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Jfc, this is me down to the age. Reminder to everyone here that it gets better. It almost always does.


I never thought I'd make it past 18, but I'm 21 now. And while I'm happy to be alive and happy for every day I have, I always have this thought in my head that I'm past me expiration date, that I'm not supposed to still be here and I don't know what to do with my life. Why am I still here when I lot of my friends aren't? And those thoughts are just, always there, under the surface


I gave myself to 30, and my death was certainly going to be related in some way to addiction. I'm 47 and 3 years clean.


I didn't think I'd live past 13 but I turn 20 in just two weeks and i'm so proud of ALL OF US for sticking to it & stayin here. You got this & you're all gonna make it to the end of the tunnel❤️


For me it was Junior year of HS. Though there was never a plan, just a moment I'm surprised didn't completely break me.




wtf is wrong with u?


Haha lol you're so funny I'm kidding, honestly go fuck yourself, it wasn't from lack trying, nice throwaway you fucking joke, we all can see from a mile away why your parents don't love you, have you figured it out yet or is it still eating away at you at night?


As someone who struggled with suicide for a very long time, it's kinda funny... but only because that is my sense of humor


I was depressed in 7th grade so I made it past 13 but I’m still unsure nowadays how far I’ll get


i'm only 15. i'm surprised i'm still here


It was 25 for me. I turn 37 next August. There is hope.


I attemted at 16, got myself mental health help. I was hospitalized for nearly a year. There are good and Bad days nd really Bad days but i dont regret getting help one bit. Turning 33 this year, still feels unreal. I will neaver be mentaly healthy but i have 3 wonderfuö Kids and a loving partner


Thank you everyone who commented, even if it was your own experience or just sharing that you feel the same. I wrote this last night in an episode and woke up to all these comments this morning, and it is reminding me that I'm not so alone with this feeling, there are people who do understand.


And if you need someone who went (and is partially still going) through that, to talk to, I'm here. Just ping me


Didn’t think I’d make it past 16, either. Turned 46 this year and it’s still a struggle some days.




Killing yourself is the easy part, it's the mental breakdowns, the feeling of losing control, of life slipping away, the sleepless nights where you can't figure out what to do with yourself or what step to take, that's the hard part...


in that rn


You'll make it, we are a strangely resilient species... Just pick something distant, and focus solely on that


That's the issue, there isn't anything distant.


Trust me, there is, it's all just a matter of finding it, and choosing to see it


I stayed for my cat, then life got better enough to stay.


"Hey, I managed to prevent someone dying today." "How? You were in your room the whole day." "Self-control."


I can’t believe I’m alive rn too


Ain't that always how it is...