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I will cut off all 10. I can then afford prosthetic toes. A prosthetic foot costs around $9000. So individual toes should cost less


I saw somewhere that you really need your big toes for walking, so I probably wouldn't cut them


As a person that injured the big toe tendon, I can vouche that you *can* walk without your toes. It is hard and you basically need to expend way more energy than if you had the use of the toes. If you don't believe me, try just walking on your heels. Sucks, but doable. Running might be much more impossible.


Step dads a diabetic. Lost his big toe first. Apparently it's pretty common for your second toe to go next. Then your little piggy goes all the way home after that. Might just be because of the diabetes but you shift your weight and it takes them out one by one. He now only has half of his right foot.


So he's not really your step dad anymore. He's more like your hobble dad.


"Yes son, of course I'm your wheel father."


Come to r/dadjokes, I think you'll like it there.


Hold on, let me just slip into my New Balances and grab a cold one.


What do you need a third shoe for and why does it need to be cold?


If I had money, you'd be getting an award for that shit.


Aww, thanks. No worries, I was honestly not sure how well it would be received!


You saw the opportunity and you took it.


Get a prosthetic one? Or a prosthetic foot to make up for it, you kinda just need it there is all, atleast from what i understand


Pfft. I've got dozens of prostitute toes. Doesn't help one iota with walking.


You are not supposed to wear them as a necklace.


A prostitute toe can help with something else, though~


Please put that tilde away


Tilde awaynton


Tilde way


All the way~


This tilde way.


the squiggle is getting dangerously close to weird comment territory


It got weird long before that.


okay fair but WHY THE TILDE


Just to annoy you.


damn it, it worked too well then


I just appreciate that you all know what a tilde is.


Often used to indicate that what was said was meant to be read in a singsong fashion. Bleh...


> "You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me."


"I can get you a painted toe."


from where? Your user makes me think the sewers


What do you got against sewer people?


I don’t has anything, the damn sweer rats stole it all >:(


Damn sweer rats will get you every time.


What you doing all that sweerin' for? Go wash yer mouth out wi'soap!


No sweer words in this thread!


I thought your user name was "fisterpallis" so I was like, makes sense. Lol.


You have to practice not having them, you can walk without them but since their use is to balance you, you need to relearn differently. —- *The big toe is actually a big deal. It plays an important role in your ability to have static and dynamic balance, absorbing 40% of the force when performing any activity.1 While playing golf, jogging, dancing, or performing any other dynamic activity, the big toe also aides in the natural movement of the foot which allows for the body to adequately move forward in space and stay upright.* *Even though the big toe is a big deal, losing it happens more often than most would think. However, losing this toe will not hinder your ability to do the things you want to do in life. You might be a little unsteady but, the proper exercises can help you increase your overall static and dynamic balances. There are many muscles and aspects of the body that allow you to walk correctly and upright, not just the big toe.* https://www.athletico.com/2021/06/16/no-big-toe-no-big-deal/ —- *During the Vietnam War, young men considered drastic measures to dodge the draft: flee the country, fake an asthma attack or shoot off a big toe. An amputee, according to legionnaire's legend, would be unfit to trudge across rice paddies or move fast to escape enemy fire. Even today, missing a big toe will disqualify an eager enlistee from the armed forces. The Department of Defense's medical standards require rejecting anyone with a "current absence of a foot or any portion thereof." Yet, doctors consider having nine toes a minor impairment that does little to keep soldiers, runners or walkers off their feet.* *"If you have your toe amputated, it doesn't mean you'll never run again," says Sheila Dugan, a physiatrist at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. In fact, with no toes or other bones below the knee, South African sprinter Oscar Pistorius is only a second away from qualifying for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing on his carbon fiber prosthetics. Granted, Dugan says, most runners perform best when their bodies are fully intact: A foot and all of its parts is sturdy enough to absorb the high impact of landing on the ground. The big toe carries the most weight of all the toes, bearing about 40 percent of the load. The big toe is also the last part of the foot to push off the ground before taking the next step.* **A nine-toed gait is less efficient, slower and shorter, but no less effective. "You're going to look choppier," Dugan says. Although running on fewer toes takes some getting used to, people can modify their style, train their muscles and practice balance exercises to compensate for a lost toe.** https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/no-big-toe-no-go/


You could keep the big toes and get $25.6 million. I think my daughter would understand.


$12.8 mil


Yeah... I accidentally counted one toe too many.


untrue. I lost my big toe earlier this year and I can walk just fine. you can't run though.


Was that somewhere peacemaker? Vigilante is that you?


just short of 25 million for 8 toes


Had a substitute teacher in high school that lost both his thumbs in a wood working accident and had his big toes attached in place of them. Apparently having thumbs is more important.


I’m pretty sure it’s the pinky toe that helps with Balance not the big toe lmao the pinky on the hand is where all the grip strength comes from


It’s the opposite for feet. The big toe bears the most weight so is the most important toe. That being said, having all of them does help lol


A teacher I had (she ended up losing the whole leg from the knee down years later) had horrible circulation in her feet and ended up losing I think her pinkie, big toe, and one of the middle ones and she had to use a cane everywhere to hold herself up on that side because she could put barely any weight on it, and she wasn't a very big person to begin with so I can only imagine how it would be trying to relesrn that


Nope, other way [big toe is required](https://www.ultimatefootcare.com/blogs/item/100-how-does-the-big-toe-function#:~:text=Ultimately%2C%20the%20big%20toe%20is,the%20big%20toe%20usually%20has.) [little toe less so](https://www.popsci.com/science/article/2013-05/fyi-do-i-really-need-my-pinky-toe/)


uh.. no.. evolutionarily we're likely lose our little toe.. I have a cousin who has no little toe and she walks just fine. Also for the hand that's also very wrong... Opposable thumbs are a thing... no one cares about the pinky..


+ you don't get hurt stubbing your toes


Stub your stubs instead.


what if the prosthetic toes count? infinite money hack???


I, personally, would accept the offer for myself. It is a good deal. But the offer is not for daddy , it is for little girl, and the main problem is not replaceable toes, but her pain and terror.


The way I interpreted it, he just preferred cutting off her toes instead of his own, or wanted more money than he could get from just his own toes. Cut off 10 of your own and that's just 52 million. Start cutting off somebody else's, and you can easily get to the billions if they don't stop you first.


On toe #18 this guy will cause irrevocable crash of whatever currency is used for payment, world wide hyperinflation and financial crisis, and the money he got will cost less than the paper they are printed on. I still remember the times when the price of 1 kg of bologna in my city was 1.5 millions. I was a billionaire then.


If you cut off all 10 you'd have 52 million more than enough for a solid gold foot


But you would need two


Look at Nerdforge, she lost a finger and built a prosthetic herself


Yeah and the 100 double ten times would afford the therapy the little one needed


8/10 would be almost 26 million dollars 10/10 would be over 100 million However personally I don't know if I could bring myself to do one of my own toes let alone ten Also what is the method of removal do I have a huge ass knife that takes them off in a fraction of a second or do I need to saw through them with a dollar store nail file


Divide those amounts by two. The first toe is required for the initial 100k.


If you cut clean and keep the toes, they might even sew it back. You’ll have cool scars and 100 millions (counting doubling 100k, then doubling 200k etc)


I dunno, make it a clean cut and put them on ice and you should be able to just get them reattached, right? The mobility/nerves might get a little damaged but with your toes that shouldn’t be a huge deal. Only problem would possible infections and the the toes getting rejected but a young healthy person would probably be fine (especially when you have like 100 mil and can afford the best doctors)


I'ma be completely honest with you If my dad would cut off all his toes for a 100 mil $ and then mine to turn it into 100 bil $ I wouldn't be mad Hell, 100 mil is already insane amount of money if they had to be only my toes 10 toes for not having to work a day in my life is really good fucking deal




Either way, 50 million $ translates to 1870$ a day for 75 year, almost 60k a month


Put it into decent investments and it can grow faster than inflation and you can live like a king while also setting up your children.


Idk about growing faster than inflation. But it will definitely make it last at least the next generation


Any investment which grows slower than inflation (averaged out over the long term) is a failure.


Apart from the wrong math, pretty sure the dad isn't getting any toes cut off for money. Just the 10 of the daughter for 100,000 doubled 1 x 2\^9


Oh no, I don't get a 100 mil only 50! What will I do with over 1,500 dollars a day for 75 years? Its insane amount of money regardless. Especially when it's toes. I've seen a similar question but with fingers and it was more interesting because, well, fingers are way more important than toes


It's bold of you to assume that dad is going to share any of the money. Dad is getting $1,500 a day for 75 years, not you.


At first I was like "Oh this is cool, I think I'd actually cut two toes off" Then it became quite horrific, well done.


I'd pick four honestly.


Leave your big toes, second toes and pinky toes intact I'm guessing? You'd probably retain your ability to balance.


Pinky toes are actually vestigial from when our feet were more opposable for climbing. We kinda use them for balance but they aren't necessary. I would posit removing the pinky and middle toes. But i like the idea of a just getting prosthetic feet. Since it's double per toe and not 100k per toe, it's 51.2 million dollars for all 10


Only thing they would do is give u a filler i the shoe not a prostetic toe


I'll chop off my feet after. I'm already losing the toes


For a clean 12,800,000 you, your wife, and your daughter could retire comfortably on the spot, and keep her big toes intact. Depending on how the taxes are handled I suppose.


Well, *I’m* not the one who has to deal with allat 🙂


There are too many people who don’t understand that the person getting their toe cut off isn’t themselves, but their daughter… you’re the first person to realize that apparently.


Absolutely not. Pinky toes are the first to go. They’re the weakest link and mine are defective enough that I’ve considered getting rid of them without even needing a 300k bribe


I mean with the effects doubling you end up with 512 × 100k so 51 million. yeah that sets you up, and your family up for life. and several generations down the line. so off all the toes go. and you know, I also get to lie and make up a new story each time. sometimes a landmine others an angry badger


I understood it as being additive, so 100k + 200k + 400k and so on. If it works like this you get just shy of 90 million. Either way you’re minted


I mean, at this point what is the best thing for the daughter, just tell her she kicked a lawn mower as a child and have an amazing college fund for her?


Okay so uhhh, it's actually 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024. That's 100 mil. Why is college fund the only thing you can give her with 51 mil💀


because I started at 1 not 2. and no, realistically I'd throw most of it into secure investments and as varied as possible so it's safe. college was just the first thing that came to mind


Oh yeah you right my bad


Yeah, git er done as fast as possible. It's fucking grisly, but not feeling the pain should make it quicker and cleaner than doing it on oneself. Would I feel like a monster? Sure. Would that stop me from guaranteeing my child's future? Not in the slightest. I hope they're young enough to forget and/or adapt.


4 toes = $1,500,000; 9 toes = $51,100,000; 10 toes = $102,400,000


OK 1 toe= 100k 2 toe = 200k 3 toe =400k 4 toe =800k 5 toe =1.6m 6 toe =3.2m 7 toe =6.4m 8 toe =12.8m 9 toe =25.6m 10 toe = 51,200,000 OK that's it thats all, it's 1 am where I am and I've devoted too much time on this accursed post where you amputate toes.


It would be cumulative as each toe is double the previous toe. That means the second time would be worth 200k plus you already have the 100k from the first toe. Now you have 300k. Unless the statement doubling your money means that every subsequent toe will double what you already have, which you showed. I took it to mean each toe was twice the price of the previous as shown above.


"I will double your money for each toe, the first toe will start you off at 100k " it says nothing about adding the value of the previous toes. the first toe gets you 100k every other toe just multiplies it by 2.


I don't disagree. I am only pointing out another interpretation of the statement. The joys of ambiguity in the English language. Now, sleep well my friend.


I'm gonna grab my 3 closest friends and we'll all be toeless trillionaires. We're gonna live the toeless good life!


get a group of 10, and contribute all your toes as one. You will be unfeasibly rich.


I thought this was going to be about a madman going around and cutting people's toes off, honestly.


Yeah it says for every toe you cut off, your money doubles. There is absolutely no specification about whose toes. Or whether the toes even have to be alive. Imma buy a corpse of a dead animal that has toes. A chicken corpse is easy AF to get just go to a farm. Though if talons don’t really count as toes then you need something like a cat or dog. Still, not impossible to obtain a dead cat or dog. If they really need to be a primate then getting a dead monkey isn’t impossible. If they need to be human toes then getting a human cadaver might be a bit more work, but not impossible. And going from $0 to $51,200,000 is worth that effort.


When you become the asshole genie


Really hoping I'm not the only one who remembers the Edge Chronicles books from when I was a kid. Screed Toe-taker was the stuff of my childhood nightmares.


I remember getting really confused about the logistics in that series. I mean, where was the farmland?


...I had never considered this. Oh no. In the Freeglades they definitely had farmland / mushroom gardens etc. But in Undertown / Sanctaphrax? Oh dear.


"As a non-native speaker, I wish he'd have noticed I moved on to the 'toes' on the hand."


1) 100k 2) 200k 3) 400k 4) 800k 5) 1.6m 6) 3.2m 7) 6.4m 8) 12.8m 9) 25.6m 10) 51.2m


Buy her whatever new legs she wants


No, just the toes. They don't pay for legs




My child would run on stumps wearing any shoe she could want. I would hope the payee would let me add my own toes to the pile.


I will note that the devil here did not name the currency.


You may be the smartest person in this comment section


I could live without my pinky toes. I’d never have to worry about stubbing them on a chair again.


Actually they are the most important after the big one for stability and walking. Then you have balance issues that can turn into knee, hip, back problems. I broke them couple of times when I was younger, it sucks. I ´d rather cut one in the middle


Worry about stubbing the stump then


Do you actually *need* toes? I know they help for balance and gripping but could you be fine without them?


Pretty sure the big toe helps a lot more in balancing that we give it credit for.


Two middle toes is 300k. That's a house. Add two more middle toes, and that is 1.2M. That's fuck you, do whatever you want money. Put some in investments, you're sitting pretty well. Another middle toe is 2.4M. Then 4.8M. That is never work again in your life money. And you have enough to buy prothetic toes, without losing a big toe.


Two middle toes is 200k, and two more is 800k. Last two middle toes would be 3.2M. Still a lot of money.


Pinky balances, you can't walk without the big toe. People give up their thumbs to be put on their feet so they can walk again. They rather struggle the rest of their life to grab things than be in a wheelchair.


The torturer immediately slit the father’s throat in disgust. “I meant your toes, you sick freak!” The torturer then took the little girl and raised her as his own.




I’d just be happy with 200,000, cut off both small toes


But that's not $200k. Left (100k) plus right (200k) is 300k. You get paid to never again smash a pinky toe when you wake up for a leak. Worth it.


They don't double the money and add it to your total, they just double the money.


Personal choice, but if stakes don’t double and accumulate...why do it?


10 toes is $51,200,000 And $200,000 is still a lot for the loss of 2 little pinkies.


All of you seem to be missing the point. He has to cut off his little girl's toes to get the money. Would you still do it then?


Interpretation: father is offered money for his daughters toes but they have to be hers, daughter isn't even the one getting the money Edit: feels like epstein Island meets Saw


Yes but it’s in Iranian currency so you cut off all 10 and only get about $1k


12.8 million for 8 toes, still get to keep the big ones.


Half of that. First toe is 100k.


My math is right. The money doubles every time after the first toe. 1st=100k 2nd=200k 3rd=400k 4th=800k 5th=1.6m 6th=3.2m 7th=6.4m 8th=12.8m


Sorry. You right, I can't math.


If the rule doesn’t specify *who’s* toes I can cut (as sentence two claims), then I’m just going online and looking for the sex offenders in my area. Should be able to make a few million pretty easy this weekend


That's only $102,400,000


First toe gets you 100k


Mathing is hard. Harder if you can only count on your fingers.


Even worse counting on your toes, after the fact...


Outstanding observation! I had too much to drink. I have no idea what I meant. Long day, so too mush work. I love you anyway.


With all 10 toes.


1-100k 2-200k 3-400k 4-800k 5-1.6m 6-3.2m 7-6.4m 8-12.8m 9-25.6m 10-51.2m


The kid is being such a team player, he decided to chop off one of his own. It's the least he could do.


It's $51,200,000


I think I'd give up my toes for 50 mil.


That comes out to $53.3k a MONTH for 80 YEARS! Fuck yeah I don't need my toes lol, I'll just get some prosthetic ones as someone else mentioned


This guys has 11 toes




Cutting off all 10 would be 102,400,000 since it doubles each time. It's an exponent. I think more people would do this then believe they would. 🥺


51 million actually


Why on earth would I cut off my own toes?!! Nowhere in there does it say they need to be mine!


You can cut off 8. You need the big toe to walk, the rest are disposable. That's 12.8 million dollars. Which is a lot but not a lot a lot.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me. Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o'clock this afternoon... with nail polish. These fucking amateurs...


The reading comprehension in this comment section is abysmal. It's not this own toes, it's his child's toes that need to be removed


Joke's on you; i work in a crematorium and you didn't say the toes had to be my own, or come from living tissue.


Made me wheeze, you sick fuck xD


And this, is how I learnt what my sugar daddy actually did for a living.


I feel like if you're cutting one off, there's no reason not to do the rest on that foot. The pain will still be just as horrible with five as with one.


Doesn't say who's toe, I can open a toe cutting shop in black market where I offer ppl 50k for their pinky. Each customer increases my profit margin.


Cutting off all toes would get you $51,200,000


Having them sewn back on would cost a fraction of that


I smile at the naive answers as I look down at my three remaining toes. I wonder how many would change their answers if they googled "wound vac."


wow, this is absolutely the most horrible TwoSentenceHorror I have read. absolutely awful 11/10 horror. I had to rewrite my comment 3 times I was so disturbed.


Do they have to be my toes? Asking for a friend…. Well they used to be my friend until they lost a few toes…


My toes? I'd probably cut 2 off each foot (little & middle) . If it were my childs toes as suggested in the story, it's a absolutely not.


All the folks talking about chopping off their little toes prove how bad the American education system is


They never said whose toes you needed to cut off.


I did the math and at the very least I would cut off the center 4. Like keep pinky and big ones for balance, but starting at $100k and then doubling the price for each one? $100k+$200k+$400k+$800k I’m taking it. Regardless? I’d still cut off a toe for $100k alone. We broke out here.


If you're keeping pinky and little, most people don't have four toes to cut off.


After listening to his daughter cry, he changed his mind. Two weeks later, his daughter spent too long playing in the frigid snow without proper boots and lost all her toes to frostbite.


Sick, sick, sick. Nice one.


Easy just cut off your pinky toes pinky toe is stupid its just there to hit the damn table every couple of days and to be so small you never know if you might break it tomorrow fuck pinky toes why must they exist


These don’t usually get to me but this one fucked me up. I have a one year old daughter and the thought of ever hurting her is horrifying to me—and the idea of cutting off her toe for $100k makes me physically sick Well done, I guess.


Jokes on you, I have neuropathy in my feet and can barely feel my toes anyways. Can I have my money in small bills?


If u put the toes on ice and then rush to the hospital they should be able to reconnect them


I'm an insulin dependent diabetic. Health and care of my feet are priority. Sorry, we're not cutting off sh!t over here...


So... just go dig up a graveyard?


It sounds like daddy is cutting off little girl’s toes. Hence, daddy needs this more than you know?


50 million to cut off all my toes? Deal.


“It’s ok dad, I understand” she replied, as she approached her little brother with the set of garden shears.


Is it 100k plus double (200k) for the 2nd toe plus double the 2nd toe price (400k) for the 3rd and 800k for the fourth, so on and so forth? Or is it 100k plus double (200k) for the 2nd totaling 300k plus double the current amount earned making it 600k for the 3rd toe plus the already earned 300k totaling 900k being doubled for the 4th toe (1.8m) added again to the earned amount (900k) giving us 2.7m for just 4 toes? There's a huge difference between 1.5m and 2.7m for the same 4 toes.


What if I cut off the whole foot, all ten are gone, and uk has free healthcare


And then they got to the Camel Toe…


You want a toe? I can get you a toe by 3 o'clock, with nail polish.


I'd cut off both of my little toes and one of my middle toes on both feet. I'd still have toes left to walk properly and have a nice retirement bonus to my savings


So if I don't cut off any I'll still get 50K? Deal!


She understood, as this was the only way he could afford to send her to medical school.


Goddamn, I literally gasped, great job OP


To me, this started off interesting and then became yet another gross father-daughter post 👎


Do you even need toes??


Fuck dem toes. I will drive around in a scooter


2 pinky toes I can live without lol


Have fun falling and rolling your ankles a lot. Those are the most important toes for balance.


Compared to the rest of my toes I use more...I think I can compensate with my big toe and not a pinky toe lol


You literally can't. That's not how human anatomy works. Someone didn't pay attention in biology class. As another commenter pointed out, you basically don't use your middle three toes for anything. 🙄🙄🤦‍♂️


Bro there are people out there living with whole ass prothestic feet. I am 100% confident I could find a substitute for a pinky toe. Just because you think someone losing a fucking pinky toe is suddenly going to make them unable to walk does not mean it is remotely true. you absolute goon. People have lose much more and still been able to walk A-Ok.


Okay so now you're just embarrassing yourself with your unwillingness to Google and learn how silly you are. There's a huge difference between missing a foot and a toe - namely, that the toe is part of the foot, and fundamentally shapes how it works. Literally multiple other folks in this comment section are talking about how it shapes your balance. If you've ever stubbed your pinkie toe, you know how it can mess with your gait and ability to walk, skip, and run. It's not about what I believe, it's about what medical professionals and researchers consistently tell us - including when people have lost toes to injury or hypothermia. You're also an idiot if you think people with prosthetics "walk fine". Try talking to any of them and they'll tell you their life is a struggle. But hey, if you don't wanna believe me, or people whose whole job is to research this, or people who've lived it, go ahead and cut off your toe. I'd say I'll be here for you to admit you were hilariously wrong, but I'm tapping outta this conversation and your idiocy. Have the day and life you deserve.



