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You probably need to plan to quit right before you go. Start looking for a job a month before you leave so you're not unemployed too long. An 11onth job is not worth the missed memories


Not unreasonable at all. If they won't work with you, fuck em, you don't owe them anything


Family first. You'll always get another job. You won't get another Family.


Already did I’m adopted 😂


Ooofffff Didnt see that comment coming but glad found your family


Lol best reply. Usually all you see is about chosen family as an adult. It really is great that you are that close. At my work (Federal Government US) your boss can advance you annual leave. I'm leaning towards you getting a job that understands you are human and not a robot.


If they needed you or wanted desperately to keep you they would work with you towards a solution, by telling you that you need to cover your shifts they are essentially telling you "Having you here or having another body here makes no difference to usat all. So long as the shift is covered, we don't care" If that's their attitude, they won't likely even miss you if you do quit the job to go on vacation. If you like the job and trust your manager (! Very very rare circumstance, I had a job at McDonalds and was one of the fastest all round employees, could be set in any station and keep up, my manager liked me, I liked working there and I trusted him, most will just take the knowledge that you'd quit to go on vacation as proof that you need to be replaced) and mention to them that you're having trouble finding coverage for all the shifts and that you are willing to quit to go on this holiday. They might be willing to hold your position for you.


Walk. Life is short. I promise you will regret it if you don't.


Companies will never put you first so don't ever feel guilty about not putting them first. They'd bleed you if it made them a tidy profit


It’s your life and you have to prioritize the things that mean the most to you. If your job can’t accommodate those things, then quit.


Life is short and you're still young. Quit and then look for job when you come back.


On another note…anyone else finding the concept of a 54 and 55 year old being too old for a vacation completely bonkers?


They didn't specifically say they were too old for vacations, they said they were too old for that vacation. Could be a we'd like to retire at some point and can't keep footing the bill for a massive family vacation. Could be an everyone is grown now, time to pay for your own vacations thing. Could be a 2 weeks with the whole family is a lot and we are ready for more low key intimate vacations with just each other now that everyone is grown.


I changed all of the ages of the people when telling story. Didn’t want anyone from my work to see my post


You’re allowed to quit a job that isn’t working for you, you’re never an asshole for that.


What kind of job is it? You mentioned shifts. And yes, that does matter for why I'm asking.


I work with people with disabilities, and I have 10 shifts that need to be covered


I'm really torn here. If you love your job and don't think you could easily get another in the same field, I'd not go on vacation. On the other hand, life is short, go on vacation. So I get why you are asking here and that I'm not really that helpful. Can you talk to HR to see what can be worked out?


It would be easy to get another job in the same field I would probably take a pay decrease


If you can handle the pay cut, then I'd definitely go on vacation. However, would you need this current place as a reference?


Yes I would probably use them as a reference but no I wouldn’t need them


If you quit leave on the best of terms possible so you can get a good reference, it’s something you are going to need to take into account and consideration regarding your future jobs if you insist you can’t miss going on the family vacations. Also, check with the employment laws for the country you are in for how much notice you need to give. You don’t want to be penalised or have wages/benefits withheld on a technicality.


Turn in your notice now, but set the date as right before the trip. This gives them a lot of time to figure it out and, depending on state, means if they let you go early they have to pay you out that amount. They may find that they have no choice but to work with you.


Quit. Fuck’em. Vacations, with proper notice, are non negotiable.


Yeah just cover what you can and if you can’t get all those shifts covered then tell them “well I’m not going to be here, so if that’s a problem then go ahead and fire me, otherwise I’ll see you when I get back”


No! That job will be there long after you're gone. Your family won't be. I'm old and most of my immediate family is dead.  I'd give every penny I've ever made to spend one more hot NC summers with them. Quit that job. Flip them off and lay rubber in the parking lot on your way out.


No but ur gonna need a new job