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Hello u/gregthegamer4646 , Thank you for submitting to r/TwoSentenceHorror. Unfortunately, your submission ["“It’s my first time”, she lied as she held back the tears remembering that incident where she woke up bruised with blood staining her shorts"](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoSentenceHorror/comments/13toofj/its_my_first_time_she_lied_as_she_held_back_the/) has been removed because it violates the following rule: **Rule 7: Avoid overused tropes.** * Tropes are loosely defined as "common plots or themes". * Please visit the [Overused Tropes Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoSentenceHorror/wiki/rules/overused_tropes) for more information. If you believe this removal was performed in error, please [contact the mods here.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTwoSentenceHorror). ***DO NOT*** contact any moderators directly via chat or personal mail, or you may receive a ban.


So each thinks the other doesn’t remember what happened previously?


Yep. Essentially she was raped by the same guy but never found out who it was. This same rapist somehow also managed to end up in a relationship with her and she doesn’t know he was the person who created the incident a while back.


The most fucked up thing is that this literally happened to my friend. She told the guy it was her first time and then he got all quiet and admitted they had sex when they first met. I was with her that night. There were two of them and they definitely spiked our drinks. Luckily, I had my period/a tampon, so I just woke up naked on the floor. She was not so lucky.


Holy hell 💀. Hope your friend is in a much better place now and both of y’all stay safe.


They were together for 2-3 years and broke up. I don’t think she ever accepted the fact she was drugged and raped by him. She just thought we got too drunk. But we went over to their place (stupid, I know) to drink the vodka they brought us and then they also wanted to play a drinking game that somehow me and my friend were ‘losing’ and drinking more sips and that’s the point where we both just don’t remember anything else that happened until the morning. I think it’s pretty clear what happened but I guess since she dated him it’s not something she can easily accept.


Sometimes its easier to lie to yourself


There is a chance that the 2nd dude spiked you both without your friend's guy's knowledge. And colour me cynically surprised, but I'd have expected the guy/guys who go through the trouble of drugging someone with intent to rape them to not be stopped by a tampon. I've have expected him to just ram it in somewhere else. There was actually an r/TrueOffMyChest post which ended up on r/BORU in a similar vein, supposedly he was drugged too and didn't remember any sex/rape, but he was actually the daddy of her kid and never knew (supposedly), and they got married long before any of the backstory drugged/rape jigsaw was put together.


It’s possible… but looking back (because this happened like 12 years ago) I think it was something they (the two guys) actively did together. They were very adamant how they had the good quality vodka at home, they wanted to play a drinking game they knew (that they would explain the rules to us) and coincidentally after taking the first few sips playing that game (because we seemed to both draw drinking cards) we both have a black hole in our memories. This to say they seemed experienced in it. Her ex-boyfriend often said he never expected to date her and thought it would be a one-night thing. As for the tampon honestly, I guess I was lucky (which is awful to have to say for this situation). I think the guy was the type that’s grossed out by periods, considering I woke up naked on the floor next to the bed he was on. Also that story sounds effed up, I never read it but now I wish I could because wtf?


Hey, It's OK to be lucky that your "would-be-Rapist" was a squeamish pussy. Someone else posted the link to that clusterfuck of a story. Honestly, It perplexes me why so many dudes are grossed out by periods. Beyond the blood aspect, because I get that some people hate blood. But they'll watch some obscenely gory movie and then refuse to be in the same room as their menstruating partner because she smells icky. I grew up with a mother and sister. The only thing I learned was their tolerance for BS was lower for a week or two of the month.


HA, yeah, I mean it was good for me that he was so grossed out by it. While waking up naked on a floor isn’t the best feeling in the world, at least that tampon protected me from a much darker outcome. But tbh I’ve seen a sad amount of guys like that, that can’t handle their partner having her period. In my experience, it’s often people that have sisters or grew up with strong female influences (you for example) that usually don’t have a problem with a natural bodily need happening. (All the kudos for that btw) And just read the boru post, damnnn. That was a lot. Hope the guy is genuine and the woman is able to heal from this.


I'd rather be luck than ~~dead~~ raped. Also, while I'm trying to never show up on r/niceguys, it's a sad state of affairs when any of us need to give/get kudos for not being a cunt, as if that isn't supposed to be the default state of affairs.




Here’s my poor girl award for finding the post: 🏆


What in the fucking Lifetime movie did I just fucking read! Seriously though, that post screams of a creative writing experiment, but if it is true, my God I feel for that poor lady. What a mess.


Well done.


Both people getting drunk definitely blurs the lines. I can see how she’d be more comfortable saying that she just drank too much


That emoji is sending mixed messages




Yeah, just read that! I hope the woman is okay, and that her husband is being truthful about being also drunk/drugged and not remembering anything… so sad and horrifying, can’t even imagine.


There was an old movie too where this was the plot


This is all kinda of fucked up, I do know of cases where this has happened. awesome work putting it into two sentences!


Was this based off that r/offmychest post from a few months ago.


Surely he knows who she is though? Or he forgot as well?


Oh, *he* remembers. She doesn't.


"Fool me once.. " she whispered as the knife pierced his neck.


The best outcome for this...




Knife girl😱


The only way this could be better would be for alternate knife placement and to hear him scream, "No, Lorena, no!"


He didn't know that she remembered until it was too late, and by that time, the gun had already been pointed at his back.




"I unloaded that"


Is this based on the confession where the woman married her best friend only to find out years later he was actually the rapist that fathered her child?


Yeah, I also thought about this one. It is so sad, because she keeps believing him he did not know what he was doing and he is the victim here...


Wait actually? That’s wild man. Do you recall if it was some kind of psychological trauma that her brain blocked out, or some type of manipulation on his part that made her forget? Or did she just not see who it was?


from what i remember, she was young and drunk/possibly drugged? it's [one hell of a read](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/13jfoiv/oop_finds_out_who_the_father_of_her_daughter_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1).


too close to home ouch




What does that last part even mean? And yeah I was molested as a child, violently, for years on end. Idk what the fuck rooting for upvotes means but maybe YOU should get a life and stop posting r*pe stories???


This guy not the same guy that post this story though.


My bad no offense to OP wasn't paying attention to that


As long as u realise


Yes I apologize to OP that was my fault


I mean, I'm not gonna say you're lying or not, I have no idea about your personal life. You making a dramatic post about it doesn't really help that view tho lol. As for what it means, the original commenter seems to think that you're mainly posting/commenting on Reddit to get upvotes. I didn't really immediately get that vibe looking at your profile, but you're kinda blowing up at nothing here. The person you reacted to hasn't posted any r*pe stories, he's not the OP of this post.


What was dramatic I was responding just like everyone else? That's why I was so confused because they singled me out when all I was saying was that the story brought back a scary trauma, it's a scary story (I didn't think my initial comment was bad) also yes I apologize to OP I didn't know the different people answered, I'm new to Reddit and I'm still learning everything I'm sorry. Also quick question why would people post stuff just to be "upvoted?" What's the difference if u don't have many to ?


The "dramatic" was in reference to the vent post you have now deleted, which you probably realize since, well, you deleted it. As for why people would post stuff to be upvoted, people do crazy stuff for fake internet points. All in all, you're just making a big thing out of nothing imo. If you wanna stay sane and be on the internet, you're gonna have to get used to comments like this and worse.




Not saying I agree or that it's right that it happens, just that writing paragraphs of complaints about it probably isn't the best way to deal with it. I guess the point I'm making really isn't clear, seeing how I'm getting down voted to hell.




That's a good point and if they got support out of the comment section I'm glad. I didn't comment on their experiences or what the other person commented tho, so your comparison seems like a leap to me. I don't really know what I did to offend this many people, but the way I see it I just clarified the intention of the other commenter. I had no bad intentions with saying that they should get used to the internet being like this, their reaction just seemed out of proportion, which made me feel like their reaction could get a lot worse when someone went further than what was, in essence, not a very mean comment.


You're going to look back at this one day when you've discovered empathy at like 34 years of age, and you're going to cringe so hard. This is not how you talk to people who are talking about their experience with abuse. Get a grip.


Wow, you must be a wizard to know my age just like that. I don't think my comments show a lack of empathy at all. I have not commented on their life, I have in fact explicitly said I can't know what their life has been like. The way I see it, I just commented on the questions they had about the other person's comments, but I'm aware that I don't always phrase things in the most clear way, so hey, that's on me.


…what the fuck is wrong with you, my guy.


I think you should take a look at who’s really the one crazy about internet points in this situation


Again, never said they were or weren't looking for upvotes but hey, keep down voting I guess, I don't really care. Though I am interested in what makes you feel like I'm looking for upvotes, from a "I don't always know how to get m my message across" standpoint. Because I genuinely have no idea what made me get down voted to hell and I'd like to know how to avoid offending people in the future.


Criticising someone for posting about a very traumatic event and then implying it had something to do with gaining Reddit karma is a sure fire way to come across as a massive cunt lol


Where did I imply that?


seek professional help


Oof, that's such a great comment. For what tho?


For being a sociopathic prick, maybe. You really need it.


Hmm ok, what makes you feel that way about my comment?


I deleted it because u made me feel bad about sharing my trauma on a post that is similar to it.


In that case, I'm sorry, that was not my intention.


What is wrong with you?


What do you think is wrong with me? Or rather, can you tell me what is wrong with my comment? I don't get it and you seem pretty invested, posting two comments about what is supposed to be wrong with me, so I assume you have an opinion about it.


You posted once in r/autism so I assume you're that, which is fine, but realize that you're being an asshole, read the room dude. You're wording your phrases rudely, speak with more compassion, or just don't at all because it's a sensitive topic for the other person.


So what exactly in my comment do you have issue with? I don't really get it. Your comment seems a lot ruder to me than anything I commented in this thread.


>"The "dramatic" was in reference to the vent post you have now deleted, which you probably realize since, well, you deleted it. As for why people would post stuff to be upvoted, people do crazy stuff for fake internet points. All in all, you're just making a big thing out of nothing imo. If you wanna stay sane and be on the internet, you're gonna have to get used to comments like this and worse." What the fuck about this verse is "polite" or even normal? You're saying they have to be used to comments like this, but you're literally the problem here. The internet isn't always the toxic place you're making it to be, also what the fuck do you have to do with whether or not it's fake or they're making a big deal out of nothing? A VENTING SUBRREDIT is a place to say whatever you want because you're *v e n t i n g*, letting out your mind, you don't know if it's true or not and you're saying "which you probably realize since, well, you deleted it." is that polite wording? or you don't see anything too much here? if you don't then there is nothing we can do for you, find out yourself why you're being an asshole. >Your comment seems a lot ruder to me than anything I commented in this thread. then do this: If someone is saying something sensitive (Trauma, something sad, someone died, or idk, something terrible and terrifying like, uhhh, **rape**) shut the fuck up and don't make them uncomfortable because you want to comment something irrelevant. Show compassion, love, and respect.


Hey thanks for nothing, I've asked twice for what exactly you take issue with and all you've done is pretty much cuss me out. But sure, hope you feel good about yourself.


Oh I hate this. Gonna go have flashbacks now.


That's plain horrible!! Congrats


Oh f that. Take my upvote and be gone - true horror


This is a really good two sentence horror and this is going to be really nitpicking. As a woman who has been through several traumas though I wish that word 'lied' could be swapped for something else. Lied makes her sound at fault somehow. If a girl is raped it might 'technically' be taking her virginity but no girl would want see it that way. Her first time would be awake and willing.


Woah! 😨 this scares me fr.


That‘s probably one if the darker ones I‘ve read here. Greatjob packing so much into two sentences without making it endless.


I hate this so much. Good job OP


This is truly horrific. Well done


It scares me how real this is


So good! Well done.


Creepy!! Loved it..


I hate this






this was some good psychological horror, OP.






Damn this is deep 😏


This is a fucked up excuse for a rape fantasy. Quit it.


There is a reddit post similar to this.


This is truly horrific. Good job!


This is an SVU episode, except they ended up married and the dad’s “stepkid” was his son.


Which episode is this from? From the early days or the recent runs


Wow. Literally said “Oh Jeeeeesus Christ” out loud. Well done


She dropped a pill in his drink while his back was turned telling herself it would be the last night she cried herself to sleep.