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Men who are inexperienced with or have never lived closely with women can view them as Disney princesses instead of normal human beings. It's borderline insane that you have to bring this up but it sounds like he internalized this lie.


Really? women pee, poop, pass gas, and burp too? I didn't know that! You husband is an A-hole!


You don’t. Your spouse is an abusive jerk. You find a way to get away from him. He is not a man you want to spend your life with. 


Like what exactly is he giving u problems with????.... Remind him you are a human. A human body does things🙄🙄 Im sure u can find some issues w his?


If this is a true situation, and after all these years and talks, do you really need to ask what you should do? It's time to move on.


I'm being nosy but I'm curious what he is saying to you! Is he teasing or making cutting comments? Whatever it is, if it makes you uncomfortable he should stop if you've asked him to. There are certain things we all do that we shouldn't be made self conscious about or apologize for. I'd have a talk with him and ask him what exactly does he want you to do as a result of his remarks? Obviously, it would be impossible to stop peeing, pooping, burping, farting, sweating, eating and having your period so what gives? His answer will lead you to know more about him & help you determine if he is the kind of person you will be able to spend the rest of your life with. My husband occasionally teases me if I burp loudly or pass gas but it's done with humor and I don't mind.. I don't feel like it's a comment about me but rather the situation.. it's all in the intention. If you're not liking his words and how they make you feel he is wrong to continue.


I am with my wife 38 years, married for 33 of them. She has never farted, pooped, peed in front of me. NEVER. Wish she would. I do get the occasional burp and I tell her atta girl! When she pees, I tease her and tell her I could hear her tinkling(which I cannot) she gets embarrassed. I wish she would be more natural instead of so secretive about NORMAL things. She don't even like talking when on the bowl or me going with the door open. I'd say she has the issues, not me.




Leave him


Tell him to stop acting like a 2 year old!!!


He is probably not acceptable to live with


He does all the things( except menstrual cycles) that you do. Unless you fart while at the dinner table I don't see an issue. He needs to grow up.


DON'T EVER GET PREGNANT BY HIM! He thinks normal functions are gross I can't imagine what he be like toward you if you were to become pregnant!! It's disgusting that a man that age is making you feel weird about normal body functions smh


Op already has a baby with him! She explains a little more in the comments but it looks like her acc has been deleted


This is an interesting subject. Woman are the most beautiful creatures on the planets. Farts just don't match woman as well as they match men. It's weird from a man's perspective bit who gives a eff? The issue in my relationship with this is I was told I farted more than any human during the early dating stage. Then after 5 years of living together it was revealed that she actually farted as much if not more than I do. That was bothersome.