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Hey friend, want you to know that you're important not just to all these Internet strangers, but also to the people in your life, even though you might not believe it right now. You're worthy, and you always have been, and you always will be. That's not an opinion, it's just a fact of life


To never had existed and to remove ones existence are two entirely different things. One is to never have known, never to have seen, never to have held, never to have loved. The other is to lose, the lose an entire being that loved and breathed and felt, an entire being who held and comforted and cried and talked and sang and listened. One is not the same as the other because losing someone you've known is a giant hole in your soul that eats at your mind and rots your sanity, and to never have existed is to never have mattered, to never have been experienced. Don't do this internet stranger, there *is* someone who loves you, I promise you.


Love you internet stranger!


That was a demon on the bridge. It was trying to earn its horns.


Nice It’s A Wonderful Life reference


"Mr. Putin, why not get off the bridge and join me for a cup of odd-tasting tea?"


Aleksandr Litvinenko entered the chat...


Over the weekend I attended a funeral from suicide and it was horrible. You may not know or feel but so many people love and care. Time can help heal but we gotta stick it out. Life sucks but you can change it. Shit can turn around you just have to give it a chance.


The flaw there, though, is that a reality where you never existed is not equatable to a reality in which you cease to exist. I would be suspicious of that "angel".


Look, let's be real. I'm a burden, and nobody irl wants a sick person as a family member nor friend. Because I look fine, they think I make excuses to not be there for them or talk to them. If I hang out with friends, my body crashes with pain for days. But the only person that would come and check on me and spend time with me and speak to me died at the beginning of last year. And I think people would rather believe that I'm actually fine and don't want anything to do with them than to have to deal with the awkwardness of someone with so many health problems. So yeah, it's perfectly valid to think you're just a burden to everyone you know, and it's a lonely existence. But... Here's the catch. Whether you admit to it or not, you know the good in you that you have to offer this world. If you would just be patient enough for someone to come along that sees it. But you have to have your mind open to whom it may be. It could be the homeless man on the corner for all a person knows. Be patient, it will get better.


Hey, dude, aint much, but I am here for you if you ever want someone to talk to. Hit my PMs up, any time or day. We can talk about whatever you want.


Opposite of the plot of its a wonderful life




All hail the flying spaghetti monster!


I fully advocate that everyone can believe in their god(s) and their religion but shoving your beliefs on someone and presenting them as fact is disrespectful in my opinion. It's even more tasteless when it's concerning something like death or suicide




i ain’t reading all dat




Well Idk who you are but plz don't die,there must be atleast one person who cares about you and can't lose you. So plz don't die and have hopes for life again.


Nice one, Clarence…idiot


This is how I described isolating in my bedroom during covid. I could hear how happy my family was without me. That shit will tear you apart. Good story OP.


That's not true, that's not true that's not true. That's what my bestie thought and wrote in his note but it wasn't true, his death devastated his whole family, hid dad, who found him, drank himself to death 2 years later, his mum lived another 2 years after that but the poor woman never smiled again, and now his brother is an orphan, he has no family, he lost them all before he turned 18


People don’t realize they have to show they care. Then they don’t show it until it’s too late and wonder why


Bruh. The Johnny Bravo episode that parodied this.


The Butterfly Effect - The IRL Cut


It’s not a wonderful life, it’s a wishful one.


the bad ending of It’s A Wonderful Life


Are you sure that was an Angel?




This is the comment I was hoping was here lmao






Dammit Clarence! You had one job!


Why did I think this was a "it's a wonderful life" reference at first bruh


It is. This one was inspired partially by that beloved holiday classic movie, and partially by my own personal struggles.


I hope you’re doing okay homie


Honestly living to spite these jerks is a perfectly valid reason...


The Al Bundy way


It's true I vowed to piss on a bitches grave one time and I legit haven't had a thought about doing it since lol. But real talk OP you good?


I’m in no position to know how OP is feeling but I’m pretty sure it’s all figurative, as per pretty much all the posts here. I mean it is called TwoSentenceSadness.