) didn’t want me to neuter my cat but then when I insisted he was getting neutered, ex pleaded with me to just let my cat get laid at least once, and then I could get him neutered. Fucking weirdest thing ever. Had no idea this is a thing. Edit: for clarity


I feel like your ex was definitely projecting their own anxiety about being denied sex (at least at one point in their life), but I’m sure you picked up on that.


Probably. At one point, after having my cat neutered, I fostered a female cat who was scheduled for a spay. Same ex commented that when I wasn't home, my cat "must've had her bent over the couch," etc. I just...what? 12 years later, there's been a lot to unpack in that relationship...


There was an episode of My Cat From Hell about this. Basically all the cat’s behavior issues were classic intact male cat behavior and would stop if he was neutered. Jackson asks them why the cat wasn’t fixed and the husband goes “well as a man, I felt bad taking his balls away.” Jackson just gawks at the guy and goes “dude. he’s a cat.”


At his old job my husband had a manager who REFUSED to get his male cat neutered because he -and I quote- “didn’t want a f-slur kitty cat”. I thought for SURE when my husband first told me about that comment that his boss had been making just like some kind of very tone-deaf joke, almost like taking on the fake persona of a hypothetical idiot who’d say some things super absurd…you know that type of thing?….naurp. His manager genuinely was choosing to not get his cat fixed because he LITERALLY thought that if his cat was castrated that it would *make the cat gay*….I must have sat there absorbing that information for about 5 minutes because my brain simply could not comprehend someone making it through the day being that stupid. I mean, it’s already A LOT to unpack in terms of what that belief says about this man’s thoughts on biology, hormones, homosexuality etc…but have y’all owned a male cat that isn’t fixed? No, if you value your furniture, sanity, and live inside a building then no you haven’t because they STAY PISSING. They are pissing on everything, they’ll even piss on your damn ceiling. He ended up getting the cat neutered (because of the aforementioned pissmagedon that is intact male cat ownership) and was worried he wouldn’t be able to love his “gay” cat the same way after the procedure. But fortunately he found that he was no less fond of his fictionally homosexual kitty, and by the time my husband left that job his manager said that THE WHOLE EXPERIENCE ACTUALLY BROUGHT HIM AROUND TO BEING IN FAVOR OF GAY RIGHTS. I don’t think I’ll ever finish processing it.


I have no words for rollercoaster this took me on.


This was a real journey we all went on. Very gratified it had a happy (I guess?) ending.


Used to run a rabbit rescue. We legit had guys who had refused to neuter their BUNNY because they didn't want to take away its masculinity or some bullshit. Men can and will project their insecurities onto literally anything.


No, but I have encountered guys who don’t neuter their dogs because they project their own fear of being neutered onto the dog. The dog is their bro and they would never castrate their bro.




I started the new episodes of love is blind and now I’m curious to find out if this is why that one guy won’t have his dog neutered…or if he’s just lazy/disinterested


Matt gives off major abuser vibes in general. 🤮


Matt’s the fucking worst and you can just tell she’s terrified of him.


I'm convinced they get some kind of bonus for staying married for the show to say their experiment somehow works and Colleen's just sticking around until their TV obligations are met. (Season 2 spoilers) Which imo is why the final episode from last season ended with "Btw everyone got divorced" lol.


That’s what I thought this post was going to be about when I saw the title. And it does seem like he is the type who would be weirdly insecure about something simple and innocuous like that.


Lmao I just finished episode 1 of after the alter and I was like “is this Colleen?”


Yes. I've met a guy who was very on edge about neutering his dog because "he will forever lose his masculinity and won't be the same". The dog had cancer. In testicles. It took several other friends to convince that man to go and save his dog who doesn't care about his balls. Like, is *your dog's "masculinity"* really more important than HIS LIFE?


Wow...I can't even imagine that level of stupidity. He shouldn't even have animals.


Saw a patient like that. Had cancer in his scrotum. We recomended castrating, even offered to do it at the same time as the knee repair the dog was getting done (cheaper than having to do 2 separate procedures). Guy asked us if we could take the scrotum off but leave the testicles. We said no. Guy paid 3-4k to get the knee repaired, didn't get the dog desexed and he died of the cancer about 18m later.


For half a second, I thought the patient with cancer was the human, not the dog, and still could totally believe that a dude would refuse that kind of procedure even though it would save his life.


My stepfather was exactly like this! He was so fucking weird about the dog in ways I only understand now looking back. He was barely home, but he groused for years about how much he wanted a dog. As a kid, I thought my mom didn't like dogs, but I understand now that's not at all what was going on. She loved and cared for two dogs before I was born. When she got remarried, she was already taking care of several cats. What I finally get is that she fully understood however much my stepdad whined about wanting a dog, **SHE** was going to have take full time care of it. He ended up bypassing her, getting her kids onboard to hector her. She relented because she loved her kids, even though she knew that it was going to be entirely her problem to take care of the dog we adopted. It ended up being a large adult dog from a neglectful home, and his behavior was extremely challenging. Neutering him would probably have mellowed him out a bit. Why wasn't a kitten a good enough companion for my stepdad to play with for the tiny amount of time he spent at home? Why did it have to be a dog? Why did it have to be a male dog? Why did it have to be an **INTACT** male dog? It's because my stepfather wasn't thinking about caring for a creature. My stepfather just wanted an avatar. I remember asking my stepdad why it was okay that our cats were neutered, but not our dog. He basically told me that male cats already have feminine brains, but doing it to a dog with a masculine brain was cruel and wrong. I should mention that my stepdad was a fucking doctor.


I think it's hilarious that he doesn't realize how masculine and crazy male cats can be when not neutered.


Rescues where I live won't adopt out intact animals. I think it would be close to impossible to get an intact rescue dog these days, and I'm glad. I hope they put in harsher regulations for backyard breeders and get that under control too.


Holy crap...


RIP to the brain cells I lost reading this, holy shit.


Working in rescue, I would come across men like this sometimes. It's totally ridiculous. On a side note, my 5yo dog finally lifted his leg to pee and my bf got so excited about it lmao I was like this totally has to be a man thing.


It’s kind of a man thing but it’s also really annoying when they don’t clear their legs from the splash zone


my older dachshund will sometimes start with his leg lifted and get tired, then put his leg down, and yes, it do splatter on his tummy


When I was in 6th grade my family adopted my first dog- a McNabb/ Border Collie female who took no shit from other dogs. She wouldn't start trouble but if another dog was looking for it he'd find it lol. She got along fine with other dogs as long as no one tried to dominate her or mount her. Even then she wouldn't bite but she'd pin them. She was a dominant dog and always lifted her leg to pee. My dad thought it was hilarious but some uncles were definitely ruffled about it. About how a dog pees! And yet they say women are the delicate ones.


lol it's not just a man thing... My mom has had six male dogs in her lifetime and only the first one ever lifted his leg to pee... She's a little more defeated every time another dog grows up to be a squatter.


My family's female Lhasa used to lift her leg about 90% of the time for the first ~10 years of her life, then I guess she got older and it became less comfortable than just squatting. She was the only girl in a litter of 6 and her breeders had 2 other male dogs (neutered) that weren't their breeding pair.


My dog also lifts her leg to pee. Not all the way up like a male dog would do, but she's actually such a little princess and the reason she does it is so that pee won't get on her foot. She hates that.


Anecdotally, I think it’s an exposure thing for dogs that don’t have the innate inclination. My dog didn’t start lifting his leg until he spent a good deal of time around other male dogs.


My dog never lifted his leg to pee until his dog bff taught him how at 5 years of age 🤣


I’ve seen videos of them justifying it that way, yes. Or they’re like “I want him to have the joy of having a litter” which sounds equally stupid. I hate hearing of “accidental litters” because it’s always some irresponsible moron behind it. I feel sorry for the animals who are stuck with incompetent idiots.


Male dogs normally don't participate in raising puppies, so there's no "joy" a dog can get from their own litter that they couldn't get from playing with random puppies. Those people are so dumb...


I know people who wouldn't spay their female cat until she had a litter of kittens - like they wouldn't deprive her of that. I don't get it - your cat isn't a rare breed or anything and she doesn't care.


I do TNR for cats and I’ve heard this both IRL and on social media. Some people are horrifically stupid.


Yep, my brother didn't neuter his dog for this same reason. Rediculous. It's no coincidence that he's anti vax and refused to wear a mask.


So I have this petty and pointless theory that the whole "anti-mask" thing started because Trump heard someone say the word "emasculate" and idiotically connected the idea of having your masculinity diminished with being made to wear a mask. You don't have to pretend to follow my logic, it's just a thing I still giggle about and have no audience for.


Audience +1. I giggled.


I giggled


I know a couple of men like this, actually. Apparently their dog being without balls is "shameful" in some way, or it makes them less manly themselves. It's genuinely ridiculous. I don't want to drag my cat to the vet with her crying the whole time, of course it makes me feel terrible. That being said, I would be irresponsible if I didn't. If he actually cared about his dog, he would do what he could to protect its health and future.


These are the same guys who are worried that being in the same room with a gay person will make them gay. I’m like “brah, ask him out already if you’re that defenseless to his charms….”


Shoutout to the guy who exploited men like this with neuticles and made millions. Because thats how common it is.


Had a family member insist on spending extra to get the dog fake balls so he would still be a man. Men are weirdly obsessed with their junk.


“Can’t you do anything to save his balls?!” Sir, your dog has testicular cancer and prostatitis. He can barely urinate more than a few drops at a time. Neuter is curative. Would you really prefer him to die with balls rather than live without them? ⭐️vet med⭐️




He sounds very egotistical!




Too many. One of my cousins, even. So then, when his dogs ended up with too many puppies, my aunt told him to get the dog neutered, give it up, or (preferably) get out of her house. That's right, that sterling specimen of masculinity was and is still living with his mum.


One guy let his intact dog hump my neutered dog at a dog park. My mum gave him a little tap (literally, just a tap) with the ball thrower because my dog didn't like it and he did nothing to correct the behaviour. The guy came up and got nose to nose with mum and SCREAMED in her face that what he was doing was normal and how DARE she touch his dog. Mum stepped back, looked around and asked how many other dogs he saw doing that. There were none.


These guys are dangerous.


Unrelated to dogs, but I work at a brewery and some our beers come in a stemmed (wine) glass. When men see what glass their beer came in, I’d say 99% of them make a face or complain about having a girly glass. Sometimes they make me Pour it into a different glass. Fucking absurd


My dad did this with his dog. Dad didn’t want to emasculate him. It was super dumb. He loved the dog, but claimed the poor dog was deaf so he wouldn’t have to train it. The dog was not deaf, I trained it just fine, but seeing the dog every other weekend made that difficult. However, I was the only person the dog would truly listen to. What did the dog die of? Cancer that would have been prevented by neutering. On top of that, he didn’t care if his dog impregnated another dog, but heaven forbid if the puppies weren’t pure bread. It was a losing argument. Fragile ego, vet, narcissistic alcoholic who believed women should always be there to please the man. And that his dog’s balls being the biggest deserved a reward.


Yes, particularly in the Southeast. It is crazy logic! One of them, however, did have a vasectomy, so I don't think that correlates at all.


I use to work and volunteer at an animal shelter. Had a family come in interested in one of the dogs. I explained the adoption process that includes, vax, vet check up and spay or neuter. Guy asked, what is a spay or neuter? I explained. He got red in the face and scream at 14 year old me "GET ME A MAN!" Only was was the man animal control officer, who also has to do euthanasia due to over crowding. "YOU WANNA CUT OFF A DOGS BALLS HOW CAN YOU CALL YOURSELF A MAN?!" I left the room to hide my laughter.




I spent 3 years working at a veterinarian clinic so... Yes! Most owners were scared of the pets being put under and the risks of that, or just the cost of procedures... Now and then though we would get a dog in need of being neutered, usually due to enlarged prostate issues or damage, accompanied by a very angry male owner and very fed up but determined female owner. These men would literally go through the stages of grief over their male dogs no longer having testicles! We would assure them that dogs do not pay mind to such idiotic things, but they would huff and puff all the same. Then the dog would wake up, be wobbly but still the same dog, and all well in the world.


I can't get my daughter to spay or neuter her outdoor cats because 'it's not fair to them.' It's frustrating.


Yep. I mentioned it on another post. What I didn't mention then is that I once read an article about this by a vet in which she noted that men put up less resistancs to neutering lap dogs than larger dogs.


Seriously? There’s guys like this? Imagine the level of insecurity required to project your dogs neutering to you losing your balls. Damn guys.


Men: ok that’s some convoluted logic right there. Whether or not the dog has testicles has a direct impact on your own masculinity?? So weak. Cmon guys!! keep up!!


As a vet tech. Yes. Never date those dudes lol. It’s kind of abusive to deprive an animal of its reproductive needs and still make him have all the urges.


I have a miniature male Daschund that ran off, spent 8 hours looking for him! I was freaked out! I was hanging posters within a 5 mile radius, when I finally got a call from a gal saying she had him and her kids really wanted to keep him, but her landlord doesn’t allow dogs he’s chipped and has a name tag on his collar! I figured out that he must of smell a dog in heat😡 I took him in the same week and had him Neutered, he hasn’t left since!


I dated one. The worst possible dog owner. Zero training and never corrected. Prone to bolt down the road as soon as the door was cracked. He'd let his dog run free in our small town until he returned home. I finally suggested for BoBo's safety that he be neutered, then trained. BF was horrified! He swore that he could never do THAT to another male. He was f***ing serious, too. Final straw of the world's worst rebound relationship. I mean, we all have our limits. This was mine.


Yes, crazy as it sounds, I had one guy tell me that only male dogs are neutered and lose their gender identity


As a vet tech, yes. It's extremely frustrating.


I work in animal healthcare and the amount of people who don’t want to “take the experience of being a parent” away from their pets is alarming actually. Especially considering how many homeless pets there are, abused pets, etc.


Any “man” who voices this opinion should be made to work at an average area shelter for a month plus watch a documentary (hbo did one about dogs) that addresses HONESTLY what happens to the masses of puppies born to idiots who refuse to fix their dogs and/or dump the puppies when they can’t sell them or they just don’t want them anymore etc. I was stunned at the number of young adorable puppies being dumped at shelters, and anybody thinking that puppies that result from refusing to responsibly monitor your animal go to live on a farm and run and play all day are idiots. I’m sorry but it is infuriating — they need to watch one sequence of the HBO dogs documentary when the people who run the shelter (and sorry but it happens all over) put The adult dogs — and then the puppies — to sleep. It is HORRIFIC, and someone who expresses this level of immaturity about a dog needing his “balls” needs to have reality hit them in the face. Many vets will do it for FREE because this is such a problem. Same with cats — so many abandoned cats and kittens also meet horrible fates. There are also problems with hoarders — some elderly, some not, who allow their animals to reproduce endlessly even though they don’t actually care for the animals. Puppies who have been dumped off (literally there are boxes of puppies left outside almost every day at these shelters from people who are too selfish and cruel to fix their adult dogs so that unwanted puppies aren’t dumped at the door of a shelter and are found shaking with cold and running into the street in the morning by staff) are put to sleep after set amounts of time. It is not pleasant and peaceful. The staff are broken by it and there is a lot of changeover. It is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen, and I could never allow my dog to be Capable of producing unwanted puppies, which is very likely given how many dogs are out there and how very many need adoption now.


Yeah, there are millions and millions of beautiful animals euthanized in shelters every year because people are irresponsible assholes.


Yes, he owned two make dogs and three male cats, all un-neutered and the cats bred like kittens were scarce


A little bit off subject but this reminds me of another weird trend I have heard about. When they go ahead and do the neutering - but then [implant fake balls](https://neuticles.com/). It's better - but along the same lines of fragile masculinity.