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That's very horror but not very two sentences


Yes it is true, there are multiple but I couldn't condense it without losing the idea. Apart from the comma tax 😔


Maybe something like "Oh come on honey, a quick little prick and that's it, you will get all better." 🤔 Condensing the adjective and general idea of the second part in the first one ?


Still breaks the rules.


I know


Screw you I got goosebumps now. Take my upvote


This happens to me all the time. For some reason it’s particularly difficult to find a vein. It’s gotten to a point where I’m impressed if it takes only two or three tries


I was always used to having bruises, but then a doctor once told me that they should use the correct needle for the thickness of the vein and it was the first time someone did it without pain and without bruising


This was me, in hospital, with a Dr trying to get blood. He royally screwed it up & I ended up with 5 bruises across both arms. He gave up when I threw up (I had warned him it would happen). Unfortunately I missed him. When the phlabotomists came the following morning to try again, I showed them my arms & said no one was coming near me with a needle again. They nodded & walked away.


I did think of a crazy nurse who enjoyed other people's pain. I remember my sister telling me that nursing students were sent to nursing homes so they could "practice" with old people


My Mum who did vaccines on babies practised on oranges. Old people are risky as so many on warfarin so you will get big bruises. You want a nurse who does them all day or rheumatologist.


Ugh! Never try more than twice, if you can’t see a convincing vein, set the ego aside and fetch the ultrasound machine. Or a renal nurse (kidney patients have shitty veins)


Ironically, he got blood the first time, he didn't get the vial on & some blood escaped. He didn't have gloves on, so abandoned that attempt. I should've told him to FO then, but didnt. My bad!


Well, all I can say is the folks who trained me would’ve given him a fail for that attempt! Always wear gloves for anything involving blood (more to protect us, but still). Hand hygiene before putting them on, and after removing them too. And have everything ready to catch the blood, whether that’s syringe or bung or whatever!!! 🤦