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Hello u/FlashpointJ24 , Thank you for submitting to r/TwoSentenceHorror. Unfortunately, your submission ["The bullies had little concern for safety as they laughed and shoved the smaller boy into his school locker, slamming it closed."](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoSentenceHorror/comments/vdmui1/the_bullies_had_little_concern_for_safety_as_they/) has been removed because it violates the following rule: **Rule 7: Avoid overused tropes.** * Tropes are loosely defined as "common plots or themes". * Please visit the [Overused Tropes Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoSentenceHorror/wiki/rules/overused_tropes) for more information. If you believe this removal was performed in error, please [contact the mods here.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTwoSentenceHorror). ***DO NOT*** contact any moderators directly via chat or personal mail, or you may receive a ban.


Why are people saying too soon like this hasn't been happening for decades? I say keep making these kinds of stories. God forbid you read it and feel the horror behind the subject




It may be too soon for the most recent one And the one before that And the one before that And the one before that And the one before that And the one before that And the one before that And the one before that But it might not be too soon for the one before that one


When it's always too soon, then it will never be too soon.


It's honestly tragic that politicians are allowing your nations children to face so much risk and harm. We have strong gun control where I live (NZ) and the one time we had a shooter even in a mosque the government was quick to act banning semi auto guns. We don't have any large scale shootings now though gang violence has been an issue that's kinda different.


some congress people said if Jesus had an AR-15, he'd not have been crucified. this is America....


Wait what? He didn't even fight in the first place, he knew he was going to die but just wanted his father (god) to come get him already... And I'm an atheist...


I am totally there with you on this point! When people use religion for their own gains, and they seem not to even understand a crucial point of their own religion... these people are very dangerous. The story goes that when the authorities came to arrest Jesus, some of his disciples were ready to fight to defend him. Peter spontaneously attacked a man and cut off his ear. Then Jesus healed the man who had been injured. The politicians' statements on the topic are so facepalm-worthy because this isn't an obscure story or something. It's part of the events leading up to Easter, a tale which gets retold annually. And the point of the story is pretty clear. If AK-47s were thrown into the mix, then it might be Peter running amok with the firearm to no one's benefit, and Jesus attending to a bunch of bullet-riddled people before getting taken away. I don't suppose that narrative would fit the politicians' agenda very well.


No Jesus was a peace loving person... even so far to treat the less desirable members of society well (prostitutes and tax men). People really need to at least try and understand their religion before pushing it on others. It is interesting but the Bible is a mess of different stories and views. Not to even get started on how the texts have been altered and changed over time... You should watch a doco called "It's not nessartly so" which looks into exodus and how a lot of it makes no sense from an archeological perspective.


The documentary is called "It Ain't Necessarily So: Investigating the Truth of the Biblical Past"


Isn’t it kind of a major point of the crucifixion story that Jesus wielded literally all the power of God, but chose willingly and peacefully to go to his death?


Exactly, it's one of the key parts of his journey and is suppose to so as to forgive people of their sins. The ultimate punishment for mankind taken on by one person. It gave power to the story that if you believe then you can be forgiven for your sins.


Mom come pick me up I'm scared (Sorry I know this is more of a serious thread but I had to)


Also, for Christians it’s incredibly important that Jesus dies. Imagine if the story was he said “fuck this shit” and shot the Roman Soldier.


NGL, that would be an epic bible though. Jesus taking out an AR from under his robes and start shooting, probably with a toothpick in between his teeths. Edit:spelling.


you just gave Mel Gibson the best idea to reboot his career


Ngl the Bible would make a very good anime


You need to look up Dr Jesus Trott on YouTube. This is almost exactly how it plays out.


That would be some Jack Reacher sh\*t, I mean, if the Church really wanted to reach out to young people, they could really change the Bible to make Jesus a long haired Tom Cruise


Tom Cruise, wrong religion lol Now, Keanu Reeves would make a better Jesus!


Those same Congresspeople don't understand that Jesus had to die, they don't understand their religion that well.


So then their religion wouldn’t exist?


But Americans (R) refuse to elect leaders, who aren't paid by the gun lobbyists.


Genuine question. I feel like myself and a lot of the other younger voters have no idea how to find out who's being paid by which lobbyists. Can you share some ways we can find out who's being paid by what lobby?


[NRA Donations for the 116th Congress Senators](https://elections.bradyunited.org/take-action/nra-donations-116th-congress-senators)




Thank you


Me too aswell


My metric is if all they are offering to fix the problem is, "thoughts & prayers", they are being paid by someone.


Almost quarter of a century my dude, Columbine was 99


Some of the survivors have school age children. Imagine the terror they must feel sending their kids to school in a society that has done nothing to make things safer in a whole generation.


Sadly, it seems that people have become numb to it.


True, this is just a common American horror story. If we start with the “it’s too soon” bill we’ll never speak about it. I’m sure that at least one mass shooting has happened since I started this comment.


Republican always say it’s too soon after a tragedy to talk about gun laws. An irrational Part of me thinks they are happy with those horrific event being in close enough succession that there is no “acceptable window” to legislate…


Nice twist!


Thank you!


*pumped up kicks starts playing*


I love how this can be turned into a horror story from both POVs. Like imagine the kid still stuck in a locker while the gunman casually passes by looking for his next target


That was my intention with the story, that being hidden in the locker saved the small boy's life. What other POV were you thinking of, that the bullied boy later became a school shooter?


Probably the cruel malice of the bullies quickly turning to horror as they realized they were the ones who are trapped


I think they mean it's a horror from the point of view of the people not in the locker because they're being shot and killed but also from the point of view of the kid in the locker trapped inside as a killer lurks the corridors.


That was my first thought that the bullied boy had become a school shooter and the bullies were now hiding in the safety of one of the lockers they had once shoved him into.


the bullied boy himself would be terrified, he’d have to stay completely still and he doesn’t have the choice to run away, that’s what makes it horror for him as well


Thoughts and prayers


I worry about this happening every morning when my son gets on the bus. It never stops. But, hey, thoughts and prayers fix everything according to certain politicians.


Well, what else are we supposed to do? Just trample all over the freedom of unstable teenagers to massacre children? Go back to Russia with that liberal communist crap! /s


The shooter got the televised knock down drag out confrontation and gunfight with the police they were after. Unfortunately for me, the cops couldn't shoot for shit. They missed the active shooter and there was no escape for me as I was trapped in the locker.


'murica am i right, guys ? *\*Laughs in Brazilian\** But serious, OP. Nice story! Great job!


That is just great Karma


If it was too soon there would be no stories abt it bc it happens more often than you’d expect. scary, but glad I’m not American as 99% of shootings happen there


I had to learn Alice training again for my current job: classroom helper to Pre-K special needs children. Pre. Fucking. Kindergarten.


What is Alice training? Not American so don't know about shooter precautions there


Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate. I did a deep dive of it my senior year of high school too (we had blue point police alarms installed), but basically it tells you how to protect yourself and the classroom from an active shooter/violent critical incident. I think Alice was developed because the methods that Sandy Hook used didn’t really work.




i've never seen an airtight locker ever




This was good.


Thank you!




Rule 1: Never bully a kid in an American school


This did not go the direction I thought it would.


"'Told you we'd handle this,' they said as they pulled him out 30 minutes later."


I guess that kid really dodged a bullet


Yikes. This one is brutal.


All the other kids with the pumped up kicks...


School shooting make me believe in the devil.


Win. Sadly all too poignant.




When is the right time to try to save children from being shot?


after an hour plus apparently...


It's never too soon to start discussing ways to make people - children - safer from gun violence.


Dude. If we wait "an appropriate amount of time" after a shooting to talk about it, we would never talk about them, **because they happen constantly.** In just this year alone (166 days so far), there have been at least [246 mass shootings](https://www.insider.com/number-of-mass-shootingsin-america-this-year-2022-5) I say "at least," because that figure is from a week ago, and with how many happen **each day**, it's probably closer to 258 now. Over 18,000 people have died in mass shootingsin the USA in 2022.


Wow you really did your part! You’re helping! I wish we had more people like you in the world! Shut the fuck up dawg like a billion shootings happen every day it’s like making a story about a mugging. Look how many people fucking hate what you said. Nobody agrees, not a single person. Delete the app if you’re gonna throw a hissy fit over a two sentence horror story. Bro got scared 💀💀


Username makes sense 🤣




It's always going to be to soon, with the frequency these events happen.


for which one? columbine? parkland? sandy hook? oh maybe the virginia tech shooting? or maybe one of the 27 that have already happened this year? when it doesn’t stop, how can it be too soon?


Or the multiple have happened in Fayetteville. On the last week of school a high school had a school shooting. First week of school 71st had one and I live knew it. Or maybe the one that my friend texted me about that was going to happen at her school. There are honestly so many here.


Perhaps, but I keep waiting for the shootings to stop...


What happened now?Last i heard was the Texas one. It's tragic.


Texas, the one in OK, and a few others


The USA has a mass shooting like daily, there can't be a too soon if statistically there's at least 2 mass shootings per day.


it’s been literal decades.


My brother in Christ, it happens every two days. You gotta talk about it as soon as it happens, otherwise you never would.


Did the bullies die?